11,776 research outputs found

    On the exact continuous mapping of fermions

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    We derive a rigorous, quantum mechanical map of fermionic creation and annihilation operators to continuous Cartesian variables that exactly reproduces the matrix structure of the many-fermion problem. We show how our scheme can be used to map a general many-fermion Hamiltonian and then consider two specific models that encode the fundamental physics of many fermionic systems, the Anderson impurity and Hubbard models. We use these models to demonstrate how efficient mappings of these Hamiltonians can be constructed using a judicious choice of index ordering of the fermions. This development provides an alternative exact route to calculate the static and dynamical properties of fermionic systems and sets the stage to exploit the quantum-classical and semiclassical hierarchies to systematically derive methods offering a range of accuracies, thus enabling the study of problems where the fermionic degrees of freedom are coupled to complex anharmonic nuclear motion and spins which lie beyond the reach of most currently available methods.Comment: 7-page manuscript (2 figures) with 11-page supplemental materia

    NASA participation in the AMST program

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    The objectives of the NASA Advanced Medium STOL Transport Experiments Program are discussed and several of the NASA experiments currently implemented and conducted on the YC-14 and YC-15 prototype aircraft are described. Emphasis is placed on experiments related to powered lift aerodynamics and acoustics

    Deadlock detection of Java Bytecode

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    This paper presents a technique for deadlock detection of Java programs. The technique uses typing rules for extracting infinite-state abstract models of the dependencies among the components of the Java intermediate language -- the Java bytecode. Models are subsequently analysed by means of an extension of a solver that we have defined for detecting deadlocks in process calculi. Our technique is complemented by a prototype verifier that also covers most of the Java features.Comment: Pre-proceedings paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2017), Namur, Belgium, 10-12 October 2017 (arXiv:1708.07854

    Flight experience with a pivoting traversing boundary-layer probe

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    A pivoting traversing boundary layer probe was evaluated in flight on an F-104 airplane. The evaluation was performed at free stream Mach numbers from 0.8 to 2.0. The unit is described, and operating problems and their solutions are discussed. Conventional boundary layer profiles containing variations in flow angle within the viscous layer are shown for free stream Mach numbers of 0.8, 1.6, and 2.0. Although the unit was not optimized for size and weight, it successfully measured simultaneously flow angularity, probe height, and pitot pressure through the boundary layer

    Class in LatCrit: Theory and Praxis in a World of Economic Inequality

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    Voicing Differences (Comment)

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    Jane Aiken and Kimberly O\u27Leary undertake the difficult work of developing specific approaches and techniques for taking account of characteristics such as race/ethnicity, gender, dis/ability, and sexual identity in clinical pedagogy. Carolyn Grose uses outsider narratives and popular culture to challenge the pre-understanding of students, and to assist them to accept client stories as true and valid. Focusing on the professional value of striving to promote justice, fairness, and morality identified in the MacCrate Report, Professor Aiken exhorts us to promote justice by unmasking privilege, the invisible package of unearned assets--about which I (we? or you?) was meant to remain oblivious. She argues that the best way to teach about justice is to provide students with the opportunity to exercise judgment. Using adult learning theory, Professor Aiken demonstrates that disorienting moments can bring the meaning schemes of students into jeopardy and that students can, with time for exploration and reflection, reorient existing patterns for interpreting the world. Professor Aiken provides examples from both her clinical and traditional classroom teaching experiences of means of creat[ing] opportunities for learners to use their own sense of justice and finding openings within traditional legal analysis for discussions about justice, privilege, and difference

    Commencement Address, CUNY School of Law

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    Who we are, how we see ourselves, how we want to be seen, what we value, how our memories connect us to specific histories in specific places — we communicate this information best through narratives. In Spanish we sometimes call such stories cuentos — an accounting. I encourage all of you to take time over the next few days to celebrate your graduation, this singular accomplishment of your lives, by accounting — by telling stories to those who have helped you, held you up, fed you, wiped your tears, paid your bills. Share your recollections

    Lines of Demarcation in a Town Called Frontera: A Review of John Sayles\u27 Movie Lone Star

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