1,938 research outputs found

    Hacia una relación entre el ETM y el MTSK a través del concepto de función

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    El presente trabajo aborda la relación entre los modelos Espacio de Trabajo Matemático (ETM) y Conocimiento Especializado del Profesor de Matemáticas (MTSK) a través del análisis de episodios de clases donde se trata el concepto de función, particularmente el cálculo de pre imágenes. En dichos episodios se identifican elementos que permiten un análisis complementario desde ambos modelos, posibilitando, de este modo, una profundización en la comprensión del conocimiento del profesor de matemática como actor común de ambos modelos. Concluimos con la síntesis de los elementos encontrados entre los subdominios del MTSK y los componentes del ETM

    Viewing Pain and Happy Faces Elicited Similar Changes in Postural Body Sway

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    Affective facial expressions are potent social cues that can induce relevant physiological changes, as well as behavioral dispositions in the observer. Previous studies have revealed that angry faces induced significant reductions in body sway as compared with neutral and happy faces, reflecting an avoidance behavioral tendency as freezing. The expression of pain is usually considered an unpleasant stimulus, but also a relevant cue for delivering effective care and social support. Nevertheless, there are few data about behavioral dispositions elicited by the observation of pain expressions in others. The aim of the present research was to evaluate approach–avoidance tendencies by using video recordings of postural body sway when participants were standing and observing facial expressions of pain, happy and neutral. We hypothesized that although pain faces would be rated as more unpleasant than the other faces, they would provoke significant changes in postural body sway as compared to neutral facial expressions. Forty healthy female volunteers (mean age 25) participated in the study. Amplitude of forward movements and backward movements in the anterior-posterior and medial-lateral axes were obtained. Statistical analyses revealed that pain faces were the most unpleasant stimuli, and that both happy and pain faces were more arousing than neutral ones. Happy and pain faces also elicited greater amplitude of body sway in the anterior-posterior axes as compared with neutral faces. In addition, significant positive correlations were found between body sway elicited by pain faces and pleasantness and empathic ratings, suggesting that changes in postural body sway elicited by pain faces might be associated with approach and cooperative behavioral responses.Research was funded by grant #PSI2010-19372 from Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Regional Development Funds

    Effect of palladium on gold in core-shell catalyst for electrooxidation of ethanol in alkaline medium

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    In this paper the effect of small amounts of palladium deposited on gold nanoparticles supported on Vulcan XC-72 carbon (core-shell structure denoted Au@Pd/C) is studied. Different nominal atomic compositional ratios of Au@Pdx maintaining fixed gold nuclei and varying the amount of palladium (x = 0.10; 0.80 and 1.60) were synthesized via seed growth method for the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline medium. UV–Vis spectrometric, X-ray powder diffraction, X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and electrochemical measurements were performed for the characterization of these catalysts. Electrocatalytic activity toward ethanol oxidation on Au@Pd/C catalysts were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry showed that [email protected]/C electrocatalyst has the highest current density and low onset potential for ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline medium. In-situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements demonstrated that acetate is the main product of ethanol oxidation and CO2 can be slightest observed, the latter could be visualized in greater quantity on catalyst [email protected]/C catalyst

    SAR studies of epoxycurcuphenol derivatives on leukemia CT-CD4 cells

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    Bioactive natural products are a potential source of new pharmaceuticals since they offer new modes of action and more specific activities. The use of derivatization also enables the optimal structure for their biological activity to be determined. In this study several epoxycurcuphenol derivatives were synthesized. The substitution pattern on the aromatic and oxirane rings was varied along with that at the benzylic position and the length of the side chain was altered. These changes were made in order to gain a deeper understanding of the structural requirements for activity. The biological activities of these compounds were evaluated on the human leukemia cell line Jurkat using an antiproliferative assay. The activity results and structural requirements are discussed

    Red blood cells morphology and morphometry in adult, senior, and geriatricians dogs by optical and scanning electron microscopy

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    [EN] Red blood cells (RBC) morphologic evaluation through microscopy optical (OM) and SEM, provides information to forecast, evaluate, and monitor the functioning of many organs. Factors, such aging and diseases affect RBC morphology in both, human and animals. SEM is useful to evaluate RBC morphology, although its use in diagnosis and evaluation in dogs is limited, due to the availability and cost. The aim of this research was to assess the normal RBC morphology in adult, senior and geriatrician dogs, clinically healthy by OM and SEM. In addition to evaluating the age effect, sex, body size, and their interaction on erythrocyte morphometry. To carry out the research 152 blood samples were evaluated from dogs of different sexes and body sizes (small, medium, and large). Three groups were made based on dogs age: group I adults (1–7.9 years old), group II senior (8–11.9 years old), and group III geriatricians (>12 years old). Erythrocyte parameters were evaluated by OM (diameter, height, and axial ratio). Per each dog, the parameters of 20 erythrocytes were measured. A total of 2,600 cells were scanned with the AmScope™ Software scale. In addition, the RBC morphology was evaluated by SEM. Statistical analyses used analysis of variance and a general linear model, which allows the comparison of multiple factors at two or more levels (p 0.05). Additionally, some images of anisocytosis, polychromasia, and poikilocytosis (echinocytes, acanthocytes, codocytes, spherocytes, stomatocytes, dacryocytes quatrefoil, and elliptocytes) were obtained by OM and SEM. Our study provides information about the morphological and morphometry alterations of adult, senior, and geriatrician dogs RBC. This work contributes to future investigations and the diagnosing diseases, where it is necessary to evaluate the morphology of RBCSIThe Autonomous University of Aguascalientes approved and granted funding for TQ-T (Project PIP/SA15–3) for AG-B (PIB19-3, and Especial Resource UAA Research), which was used in the acquisition of materials and reagents necessary to obtain and process blood samples during the development of this stud

    Antifungal prophylaxis following heart transplantation : systematic review

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    Q1Q1Artículo original429-436Patients with heart transplantation have a high incidence of infectious complications, especially fungal infections. The aim of the systematic review was to determine the best pharmacological strategy to prevent fungal infections among patients with heart transplant. We searched the PubMed and Embase databases for studies reporting the effectivenesss of pharmacologic strategies to prevent fungal infections in adult patient with a heart transplant. Our search yielded five studies (1176 patients), four of them with historical controls. Two studies used inhaled amphotericin B deoxycholate, three used itraconazole and one used targeted echinocandin. All studies showed significant reduction in the prophylaxis arm. Different products, doses and outcomes were noted. There is a highly probable benefit of prophylaxis use, however, better studies with standardised doses and comparators should be performed

    Investigación en comunicación: vigencia y prospectiva

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    Este texto recoge algunos de los principales aportes realizados por los profesores investigadores que participaron en las VIII Jornadas de Investigación I Internacionales, realizadas en 2007 por la Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Medellín, en desarrollo de la política de Socialización y Divulgación y comprometida con el desarrollo de las agendas de los Grupos de Investigación. Lo aquí consignado pretende contribuir a estructurar las reflexiones que desde diferentes Grupos se vienen suscitando sobre problemáticas coyunturales del país que precisan de la intervención y de los aportes desde la academia.Prólogo............ 11 Presentación............ 13 Parte 1 Juventud, identidad y comunicación Capítulo 1 IDENTIDADE S Y AGRUPAMIENTO S JUVENI LES José Manuel Valenzuela Arce INTRODUCCIÓN...........21 1.1 ADSCRIPCIÓN, PERTENENCIA Y PARTICIPACIÓN JUVENIL........... 22 1.1.1 Agrupamientos juveniles............ 23 1.1.2 Sesgos patriarcales y relaciones de género............. 27 1.1.3 Carita mata inteligencia........... 28 1.2 ENTRE IDENTIFICACIONES Y ESTILOS DE VIDA JUVENILES............ 31 1.2.1 R espeto y derechos culturales............. 36 1.2.2 Cultura popular, acción social e identidades juveniles............. 38 1.3 CONCLUSIONES............. 46 Capítulo 2 JUVENTUD, COMUNICACIÓN Y CULTURA Reflexiones sobre comunicación alternativa Ángela Garcés Montoya INTRODUCCIÓN............. 53 2.1 COMUNICACIÓN Y CULTURAS JUVENILES............. 59 2.2 JUVENTUD Y COMUNICACIÓN............. 71 2.3 MÚSICAS URBANAS : PROPUESTAS COMUNICATIVAS ALTERNATIVAS … MARGINALES EN EL HIP-HOP DE MEDELLÍN............. 76 2.4 PORTAL SUBTERRANEOS .NET DE COLOMBIA.............. 82 2.5 CREACIÓN DE PROPUESTAS COMUNICATIVAS INDEPENDIENTES.............. 88 Capítulo 3 LOS JÓVENES UNIVERSITARIO S COLOMBIANOS FRENTE A INTERNET COMO ALTERNATIVA DE SOCIALIZACIÓN Érika Jaillier Castrillón INTRODUCCIÓN.............. 97 3.1 JÓVENES USUARIOS............. 98 3.2 NUESTRA POBLACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA Y LOS MEDIOS............. 102 3.3 REPRESENTACIONES SOCIALES MÁS COMUNES.............. 105 3.4 PRÁCTICAS SOCIALES : DIVERSIDAD Y CREATIVIDAD.............112 3.5 CONCLUSIONES............119 Capítulo 4 LA JUVENTUD EN LA TRANSFORMACIÓN DE MEDE LLÍN. 2004-2007 Alcaldía de Medellín. Secretaría de Cultura Ciudadana. Subsecretaría Metrojuventud INTRODUCCIÓN..............123 4.1 ENFOQUE DE ACTUACIÓN.............. 126 4.2 CRITERIOS DE ACTUACION............. 128 4.3 RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS EN EL TRABAJO CON LA JUVENTUD DE MEDELLÍN EN EL CUATRIENIO CON EL PLAN DE DESARROLLO MUNICIPAL 2004-2007............ 132 4.3.1 Una juventud con más oportunidades, que se llena de esperanza............. 132 4.3.2 Mayores oportunidades para incorporarse a la sociedad del conocimiento. “Medellín la más educada”............. 133 4.3.3 Jóvenes que participan en la transformación de la ciudad.............. 134 4.4 LA JUVENTUD SE VISIBILIZA POSITIVAMENTE.............. 136 4.5 UNA CIUDAD QUE INCLUYE A LA JUVENTUD............... 137 4.5.1 Una juventud más productiva, competitiva y solidaria “cultura e”.............. 138 4.5.2 Movilidad segura para la juventud............ 138 4.5.3 Nuevos espacios para el encuentro y la creatividad juvenil............ 139 Parte 2 EPISTEMOLOGÍA DE LA COMUNICACIÓN Capítulo 5 LA TRASHUMANCIA DE L OBJETO DE ESTUDIO DE LA COMUNICACIÓN, COMO OBSTÁCULO EPISTEMOLÓGICO Luis Beltrán Pérez Rojas Ph. D. INTRODUCCIÓN.............143 5.1 LA COMUNICACIÓN EN EL CONTE XTO DEL DE BATE DE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES............147 5.2 ¿POR QUÉ LA COMUNICACIÓN DE BE CONSTITUIRSE EN CIENCIA ?.............154 5.3 EL OBJETO DE ESTUDIO DE LA COMUNICACIÓN.............. 155 5.4 LA TRAS HUMANCIA DEL OBJETO DE ESTUDIO DE LA COMUNICACIÓN, BAJO LA DEPENDENCIA DE LOS ACONTECIMIENTOS SOCIOECONÓMICOS DEL MUNDO DURANTE LAS ÚLTIMAS DÉCADAS.............. 158 Capítulo 6 PROBLEMÁTI CAS Y DESAFÍOS EN EL CAMPO ACADÉMICO DE LA COMUNICACIÓN José Miguel Pereira G. INTRODUCCIÓN..............173 6.1 REVISITANDO EL CAMPO..............174 6.2 ÁMBITOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN.............. 180 6. 3 CONCLUSIÓN............. 186 Capítulo 7 UNA EPISTEMOLOGÍA PARA UNA COMUNICOLOGÍA POSIB LE Una propuesta constructivista para una ciencia emergente Profesor Jesús Galindo Cáceres Ph.D. INTRODUCCIÓN..............193 7.1 ¿VA BIEN LA CIENCIA DE LA COMUNICACIÓN ?............. 195 7.2 ¿ES LA COMUNICOLOGÍA POSIBLE UN ESTADIO DE CONOCIMIENTO MÁS AVAN ZADO QUE LA COMUNICOLOGÍA HISTÓRICA?, ¿ES LA COMUNICOLOG ÍA POSI BLE UN ESTADIO DE CONOCIMIENTO MÁS AVAN ZADO QUE LAS CIENCIAS SOCIALES ?.............. 199 7.3 EL PROCESO DE CRÍTICA EPISTEMOLÓGICA DE LA COMUNICOLOGÍA............. 202 7.4 ¿NECESITA LA COMUNICOLOG ÍA UNA EPISTEMOLOGÍA DISTINTA, SIST ÉMICA, CONSTRUCTIVISTA Y COMPLE JA?.............. 207 Anexo A. AUTORES.............. 217 Anexo B. IN FORMACIÓN GRUPOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN.............. 22

    Adult cocaine-induced brain metabolic activation is altered in a sex-dependent manner by chronic periadolescent cannabinoid exposure in rats

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    [Poster] 4th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, May 27 - 30, 2009Cannabinoid exposure during the periadolescent period has been shown to augment the rates of cocaine self-administration in female but not male Wistar rats. However, how this cannabinoid history alters cocaine-induced brain activation remains unknownPublicad

    Reducing cannabis use in young adults with psychosis using iCanChange, a mobile health app : protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial (ReCAP-iCC)

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    Background: Cannabis use is the most prevalent among adolescents and young adults; frequent consumption is associated with cannabis use disorder (CUD) and psychosis, with a high prevalence (up to 50%) of CUD in individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP). Early Intervention Services (EIS) for psychosis include face-to-face psychosocial interventions for CUD, because reducing or discontinuing cannabis use improves clinical and health care service use outcomes. However, multiple barriers (eg, staff availability and limited access to treatment) can hinder the implementation of these interventions. Mobile health (mHealth) interventions may help circumvent some of these barriers; however, to date, no study has evaluated the effects of mHealth psychological interventions for CUD in individuals with FEP. Objective: This study describes the protocol for a pilot randomized controlled trial using a novel mHealth psychological intervention (iCanChange [iCC]) to address CUD in young adults with FEP. iCC was developed based on clinical evidence showing that in individuals without psychosis, integrating the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and behavioral self-management approaches are effective in improving cannabis use–related outcomes. Methods: Consenting individuals (n=100) meeting the inclusion criteria (eg, aged 18-35 years with FEP and CUD) will be randomly allocated in a 1:1 ratio to the intervention (iCC+modified EIS) or control (EIS) group. The iCC is fully automatized and contains 21 modules that are completed over a 12-week period and 3 booster modules available during the 3-month follow-up period. Validated self-report measures will be taken via in-person assessments at baseline and at 6, 12 (end point), and 24 weeks (end of trial); iCC use data will be collected directly from the mobile app. Primary outcomes are intervention completion and trial retention rates, and secondary outcomes are cannabis use quantity, participant satisfaction, app use, and trial recruiting parameters. Exploratory outcomes include severity of psychotic symptoms and CUD severity. For primary outcomes, we will use the chi-square test using data collected at week 12. We will consider participation in iCC acceptable if ≥50% of the participants complete at least 11 out of 21 intervention modules and the trial feasible if attrition does not reach 50%. We will use analysis of covariance and mixed-effects models for secondary outcomes and generalized estimating equation multivariable analyses for exploratory outcomes. Results: Recruitment began in July 2022, and data collection is anticipated to be completed in July 2024. The main results are expected to be submitted for publication in 2024. We will engage patient partners and other stakeholders in creating a multifaceted knowledge translation plan to reach a diverse audience. Conclusions: If feasible, this study will provide essential data for a larger-scale efficacy trial of iCC on cannabis use outcomes in individuals with FEP and CUD