141 research outputs found

    Lymphatic involution and early mortality in the young chicken produced by 2.2 GeV protons

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    Young single-comb white Leghorn cockerels were subjected to single acute doses of either 2.2 GeV protons or 250 kVp X-rays. Since young chickens exposed in the lethal range die within 48 hours of exposure, an hourly tabulation of deaths was recorded for this length of time after exposure. Animals which were exposed to sublethal doses were killed five days after exposure and their major lymphatic organs, (thymus, bursa, and spleen), removed and weighed. In the lethal range, animals exposed to 2.2 GeV protons died sooner than those receiving similar doses of X-rays, but total mortality was similar in each case at similar dose levels. The 48 hour LD sub 50 was determined to be 710 rad. Measured five days after exposure, 50% depression ED sub 50 for lymphatic organs occurred as follows: (1) thymus, 350 rad; (2) pursa, 500 rad, and (3) spleen, 450 rad. In all case R.B.E. values were not different from unity

    Towards a Native Feminist Consciousness: Legal, Tribal and Gender Sovereignty for Native Americans

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    My paper examines the 2010 Tribal Law and Order Act, which sought to manage the disproportionate levels of crime on tribal lands, specifically sexual violence against Native American women. However, I argue that this law does not directly address the underlying issues of tribal sovereignty and intersectional oppressions leading to the intense sexual violence against Native American women. As Andrea Smith has argued, sexual violence is a tool of patriarchy and colonialism (2005, 8). The Tribal Law and Order Act, while attempting to create a more safe and secure environment for Native communities, ultimately represents a continuation of the colonial-ideology of past federal Indian policy. It does not deconstruct the U.S. federally imposed systems that restrict tribal sovereignty, justice and safety. It is operating under the same U.S. federal structures and systems that disenfranchise Native peoples. Tribal sovereignty must be reinstated to allow Native communities to directly address the violence against the people on their lands. The sexism, patriarchy and political instability imposed by colonialism have created a hostile society for Native American women. A Native feminist analysis is needed to foster a movement to reinstate tribal sovereignty, de-colonize the society and systems surrounding Native communities, and end the sexual violence against Native American women.No embarg

    Investigating the Petrogenesis of the Naifeh and Plumeria Seamounts: Insights into the Geochemical Diversity of Seamounts Adjacent to the Hawaiian Seamount Chain

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    The Naifeh and Plumeria seamount clusters, which consist of 10 submarine volcanoes located ~220km north of the Northwest Hawaiian Ridge, were mapped and sampled by the E/V Nautilus expedition NA101 in 2018. The origin of these seamounts is unknown, but their unique orientation and location imply several possible mechanisms of formation. Four possible mechanisms of formation include: 1) off-axis upwelling of the Hawaiian mantle plume, 2) ancient arch volcanism, 3) intraplate extension and deformation, 4) hotspot volcanism. Investigating the origin of these seamount clusters will better constrain the composition of the underlying mantle, as well as the depth and extent of melting required to generate these large volcanic structures and provide insight into the interaction between mantle plumes, the upper mantle, and surrounding lithosphere. Here we present major and trace element compositions of 28 samples from the five Naifeh seamounts and 22 samples from the five Plumeria seamounts. Major element data indicate that all lavas are alkalic, ranging from trachybasalts to trachyandesites. The lavas from both seamount chains have low MgO contents (0.62-2.31 wt.%) and are cogenetic. Trace element patterns are relatively consistent throughout both chains, suggesting the lavas came from a similar mantle source and extent of partial melting. Naifeh and Plumeria both have enriched incompatible trace element compositions compared to mid ocean ridge basalts (MORB), suggesting their source is not typical depleted upper mantle, but more similar to a mixture of ocean island basalt (OIB) and enriched-mid ocean ridge basalt (EMORB), and normal MORB. Thus, it is not likely these were formed simply from intraplate extension and deformation as has been suggested for the nearby Musician seamounts or from Cretaceous crust building. The seamounts are also distinct from North and South Arch lavas, suggesting that they were not created from melting beneath the flexural bulge associated with plate loading. Instead, Naifeh and Plumeria have compositions similar to lavas from the Line Islands and Rurutu, which have been explained by multiple hotspots stemming from the South Pacific Superswell or small scale sublithospheric convection. Naifeh and Plumeria also have compositional similarities with the Shatsky, Ojin, and Hess rise seamounts, which are hotspot derived seamounts erupted during the early to mid-Cretaceous. Based on this, we suggest that the Naifeh and Plumeria seamounts originated from a hotspot source emanating from the South Pacific Superswell with the incorporation of recycled oceanic crust or are a product of small scale sublithospheric convection

    Crossroads Festival to Entertain Families on May 21

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    Local families are invited to enjoy food, crafts, and recreational activities on Saturday, May 21, as the Town of Boiling Springs hosts the annual Crossroads Festival. This year’s festival is set for noon to 6 p.m. It will feature vendors and exhibitors from around the region, as well as local dance groups and music provided by an area DJ.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-newscenter-archive/1890/thumbnail.jp

    Grammy Award-Winning Opera Singer Set to Perform Show at Gardner-Webb University on April 12

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    Grammy Award-winning soprano opera singer Angela Brown will take the stage at Gardner-Webb University on April 12. Her performance of “Opera…from a Sistah’s Point of View” is set to begin at 8 p.m. in the Dover Theatre inside the Lutz-Yelton Convocation Center. Based in New York City, Brown has built a successful career working with symphonic pops legends Marvin Hamlisch, Jack Everly, and Erich Kunzel while traveling the world for classical performances at Lincoln Center, Paris Opera, Vienna State Opera, Capetown Opera, Deutsche Opera Berlin, Edmonton Opera, Calgary Philharmonic, Shanghai World Expo, Moscow Performing Arts Center, and more.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-newscenter-archive/1921/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluation of the hazard from exposure to electron irradiation simulating that in the synchronous orbit

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    The electron spectrum predicted for the synchronous orbit was simulated to determine the effects that might occur to astroscientists exposed to such irradiation while on a prolonged space station mission in that region. Miniature pigs were exposed to monoenergetic and spectral-fractionated irradiations with 0.5 to 2.1 MeV electrons. Clinical and pathological alterations observed in biopsies were correlated with depth-dose pattern and length of post irradiation period up to one year. With monoenergetic electrons, the lowest dose causing a recognizable lesion was 1450 rad and with increasing dose lesions appeared earlier and were more severe. At the highest dose given, 2650 rad, ulceration extending into the dermis was present by twenty one days and required about four months for complete healing. Spectral-fractionated irradiations, in which the total dose range was essentially comparable to that of the monoenergetic series, resulted in very minimal outer dermis edema at 1790 rad and at no dose employed did necrosis of epidermis or ulceration into dermis occur

    Gardner-Webb University to Host Eating Disorder Awareness Events March 14-19

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    In an effort to encourage the prevention of eating disorders and body image issues, Gardner-Webb University will host an eating disorders awareness week, March 14-19. The National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDA) week is recognized Feb. 21-27. NEDA is a collective effort of volunteers, including health professionals, students and educators, who are committed to raising awareness of the dangers surrounding eating disorders and the importance of early intervention and treatment.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-newscenter-archive/1967/thumbnail.jp

    Gardner-Webb Students Receive National Recognition on Who’s Who List

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    Gardner-Webb University is pleased to announce that 35 students have been named to the 2015-16 “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges.” Each year, more than 2,800 schools around the nation nominate students for the prestigious award. For consideration into the Who’s Who Program, students must have an outstanding grade point average (GPA), participate in school organizations or leadership activities, be involved in the community, and exhibit future leadership ability or potential.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-newscenter-archive/1908/thumbnail.jp

    De la relation conjugale Ă  la relation parentale

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    Health screenings administered during the domestic medical examination of refugees and other eligible immigrants in nine US states, 2014-2016: A cross-sectional analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Refugees and other select visa holders are recommended to receive a domestic medical examination within 90 days after arrival to the United States. Limited data have been published on the coverage of screenings offered during this examination across multiple resettlement states, preventing evaluation of this voluntary program\u27s potential impact on postarrival refugee health. This analysis sought to calculate and compare screening proportions among refugees and other eligible populations to assess the domestic medical examination\u27s impact on screening coverage resulting from this examination. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis to summarize and compare domestic medical examination data from January 2014 to December 2016 from persons receiving a domestic medical examination in seven states (California, Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Kentucky, Illinois, and Texas); one county (Marion County, Indiana); and one academic medical center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We analyzed screening coverage by sex, age, nationality, and country of last residence of persons and compared the proportions of persons receiving recommended screenings by those characteristics. We received data on disease screenings for 105,541 individuals who received a domestic medical examination; 47% were female and 51.5% were between the ages of 18 and 44. The proportions of people undergoing screening tests for infectious diseases were high, including for tuberculosis (91.6% screened), hepatitis B (95.8% screened), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV; 80.3% screened). Screening rates for other health conditions were lower, including mental health (36.8% screened). The main limitation of our analysis was reliance on data that were collected primarily for programmatic rather than surveillance purposes. CONCLUSIONS: In this analysis, we observed high rates of screening coverage for tuberculosis, hepatitis B, and HIV during the domestic medical examination and lower screening coverage for mental health. This analysis provided evidence that the domestic medical examination is an opportunity to ensure newly arrived refugees and other eligible populations receive recommended health screenings and are connected to the US healthcare system. We also identified knowledge gaps on how screenings are conducted for some conditions, notably mental health, identifying directions for future research
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