117 research outputs found

    Is there a chance for SNeI1/2?

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    The evolution of primordial stars of initial masses between 5 and 10 M⊙ has been computed and analyzed in order to determine the nature of the remnants of massive intermediate–mass primordial stars and to check the influence of overshooting in their evolution. We have obtained the values for the limiting masses of Population III progenitor stars leading to carbon–oxygen and oxygen–neon compact cores. We have also obtained the limiting mass for which isolated primordial stars would lead to core–collapse supernovae after the end of the main central burning phases. Considering a moderate amount of overshooting, the mass thresholds at the ZAMS for the formation of carbon–oxygen and oxygen–neon degenerate cores shift to smaller values by about 2 M⊙. As a by–product of our calculations, we have also obtained the structure and composition profiles of the resulting compact remnants. We find that the final fate of the considered stars could not be to become white dwarfs, as it is the case of objects of larger metallicity of analogous initial masses. Instead, as we show by means of a synthetic code, they might end their lives as SNI1/2.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Características y diferencias entre recién nacidos intervenidos con la bolsa corporal de polietileno y el secado convencional durante la Adaptación neonatal en la Sede Materno Infantil del Hospital la Victoria y el Hospital de Engativá, Bogotá, 2013

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    INTRODUCCION: La hipotermia en el recién nacido es causa condiciones mórbidas. En países en vía de desarrollo la tecnología básica para la adaptación neonatal puede no estar disponible. Las bolsas de polietileno pueden ser alternativas a la lámpara de calor radiante para evitar hipotermia OBJETIVO: Caracterizar las diferencias entre Recién nacidos a término intervenidos con Bolsa corporal de polietileno o secado convencional durante la adaptación neonatal en la Sede Materno Infantil del Hospital la Victoria y el Hospital de Engativá, Bogotá, 2013. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Diseño: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado, multicéntrico. Grupos: secado convencional (control) o Bolsa corporal de polietileno (intervención). El procedimiento duro 10 minutos, se retiró la bolsa corporal y/o de la lámpara de calor radiante. Se midió la temperatura y humedad ambiental, temperatura en segmentos corporales a los 1-5-10-60-120 minutos y APGAR. Análisis estadístico: Descriptivo bivariado, inferencia estadística con Ji2. Comparación de medias según prueba de normalidad. Calculo de riesgo relativo e intervalo de confianza. Cálculo del coeficiente de correlación lineal entre humedad ambiental-temperatura ambiental y humedad ambientaltemperatura rectal. El estudio fue aprobado el comité de ética del hospital de la victoria. RESULTADOS: Se aleatorizaron 100 pacientes, 50 hacia la bolsa de polietileno y 50 hacia el secado convencional. No hubo diferencias en las características basales. El análisis bivariado mostro que la humedad fue mayor en el grupo de la bolsa desde el nacimiento (p=0,19) siendo significativas a los 5 y 10 minutos (p=0,001 y p=0,000 respectivamente). La temperatura ambiental al interior de la bolsa también siguió este comportamiento (p=0,000 al nacimiento, 5 y 10 minutos). La temperatura de la piel de la frente fue mayor solo a los 10 minutos en el grupo control (p=0,016), comportamiento que sigue la piel de la mejilla (p=0,093), y el tronco (p=0,005). La temperatura de los pies fue mayor en el grupo de la bolsa desde el nacimiento (p=0,012), 5 minutos (p=0,000) y 10 minutos (p=0,000). La temperatura rectal no fue diferente en ambos grupos al nacimiento (p=0,529), 5 minutos (p=0,529), y 10 minutos (p=0,549). El R2 fue de 0,002 en el grupo de la bolsa corporal y de 0,58 en el grupo control al comparar temperatura y humedad ambiental. No hubo correlación entre la temperatura rectal y la humedad ambiental. La bolsa corporal no se asoció a hipotermia (RR 1,34 IC 95% 0,63-2,88, p=0,44) ni hipertermia (RR 0,48 IC95% 0,14-1,65 p=0,23). La hipotermia a los 10 minutos se asoció a pinzamiento inmediato (RR 4,36 IC95% 1,41-13,46 P=0,02), Pretérmino (RR 3,28 IC95% 1,23-8,75p=0,01) y bajo peso (RR 3,59 IC 95%1,32-9,74 p=0,01). La hipertermia al minuto fue un factor asociado a hipertermia al quinto minuto (RR 16,18 IC95% 1,59-164,21 p=0,00). La utilización de la bolsa corporal se asoció a APGAR 10 a los 10min (RR 1,721 IC95% 1,56-1,92 p=0,00). 60% de los profesionales no tuvo inconvenientes con la utilización de la bolsa, 24% tuvo problemas con el cierre, 4% manejo y 8% otras. CONCLUSIONES: La bolsa corporal de polietileno conserva la temperatura y humedad a los 10 minutos de adaptación neonatal. No existen diferencias en la medición de la temperatura en los segmentos corporales con excepción del tórax y los pies. La temperatura central se conserva en las dos intervenciones. El APGAR 10 a los 10 minutos se alcanza fácilmente con la bolsa corporal. La bolsa corporal es una alternativa a la lámpara de calor radiante para evitar hipotermia durante la adaptación neonatal en recién nacidos a término.Abstract. INTRODUCTION: Hypothermia in the newborn causes morbid conditions. In developing countries in the basic technology for neonatal adaptation may not be available. Polyethylene plastic bags may be an alternative to lamp radiant heat to prevent hypothermia OBJECTIVE: To characterize the differences between babies undergoing a polyethylene plastic bag or conventional drying during neonatal adaptation in the Hospital de la Victoria and Hospital de Engativá, Bogotá, Colombia, 2013. MATERIALS AND METHODS: parallel-group randomized controlled trial. Groups: dried conventionally group (control) or polyethylene plastic bag group (intervention). The procedure lasted 10 minutes, the polyethylene plastic bag and / or radiant heat lamp was removed. Environment temperature and humidity, temperature in the body segments 1-5- 10-60-120 minutes and APGAR was measured. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive bivariate statistical inference and calculated. Risk ratio (RR) and confidence intervals (CIs) were determined using contingency tables for risk analysis of the outcome. The study was approved by the hospital ethics committee of the Hospital de la Victoria, Bogotá. RESULTS: 100 patients, 50 to the polyethylene plastic bag group and 50 to the conventional drying group were randomized. There were no differences in baseline characteristics. The bivariate analysis showed that humidity was higher in the group of the bag since birth (p = 0.19), and remained significant at 5 and 10 minutes (p = 0.001 and p = 0.000 respectively). The environmental temperature inside of the bag also follow this behavior (p = 0.000 at birth, 5 and 10 minutes). The temperature of the skin of the forehead was higher only at 10 minutes in the control group (p = 0.016), behavior that had the skin of the cheek (p = 0.093) and the trunk (p = 0.005). The temperature of feet was higher in the group of the bag since birth (p = 0.012), 5 minutes (p = 0.000) and 10 minutes (p = 0.000). Rectal temperature was not different in both groups at birth (p =0.529), 5 minutes (p = 0.529) and 10 minutes (p = 0.549). The R2 was 0.002 in the body bag group and 0.58 in the control group temperature and humidity were compared. There was no correlation between rectal temperature and humidity Polyethylene plastic bag group was not associated with hypothermia (RR 1.34 95% CI 0.63 to 2.88, p = 0.44) or hyperthermia (RR 0.48 95% CI 0.14 to 1.65 p = 0.23). Hypothermia at 10 minutes was associated with early clamping (RR 4.36 95% CI 1.41 to 13.46 P = 0.02), preterm (RR 3.28 95% CI = 0.01 1,23-8,75p) and low weight (RR 3.59 95% CI 1.32 to 9.74 p = 0.01). The use of the polyethylene plastic bag was associated with better APGAR at 10 minute (RR 1.721 95% 1.56 to 1.92 p = 0.00). There were no differences in time of adaptation, nursering, and hospital stay. CONCLUSIONS: Polyethylene plastic bag retain body temperature and humidity at 10 minutes of neonatal adaptation. There is no difference in the temperature measurement in the body segments with the exception of feet. Core temperature was maintained in the two interventions. The APGAR 10 to 10 minutes is easily achieved with the body bag. The polyethylene plastic bag is an alternative to radiant heat lamp to prevent hypothermia during neonatal adaptation in infants born at term.Otr

    Distribución espacial de las tasas de incidencia y mortalidad por leucemia aguda pediátrica en niños nacidos durante 2002-2013 según la exposición perinatal a violencia colectiva y pobreza

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    Problema: La leucemia aguda pediátrica es una las patologías crónicas más frecuentes en niños. La tasa de incidencia en Colombia es de 4 casos por 100.000 niños menores de 14 años, y la supervivencia no alcanza los niveles de países desarrollados. La búsqueda de clúster de las tasas de incidencia y mortalidad por leucemia aguda pediátrica y la exposición perinatal a violencia, pobreza y otras variables de calidad de salud podrían ser factores que expliquen el comportamiento de la patología en el país. Objetivo: Explorar la asociación de la exposición perinatal a violencia colectiva, pobreza y condiciones ambientales y la presencia de clúster de las tasas de incidencia y mortalidad por Leucemia Aguda Pediátrica en niños nacidos durante el periodo de 2002 a 2013. Metodología: Diseño: Estudio ecológico de tipo mapeo de enfermedad y detección de clúster de enfermedad de cohorte retrospectiva. Población: Niños nacidos en 2002-2013 en Colombia. Materiales: Bases de datos de proyecciones poblacionales, porcentaje de necesidades básicas insatisfechas (NBI) y cobertura en salud del Departamento Nacional de Estadística (DANE), índice de incidencia del conflicto armado (IICA) del Departamento Nacional de Planeación (DNP), casos con diagnóstico de leucemia aguda pediátrica (LAP) reportados al Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS). Plan de análisis: análisis de mapas de enfermedad, búsqueda de clúster, autocorrelación espacial y modelo autorregresivo espacial del Poisson. Resultados: La población base fue de 11´149.695 niños nacidos en 33 departamentos y 1122 municipios de Colombia nacidos entre 2002 a 2013. Se cuantificaron 4781 casos de LAP de los niños nacidos durante el periodo de estudio, notificados entre 2008 a 2016. La tasa de incidencia por LAP para esta cohorte tuvo una media de 39,40 casos por cada 100.000 niños y la tasa de mortalidad una media de 4,23 casos por 100.000 niños en esta cohorte. La tasa de letalidad fue de 11,33 casos de muerte por cada 100 niños con LAP. Se identificaron clúster por IICA, NBI, porcentaje de población rural y porcentaje de cobertura en salud. A través del modelo autorregresivo espacial de Poisson se encontró que las tasas de incidencia y mortalidad por LAP aumentan al incrementar el IICA. El porcentaje de NBI y ruralidad disminuyen la tasas de incidencia y Mortalidad por LAP. El porcentaje de cobertura en salud aumenta la tasa de mortalidad por LAP. Conclusión: El conflicto armado medido con el IICA es un factor asociado a la presencia de clúster de Leucemia Aguda Pediátrica y a mortalidad por LAP. Palabras clave: Leucemia, niños, violencia colectiva, estadística espacial, pobrezaAbstract: Problem: Acute paediatric leukaemia is one of the most frequent chronic diseases in children. The incidence rate in Colombia is 4 cases per 100,000 children under 14 and survival does not reach the levels of the developed countries. The research of incidence and mortality rates cluster due to acute paediatric leukaemia and perinatal exposure to collective violence, poverty and other variables of quality health could explain the behaviour of the pathology in the country. Objective: To explore the association of perinatal exposure to collective violence, poverty and environmental conditions and the presence of the cluster of incidence and mortality rates for acute paediatric leukaemia in children born during the period from 2002 to 2013. Methodology: Design: Ecological study of analysis of disease maps, cluster search, spatial autocorrelation and Poisson spatial autoregressive model of a retrospective cohort. Population: Children born in 2002-2013 in Colombia. Materials: Data bases of population projections, percentage of unsatisfied basic needs (UBN) and health coverage of the National Department of Statistics (DANE), the index of incidence of the armed conflict (IICA) by the National planning department (DNP) and cases of diagnosis of childhood leukaemia reported by National Institute of Health (INS). Analysis plan: Analysis of disease mapping, cluster detection, spatial autocorrelation and Spatial Autoregressive Poisson Model. Results: The total population was 11,149,695 children who were born in 33 departments and 1122 municipalities of Colombia from 2002 to 2013. A total of 4781 cases of childhood leukaemia were notified from 2008 to 2016. LAP incidence had an average of 39.40 cases per 100,000 children and the average mortality rate of 4.23 cases per 100,000 children in this cohort. The case-fatality rate was 11.33 cases of death per 100 children with LAP. Groups were identified by IICA, UBN, percentage of rural population and percentage of health coverage. LAP incidence and mortality rate were increased by the elevation of IICA as the spatial autoregressive model showed. The percentage of UBN and rurality decrease the incidence and mortality rates by LAP. The percentage of coverage in health increases the death rate by LAP. Conclusion: The armed conflict measured with IICA is a factor associated with the presence of cluster of Acute Paediatric Leukaemia and mortality by LAP.Maestrí

    Estudio de la actitud estudiantil frente a nuevos contextos tecnológicos y el progreso de la neurociencia

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    Introduction: Technology and Neuroscience have formed a strong collaboration to improve education. The effective use of information and communication technologies (ict) in education practice requires that both students and teachers maintain a positive attitude towards these technologies, and develop their use in educational contexts to update teaching methodologies based on educational neuroscience and neuropsychology. Thus, the use of ict requires a positive attitude when using these tools during the teaching-learning process, as a starting point to improve the quality of the process. The article was written in the year 2016 in the faculty of Education of the Universidad Internancional de la Rioja. Methodology: The aim of this study is to analyze the student´s attitudes towards the use of new technologies in primary school classrooms. We designed a questionnaire and gave it to 1,770 students aged 11 and 12 years from 50 ceip (Infant and Primary schools). Results: In general, the results show that whilst students of 11 and 12 years do not show a rejection of the use of ict, a low percentage demonstrate that they would prefer to use them in a group. Conclusions: An adequate use of ict in the classroom would depend on the predisposition of the students, and the knowledge of the technologies and their use by teachers and students. Therefore, it is recommended for ict to be implemented in the classroom in order to improve the teaching-learning process and to incorporate new methodologies from neuroscience research.Introducción: la tecnología y la neurociencia se han cohesionado fuertemente para colaborar con la mejora en la educación. El uso efectivo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic) en la práctica educativa requiere que los estudiantes y profesores mantengan una actitud positiva hacia estas tecnologías y desarrollen su uso en contextos educativos para actualizar metodologías de enseñanza basadas en neurociencia y neuropsicología educativa. Por lo tanto, el uso de las tic demanda una actitud positiva al utilizar estas herramientas durante el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, como punto de partida para mejorar la calidad del proceso. Este artículo fue escrito en el 2016 en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Metodología: el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las actitudes de los estudiantes hacia el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en las aulas de la escuela primaria. Diseñamos un cuestionario y lo entregamos a 1770estudiantes entre los once y doce años de edad de cincuenta ceip (escuelas infantiles y de primaria). Resultados: en general, los resultados muestran que aun cuando los estudiantes entre los once y doce años no muestran un rechazo al uso de las tic, un bajo porcentaje preferiría usarlas en un grupo. Conclusiones: un uso adecuado de las tic en el aula dependería de la predisposición de los alumnos, así como del conocimiento de las tecnologías y de su uso por parte de profesores y estudiantes. Por lo tanto, se recomienda implementar las tic en el aula para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y para incorporar nuevas metodologías de la investigación en neurociencia

    Portrayal of caesarean section in Brazilian women’s magazines: 20 year review

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    Objective To assess the quality and comprehensiveness of the information on caesarean section provided in Brazilian women’s magazines

    Intestinal anti-inflammatory effects of artichoke pectin and modified pectin fractions in the dextran sulfate sodium model of mice colitis. Artificial neural network modelling of inflammatory markers

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    Anti-inflammatory properties of artichoke pectin and modified fractions (arabinose- and galactose-free) used at two doses (40 and 80 mg kg−1) in mice with colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium have been investigated. Expression of pro-inflammatory markers TNF-α and ICAM-I decreased in groups of mice treated with original and arabinose-free artichoke pectin while IL-1β and IL-6 liberation was reduced only in mice groups treated with original artichoke pectin. A decrease in iNOS and TLR-4 expression was observed for most treatments. Intestinal barrier gene expression was also determined. MUC-1 and Occludin increased in groups treated with original artichoke pectin while MUC-3 expression also increased in arabinose-free pectin treatment. Galactose elimination led to a loss of pectin bioactivity. Characteristic expression profiles were established for each treatment through artificial neural networks showing high accuracy rates (≥90%). These results highlight the potential amelioration of inflammatory bowel disease on mice model colitis through artichoke pectin administration.This work has been funded by MICINN of Spain, Projects AGL2014-53445-R and AGL2017-84614-C2-1-R. Carlos Sabater thanks his FPU Predoc contract from Spanish MECD (FPU14/ 03619)

    Intestinal anti-inflammatory effects of artichoke pectin and modified pectin fractions in the dextran sulfate sodium model of mice colitis. Artificial neural network modelling of inflammatory markers

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    Anti-inflammatory properties of artichoke pectin and modified fractions (arabinose- and galactose-free) used at two doses (40 and 80 mg kg−1) in mice with colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium have been investigated. Expression of pro-inflammatory markers TNF-α and ICAM-I decreased in groups of mice treated with original and arabinose-free artichoke pectin while IL-1β and IL-6 liberation was reduced only in mice groups treated with original artichoke pectin. A decrease in iNOS and TLR-4 expression was observed for most treatments. Intestinal barrier gene expression was also determined. MUC-1 and Occludin increased in groups treated with original artichoke pectin while MUC-3 expression also increased in arabinose-free pectin treatment. Galactose elimination led to a loss of pectin bioactivity. Characteristic expression profiles were established for each treatment through artificial neural networks showing high accuracy rates (≥90%). These results highlight the potential amelioration of inflammatory bowel disease on mice model colitis through artichoke pectin administration.This work has been funded by MICINN of Spain, Projects AGL2014-53445-R and AGL2017-84614-C2-1-R. Carlos Sabater thanks his FPU Predoc contract from Spanish MECD (FPU14/ 03619)

    Do Italian women prefer cesarean section? Results from a survey on mode of delivery preferences

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    Background: About 20 million cesareans occur each year in the world and rates have steadily increased in almost all middle- and high-income countries over the last decades. Maternal request is often argued as one of the key forces driving this increase. Italy has the highest cesarean rate of Europe, yet there are no national surveys on the views of Italian women about their preferences on route of delivery. This study aimed to assess Italian women's preference for mode of delivery, as well as reasons and factors associated with this preference, in a nationally representative sample of women.Methods: This cross sectional survey was conducted between December 2010-March 2011. An anonymous structured questionnaire asked participants what was their preferred mode of delivery and explored the reasons for this preference by assessing their agreement to a series of statements. Participants were also asked to what extent their preference was influenced by a series of possible sources. the 1st phase of the study was carried out among readers of a popular Italian women's magazine (Io Donna). in a 2nd phase, the study was complemented by a structured telephone interview.Results: A total of 1000 Italian women participated in the survey and 80% declared they would prefer to deliver vaginally if they could opt. the preference for vaginal delivery was significantly higher among older (84.7%), more educated (87.6%), multiparous women (82.3%) and especially among those without any previous cesareans (94.2%). the main reasons for preferring a vaginal delivery were not wanting to be separated from the baby during the first hours of life, a shorter hospital stay and a faster postpartum recovery. the main reasons for preferring a cesarean were fear of pain, convenience to schedule the delivery and because it was perceived as being less traumatic for the baby. the source which most influenced the preference of these Italian women was their obstetrician, followed by friends or relatives.Conclusion: Four in five Italian women would prefer to deliver vaginally if they could opt. Factors associated with a higher preference for cesarean delivery were youth, nulliparity, lower education and a previous cesarean.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Obstet, São Paulo, BrazilWHO, Dept Reprod Hlth & Res, CH-1211 Geneva, SwitzerlandOsservatorio Nazl Salute Donna, ONDa, Milan, ItalyInst Clin Effectiveness & Hlth Policy, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaUniv Florence, Meyer Children Hosp, I-50121 Florence, ItalyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Obstet, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Simulación numérica de flujo compresible con ondas de choque

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrollarán las ideas básicas de la Mecánica de Fluidos Computacio-nal y se expondrán los pasos inherentes en el desarrollo de un programa de simulación de flujoscompresibles no viscosos con ondas de choque. Se desarrolla brevemente la teorı́a y las expre-siones de los problemas, se presentan varios métodos numéricos y las soluciones obtenidas conellos. También se validan los algoritmos mostrando su concordancia con la teorı́a de la Mecánicade Fluidos.<br /