119 research outputs found

    Análisis de riesgos en seguridad y salud ocupacional en la línea de cocido para una planta de conservas de pescado

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    Ciclo Optativo de Profesionalización en Gestión de Calidad y Auditoría AmbientalEl presente trabajo de investigación no experimental “Análisis de Riesgos en Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en la Línea de Cocido para una Planta de Conservas de Pescado”, tuvo como finalidad identificar los peligros con mayor probabilidad de ocurrencia y ante éstos proponer medidas de control que minimicen la probabilidad de incurrir en accidentes, lesiones incapacitantes, enfermedades ocupacionales, entre otros. El alcance de la investigación comprendió todas las etapas del procesamiento de conservas de pescado; desde la recepción de materia prima hasta el despacho del producto terminado. Por lo cual, se programó y realizó una visita a las instalaciones de Pacific Natural Foods S.A.C (PANAFOODS) ubicado en el departamento de Ancash, levantándose la mayor cantidad de información posible, entre ella, entrevistas, encuestas, inspecciones visuales de cada una de las etapas, entre otras actividades. La metodología utilizada para la elaboración de la Matriz IPER (Identificación de Peligros y Evaluación de Riesgos), la cual está basada en la R.M. 050-2013-TR “Formatos referenciales con la información mínima que debe contener los registros obligatorios del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo”, en base a lo señalado en el Reglamento de la Ley N° 29783 (D.S. 005-2012-TR) y obteniéndose los siguientes riesgos significativos: - Lesiones musculoesqueléticas en extremidades inferiores y superiores. - Dolores lumbares, lesiones osteomusculares. - Enfermedades respiratorias. - Caídas, golpes, contusiones. - Lesiones graves (fracturas, muerte, etc) - Quemaduras de 1° y 2° grado. - Sordera profesional - Vértigos. - Acúfenos. Finalmente, se elaboró la matriz IPER, la misma que se adjunta al presente trabajo, el mapa de riesgos, cuadro con exámenes médicos ocupacionales, cartillas informativas, entre otrosTesi

    Territorialize Comprehensive Local Risk Management and Information Systems: Co-building Knowledge in the Field of Environmental Health

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    At present, the act of thinking appears as idle and is displaced by the instrumental. Comprehensive local risk management (CLRM) and information systems (IS) in the field of environmental health (EH) are analyzed ignoring the actor´s conception and the time from which they start. Common practice does not respect the ontological character that we recognize as artisanal and based on movements of social re-association and re-assembly. Because of this it is necessary to catch up with the innovations of the actors, in order to know and learn about the collective existence from their own point of view, without imposing any order, limiting diversity, teaching what they are or adding reflexivity to their practice. The purpose of this article is to challenge CLRM and IS as a technical answer without questions, versus a CLRM and IS as a territory, that is, as a space with questions based on institutions, procedures and concepts capable of bringing together and re-relating the social. For this purpose, we will analyze the science that moves in the dimension of philosophy and recover the passion that represents the question; the territory as a space of the singular and site of acting, where the relational and the symbolic are expressed crossed by capitals and fields that exceed the epistemological simplicity; equity and equality to reduce long-term risk; the moments of the processual logic of an SI in the reference framework: data, information, knowledge, communication for action (DIKCA); cognitive justice; the processes of co-building knowledge essentially constituted by the word and conversations that trigger processes. We affirm that environmental health is a key tool of social practice. It corresponds to all this vast set of practices and knowledge that a society sets in place to know its health and environment, in order to transform it. Therefore, the proposal is to cease understanding CLRM and SI as rational products, and to come to understand them as a human product and, therefore, made by humans who construct language a central feature of their existence. We believe that change is necessary, that new, or not so new problems cannot be solved with outdated ideas. However, acquiring and developing renewed ideas or concepts can create the false illusion that everything is easy, but it is not. The challenge is daunting, as much as the need is inescapable.Fil: Rojas, Maria del Carmen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas; ArgentinaFil: Colombres, Edith Liliana. No especifíca;Fil: Hidalgo, Silvina. No especifíca;Fil: Lopez, Oscar. No especifíca;Fil: Machado, Daniel. No especifíca;Fil: Mendoza, Viviana. No especifíca;Fil: Montero, Patricia Beatriz. No especifíca;Fil: Ocampo, Analia Veronica. No especifíca

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia Departamentos Caldas y Caquetá.

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    El Diplomado de Profundización y Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia se sustenta en la búsqueda de la comprensión y el análisis contextual pormenorizado a partir de la integración de procesos académicos que articulan teorías, metodologías y técnicas para el diagnóstico, acompañamiento y evaluación de situaciones traumáticas, crisis y violencias a las que se ve expuesta una persona, grupo, institución y/o comunidad; por lo cual, el propósito fundamental es articular procesos de reflexión-acción orientados a la construcción de posibilidades transformadoras en contextos donde las dinámicas de violencia han ganado terreno, de tal manera, que los participantes estarán en la capacidad de hacer lectura de la realidad en coherencia con el escenario político, social, económico, natural y cultural del país. Es por eso que en el presente trabajo encontraran un breve recuento de las actividades del curso, como son la contextualización de los escenarios de violencia, conceptualización de la dimensión psicosocial, aplicación de la imagen y narrativa como instrumentos de acción psicosocial y por último el abordaje de contextos desde el enfoque narrativo. Este trabajo está enfocado en la realización de un Análisis Psicosocial desde los conocimientos obtenidos, de algunos relatos de vida, tomados del libro VOCES: Relatos de violencia y esperanza en Colombia, y del Caso Pandurí los cuales cuentan historias que dibujan marcas y escenarios de violencia que han acontecido en nuestro país, nuestro objetivo será reconocer y analizar su problemática generando procesos de acompañamiento que impliquen la deconstrucción, construcción y reconstrucción de estilos de afrontamiento, todo esto va orientando a lograr un acercamiento psicosocial ético y proactivo en la superación de las condiciones de victimización, planteando desde el enfoque narrativo el cual ha logrado un camino significativo en el abordaje de violencias sistémicas, reconociendo también sus aportes desde los marcos diversos y contextuales de nuestra realidad socio-política, aplicando su metodología, se plantearon diferentes preguntas estratégicas, circulares y reflexivas, que conducen a la toma de acciones y estrategias de acompañamiento e intervención que faciliten la potenciación de recursos de afrontamiento y resiliencia a las situaciones de vulnerabilidad que experimentan, realizado por estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD matriculados en el programa de Psicología.The diplomaed of deepening psycho-social accompaniment in violent scenarios is based on searching of comprehension and contextual detailed analysis, starting from integration of academic processes that articulate theories, methodology and technics for diagnosis, accompaniment and evaluation of traumatic situations, crisis and violence that a person, group, institution or community could be exposed to; therefore, the main aid is to joint reflection-action oriented at construction of transforming possibilities in contexts where the violence dynamics have won part of the battle, in such a way, participants will be able to read the reality in coherence with the political, social, economic, natural and cultural scenarios of the country. That is why in this current assignment you will find a little review of the coursework, such as contextualizing of the violence scenarios, conceptualizing of de psycho-social dimension, application of the image and narrative as psycho-social action instruments since knowledges adquired, some life stories, taken from "relatos de violencia y esperanza en Colombia" and "el caso pandurí" which tell stories that draws marks and violence scenarios that have happened in our country, our purpose is to recognize and to analyze their problematic, creating accompaniment processes that implies the deconstruction, construction and reconstruction of confrontation styles, all of this oriented to achieve an ethical and proactive psycho-social close up in the overcoming from the victimization conditions, raising since narrative approaching which has achieved un significative way boarding systemic violence’s, recognizing their contributions since diverse and contextual frames as well of our socio-political reality, applying their methodology they stated different strategical, circular, reflexives questions that take us both to us and to the victims to take decisions and accompaniment ad intervention strategies to facilitate the confrontation resources powering and resilience to vulnerability situations experimented, made by Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia students, enrolled in the Psychology program

    The role of surface pre-treatment on the microstructure, corrosion and fretting corrosion of cemented femoral stems

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    The use of cemented femoral stems is common practice worldwide with strong clinical data supporting their use. Over the years, different surface processing techniques have been employed to enhance the performance of the stem-cement interface. As a result different clinical outcomes and visual presentation at revision has been observed. Whilst research has focussed on increasing adhesion and better load bearing capacity, the effects of surface processing on the degradation of cemented femoral stems has not been investigated. The aims of this study was to investigate the effects of surface processing on the subsurface microstructure, surface chemistry and tribocorrosion degradation mechanisms of cemented tapered femoral stems subjected to polishing and blasting (Vaquasheen) processes. Cemented femoral stems were orientated and loaded according to ISO 7206-4 for 500,000 cycles in 0.9% NaCl at 37 °C. A three-electrode electrochemical cell was integrated into the mechanical test to facilitate in-situ corrosion measurements. The severity and mechanism of damaged were assessed scanning and transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectrometry, solution mass spectrometry and white light interferometry. Surface processing influenced the level of tribocorrosion at the interface with polished surfaces demonstrating higher levels of tribocorrosion and ion release when compared to the blasted surfaces. Surface analysis consistently demonstrated the presence of a SiO2 layer on the vaquasheened stems thought to originate from the glass bead blast matrix. This resulted in lower levels of corrosion both under static and tribocorrosion assessment. In conclusion, blasted surfaces resulted in lower wear induced corrosion when compared to the polished surfaces. However the total metallic ion levels did not follow the same trend. This is thought to be due to the formation of metallic debris and dissolution of debris due to abrasion of the femoral stems

    Caracterización de los factores de riesgo psicosociales en trabajadores de la empresa Compas S.A. ciudad Barranquilla

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    El presente proyecto de investigación se centrará en caracterizar los factores de riesgo psicosocial que afectan a los trabajadores de COMPAS S.A BARRANQUILLA, para que la empresa pueda implementar estrategias que permitan mitigar estos riesgos; señalando modelos de prevención más eficaces y reduciendo los costos generados por las incapacidades de origen laboral y las lesiones que esto genera en el cumplimiento de los objetivos organizacionales. En consecuencia, los trabajadores podrán beneficiarse de mejores estrategias para reducir los riesgos a los que están expuestos y elevar su calidad de vida en el entorno de trabajo. Objetivo: Caracterizar los factores de riesgo psicosocial que afectan a los trabajadores de la empresa COMPAS S.A CIUDAD BARRANQUILLA Metodología: Esta investigación tiene un enfoque descriptivo. Con este tipo de investigación se intenta establecer la presencia factores de riesgo psicosocial intra y extra laboral y proponer estrategias que nos permitan realizar intervención los factores de riesgo psicosocial intra y extra laboral en la población estudiada. Resultados: Los resultados de la encuesta sobre factores de riesgo psicosocial ocupacional para profesionales muestran que el 26,6% de los trabajadores están en el nivel libre de riesgo, el 18,3% en riesgo bajo, el 24,8% en riesgo medio, el 14,7% en riesgo alto y el 15,6% alto riesgo; Indicando que la organización debe intervenir inmediatamente para poder bajar niveles de riesgo medios y altos. Discusión y Conclusión: Se recomienda a la empresa realizar una socialización de los resultados obtenidos y asegurar el compromiso de las directivas y colaboradores que trabajan en la organización para llevar a cabo la intervención necesaria según variables con presencia de muy alto, medio y alto riesgo. La empresa debe tener en cuenta que cualquier intervención de las condiciones psicosociales en el trabajo implica el compromiso de la gestión o la gestión de la empresa y los trabajadores, el modelo de intervención propuesta debe diseñarse y aplicarse de acuerdo con la realidad histórica de la empresa, su cultura y el clima organizacionalUniversidad Libre Seccional Barranquilla -- Ciencias de la Salud -- Especialización de Seguridad y Salud en el TrabajoBackground: The present research project will focus on characterizing the psychosocial risk factors that affect the workers of COMPAS S.A BARRANQUILLA, so that the company can implement strategies to mitigate these risks; Pointing to more effective prevention models and reducing the costs generated by incapacities of work origin and the injuries that this generates in the fulfillment of organizational objectives. Consequently, workers will be able to benefit from better strategies to reduce the risks to which they are exposed and raise their quality of life in the work environment. Objective: Characterize the psychosocial risk factors that affect the workers of the company COMPAS S.A CIUDAD BARRANQUILLA Methodology: This research has a descriptive approach. With this type of research, it is tried to establish strategies that allow us to intervene the psychosocial risk factors intra and extra laboral in the study population. Results: The results of the survey on occupational psychosocial risk factors for professionals show that 26.6% of workers are at the risk-free level, 18.3% in Low risk, 24.8% in average risk, 14.7% in risk High and 15.6% at very high risk; Indicating that the organization must intervene immediately to be able to lower medium and high risk levels Discussion and Conclusion: The company is advised to carry out a socialization of the results obtained and to ensure the commitment of the directives and collaborators who work in the organization to carry out the necessary intervention according to variables with presence of very high, medium and high risk. The company must take into account that any intervention of psychosocial conditions at work implies the commitment of the management or the management of the company and the workers, the proposed intervention model must be designed and implemented in accordance with reality History of the company, its culture and organizational climat

    Surface and subsurface changes as a result of tribocorrosion at the stem-neck interface of bi-modular prosthesis

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    This study presents a detailed multi-scale analysis of the degradation processes occurring on both the CoCrMo and TMZF alloy surfaces at different regions across the taper interface. Co-ordinate measurement machine, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray Diffraction methods have been utilised to identify the roles of degradation from the mm to nm scale. Dependant on the region of interest, varying topographies and subsurface morphologies were observed across both surfaces. In regions where high pressures are expected, retention of the surface topography was seen on the CoCrMo trunnion. This was complimented by gross shear and plastic deformation of the subsurface material. In regions where maximum penetration was seen, evidence of fretting-corrosion was seen and a loss of the nano-crystalline layer. For the TMZF surface, refinement of the alloy was seen in the top 5 μm, with fatigue cracks within the bulk present. Precipitation and formation of oxide species were observed at depths of 2 μm. The degradation of bi-modular prosthesis is a complex multifactorial process. It is hypothesised that this formation of oxide species at the interface and within the bulk alloy play an important role in the degradation through a combined work-hardening and corrosion process

    Electrodeposition on Nanofibrous Polymer Scaffolds: Rapid Mineralization, Tunable Calcium Phosphate Composition and Topography

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    A straightforward, fast and versatile technique to fabricate mineralized nanofibrous polymer scaffolds for bone regeneration is developed. Nanofibrous poly( L -lactic acid) scaffolds are fabricated using both electrospinning and phase separation techniques. An electrodeposition process is designed to deposit calcium phosphate on the nanofibrous scaffolds. Such scaffolds contain a high quality mineral coating on the fiber surface and have surface topography and chemical composition that are tunable by varying the processing parameters. These scaffolds can mimic the composition and structure of the natural bone extracellular matrix and provide a more biocompatible interface for bone regeneration.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78221/1/adfm_201000993_sm_supplfigs.pd

    Effectiveness and safety of integrase strand transfer inhibitors in Spain: a prospective real-world study

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    IntroductionSecond-generation integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs) are preferred treatment options worldwide, and dolutegravir (DTG) is the treatment of choice in resource-limited settings. Nevertheless, in some resource-limited settings, these drugs are not always available. An analysis of the experience with the use of INSTIs in unselected adults living with HIV may be of help to make therapeutic decisions when second-generation INSTIs are not available. This study aimed to evaluate the real-life effectiveness and safety of dolutegravir (DTG), elvitegravir/cobicistat (EVG/c), and raltegravir (RAL) in a large Spanish cohort of HIV-1-infected patients. MethodsReal-world study of adults living with HIV who initiated integrase INSTIs DTG, EVG/c, and RAL-based regimens in three settings (ART-naive patients, ART-switching, and ART-salvage patients). The primary endpoint was the median time to treatment discontinuation after INSTI-based regimen initiation. Proportion of patients experiencing virological failure (VF) (defined as two consecutive viral loads (VL) & GE;200 copies/mL at 24 weeks or as a single determination of VL & GE;1,000 copies/mL while receiving DTG, EVG/c or RAL, and at least 3 months after INSTI initiation) and time to VF were also evaluated. ResultsVirological effectiveness of EVG/c- and RAL-based regimens was similar to that of DTG when given as first-line and salvage therapy. Treatment switching for reasons other than virological failure was more frequent in subjects receiving EVG/c and, in particular, RAL. Naive patients with CD4+ nadir <100 cells/& mu;L were more likely to develop VF, particularly if they initiated RAL or EVG/c. In the ART switching population, initiation of RAL and EVG/c was associated with both VF and INSTI discontinuation. There were no differences in the time to VF and INSTI discontinuation between DTG, EVG/c and RAL. Immunological parameters improved in the three groups and for the three drugs assessed. Safety and tolerability were consistent with expected safety profiles. DiscussionWhereas second-generation INSTIs are preferred treatment options worldwide, and DTG is one of the treatment of choices in resource-limited settings, first-generation INSTIs may still provide high virological and immunological effectiveness when DTG is not available

    Identification of CRF66_BF, a New HIV-1 Circulating Recombinant Form of South American Origin

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    Circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) are important components of the HIV-1 pandemic. Among 110 reported in the literature, 17 are BF1 intersubtype recombinant, most of which are of South American origin. Among these, all 5 identified in the Southern Cone and neighboring countries, except Brazil, derive from a common recombinant ancestor related to CRF12_BF, which circulates widely in Argentina, as deduced from coincident breakpoints and clustering in phylogenetic trees. In a HIV-1 molecular epidemiological study in Spain, we identified a phylogenetic cluster of 20 samples from 3 separate regions which were of F1 subsubtype, related to the Brazilian strain, in protease-reverse transcriptase (Pr-RT) and of subtype B in integrase. Remarkably, 14 individuals from this cluster (designated BF9) were Paraguayans and only 4 were native Spaniards. HIV-1 transmission was predominantly heterosexual, except for a subcluster of 6 individuals, 5 of which were men who have sex with men. Ten additional database sequences, from Argentina (n = 4), Spain (n = 3), Paraguay (n = 1), Brazil (n = 1), and Italy (n = 1), branched within the BF9 cluster. To determine whether it represents a new CRF, near full-length genome (NFLG) sequences were obtained for 6 viruses from 3 Spanish regions. Bootscan analyses showed a coincident BF1 recombinant structure, with 5 breakpoints, located in p17 gag , integrase, gp120, gp41-rev overlap, and nef, which was identical to that of two BF1 recombinant viruses from Paraguay previously sequenced in NFLGs. Interestingly, none of the breakpoints coincided with those of CRF12_BF. In a maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree, all 8 NFLG sequences grouped in a strongly supported clade segregating from previously identified CRFs and from the CRF12_BF "family" clade. These results allow us to identify a new HIV-1 CRF, designated CRF66_BF. Through a Bayesian coalescent analysis, the most recent common ancestor of CRF66_BF was estimated around 1984 in South America, either in Paraguay or Argentina. Among Pr-RT sequences obtained by us from HIV-1-infected Paraguayans living in Spain, 14 (20.9%) of 67 were of CRF66_BF, suggesting that CRF66_BF may be one of the major HIV-1 genetic forms circulating in Paraguay. CRF66_BF is the first reported non-Brazilian South American HIV-1 CRF_BF unrelated to CRF12_BF.This work was funded through Acción Estratégica en Salud Intramural (AESI), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, projects PI16CIII/00033 and PI19CIII/00042; Red de Investigación en SIDA (RIS), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Plan Nacional I+D+I, project RD16ISCIII/0002/0004; and scientific agreements with Consellería de Sanidade, Government of Galicia (MVI 1004/16) and Osakidetza-Servicio Vasco de Salud, Government of Basque Country (MVI 1001/16).S