193 research outputs found

    Pé-duro: o boi do Piauí.

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    Sistema modelo para produção de caprinos de corte no Semi-Árido piauiense.

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    Secreted extracellular vesicle molecular cargo as a novel liquid biopsy diagnostics of central nervous system diseases

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    Secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs) are heterogeneous cell-derived membranous granules which carry a large diversity of molecules and participate in intercellular communication by transferring these molecules to target cells by endocytosis. In the last decade, EVs role in several pathological conditions, from etiology to disease progression or therapy evasion, has been consolidated, including in central nervous system (CNS)-related disorders. For this review, we performed a systematic search of original works published, reporting the presence of molecular components expressed in the CNS via EVs, which have been purified from plasma, serum or cerebrospinal fluid. Our aim is to provide a list of molecular EV components that have been identified from both nonpathological conditions and the most common CNS-related disorders. We discuss the methods used to isolate and enrich EVs from specific CNS-cells and the relevance of its components in each disease context.This research was funded by the MindGaP-H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020, Grant agreement ID: 829040. S.M.-R., C.C.-M., and J.P. hold a fellowship from MindGaP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da capacidade de fixação de carbono em povoamentos mistos no Norte de Portugal

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    No âmbito do projecto PTDC/AGR-CFL/68186/2006 da FCT, e com base em 45 parcelas de amostragem do Inventário Florestal Nacional de 2006 (19 de Pinus, 17 de Quercus e 10 de mistos de Quercus com Pinus), distribuidas por vários concelhos do distrito de Vila Real procedeu-se à quantificação da produção primária líquida (PPL. Para além da quantificação da produtividade total desses ecossistemas houve o cuidado de proceder à partição desta produtividade pelas diferentes componentes do ecossistema (árbórea,arbustiva e folhada/ outros resíduos). Esta informação pode e é fundamental para os gestores destes espaços e para uma mais completa compreensão destes ecossistemas. A quantificação da PPL permitiu à posteriori avaliar dinâmicas de fixação de carbono fundamentais para a compreensão das potencialidades destes ecossistemas numa óptica do protocolo de Quioto e num contexto de alterações climáticas. Numa segunda etapa pretende-se proceder e identificar variáveis que condicionam a fixação de carbono destes ecossistemas no sentido de apontar pistas para uma gestão que potencie a fixação de carbono destes ecossistemas

    Heme-Induced ROS in Trypanosoma Cruzi Activates CaMKII-Like That Triggers Epimastigote Proliferation. One Helpful Effect of ROS

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    Heme is a ubiquitous molecule that has a number of physiological roles. The toxic effects of this molecule have been demonstrated in various models, based on both its pro-oxidant nature and through a detergent mechanism. It is estimated that about 10 mM of heme is released during blood digestion in the blood-sucking bug's midgut. The parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas' disease, proliferates in the midgut of the insect vector; however, heme metabolism in trypanosomatids remains to be elucidated. Here we provide a mechanistic explanation for the proliferative effects of heme on trypanosomatids. Heme, but not other porphyrins, induced T. cruzi proliferation, and this phenomenon was accompanied by a marked increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation in epimastigotes when monitored by ROS-sensitive fluorescent probes. Heme-induced ROS production was time-and concentration-dependent. In addition, lipid peroxidation and the formation of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) adducts with parasite proteins were increased in epimastigotes in the presence of heme. Conversely, the antioxidants urate and GSH reversed the heme-induced ROS. Urate also decreased parasite proliferation. Among several protein kinase inhibitors tested only specific inhibitors of CaMKII, KN93 and Myr-AIP, were able to abolish heme-induced ROS formation in epimastigotes leading to parasite growth impairment. Taken together, these data provide new insight into T. cruzi- insect vector interactions: heme, a molecule from the blood digestion, triggers epimastigote proliferation through a redox-sensitive signalling mechanism

    Preceptoria de território, novas práticas e saberes na estratégia de educação permanente em saúde da família: o estudo do caso de Sobral, CE

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    O presente trabalho pretende apresentar um novo ator no Sistema Único de Saúde - o preceptor de território - bem como discutir sua atuação. Com a implantação da Estratégia Saúde da Família, bastante se tem discutido sobre o desafio de formar profissionais para atuarem neste modelo através de educação permanente em saúde. Nesse processo, o município de Sobral, CE, criou em 1999 a residência multiprofissional e a preceptoria de território; em 2001, a Escola de Formação em Saúde da Família Visconde de Sabóia. Este estudo teve como objetivos analisar a implantação e a atuação da preceptoria de território, descrevendo o processo de trabalho dos preceptores e identificando suas competências; além disso, descreveu-se o processo de educação permanente desenvolvido na Estratégia de Saúde da Família em Sobral. Utilizou-se uma abordagem qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso, com os seguintes instrumentos: entrevistas, questionários e grupo focal. Para a organização os dados foram analisados através da técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC). Entre os achados do estudo, identifica-se o preceptor de território como um profissional que atua diretamente com os residentes nos territórios das equipes da estratégia de saúde da família, destacando-se por suas amplas competências. Entre estas, podem ser mencionados conhecimentos conceituais nos campos da saúde coletiva e das relações humanas, bem como conhecimento e desenvoltura na utilização de métodos de ensino (problematização, educação permanente em saúde e educação popular). Deve também ser capaz de desenvolver relações harmônicas e de participação. O debate vem auxiliando o preceptor de território de Sobral a estabelecer seu papel e consolidar sua função de educador na construção do SUS.This paper aims to present a new actor in the Health's Unique System of Brazil (SUS), the preceptor of territory, and discuss his performance. The implementation of Family Health Strategy (ESF) has led to intense discussion about the challenge of professional training to work in this model, in a process of continuing education in health. Sobral, city in Ceará (north-east of Brazil) has created, in 1999, a multi-professional residency program, and in it, the preceptorship of territory. In 2001, Sobral's City Hall received financial incentive of the provincial government and created the School of Family Health Visconde de Saboia where these programs of education are based. This study aimed to analyze the deployment and operation of territory preceptorship, describing the tutors' process of work, to understand their skills and to discuss the process of permanent-learning strategy developed at the Family Health's strategy in Sobral. We use a qualitative approach, the case study, with the following instruments: interviews, questionnaires and focal groups. Data were analyzed with the method of "Collective Subject Speech". Among the study's findings, the preceptor of the territory is identified as a professional who works directly with residents in the territories and displays a broad variety of competences, such as conceptual knowledge of the field of public health, human relations, problem based knowledge and methodologies of continuing education in health and community. He should also be able to establish relations of friendship, cooperation and participation. the debate is helping the definition of the role of the territory preceptor in Sobral within a function that is still being consolidated - that of an educator implied in the creation of SUS

    A nontoxic polypeptide oligomer with a fungicide potency under agricultural conditions which is equal or greater than that of their chemical counterparts

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    Research ArticleThere are literally hundreds of polypeptides described in the literature which exhibit fungicide activity. Tens of them have had attempted protection by patent applications but none, as far as we are aware, have found application under real agricultural conditions. The reasons behind may be multiple where the sensitivity to the Sun UV radiation can come in first place. Here we describe a multifunctional glyco-oligomer with 210 kDa which is mainly composed by a 20 kDa polypeptide termed Blad that has been previously shown to be a stable intermediary product of β-conglutin catabolism. This oligomer accumulates exclusively in the cotyledons of Lupinus species, between days 4 and 12 after the onset of germination. Blad-oligomer reveals a plethora of biochemical properties, like lectin and catalytic activities, which are not unusual per si, but are remarkable when found to coexist in the same protein molecule. With this vast range of chemical characteristics, antifungal activity arises almost as a natural consequence. The biological significance and potential technological applications of Blad-oligomer as a plant fungicide to agriculture, its uniqueness stems from being of polypeptidic in nature, and with efficacies which are either equal or greater than the top fungicides currently in the market are addressedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Setting performance indicators for coastal marine protected areas: An expert-based methodology

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    Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) require effective indicators to assess their performance, in compliance with the goals of relevant national and international commitments. Achieving and prioritizing shortlists of multidisciplinary indicators demands a significant effort from specialists to depict the multiple conservation and socioeconomic interests, and the large complexity of natural systems. The present paper describes a structured expert-based methodology (process and outputs) to co-define a list of multidisciplinary MPA performance indicators. This work was promoted by the management authority of coastal MPAs in mainland Portugal to gather a consensual and feasible list of indicators that would guide the design of a future national monitoring program. Hence, Portuguese coastal MPAs served as a case study to develop such a process between 2019 and 2020. In the end, participants (1) agreed on a shortlist of prioritized indicators (i.e., environmental, governance, and socioeconomic indicators) and (2) defined minimum monitoring frequencies for the indicators in this list, compatible with the potential replicability of the associated survey methods. The present approach recommends that management plans incorporate monitoring procedures and survey methods, with a validated list of indicators and associated monitoring periodicity, agreed among researchers, MPA managers and governance experts. The proposed methodology, and the lessons learned from it, can support future processes aiming to define and prioritize MPA performance indicatorsFundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCT, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio