1,005 research outputs found

    Setting time of ecological bricks with different percentage PET

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    Raw materials and products environment friendly has led many authors to develop the area of bio-construction, especially in civil construction, using alternative materials to obtain new achievements. PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, widely used worldwide, have made it possible to produce very ambitious technological products for their energy and economic efficiency. This study is based on the application of discarded PET bottles for application in ecological building bricks. For this, samples with different PET percent were prepared. The samples were prepared in triplicate. These samples were subjected to tests to verify the optimum setting time/PET ratio. The tests were performed according to international standards and compared to the values of conventional bricks.Keywords: Environment friendly, set-up tests, bio-construction

    Ahozkotasuna lantzea Haur Hezkuntzako 2 urteko gelan

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    29 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 24-25[EUS] Gradu amaierako lan honen helburua ahozko hizkuntza Haur Hezkuntzan lantzearen garrantzia islatzea da; zehazki, ahozkotasuna eta komunikazioa lehenengo etapatik lantzen hasteko beharra azpimarratzen du. Horretarako, hizkuntza bi urteetan nola garatzen den ikusiko dugu, eta nola hasten diren hitzak konbinatzen, gero eta esaldi konplexuagoak osatzeko. Era berean, atal bat eskainiko zaio gaurkotasun handia duen gai bati, elebitasuna eta bigarren hizkuntzen ikaskuntzari. Halaber, ahozko komunikazioa eta adierazpena errazteko erabili daitezkeen hainbat teknika eta baliabideak garatuko dira. Eta, azkenik, bi urteko gelan lantzeko jarduera batzuk proposatuko dira, ahozko ulermena eta adierazpena garatzeko prozesuan laguntzeko diseinatuak.[ES] Este trabajo de fin de grado tiene como objetivo reflejar la importancia de trabajar la oralidad desde la Educación Infantil, en concreto, subraya la necesidad de empezar a trabajar la oralidad y la comunicación desde la primera etapa. Para ello, veremos cómo se desarrolla el lenguaje en los dos años y como empiezan a combinar las palabras hacia la producción de frases cada vez más complejas. Igualmente, se dedicará un apartado a un tema muy actual, el bilingüismo y el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas. También, se desarrollarán algunas técnicas y recursos que se pueden utilizar para favorecer la comunicación y expresión oral. Y por último, se propondrán una serie de actividades para trabajar en el aula de dos años, diseñadas con el fin de contribuir al proceso de desarrollar la comprensión y expresión oral.[EN] This final degree thesis aims to reflect the importance of working on orality from Early Childhood Education, specifically; it stresses the need to start working onorality and communication from the first education stage. Therefore, we will observe how language develops at the age of two and how those children begin to combine words towards the production of increasingly complex sentences. Likewise, a section will be dedicated to a very current topic, bilingualism and the learning of second languages. Not only that but also, some techniques and resources that can be used to benefit communication and oral expression will be developed. Finally, a series of activities will be proposed to work in the two years old classroom, designed to contribute to the process of developing oral comprehension and expression

    Příprava a hodnocení nových ligandů transportérů organických kationtů v centrálním nervovém systému pro léčbu deprese

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    Univerzita Karlova Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra organické a bioorganické chemie Student: Andrea Monteiro Školitel: doc. PharmDr. Jaroslav Roh, Ph.D. Školitelé-specialisti: Nicolas Pietrancosta, Ph.D. Sophie Gautron, Ph.D. Název: Příprava a hodnocení nových ligandů transportérů organických kationtů v centrálním nervovém systému pro léčbu deprese Transportéry organických kationtů v mozku (OCT2, OCT3) jsou polyspecifické přenašeče, které zajišťují facilitovanou difúzi, regulují aminergní tonus a mají komplementární roli k vysokoafinitním monoaminovým transportérům (serotoninový transportér SERT, noradrenalinový transportér NET a dopaminový transportér DAT) při zpětném vychytávání monoaminů v mozku. Jejich komplementární charakteristika ve srovnání s vysokoafinitními transportéry (rozšířená distribuce, širší farmakologický profil) a jejich zapojení do funkcí souvisejících s náladou činí z OCT v mozku relevantní a originální cíle pro vývoj nových antidepresiv. Nově vyvinutý H2-cyanome je prekurzor cyanomu, který cílí na OCT. Toto proléčivo vykazovalo slibnou antidepresivní účinnost v myším modelu chronické deprese. Limitací v užití tohoto proléčiva je jeho vysoká afinita k 1 adrenergním receptorům, což může mít za následek kardiovaskulární nežádoucí účinky. Cílem tohoto...Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry Student: Andrea Monteiro Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PharmDr. Jaroslav Roh, Ph.D. Specialized supervisors: Nicolas Pietrancosta, Ph.D. Sophie Gautron, Ph.D. Title: Preparation and Evaluation of New Ligands Targeting Organic Cation Transporters in the Central Nervous System for the Treatment of Depression Brain organic cation transporters (OCT2, OCT3) are polyspecific facilitated diffusion transporters that regulate aminergic tonus and have a complementary role to high-affinity monoamine transporters (serotonine transporter SERT, noradrenaline transporter NET and dopamine transporter DAT) in monoamine clearance in the brain. Their complementary characteristics compared to the high-affinity transporters (widespread distribution, broader pharmacological profile) and their involvement in mood-related functions make brain OCT relevant and original targets for the development of novel antidepressants. H2-cyanome is a newly developed prodrug of cyanome that targets OCT. This prodrug showed promising antidepressant efficacy in a rodent model of chronic depression. Despite the positive impact of this prodrug on antidepressant efficacy, its limitation is its high affinity for 1 adrenergic receptors that may...Department of Organic And Bioorganic ChemistryKatedra organické a bioorganické chemieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Em busca de uma Lógica de Valor Dominante para o Marketing

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    Inspired by Vargo & Lusch’s Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) and relying on the Austrian School’s individualism and subjectivism, we use knowledge from economics to better support the discussion of the primary topic of Marketing: that of value creation. Specifically, we draft a Value-Dominant Logic. We provide ten foundational premises stemming from the recognition that value is subjective and, consequently, cannot be created by entrepreneurs or firms. Entrepreneurs and firms propose value, but subjective value can only be perceived, created and thus experienced in the individual consumer’s mind. By adopting the perspective that logically follows from this understanding, the disciplines of management and marketing will be better able to narrow the uncertainties of the market process, and entrepreneurs can make better decisions about how to help consumers overcome felt uneasiness by adopting their proposed solutions.Inspirados en la lógica de servicio dominante (LDS) de Vargo & Lusch y creyendo en el individualismo y el subjetivismo de la escuela austriaca, utilizamos el conocimiento de la economía para respaldar mejor la discusión del tema principal: de la creación de valor del marketing. Específicamente, hemos delineado una lógica de valor dominante. Hemos proporcionado diez supuestos fundamentales, provenientes del reconocimiento de que el valor es subjetivo y, por lo tanto, no puede ser creado por empresarios o empresas. Los empresarios y las empresas proponen valor, pero el valor subjetivo solo puede considerarse, crearse y luego experimentarse en la mente del consumidor individual. Al adoptar la perspectiva que se deriva lógicamente de esta comprensión, las disciplinas de gestión y marketing podrán reducir mejor las incertidumbres del proceso de mercado, y los empresarios podrán tomar mejores decisiones sobre cómo ayudar a los consumidores a superar las molestias mediante la adopción de soluciones. propuesto por ellos.Inspirados na Lógica Dominante do Serviço (LDS) de Vargo & Lusch e acreditando no individualismo e subjetivismo da Escola Austríaca, usamos o conhecimento da economia para melhor sustentar a discussão do tópico principal do Marketing: o de criação de valor. Especificamente, nós esboçamos uma Lógica de ValorDominante. Fornecemos dez premissas fundamentais, provenientes do reconhecimento de que o valor é subjetivo e, consequentemente, não pode ser criado por empreendedores ou empresas. Empresários e empresas propõem valor, mas o valor subjetivo só pode ser considerado, criado e, então, experimentado na mente do consumidor individual. Ao adotar a perspectiva que, logicamente, se origina desse entendimento, as disciplinas de gerenciamento e marketing serão mais capazes de reduzir as incertezas do processo de mercado, e os empreendedores poderão tomar melhores decisões sobre como ajudar os consumidores a superar o desconforto, adotando soluções propostas por eles

    Examining Rater Performance on the CELBAN Speaking: A Many-Facets Rasch Measurement Analysis

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    Internationally educated nurses’ (IENs) English language proficiency is critical to professional licensure as communication is a key competency for safe practice. The Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) is Canada’s only Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) referenced examination used in the context of healthcare regulation. This high-stakes assessment claims proof of proficiency for IENs seeking licensure in Canada and a measure of public safety for nursing regulators. Understanding the quality of rater performance when examination results are used for high-stakes decisions is crucial to maintaining speaking test quality as it involves judgement, and thus requires strong reliability evidence (Koizumi et al., 2017). This study examined rater performance on the CELBAN Speaking component using a Many-Facets Rasch Measurement (MFRM). Specifically, this study identified CELBAN rater reliability in terms of consistency and severity, rating bias, and use of rating scale. The study was based on a sample of 115 raters across eight test sites in Canada and results on 2698 examinations across four parallel versions. Findings demonstrated relatively high inter-rater reliability and intra-rater reliability, and that CLB-based speaking descriptors (CLB 6-9) provided sufficient information for raters to discriminate examinees’ oral proficiency. There was no influence of test site or test version, offering validity evidence to support test use for high-stakes purposes. Grammar, among the eight speaking criteria, was identified as the most difficult criterion on the scale, and the one demonstrating most rater bias. This study highlights the value of MFRM analysis in rater performance research with implications for rater training. This study is one of the first research studies using MFRM with a CLB-referenced high-stakes assessment within the Canadian context.Les compétences linguistiques dans la langue anglaise chez des infirmiers et infirmières ayant reçu leur éducation à l’étranger s’avèrent critiques à l’acquisition du permis professionnel d’exercer leur profession, car les compétences communicatives sont clé à la pratique sécuritaire. L’examen langagier des compétences de langue anglaise The Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) demeure le seul examen langagier référentiel canadien auquel on fait référence dans le contexte canadien des règlements de contrôle du système de santé. Cet examen à enjeux élevés offre une preuve de compétence langagière de langue anglaise de la part des infirmiers et infirmières ayant reçu leur formation professionnelle à l’étranger et qui sont à la recherche d’un permis pour exercer leur profession au Canada, ainsi qu’une mesure de sécurité publique destinée aux régulateurs de la profession d’infirmiers et infirmières. Comprendre la qualité de la performance des évaluateurs/trices étant donné que les résultats servent à des décisions sur des enjeux importants demeure fondamental au maintien de la qualité de l’épreuve des compétences orales, car celle-ci implique le jugement et donc nécessite de fortes évidences de fiabilité (Koizumi, et coll. 2017). Cette étude a examiné la performance d’évaluateur/trice sur la composante des compétences orales du CELBAN en utilisant la mesure multifacette Rasch (MMFR). Spécifiquement, cette étude a identifié la fiabilité des évaluateurs/trices, la difficulté des critères, le parti pris de l’évaluation et l’usage de l’échelle de classification. Cette étude s’est basée sur un échantillon de 115 évaluateurs/trices dans huit centres d’évaluation au Canada et sur les résultats de 2.698 évaluations dans quatre versions parallèles. Les résultats démontrent une haute fiabilité relative entre évaluateurs/trices ainsi que sur le plan des intraévaluateurs/trices. De plus, les descripteurs des compétences orales de base des Compétences linguistiques canadiennes (CLC 6-9) ont fourni suffisamment d’information afin de permettre aux évaluateurs/trices de préciser le niveau de compétences du candidat / de la candidate. Il n’y a pas eu d’influence du site de l’examen ni de la version de celui-ci, ce qui offre de l’évidence de validité afin d’affirmer l’usage de cette épreuve pour des enjeux importants. La grammaire, une des huit critères, a été relevée comme étant celle la plus difficile sur l’échelle, et celle qui a mis en lumière le plus grand parti pris de la part des évaluateurs/trices. Cette étude accentue la valeur de l’analyse en effectuant la mesure multifacette Rasch dans des recherches de performance ayant des implications pour l’entraînement des évaluateurs/trices. Cette étude est parmi les premières se servant de la MMFR avec une évaluation à enjeux élevés à base des CLC dans le contexte canadien

    Translation and validation of Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale

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    Introduction: The evaluation of patients with hyperhidrosis (HH) can be accomplished, among other ways, through questionnaires and scales. The Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) has been used as a simple and quick tool to perform this evaluation. Although HDSS has been well established in several languages, it has not been translated into Portuguese, restricting its specific use for Brazilian patients. The aim of this study was to translate HDSS into Portuguese and validate it in a sample of Brazilian subjects. Method: 290 Brazilian patients (69% women, with a mean age of 28.7±9.6 years and BMI 22.4±3.9 kg/m2) diagnosed with HH were evaluated using HDSS, Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ) and Sweating Evolution Questionnaire (SEQ) before and after a five-week oxybutynin treatment. Regarding validation, an association between HDSS results and two other questionnaires was performed. To analyze HDSS sensitivity, evaluation of effects pre- and post-treatment with oxybutynin was conducted. Furthermore, HDSS reproducibility was analyzed in a subsample in which the scale was applied again after 7 days of the first follow-up appointment. Results: There was statistical correlation between HDSS and QLQ and between HDSS and SEQ before treatment and after 5 weeks. Additionally, HDSS was reproducible and sensitive to clinical changes after the treatment period. Conclusion: The Portuguese version of HDSS has been validated and shown to be reproducible in a Brazilian sample. Therefore it can be used as a tool to improve medical assistance in patients with HH

    Bimodal Phase Diagram of the Superfluid Density in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Revealed by an Interfacial Waveguide Resonator

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    We explore the superconducting phase diagram of the two-dimensional electron system at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface by monitoring the frequencies of the cavity modes of a coplanar waveguide resonator fabricated in the interface itself. We determine the phase diagram of the superconducting transition as a function of temperature and electrostatic gating, finding that both the superfluid density and the transition temperature follow a dome shape, but that the two are not monotonically related. The ground state of this 2DES is interpreted as a Josephson junction array, where a transition from long- to short-range order occurs as a function of the electronic doping. The synergy between correlated oxides and superconducting circuits is revealed to be a promising route to investigate these exotic compounds, complementary to standard magneto-transport measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and 10 pages of supplementary materia

    Considerations on Pain and Suffering in VestAndPage’s performance art

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    This text is formed from a series of detailed conversations with Andrea Pagnes of performance art duo VestAndPage (Italian artist Andrea Pagnes and German artist Verena Stenke) on the questions of pain, suffering and blood rituals in their performances. VestAndPage perform extreme physical acts in constrictive physical situations not to glorify pain, but as possibilities for a poetic encounter with suffering as a source of creativity, thus to liberate aesthetics from the justification of sacrifice. Drawing from their personal life experience, they translate their wounds into performative actions to seek authenticity and to speak about existential concerns belonging to mankind, the individual and society. Keywords: Body, Pain, Suffering, Blood, Performance art