88 research outputs found

    Levan production by isolated mutants of Zymomonas mobilis

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    A levana, formada atravĂ©s de reaçÔes de transfrutosilação, constitui-se basicamente por unidades de frutose e encontra aplicação como espessante na indĂșstria alimentĂ­cia, sendo utilizada ainda nas ĂĄreas mĂ©dica e farmacĂȘutica. Pode ser sintetizada por vĂĄrios grupos de bactĂ©rias entre elas a Zymomonas mobilis em meio contendo sacarose, extrato de levedura e sais minerais. As fermentaçÔes foram conduzidas a 30°C em frascos de Erleynmeyer e em fermentador de bancada. A Zymomonas mobilis estudada Ă© um mutante obtido atravĂ©s de tratamento da cepa selvagem com NTG (N-metil N-nitro N-nitroso Guanidina). Os resultados mostram que este mutante pode produzir atĂ© 42g/L de levana e que concentraçÔes altas de extrato de levedura podem inibir sua sĂ­ntese


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    Este estudo de revisĂŁo integrativa visou analisar as relaçÔes da moda com as identidades de gĂȘnero na literatura cientĂ­fica brasileira. Realizou-se uma busca de artigos publicados entre os anos de 2010 e 2021 utilizando os descritores: moda, roupa, expressĂŁo de gĂȘnero e identidade de gĂȘnero nas bases de dados BVS-Psi, LILACS, Capes, EBSCO e Oasisbr, resultando em 153 publicaçÔes. Analisaram-se os dados bibliomĂ©tricos e de conteĂșdo atravĂ©s de trĂȘs eixos com base no delineamento de pesquisa: (1) Moda como norma binĂĄria de gĂȘnero; (2) Moda como polĂ­tica de contestação de normas de gĂȘnero; (3) Moda na mĂ­dia: representatividade ou comercialização? Os resultados indicam predominĂąncia nos estudos que versam sobre a moda e a binaridade de gĂȘnero, rupturas nas normas de vestir e as mĂ­dias de moda. Por outro lado, a revisĂŁo identificou poucas publicaçÔes que abordem a relação da moda na representação com fortalecimento das identidades LGBTQIA+.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    : In recent years, it is observed that pupils of educations basic and average present difficulties in the reading and the writing. Ahead of this, with the present research, one searchs to contribute for the improvement of the reading and the writing with the use of the computer. The object is the process of learning of 12 pupils of 5ª series of basic education, with ages between 11 and 13 years, with deficiency in the reading and writing. The objective of the inquiry mentions to it the advances in the process of the reading and the writing, using themselves it room of computer science with pupils who presented difficulties for the development of these activities. For in such a way, the study it was of qualitative nature and it had as basement the readings of Brave, Papert, Freire and Emilia Ferreiro. The activities of written production had been collected in the computer science room and, in this process, the advances and the difficulties were analyzed; from there, defined new actions and strategies for the development of the project. The development of the research occurred at three distinct moments: an initial evaluation, when the pupils had presented a written production; after that, it had an intervention, counting on activities with the use of the computer; e, finally, a final evaluation, in which the pupils had presented a written production. The gotten results had been significant and contributed for the process of learning of the reading and the writing; however, in relation to the grammatical and norms, the pupils had still presented difficulties. He fits, therefore, to the educators to demystify the use of this technology and to use it knot process of education and learning of its pupils.  Nos últimos anos, observa-se que alunos dos ensinos Fundamental e Médio apresentam dificuldades na leitura e na escrita. Diante disso, com a presente pesquisa, busca-se contribuir para a melhoria da leitura e da escrita com o uso do computador. O objeto  é  o processo de aprendizagem de 12 alunos da 5ª série do Ensino Fundamental, com idades entre 11 e 13 anos, com deficiência na leitura e escrita. O objetivo da investigação refere-se aos avanços no processo da leitura e da escrita, utilizando-se a sala de informática com alunos que apresentavam dificuldades para o desenvolvimento destas atividades. Para tanto, o estudo foi de natureza qualitativa e teve como embasamento as leituras de Valente, Papert, Freire e Emilia Ferreiro. As atividades de produção escrita foram coletadas na sala de informática e, neste processo, eram analisados os avanços e as dificuldades; a partir daí, definidas novas ações e estratégias para o desenvolvimento do projeto. O desenvolvimento metodológico da pesquisa ocorreu em três momentos distintos: uma avaliação inicial, quando os alunos apresentaram uma produção escrita; em seguida, houve uma intervenção, contando com atividades com o uso do computador; e, finalmente, uma avaliação final, na qual os alunos apresentaram uma produção escrita. Os resultados obtidos foram significativos e contribuíram para o processo de aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita; entretanto, em relação às normas gramaticais e ortográficas, os alunos ainda apresentaram dificuldades. Cabe, portanto, aos educadores desmistificar o uso desta tecnologia e utilizá-la no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de seus alunos

    CSF glial biomarkers YKL40 and sTREM2 are associated with longitudinal volume and diffusivity changes in cognitively unimpaired individuals

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    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) YKL40 and sTREM2 are astroglial and microglial activity biomarkers, respectively. We assessed whether CSF YKL40 and sTREM2 baseline levels are associated with longitudinal brain volume and diffusivity changes in cognitively unimpaired adults. Two brain MRI scans of 36 participants (57 to 78-years old, 12 male) were acquired in a 2-year interval. A beta(42), p-tau, YKL40 and sTREM2 concentrations in CSF were determined at baseline. We calculated gray and white matter volume changes per year maps (Delta GM and Delta WM, respectively) by means of longitudinal pairwise registration, and mean diffusivity variation per year (Delta MD) by subtraction. We checked voxel-wise for associations between Delta GM, Delta WM and Delta MD and baseline CSF level of YKL40 and sTREM2 and verified to what extent these associations were modulated by age (YKL40xAGE and sTREM2xAGE interactions). We found a positive association between Delta GM and YKL40 in the left inferior parietal region and no association between sTREM2 and Delta GM. Negative associations were also observed between Delta GM and YKL40xAGE (bilateral frontal areas, left precuneus and left postcentral and supramarginal gyri) and sTREM2xAGE (bilateral temporal and frontal cortex, putamen and left middle cingulate gyrus). We found negative associations between Delta WM and YKL40xAGE (bilateral superior longitudinal fasciculus) and sTREM2xAGE (bilateral superior longitudinal fasciculus, left superior corona radiata, retrolenticular external capsule and forceps minor, among other regions) but none between Delta WM and neither YKL40 nor sTREM2. Delta MD was positively correlated with YKL40 in right orbital region and negatively with sTREM2 in left lingual gyrus and precuneus. In addition, significant associations were found between Delta MD and YKL40xAGE (tail of left hippocampus and surrounding areas and right anterior cingulate gyrus) and sTREM2xAGE (right superior temporal gyrus). Areas showing statistically significant differences were disjoint in analyses involving YKL40 and sTREM2. These results suggest that glial biomarkers exert a relevant and distinct influence in longitudinal brain macro- and microstructural changes in cognitively unimpaired adults, which appears to be modulated by age. In younger subjects increased glial markers (both YKL40 and sTREM2) predict a better outcome, as indicated by a decrease in Delta GM and Delta WM and an increase in Delta MD, whereas in older subjects this association is inverted and higher levels of glial markers are associated with a poorer neuroimaging outcome

    Botanical (morphological, micrographic), chemical and pharmacological characteristics of Pfaffia species (Amaranthaceae) native to South Brazil

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    Alguns parĂąmetros sĂŁo apresentados para o controle de qualidade de raĂ­zes de Pfaffia glomerata e Pfaffia paniculata, utilizando suas caracterĂ­sticas botĂąnicas e quĂ­micas. Realizou-se, tambĂ©m, um screening farmacolĂłgico de P. glomerata direcionado Ă s atividades relacionadas com seu uso como "tĂŽnico". O extrato etanĂłlico das raĂ­zes de P. glomerata nĂŁo apresentou atividade antiviral, antiproliferativa, antifĂșngica ou atividade inibitĂłria de monoaminoxidases. A avaliação da citotoxicidade determinou que a CI50 Ă© >; 2.000 ”g/mL. As principais caracterĂ­sticas morfolĂłgicas e microgrĂĄficas das raĂ­zes de P. glomerata e P. paniculata descritas permitem auxiliar na sua identificação segura.Some parameters for the quality control of P. glomerata and P. paniculata roots using their botanical and chemical characteristics are presented. It was also carried out an in vitro pharmacological screening to evaluate some biological properties of P. glomerata that could be related to its popular use as "tonic". Relating to biological assays, ethanolic extract from P. glomerata roots did not present antiviral, antiproliferative, antifungal or MAO inhibitory activities. The cytotoxicity evaluation of P. glomerata determined that IC50 is >;2,000 ”g/mL. The main morphological and micrographic characteristics of P. glomerata and P. paniculata roots are described in this paper in order to aid in their unequivocal identification

    Leprosy: The Present Of A Disease From The Past

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    Introduction: Leprosy is one of the oldest and most stigmatizing diseases to affect mankind and is still considered a public health problem in many developing countries.  Objective: To analyze how the social representations of leprosy patients are structured.  Method: The purpose of this study was to analyze how the social consequences of leprosy affect people carrying the disease. A multi-method approach was used, based on the Theory of Social Representations. A total of 100 subjects participated in this study (50 males and 50 females). Data were analyzed using the following software: SPSS (to assess social, economic, and clinical aspects, EVOC, SIMI, and AVRIL (to integrate the structure of social consequences).  Results: The central core for women was “family”. In the similitude test, this word was associated with “exclusion”. For men, the central core was composed of “family”, “work”, and “treatment”.  Conclusions: The healthcare model must strive to take into account the day-to-day concerns of leprosy patients, with a view towards greater consideration of gender differences and the development of a more humanized care system based on full assistance in order to control this disease

    A prospective observational study for a Federated Artificial Intelligence solution for monitoring mental health status after cancer treatment (FAITH): study protocol

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    Background: Depression is a common condition among cancer patients, across several points in the disease trajec‑ tory. Although presenting higher prevalence rates than the general population, it is often not reported or remains unnoticed. Moreover, somatic symptoms of depression are common in the oncological context and should not be dismissed as a general symptom of cancer. It becomes even more challenging to track psychological distress in the period after the treatment, where connection with the healthcare system typically becomes sporadic. The main goal of the FAITH project is to remotely identify and predict depressive symptoms in cancer survivors, based on a federated machine learning (ML) approach, towards optimization of privacy. Methods: FAITH will remotely analyse depression markers, predicting their negative trends. These markers will be treated in distinct categories, namely nutrition, sleep, activity and voice, assessed in part through wearable technolo‑ gies. The study will include 300 patients who have had a previous diagnosis of breast or lung cancer and will be recruited 1 to 5 years after the end of primary cancer. The study will be organized as a 12-month longitudinal pro‑ spective observational cohort study, with monthly assessments to evaluate depression symptoms and quality of life among cancer survivors. The primary endpoint is the severity of depressive symptoms as measured by the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (Ham-D) at months 3, 6, 9 and 12. Secondary outcomes include self-reported anxiety and depression symptoms (HADS scale), and perceived quality of life (EORTC questionnaires), at baseline and monthly. Based on the predictive models gathered during the study, FAITH will also aim at further developing a conceptual fed‑ erated learning framework, enabling to build machine learning models for the prediction and monitoring of depres‑ sion without direct access to user’s personal data. Discussion: Improvements in the objectivity of psychiatric assessment are necessary. Wearable technologies can provide potential indicators of depression and anxiety and be used for biofeedback. If the FAITH application isinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
