920 research outputs found


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    INTRODUCTION: Recently, Colloud et al. showed the feasibility of using a moving motion analysis system to acquire three dimensional (3d) kinematics over a large volume. They placed a motion analysis system on a rigid rolling frame that followed the displacement of a known object. In this pilot study, Colloud et al. obtained accuracy similar to those report for motion analysis systems (Richards, 1999). As a result, the rolling system is accurate enough for capturing the local 3d kinematics. However, the expression of the kinematics in a global frame – i.e. the absolute kinematics – has not been assessed. Thus it is impossible to calculate spatial-temporal parameters (e.g. step length, step width, walking speed in gait analysis). The purpose of this study is to propose an algorithm for calculating the 3d global kinematic of a subject walking on a 40 m-long pathway. METHODS: One male participant (age: 21 yr, height: 170 cm, mass: 62 kg) equipped with 22 reflective markers performed five trials on 40 meters. He was followed by a rolling frame (4.4 × 4.0 × 2.5 m) with a 8-camera motion analysis system (T40 series, Vicon, Oxford, UK) sampled at 100 Hz. Forty-one reflective markers were placed every meter on the ground on an horizontal line using a tape measurer and a self levelling laser. The algorithm consists in three steps: (i) estimation of the kinematics from the camera frame (AL) to a local frame (Ai) using two markers (gi and gj) seen on the ground, (ii) expressed this local kinematics in a global frame (AG) and (iii) calculation of the roto-translation (iRj) from this current local frame (Ai) to the next local frame (Aj) before gi disappears. This last step requires three visible ground markers (gi, gj and gk). An elimination procedure that minimizes the norm of Frobenius is used until 50% of the image remained. The accuracy and precision of the reconstruction were evaluated as the deviation of reconstructed marker position relative to its reference and as the radius of the spheres of 95% confidence for the ground markers express in the global frame, respectively. RESULTS and DISCUSSION: The accuracy was up to 16 mm in antero-posterior direction but could reach 138 and 163 mm in lateral and vertical directions over the 40 m translation. The deviations differed in direction and magnitude between the trials. The precision was lower than the precision estimated with a rigid object (1.3 mm). Although their position was fixed in the global frame, the markers were shaking, in the worst case, in a sphere of 20 mm. The errors in marker position could be reduced with a reconstruction using at least three cameras. CONCLUSION: This algorithm is efficient for the analysis of human movement on horizontal ground. It allows the calculation of spatio-temporal parameters related to the performance in ecological environments over many cycles for walking and many sports (e.g. running) REFERENCES: Colloud, F., ChĂšze, L., AndrĂš, N., Bahuaud, P. (2008). An innovative solution for 3D kinematics measurement for large volume. Journal of Biomechanics, 41(S1), S57. Richards, J., 1999. The measurement of human motion: A comparison of commercially available systems. Human Movement Science, 18, 589–602. Acknowledgement: The financial support of RĂ©gion RhĂŽne-Alpes (Projet Emergence) and RĂ©gion Poitou-Charentes--European Union (CPER 2007-2013) is gratefully acknowledged

    Scalable N-body code for the modelling of early-type galaxies

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    Early-type galaxies exhibit a wealth of photometric and dynamical structures. These signatures are fossil records of their formation and evolution processes. In order to examine these structures in detail, we build models aimed at reproducing the observed photometry and kinematics. The developed method is a generalization of the one introduced by Syer and Tremaine (1996), consisting in an N-body representation, in which the weights of the particles are changing with time. Our code is adapted for integral-field spectroscopic data, and is able to reproduce the photometric as well as stellar kinematic data of observed galaxies. We apply this technique on SAURON data of early-type galaxies, and present preliminary results on NGC 3377.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Original version printed in the Proceedings of "Science perspective for 3D spectroscopy", 2005, Eds Kissler-Patig, Walsh, Roth, ES0, Springe

    SPORT: A new sub-nanosecond time-resolved instrument to study swift heavy ion-beam induced luminescence - Application to luminescence degradation of a fast plastic scintillator

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    We developed a new sub-nanosecond time-resolved instrument to study the dynamics of UV-visible luminescence under high stopping power heavy ion irradiation. We applied our instrument, called SPORT, on a fast plastic scintillator (BC-400) irradiated with 27-MeV Ar ions having high mean electronic stopping power of 2.6 MeV/\mu m. As a consequence of increasing permanent radiation damages with increasing ion fluence, our investigations reveal a degradation of scintillation intensity together with, thanks to the time-resolved measurement, a decrease in the decay constant of the scintillator. This combination indicates that luminescence degradation processes by both dynamic and static quenching, the latter mechanism being predominant. Under such high density excitation, the scintillation deterioration of BC-400 is significantly enhanced compared to that observed in previous investigations, mainly performed using light ions. The observed non-linear behaviour implies that the dose at which luminescence starts deteriorating is not independent on particles' stopping power, thus illustrating that the radiation hardness of plastic scintillators can be strongly weakened under high excitation density in heavy ion environments.Comment: 5 figures, accepted in Nucl. Instrum. Methods

    SAURON Observations of Disks in Early-Type Galaxies

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    We briefly describe the SAURON project, aimed at determining the intrinsic shape and internal dynamics of spheroids. We focus here on the ability of SAURON to identify gaseous and stellar disks and to measure their morphology and kinematics. We illustrate some of our results with complete maps of NGC3377, NGC3623, and NGC4365.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (newpasp.sty). To appear in ASP Conf. Series "Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies", eds. J.G. Funes S.J. & E.M. Corsini. Version with full resolution images available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~bureau/pub_list.htm

    SINFONI in the Galactic Center: young stars and IR flares in the central light month

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    We report 75 milli-arcsec resolution, near-IR imaging spectroscopy within the central 30 light days of the Galactic Center [...]. To a limiting magnitude of K~16, 9 of 10 stars in the central 0.4 arcsec, and 13 of 17 stars out to 0.7 arcsec from the central black hole have spectral properties of B0-B9, main sequence stars. [...] all brighter early type stars have normal rotation velocities, similar to solar neighborhood stars. We [...] derive improved 3d stellar orbits for six of these S-stars in the central 0.5 arcsec. Their orientations in space appear random. Their orbital planes are not co-aligned with those of the two disks of massive young stars 1-10 arcsec from SgrA*. We can thus exclude [...] that the S-stars as a group inhabit the inner regions of these disks. They also cannot have been located/formed in these disks [...]. [...] we conclude that the S-stars were most likely brought into the central light month by strong individual scattering events. The updated estimate of distance to the Galactic center from the S2 orbit fit is Ro = 7.62 +/- 0.32 kpc, resulting in a central mass value of 3.61 +/- 0.32 x 10^6 Msun. We happened to catch two smaller flaring events from SgrA* [...]. The 1.7-2.45 mum spectral energy distributions of these flares are fit by a featureless, red power law [...]. The observed spectral slope is in good agreement with synchrotron models in which the infrared emission comes from [...] radiative inefficient accretion flow in the central R~10 Rs region.Comment: 50 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ, February 6th, 2005, abstract abridge

    The FALCON concept: multi-object spectroscopy combined with MCAO in near-IR

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    A large fraction of the present-day stellar mass was formed between z=0.5 and z~3 and our understanding of the formation mechanisms at work at these epochs requires both high spatial and high spectral resolution: one shall simultaneously} obtain images of objects with typical sizes as small as 1-2kpc(~0''.1), while achieving 20-50 km/s (R >= 5000) spectral resolution. The obvious instrumental solution to adopt in order to tackle the science goal is therefore a combination of multi-object 3D spectrograph with multi-conjugate adaptive optics in large fields. A partial, but still competitive correction shall be prefered, over a much wider field of view. This can be done by estimating the turbulent volume from sets of natural guide stars, by optimizing the correction to several and discrete small areas of few arcsec2 selected in a large field (Nasmyth field of 25 arcmin) and by correcting up to the 6th, and eventually, up to the 60th Zernike modes. Simulations on real extragalactic fields, show that for most sources (>80%), the recovered resolution could reach 0".15-0".25 in the J and H bands. Detection of point-like objects is improved by factors from 3 to >10, when compared with an instrument without adaptive correction. The proposed instrument concept, FALCON, is equiped with deployable mini-integral field units (IFUs), achieving spectral resolutions between R=5000 and 20000. Its multiplex capability, combined with high spatial and spectral resolution characteristics, is a natural ground based complement to the next generation of space telescopes.Comment: ESO Workshop Proceedings: Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation, 10 pages and 5 figure


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    The purpose of this study was to compare the 3D reconstruction accuracy, through a rigid bar test, provided by two moving systems, optoelectronic cameras (MOCAP) and action sport cameras (ASC). The cameras were fixed in the same rolling rigid structure (4.4 × 4.0 × 2.5 m) and the data were acquired simultaneously by the two motion analysis systems. Algorithms were previously developed to perform the roto-translation of the global coordinate system from reference points arranged on the floor, while the cameras and the structure were moving (40 m, antero-posterior direction). The mean inter-markers distance was 598.93 mm and 585.27 mm, and the standard deviation was 6.20 mm and 2.23 mm, by ASC and MOCAP. Despite the ASC had a performance almost 3 times worse than the MOCAP, the ASC is a more portable system and less expensive

    Flux pinning in (1111) iron-pnictide superconducting crystals

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    Local magnetic measurements are used to quantitatively characterize heterogeneity and flux line pinning in PrFeAsO_1-y and NdFeAs(O,F) superconducting single crystals. In spite of spatial fluctuations of the critical current density on the macroscopic scale, it is shown that the major contribution comes from collective pinning of vortex lines by microscopic defects by the mean-free path fluctuation mechanism. The defect density extracted from experiment corresponds to the dopant atom density, which means that dopant atoms play an important role both in vortex pinning and in quasiparticle scattering. In the studied underdoped PrFeAsO_1-y and NdFeAs(O,F) crystals, there is a background of strong pinning, which we attribute to spatial variations of the dopant atom density on the scale of a few dozen to one hundred nm. These variations do not go beyond 5% - we therefore do not find any evidence for coexistence of the superconducting and the antiferromagnetic phase. The critical current density in sub-T fields is characterized by the presence of a peak effect, the location of which in the (B,T)-plane is consistent with an order-disorder transition of the vortex lattice.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Phys Rev.

    The counterrotating core and the black hole mass of IC1459

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    The E3 giant elliptical galaxy IC1459 is the prototypical galaxy with a fast counterrotating stellar core. We obtained one HST/STIS long-slit spectrum along the major axis of this galaxy and CTIO spectra along five position angles. We present self-consistent three-integral axisymmetric models of the stellar kinematics, obtained with Schwarzschild's numerical orbit superposition method. We study the dynamics of the kinematically decoupled core (KDC) in IC1459 and we find it consists of stars that are well-separated from the rest of the galaxy in phase space. The stars in the KDC counterrotate in a disk on orbits that are close to circular. We estimate that the KDC mass is ~0.5% of the total galaxy mass or ~3*10^9 Msun. We estimate the central black hole mass M_BH of IC1459 independently from both its stellar and its gaseous kinematics. Some complications probably explain why we find rather discrepant BH masses with the different methods. The stellar kinematics suggest that M_BH = (2.6 +/- 1.1)*10^9 Msun (3 sigma error). The gas kinematics suggests that M_BH ~ 3.5*10^8 Msun if the gas is assumed to rotate at the circular velocity in a thin disk. If the observed velocity dispersion of the gas is assumed to be gravitational, then M_BH could be as high as ~1.0*10^9 Msun. These different estimates bracket the value M_BH = (1.1 +/- 0.3)*10^9 Msun predicted by the M_BH-sigma relation. It will be an important goal for future studies to assess the reliability of black hole mass determinations with either technique. This is essential if one wants to interpret the correlation between the BH mass and other global galaxy parameters (e.g. velocity dispersion) and in particular the scatter in these correlations (believed to be only ~0.3 dex). [Abridged]Comment: 51 pages, LaTeX with 19 PostScript figures. Revised version, with three new figures and data tables. To appear in The Astrophysical Journal, 578, 2002 October 2
