35 research outputs found

    Project based learning in the Physical Education subject matter

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    Desde los primeros filósofos como Platón, que enseñaba a sus discípulos en el templo, hasta la actualidad, la evolución de la educación ha sido visible en todos los sentidos, persiguiendo siempre que el ser humano tenga capacidad de pensar y razonar de forma independiente, y posea libertad de decisión y de acción (Kant, 1787).En este sentido, autores como Anderman & Midgley (1998) y Challenge 2000 Multimedia Project (1999) coinciden en que la motivación por parte del individuo es el motor de la educación y, que una de las metodologías para su trabajo se basa en el aprendizaje por proyectos, puesto que cuando la adquisición de conocimientos está relacionada con los intereses, motivaciones y necesidades del alumno, sus resultados académicos son más favorables.Por tanto, el estudio realizado se centra en la aplicación de un propuesta práctica del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en el área de Educación Física, teniendo como punto de partida las respuestas a un cuestionario en relación a la modalidad deportiva y la tipología de actividades que los alumnos de Primero de ESO del IES Sivera Font quieren aprender para contrastar, mediante una rúbrica analítica, que el grado de adquisición de los objetivos curriculares de la asignatura de Educación Física entre el aprendizaje por proyectos aumenta en el 57 % del alumnado adscrito al curso con respecto a la asignación de tareas.From the first philosophers like Plato, who taught to his disciples in the temple, to nowadays, the evolution of education has been showed in all aspects, always looking for the individual ability for thinking and for arguing, and the freedom to decide and to act by oneself (Kant, 1787).In this way, authors like Anderman & Midgley (1998) and Challenge 2000 Multimedia Project (1999) agree in that the motivation of the students is the motor of the education and that, one of the methodologies for motivating learners is based in projects-based learning, for when the acquisition of knowledge is related to the demands, motivations and needs of the students, their academic results are more positive. Therefore, this document is focused in the application of a practical proposal related with the project based learning in education, basing in the answers of a quiz related to the type of sport and the type of activities which the students of first grade in the Sivera Font Secondary School want to learn for contrasting, through an analytic rubric, that the degree of curriculum objectives acquisition in this subject matter, between the project-based learning increases in a 57% of the students of these course with respect to the task imposed.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Resultados de un programa de educación postural, con una intervención gamificada vs intervención tradicional

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    The teaching methodology adopted by teachers can influence the levels of participation and learning of students. The main goal of this study was to compare the effect of two intervention programs of postural education according to the used methodology. A total of 36 students (19 girls and 17 boys) in the 1st year of high school participated in the study. In the first intervention program a gamified methodology was applied, while in the second one a traditional methodology was used. Both intervention programs were carried out along 6 sessions. Theoretical contents were analyzed through questionnaires (COSACUES and COSACUES-AEF) and muscular endurance through three physical tests (Biering-Sørensen Test, Side Bridge Test and Prone Forearm Plank Test) before and after the intervention. Motivation levels (Feeling Scale) and perception of effort (OMNI Scale) were measured after each session. The results obtained did not show significant differences between methodologies, but differences have been found in terms of gender and type of methodology. Girls were shown to assimilate better contents with the gamified methodology. There was also a greater perception of effort and greater motivation with the gamified intervention. Therefore, the application of gamified educational interventions by teachers can be an interesting strategy to increase the levels of motivation and effort of students.La metodología de enseñanza adoptada por el profesorado puede influir en los niveles de participación y aprendizaje del alumnado. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de dos programas de intervención de educación postural en función de la metodología utilizada. Un total de 36 estudiantes (19 niñas y 17 niños) de 1º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria participaron en el estudio. En el primer programa de intervención se aplicó una metodología gamificada, mientras que en el segundo se empleó una metodología tradicional. Ambos programas de intervención se llevaron a cabo a lo largo de 6 sesiones. Se analizaron los contenidos teóricos a través de dos cuestionarios (COSACUES y COSACUES-AEF) y la resistencia muscular a través de tres test físicos (Biering-Sørensen Test, Side Bridge Test y Prone Forearm Plank Test) antes y después de la intervención. Los niveles de motivación (Feeling Scale) y la percepción del esfuerzo (OMNI Scale) se midieron tras cada sesión. Los resultados obtenidos no mostraron diferencias significativas entre las metodologías, pero se encuentran diferencias en términos de género y tipo de metodología. Se demostró que las niñas asimilaban mejor los contenidos con la metodología gamificada. Se encuentra, además, una mayor percepción del esfuerzo y una mayor motivación con la intervención gamificada. Por lo tanto, la aplicación de intervenciones educativas gamificadas por parte del profesorado puede ser una estrategia interesante para aumentar los niveles de motivación y esfuerzo del alumnado

    Effects of menstrual cycle phases on elasticity index in female soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the menstrual cycle on the elasticity index in female soccer players. A quasi-experimental analysis was carried out with a time series design, with a sample of 14 female players between 16 and 23 years (18.50 ± 1.74) where during all the phases of a menstrual cycle they had to perform the Squat Jump and Counter Movement Jump tests in order to calculate the elasticity index. Descriptive, normality, sphericity test and a repeated measures ANOVA with a Bonferroni type Post-Hoc test were performed. The most relevant aspect was that there were significant differences in the elasticity index between the Follicular Phase and the Ovulatory Phase, obtaining higher percentages of elasticity index in this second phase, but there were no significant differences between the other phases. The results obtained determine that the elasticity index is higher in the Ovulatory Phase than in the rest of the phases and this could be mainly due to the oestrogen peak and that there are no significant differences in the Luteal Phase demonstrates the relevance of this hormone with respect to explosive strength and the elasticity index. This study will allow the use of strategies with the intention of being able to optimally place the loads during plyometric training in reference to the menstrual cycle. While menstrual discomfort is subjective, they should be taken into account. Conversely, the elasticity index provides a reliable objective data that assists in designing personalized training programs

    Comparison of isometric muscle strength of the core muscles according to the weekly after-school physical activity practiced

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    En los últimos años el sedentarismo se ha ido implantando en nuestra sociedad (INE, 2012). A nivel escolar, se ha fomentado este mismo fenómeno reduciendo el número de horas semanales de educación física e incluso eliminando esta asignatura del currículo escolar en 2º de Bachillerato (Decreto 87/2015, 2015; LOMCE, 2013).El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer si existía algún tipo de relación entre la práctica de actividad física extraescolar semanal y la resistencia muscular central en adolescentes.Para recoger la información referida a la práctica de actividad física se pasó un formulario a 31 adolescentes (15.51 ± .32 años) del I.E.S. La Canal de Navarrés acerca del volumen de práctica físico-deportiva extraescolar realizada. Además, para la evaluación de la resistencia muscular central se utilizó el protocolo de McGuill (2007).Los resultados revelaron que aquellos adolescentes que practicaban actividad física desarrollaron más resistencia muscular isométrica del core que los que no. Además, se evidenció que en algunos casos, a medida que se incrementaba el número de horas de práctica de actividad física, aumentaba la resistencia muscular isométrica del core.En conjunto, los hallazgos aportan una evidencia más para defender los beneficios que tiene sobre la salud la práctica de actividad física, y para oponerse a la reducción de horas e incluso la eliminación del currículo escolar de la asignatura de Educación Física.In recent years, physical inactivity has slowly but surely been introduced into our society (INE, 2012). At schools this phenomenon has also started to take place, for instance reducing the number of weekly hours of physical education or even eliminating this subject from the General Certificate of Education (Decree 87/2015, 2015; LOMCE, 2013).The aim of this project was to establish a correlation between the practice of weekly extracurricular physical activities and core muscle strength in teenagers.In order to collate information regarding the practice of physical activity a form were provided to 31 teenagers from I.E.S La Canal Navarrés isometric muscle strength test would be used to calculate the central muscle endurance.The results revealed that adolescents who practiced physical activity developed more core isometric muscle strength than those without. Furthermore, it showned that in some cases, as the number of hours of physical activity increased, isometric muscular endurance core.Together, the findings provide further evidence to defend the benefits that health practice physical activity, and to oppose the reduction in hours or even elimination of the curriculum of the subject of Physical Education.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Evidence on the effect of training on unstable surfaces of core health

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    Es manifiesto el aumento de popularidad del entrenamiento mediante el uso de superficies inestables en el área del fitness. Este artículo pretende revisar la bibliografía existente con el objetivo de explicar los efectos y beneficios, tanto agudos como crónicos, del uso de este tipo de medios, en el ámbito de la salud. Se explicarán qué son las superficies inestables y los efectos agudos del entrenamiento sobre este tipo de superficies: aumento de la activación muscular, mayor co-activación muscular antagonista, disminución de la producción de fuerza y potencia. Así como, los efectos crónicos de la salud del entrenamiento sobre superficies inestables: prevención y disminución de la incidencia del dolor lumbar.Previamente se explicará el concepto de core, las estructuras que lo componen y las funciones que desempeña durante la realización del cualquier actividad física o deporte.Para finalizar, como aplicación práctica se expondrá una propuesta de progresión en la utilización de superficies inestables en función de la activación muscular que produzca en la musculatura erectora de la columna. En la misma se podrán observar diversos aspectos explicados a lo largo del artículo basándose en la literatura científica.The increasing popularity of the training through the use of unstable surfaces in the area of fitness is being manifested. This article aims to revise the existing literature in order to explain the effects and benefits, both acute and chronic, of the use of this type of media, in the field of health. They will explain what are the unstable surfaces and the acute effects of training on this type of surface: increase muscle activation, more antagonistic muscle co-activation, decreased production of strength and power. As well as the chronic health effects of the training on unstable surfaces: prevention and reduction of the incidence of low back pain. Previously the concept of core will be explained, the structures that compose it and the functions that plays during the performance of any physical activity or sport. Finally, as a practical application, it will be exposed a proposal of progression in the use of unstable surfaces depending on muscle activation that occur in the erector spinae musculature. In it you will be able to observe different aspects explained throughout the article based on the scientific literature. Previously it will be explained the concept of core, the structures that compose it and the functions that plays during the performance of the any physical activity or sport.Finally, as a practical application, it will be exposed a proposal of progression in the use of unstable surfaces depending on muscle activation that occur in the erector spinae musculature. In it you will be able to observe the different aspects explained throughout the article based on the scientific literature.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Engineered axon tracts within tubular biohybrid scaffolds

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    Injuries to the nervous system that involve the disruption of axonal pathways are devastating to the individual and require specific tissue engineering strategies. Here we analyse a cells-biomaterials strategy to overcome the obstacles limiting axon regenerationin vivo, based on the combination of a hyaluronic acid (HA) single-channel tubular conduit filled with poly-L-lactide acid (PLA) fibres in its lumen, with pre-cultured Schwann cells (SCs) as cells supportive of axon extension. The HA conduit and PLA fibres sustain the proliferation of SC, which enhance axon growth acting as a feeder layer and growth factor pumps. The parallel unidirectional ensemble formed by PLA fibres and SC tries to recapitulate the directional features of axonal pathways in the nervous system. A dorsal root ganglion (DRG) explant is planted on one of the conduit's ends to follow axon outgrowth from the DRG. After a 21 d co-culture of the DRG + SC-seeded conduit ensemble, we analyse the axonal extension throughout the conduit by scanning, transmission electronic and confocal microscopy, in order to study the features of SC and the grown axons and their association. The separate effects of SC and PLA fibres on the axon growth are also experimentally addressed. The biohybrid thus produced may be considered a synthetic axonal pathway, and the results could be of use in strategies for the regeneration of axonal tracts

    Traceability of different brands of bottled mineral water during shelf life, using PCR-DGGE and next generation sequencing techniques

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    Natural mineral waters contain indigenous bacteria characteristic of each spring source. Once bottled, these communities change over time until the water is consumed. Bottle material is believed to play a major role in the succession of these populations, but very few studies to date have evaluated the effect of this material on bacterial communities. In this study, we examined the microbial community structure of three natural mineral waters over 3 months after bottling in glass and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. To this end, we used culture-dependent (heterotrophic plate count) and culture-independent methods (16S rRNA massive gene sequencing, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and fluorescent microscopy with vital dyes). Total and viable cell counts increased by around 1-2 log10 units between 1 and 2 weeks after bottling and then remained constant over 3 months for all waters regardless of the bottle material. DGGE fingerprints and 16S rRNA massive sequencing analysis both indicated that different communities were established in the waters two weeks after bottling in the different bottle materials. In conclusion, no differences in total, viable and culturable bacteria counts were observed between mineral waters bottled with PET or glass during shelf life storage. Nevertheless, in spite of changes in the communities, each water brand and material presented a distinct microbial community structure clearly distinguishable from the others, which could be interesting for traceability purposes

    Cardiovascular fitness influences self-concept during the adolescence

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    Self-concept is one of the most researched constructs within the framework of educational psychology, psychology of the personality, and social psychology. Self-concept can be defined as the perception that an individual has of him or herself, with contents that are both descriptive, as well as evaluative 1. In the field of sport and exercise, physical selfconcept is also considered playing a considerable role in sports performance 2. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between sports practice, cardiovascular fitness and physical self-concept in adolescents.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Efectos de una Unidad Didáctica de educación postural en 1º de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

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    The main objective of this study was to know the prevalence of lower back pain and to evaluate the effects of a didactic postural education unit on the theoretical knowledge of back health, as well as the effects on the endurance of the extensor, inclining and flexor trunk muscles in students of 1st ESO. 18 students (10 boys and 8 girls) of 12.22 ± .43 years old from a school belonging to the Valencian Community participated. An initial assessment (Pretest) of theoretical knowledge and physical aptitudes was carried out through various field tests. After this, the intervention program was applied, in which a postural education unit composed of 8 sessions was developed, being the first one on theoretical content and the remaining 7 practices. After the application of the postural unit, the same tests (Postest) were carried out. The results showed statistically significant improvements after the application of the didactic unit in the knowledge about back health (p ≤ .004) and on the strength of the trunk musculature (p ≤ .001) in students of 1st ESOs. The improvements produced can have important implications in the prevention of low back pain in school age.El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la prevalencia de dolor lumbar y evaluar los efectos de una unidad didáctica de educación postural sobre los conocimientos teóricos de la salud de la espalda, así como los efectos de la misma sobre la resistencia de la musculatura extensora, inclinadora y flexora del tronco en alumnado de 1º de ESO. Participaron 18 discentes (10 chicos y 8 chicas) de 12.22 ± .43 años de edad de un colegio perteneciente a la Comunidad Valenciana. Se realizó una evaluación inicial (Pretest) de conocimientos teóricos y de aptitudes físicas a través de diversos test de campo. Tras esto, se aplicó el programa de intervención, en el que se desarrolló una unidad didáctica de educación postural compuesta por 8 sesiones, siendo la primera de ellas sobre contenidos teóricos y las 7 restantes prácticas. Tras la aplicación de la unidad didáctica se llevaron a cabo los mismos test (Postest). Los resultados mostraron mejoras estadísticamente significativas tras la aplicación de la unidad didáctica en los conocimientos sobre la salud de la espalda (p ≤ .004) y sobre la resistencia de la musculatura del tronco (p ≤ .001) en los alumnos y alumnas de 1º de ESO. Las mejoras producidas pueden tener implicaciones importantes en la prevención del dolor lumbar en edad escolar

    Impact of treated sewage effluent on the bacterial community composition in an intermittent mediterranean stream

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    Water quality monitoring is essential to safeguard human and environmental health. The advent of next-generation sequencing techniques in recent years, which allow a more in-depth study of environmental microbial communities in the environment, could broaden the perspective of water quality monitoring to include impact of faecal pollution bacteria on ecosystem. In this study, 16 S rRNA amplicon sequencing was used to evaluate the impact of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent on autochthonous microbial communities of a temporary Mediterranean stream characterized by high flow seasonality (from 0.02 m(3)/s in winter to 0.006 m(3)/s in summer). Seven sampling campaigns were performed under different temperatures and streamflow conditions (winter and summer). Water samples were collected upstream (Upper) of the WWTP, the secondary effluent (EF) discharge and 75 m (P75) and 1000 m (P1000) downstream of the WWTP. A total of 5,593,724 sequences were obtained, giving rise to 20,650 amplicon sequence variants (ASV), which were further analysed and classified into phylum, class, family and genus. Each sample presented different distribution and abundance of taxa. Although taxon distribution and abundance differed in each sample, the microbial community structure of P75 resembled that of EF samples, and Upper and P1000 samples mostly clustered together. Alpha diversity showed the highest values for Upper and P1000 samples and presented seasonal differences, being higher in winter conditions of high streamflow and low temperature. Our results suggest the microbial ecology re-establishment, since autochthonous bacterial communities were able to recover from the impact of the WWTP effluent in 1 km. Alpha diversity results indicates a possible influence of environmental factors on the bacterial community structure. This study shows the potential of next-generation sequencing techniques as useful tools in water quality monitoring and management within the climate change scenari