7 research outputs found

    Du divan au laboratoire. Quelques perspectives contemporaines en psychologie du rĂŞve

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    Du divan au laboratoireQuelques perspectives contemporaines en psychologie du rêveCet exposé présente quelques-unes des perspectives contemporaines en psychologie du rêve. Une première s'intéresse à l'étude expérimentale de l'activité mentale au cours du sommeil. Deux courants concernant son approche phénoménologique sont ensuite présentés. Le premier conçoit le rêve comme un reflet de la culture, de la personnalité et de l'état psychologique momentané. L'étude quantitative du contenu manifeste du rêve en fonction du sexe, des rôles sociaux, de l'âge et de la culture est illustrée par les recherches des auteurs. Un autre courant qui met l'accent sur le rêve comme mode de connaissance et d'actualisation de soi s'insère dans un discours therapeutique expérientiel ou existentiel. Chaque approche est brièvement discutée.From Couch to LaboratorySome Contemporary Perspectives in Dream PsychologyAn overview of différent contemporary perspectives in dream psychology is presented. One is devoted to the expérimental investigation of mentation during sleep. The phenomenology of dreams is examined from two perspectives. The first one, based on the notion of continuity between waking and dreaming, studies the dreams as reflection of culture, personality and psychological states. The quantitative analysis of manifest dream content is surveyed, with respect to the influence of gender, social rôles, age and culture. Examples from the authors' research are provided. Finally, dream is presented as a way of knowing and actualizing the Self. Theoretical foundations are anchored in experiential and existential schools of psychotherapy. Each perspective is briefly discussed

    L’avenir peut-il leur donner raison? Les rôles sociaux attendus à 30 ans par des étudiantes

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    Les projets de vie à 30 ans rédigés par 140 étudiantes célibataires de moins de 25 ans sont examinés. Presque toutes comptent travailler à plein temps surtout dans des occupations traditionnellement féminines, mais la moitié environ ont des projets imprécis. La majorité souhaitent combiner vie professionnelle et vie familiale. La vision idéalisée du bonheur des répondantes suscite des réflexions sur l'importance de l'orientation scolaire et professionnelle et aussi du respect quant aux attentes exprimées et de l'encouragement à la confiance en soi à leur prodiguer.The expectations about life at 30 years of age of 140 single female students under the age of 25, according to the «futures diary approach» method, are examined. While most of the students intended to work full-time, mostly in traditionally female occupations, nearly half of them had vague career plans. The majority wished to have then started a family and carry on with their paid work. The respondents' idealized conceptions of happiness are discussed to highlight the importance of early vocational guidance and career counseling, respect for the expectations of the students and nurturing of self-confidence

    Ageism and COVID-19: What does our society's response say about us?

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    The goal of this commentary is to highlight the ageism that has emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 20 international researchers in the field of aging have contributed to this document. This commentary discusses how older people are misrepresented and undervalued in the current public discourse surrounding the pandemic. It points to issues in documenting the deaths of older adults, the lack of preparation for such a crisis in long term care homes, how some “protective” policies can be considered patronizing and how the initial perception of the public was that the virus was really an older adult problem. This commentary also calls attention to important intergenerational solidarity that has occurred during this crisis to ensure support and social-inclusion of older adults, even at a distance. Our hope is that with this commentary we can contribute to the discourse on older adults during this pandemic and diminish the ageist attitudes that have circulated