32 research outputs found

    Comparison of Leishmania typing results obtained from 16 European clinical laboratories in 2014.

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    Leishmaniasis is endemic in southern Europe, and in other European countries cases are diagnosed in travellers who have visited affected areas both within the continent and beyond. Prompt and accurate diagnosis poses a challenge in clinical practice in Europe. Different methods exist for identification of the infecting Leishmania species. Sixteen clinical laboratories in 10 European countries, plus Israel and Turkey, conducted a study to assess their genotyping performance. DNA from 21 promastigote cultures of 13 species was analysed blindly by the routinely used typing method. Five different molecular targets were used, which were analysed with PCR-based methods. Different levels of identification were achieved, and either the Leishmania subgenus, species complex, or actual species were reported. The overall error rate of strains placed in the wrong complex or species was 8.5%. Various reasons for incorrect typing were identified. The study shows there is considerable room for improvement and standardisation of Leishmania typing. The use of well validated standard operating procedures is recommended, covering testing, interpretation, and reporting guidelines. Application of the internal transcribed spacer 1 of the rDNA array should be restricted to Old World samples, while the heat-shock protein 70 gene and the mini-exon can be applied globally

    Kriterien zur Erstellung von lehrplanrelevanten Handlungssituatuationen für Lernkontrollen unter Berücksichtigung des triplexorientierten Lehrplans in der FaBe Ausbildung EFZ

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    Laut den gesetzlichen Vorgaben ist die Grundbildung Fachpersonen Betreuung EFZ nach der Triplexmethode aufgebaut. Dennoch wurde ab 2014 das schriftliche Qualifikationsverfahren handlungskompetenzorientiert anhand von beruflichen Handlungssituationen durchgeführt. Um die Lernenden auf dieses Prüfverfahren vorzubereiten werden die schriftlichen Lernkon-trollen während der Ausbildung ebenfalls in diesem Modus gestaltet. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob von einem triplexbasierten Bildungsplan handlungskompetenzorientierte Handlungssituationen für summative und formative Lernkontrollen abgeleitet werden können. Anhand einer Inhaltsanalyse von berufstypischen Situationsbeschreibungen für Fachperso-nen Gesundheit, basierend auf der KoRe-Methode, werden Aspekte für die Erstellung von beruflichen Handlungssituationen in Bezug auf Lernkontrollen für Fachpersonen Betreuung herausgearbeitet. Im Anschluss daran werden im praktischen Teil der Arbeit auf Basis dieser Aspekte berufliche Handlungssituationen für Lernkontrollen FaBe erstellt

    Kriterien zur Erstellung von lehrplanrelevanten Handlungssituatuationen für Lernkontrollen unter Berücksichtigung des triplexorientierten Lehrplans in der FaBe Ausbildung EFZ

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    Laut den gesetzlichen Vorgaben ist die Grundbildung Fachpersonen Betreuung EFZ nach der Triplexmethode aufgebaut. Dennoch wurde ab 2014 das schriftliche Qualifikationsverfahren handlungskompetenzorientiert anhand von beruflichen Handlungssituationen durchgeführt. Um die Lernenden auf dieses Prüfverfahren vorzubereiten werden die schriftlichen Lernkon-trollen während der Ausbildung ebenfalls in diesem Modus gestaltet. Es stellt sich die Frage, ob von einem triplexbasierten Bildungsplan handlungskompetenzorientierte Handlungssituationen für summative und formative Lernkontrollen abgeleitet werden können. Anhand einer Inhaltsanalyse von berufstypischen Situationsbeschreibungen für Fachperso-nen Gesundheit, basierend auf der KoRe-Methode, werden Aspekte für die Erstellung von beruflichen Handlungssituationen in Bezug auf Lernkontrollen für Fachpersonen Betreuung herausgearbeitet. Im Anschluss daran werden im praktischen Teil der Arbeit auf Basis dieser Aspekte berufliche Handlungssituationen für Lernkontrollen FaBe erstellt

    Meerkats (Suricata suricatta), a new definitive host of the canid nematode Angiostrongylus vasorum

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    Angiostronglyus vasorum is a cardiopulmonary nematode infecting mainly canids such as dogs (Canis familiaris) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Natural infections have also been reported in mustelids and red pandas (Ailurus fulgens fulgens). We report the occurrence of natural A. vasorum infections in a group of captive meerkats (Suricata suricatta), housed at a university facility in Switzerland. A. vasorum first-stage larvae (L1) were initially identified in a pooled faecal sample. Individual samples, investigated with the Baermann-Wetzel technique, revealed that 41% (7/17) of the meerkats were infected, with ranges of 2–125 L1/g faeces. PCR and sequencing of part of the ITS-2 region resulted in 100% identity with A. vasorum. Infected animals did not show clinical signs. One meerkat died two days after diagnosis. Upon necropsy one adult specimen was recovered; histological examination of the lung revealed granulomatous pneumonia caused by A. vasorum larvae and eggs as well as intima and media hyperplasia and isolated arteriosclerosis of larger lung vessels. However, the cause of death was a spleen rupture with associated blood loss. All meerkats were topically treated with 10 mg imidacloprid/2.5 mg moxidectin per animal, after which they became negative in all follow up faecal examinations. Potential intermediate (gastropods) and paratenic hosts (birds) were collected from within or outside the meerkats enclosure. Gastropods were examined by PCR and bird samples by digestion. Four out of 193 (2.1%) gastropod samples were positive for A. vasorum, whereas none of the bird samples were positive. Meerkats, belonging to the Herpestidae, therefore are suitable definitive hosts for A. vasorum, with production and excretion of live L1. Meerkats kept in captivity in areas where A. vasorum is endemic and with potential contact to intermediate hosts are at risk of infection. Regular faecal examinations including Baermann-Wetzel technique should be considered. Keywords: Angiostrongylus vasorum, Cardiopulmonary nematode, Meerkat, Suricata suricatta, New definitive hos

    Faecal Parasitology: Concentration Methodology Needs to be Better Standardised.

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    To determine whether variation in the preservative, pore size of the sieve, solvent, centrifugal force and centrifugation time used in the Ridley-Allen Concentration method for examining faecal specimens for parasite stages had any effect on their recovery in faecal specimens.A questionnaire was sent to all participants in the UK NEQAS Faecal Parasitology Scheme. The recovery of parasite stages was compared using formalin diluted in water or formalin diluted in saline as the fixative, 3 different pore sizes of sieve, ether or ethyl acetate as a solvent, 7 different centrifugal forces and 6 different centrifugation times according to the methods described by participants completing the questionnaire.The number of parasite stages recovered was higher when formalin diluted in water was used as fixative, a smaller pore size of sieve was used, ethyl acetate along with Triton X 100 was used as a solvent and a centrifugal force of 3,000 rpm for 3 minutes were employed.This study showed that differences in methodology at various stages of the concentration process affect the recovery of parasites from a faecal specimen and parasites present in small numbers could be missed if the recommended methodology is not followed

    Do Occupational and Patient Safety Culture in Hospitals Share Predictors in the Field of Psychosocial Working Conditions? Findings from a Cross-Sectional Study in German University Hospitals

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    Background: In the healthcare sector, a comprehensive safety culture includes both patient care-related and occupational aspects. In recent years, healthcare studies have demonstrated diverse relationships between aspects of psychosocial working conditions, occupational, and patient safety culture. The aim of this study was to consider and test relevant predictors for staff’s perceptions of occupational and patient safety cultures in hospitals and whether there are shared predictors. From two German university hospitals, 381 physicians and 567 nurses completed a questionnaire on psychosocial working conditions, occupational, and patient safety culture. Two regression models with predictors for occupational and patient safety culture were conceptually developed and empirically tested. In the Occupational Safety Culture model, job satisfaction (β = 0.26, p ≤ 0.001), work‒privacy conflict (β = −0.19, p ≤ 0.001), and patient-related burnout (β = −0.20, p ≤ 0.001) were identified as central predictors. Important predictors in the Patient Safety Culture model were management support for patient safety (β = 0.24, p ≤ 0.001), supervisor support for patient safety (β = 0.18, p ≤ 0.001), and staffing (β = 0.21, p ≤ 0.001). The two models mainly resulted in different predictors. However, job satisfaction and leadership seem to play an important role in both models and can be used in the development of a comprehensive management of occupational and patient safety culture