7 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Tenure Choice in European Countries

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    Homeownership rates are very different across European countries. They range from below 50% in Germany to over 80% in Greece, Spain or Ireland. However the differences lie not only in the overall homeownership rates but also in its structure, and this is the focus of this paper. Its aim is to study the impact of microeconomic factors on household's tenure choice, using a cross-country comparative approach. Logit models are constructed for each country using data for year 2000 from the Consortium of Household Panels for European Socio-Economic Research micro-database. The models show that marriage is a significant determinant of the decision to move to homeownership in all analysed countries, while cohabitating households are more likely to rent, except for Denmark. Nationality, income and age proved to be significant explanatory variables in several countries, while staying insignificant in others.tenure choice, homeownership, housing

    Factors Influencing Tenure Choice in European Countries

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    Homeownership rates are very different across European countries. They range from below 50% in Germany to over 80% in Greece, Spain or Ireland. However the differences lie not only in the overall homeownership rates but also in its structure, and this is the focus of this paper. Its aim is to study the impact of microeconomic factors on household's tenure choice, using a cross-country comparative approach. Logit models are constructed for each country using data for year 2000 from the Consortium of Household Panels for European Socio-Economic Research micro-database. The models show that marriage is a significant determinant of the decision to move to homeownership in all analysed countries, while co-habitating households are more likely to rent, except for Denmark. Nationality, income and age proved to be significant explanatory variables in several countries, while staying insignificant in others.Tenure choice, homeownership, housing

    La joie submerge mon coeur / La alegría inunda mi corazón (radość wypełnia moje serce). Kulturowe uwarunkowania metafor konceptualnych radości w języku francuskim i hiszpańskim

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    The purpose of this article is to offer a description of how to conceptualize the joy in French and Spanish. The analysis is based on the concept of a metaphor developed by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. In the assumptions of cognitive linguistics, metaphor is the main and the most important carrier of thinking and understanding.In the initial part of this article, in order to reflect on the readable image of joy completely, it was considered important to discuss it within the linguistics and psychological perspectives. The analysis reveals that there are a number of expressions that indicate the initial moment of joy. This feeling may appear gradually or occur suddenly. However, most psychologists describe the joy as a dynamic sensation as a result of stimulus.Our analysis shows that metaphorical expressions are common for French and Spanish, which represent joy as a light, a living organism or disease. On the other hand, the differences concern, for example, the consequences resulting from the disease state. In French, a subject experiencing emotions of joy can seem or behave irrationally. In contrast, in Spanish, joy is seen as a contagious disease.Cet article a pour objectif de décrire les ressemblances et les différences dans la conceptualisa­tion de la joie en français et celle de alegría en espagnol. Dans notre recherche, nous nous appuyons sur la théorie de la métaphore proposée par G. Lakoff et M. Johnson. Dans la linguistique cognitive, la métaphore est un des outils les plus importants pour essayer de comprendre le domaine abstrait de notre expérience.D’abord, nous étudions la joie vue comme un concept psychologique pour passer ensuite à la description d’une série de métaphores conceptuelles et de métonymies de la joie. Les exemples analysés sont tirés de la presse et d’oeuvres littéraires françaises et espagnoles.Notre analyse montre que les expressions métaphoriques communes pour le français et l’espagnol sont celles, qui représentent la joie comme une lumière, un organisme vivant ou une maladie. D’autre part, les différences concernent, par exemple, les conséquences résultant de l’état pathologique. Ainsi, les Français qui éprouvent une grande joie peuvent se comporter de manière irrationnelle. En revanche, en espagnol, la joie est représentée comme une maladie contagieuse, c’est-à-dire une émotion qui se communique d’une personne à l’autre.Celem niniejszej pracy jest opis sposobu konceptualizacji radości w języku francuskim i hiszpańskim. Analiza opiera się na koncepcji metafory opracowanej przez George’a Lakoffa i Marka Johnsona. W ujęciu językoznawstwa kognitywnego metafora jest najważniejszym narzędziem poznania i rozumienia pojęć abstrakcyjnych.W części wstępnej artykułu, w celu ukazania w pełni czytelnego obrazu radości, emocja ta została przedstawiona z perspektywy językowej i psychologicznej. Istnieje wiele zwrotów i wyrażeń, które wskazują na początkowy moment radości. Uczucie to może pojawiać się stopniowo bądź wystąpić nagle. Jednakże większość psychologów opisuje radość jako uczucie dynamiczne, występujące na skutek bodźca.Analiza pokazuje, że wspólne dla języka francuskiego i hiszpańskiego są wyrażenia metaforyczne, które przedstawiają radość jako światło, żywy organizm lub chorobę. Natomiast różnice dotyczą na przykład następstw wynikających ze stanu chorobowego. W języku francuskim podmiot doznający emocji radości może majaczyć lub zachowywać się irracjonalnie. Natomiast w języku hiszpańskim radość jest postrzegana jako zaraźliwa choroba

    Factors Influencing Tenure Choice in European Countries

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    Homeownership rates are very different across European countries. They range from below 50% in Germany to over 80% in Greece, Spain or Ireland. However the differences lie not only in the overall homeownership rates but also in its structure, and this is the focus of this paper. Its aim is to study the impact of microeconomic factors on household's tenure choice, using a cross-country comparative approach. Logit models are constructed for each country using data for year 2000 from the Consortium of Household Panels for European Socio-Economic Research micro-database. The models show that marriage is a significant determinant of the decision to move to homeownership in all analysed countries, while cohabitating households are more likely to rent, except for Denmark. Nationality, income and age proved to be significant explanatory variables in several countries, while staying insignificant in others

    Hedonic price model for Warsaw housing market

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    A hedonic price model has been constructed for Warsaw housing market using 2006 asking price data. Model parameters reveal a substantial influence of proximity to the metro station on flat prices. If there is a metro station within 1 km distance to a flat its price increases by 15% according to the estimated basic hedonic model. Also green areas have a positive impact on flat prices while industrial areas affect negatively flat prices. To account for spatial autocorrelation two types of spatial hedonic model were constructed: spatial autoregression model and spatial error model. Both proved that there is a significant spatial autocorrelation present in the basic hedonic model.hedonic price analysis, spatial model, housing, location

    Factors influencing tenure choice in European countries

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    Homeownership rates are very different across European countries. They range from below 50% in Germany to over 80% in Greece, Spain or Ireland. However the differences lie not only in the overall homeownership rates but also in its structure, and this is the focus of this paper. Its aim is to study the impact of microeconomic factors on household’s tenure choice, using a cross-country comparative approach. Logit models are constructed for each country using data for year 2000 from the Consortium of Household Panels for European Socio-Economic Research micro-database. The models show that marriage is a significant determinant of the decision to move to homeownership in all analysed countries, while co- habitating households are more likely to rent, except for Denmark. Nationality, income and age proved to be significant explanatory variables in several countries, while staying insignificant in others.tenure choice, homeownership, housing