14 research outputs found

    Investigating Approaches for Optimizing Agricultural Yield: A Comprehensive Review of the Crucial Role of Micronutrients in Enhancing Plant Growth and Maximizing Production

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    Crop requires proper plant nutrition; one of the most important factors governing plant growth and development is the integrated supply of micronutrients and macronutrients in adequate amounts and appropriate proportions; although micronutrients are required in minute quantities, they play an important role in plant growth. Micronutrients must be used wisely in crop production to ensure the optimum output of high-quality products. Plant metabolism, nutrition management, chlorophyll synthesis, reproductive growth, flower retention, and fruit and seed development are all performed by micronutrients. Boron, chlorine, copper, iron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, and nickel are micronutrients that are required by all higher plants. Chlorine, copper, iron, and manganese are engaged in diverse photosynthetic activities, whereas zinc, copper, iron, and manganese are involved in various metabolic processes. Molybdenum is exclusively found in nitrate reductase. Boron is related with glucose metabolism, plant reproduction, photosynthesis, and enzymatic activity. The review focuses on the primary roles of micronutrients in crop development and gives an overview of recent research discoveries linked to the role of micronutrients in plants, helping to improve knowledge of their importance

    A Review on Plants and Plant/Microbial Systems in Reducing Exposure

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    Plants and plant-microbial compounds can be a viable means of remediating contaminated soils, in this review, two approaches to phytoremediation are discussed, the first approach how plants can promote the growth of degrading microorganisms in the soil rhizosphere, which can lead to enhanced degradation of chlorinated pesticides; the second approach focuses on the potential of plants to remove and accumulate metals from their environment, a unique test system, the Target Neighbor Method, is used to evaluate how plant density affects metal uptake, these studies could provide valuable information for optimizing plant density to improve metal removal and remediate metal-contaminated soils or to minimize toxic metal accumulation in crops and reduce human exposure

    Heavy Metal Contamination in Urban Soils: Health Impacts on Humans and Plants: A Review

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    This research looks at how the growth of cities and industries affects the levels of heavy metals in the soil, which can impact people's health. We find out where the pollution comes from, such as factories, car fumes, and improper waste disposal, by reviewing existing studies. We use different methods to test the soil for heavy metals and study how exposure to these metals in urban areas affects people's health. The evidence shows a connection between high levels of heavy metals in city soil and health problems like breathing issues, brain disorders, and overall toxicity in the body. We also explore how these metals get into the human body, highlighting the importance of understanding how they are available and the ways people are exposed. To deal with polluted city soils, we look at different ways to manage the soil and suggest sustainable methods to reduce heavy metal pollution. Our discoveries add to what we know about urban environmental health, emphasizing the need for actions to protect city residents. Ultimately, this study aims to give important information and insights to policymakers, city planners, and public health officials for managing and lessening the health risks linked to heavy metal contamination in urban soils.&nbsp

    Computational Structural Analysis and Homology Modelling of Beta-Xylanase from Bifidobacterium pullorum: A Comprehensive In-Silico Investigation

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    Bifidobacterium pullorum, commonly found in chicken waste and preferring mesophilic characteristics, contains an enzyme known as Beta-Xylanase. This enzyme effectively breaks down xylan, offering potential for creating biogas, like methane, and biofuels, such as ethanol. Scientists are actively exploring sustainable energy sources, while industries aim for cost-effective methods to decrease operational expenses. The conventional methods for producing biogas and biofuels involve high-temperature processes using fuel combustion, leading to significant expenses. To address this, mesophilic bacteria present a promising alternative for more cost-efficient biofuel production. This study is the first to delve into the genomic and three-dimensional structure of beta-xylanase, crucial for breaking down xylan. Our findings highlight that the beta-xylanase in Bifidobacterium pullorum showcases a TIM-barrel structure, similar to other GH10 xylanases essential in carbohydrate breakdown. This indicates a potential connection between Bifidobacterium pullorum\u27s beta-xylanase and the improvement of biogas production

    Microbial-Plant Interactions and Their Role in Mitigating of Oil Pollution: A Review

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    The partnership between plants and microorganisms is crucial for combating oil pollution on land and in the sea. This mutual relationship helps transform and restore ecosystems affected by oil contamination. The article focuses on how plants and microorganisms work together to fight oil pollutants, and how this partnership can be used to restore ecosystems and manage oil-contaminated areas sustainably. Microorganisms living with plants have unique abilities to break down and use the hydrocarbons in oil pollutants, converting them into less harmful substances and reducing environmental damage. This partnership also improves the effectiveness of phytoremediation, a sustainable technique for cleaning up polluted sites.&nbsp

    Petroleum Hydrocarbons Biodegradation Uncovering the Variety and Capabilities of Oil-Oxidizing Microbes

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    The biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons is a valuable process used to reduce the ecological influences of oil spills and pollution. This comprehensive review immerses readers in the sophisticated universe of oil-oxidizing organisms, the diversity and functionality of which are unveiled. By examining different bacterial groups, such as aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungi, archaea, and algae, the study shows enzymatic and metabolic processes exploited during biodegradation. Environmental factors, substrate characteristics, and microbial interactions are the main determinants that contribute to the good performance of the biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. The effectiveness of various biotechnological strategies like in-situ and ex-situ bioremediation, bioaugmentation, and bio stimulation is being tested to determine their ability to embrace the microbial capabilities for environmental restoration.&nbsp

    The Function of Zinc in Animal, Plant, and Human Nutrition

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    Zinc is a crucial micronutrient found in food that is essential for the development of all living organisms, it plays a vital role in gene expression and various physical processes, its deficiency can lead to disease onset and reduce crop yield, restrict plant development, and lower the quality of produced goods, zinc is also used in fertilizers and the handling of metals to protect them from oxidation. Additionally, Zinc is important in enhancing the human immune system, and its deficiency can result in hair loss, memory loss, skin disorders, and muscular weakness

    Review on Surface Elements and Bacterial Biofilms in Plant-Bacterial Associations

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    In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the function of bacterial surface elements and functional signals in biofilm formation. Plant-associated bacteria can significantly affect the health and productivity of a plant because they are found in many different areas of the plant, including roots, transport channels, stems, and leaves. The management of these compounds by plants is still unknown, although biofilm production on plants is associated with both symbiotic and pathogenic responses. While some of the bacteria found in biofilm matrices trigger pathogenesis, others can promote plant thriving and serve as biocontrol agents for phytopathogens. This detailed review discusses in depth the various elements and methods involved in the production of bacterial biofilms on plant surfaces and their attachment, as well as the relationship between these factors and bacterial activity and survival

    Macronutrients for Plants Growth and Humans Health

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    Macronutrients are crucial for the growth, and development of plants due to their roles as structural components and redox-sensitive agents. Generally, the application of macronutrients leads to increased crop output, growth, and overall quality. While macronutrients play a role in every stage of a plant\u27s life, scientists in fields such as plant physiology, biotechnology, and eco-physiology have recently focused on exploring additional aspects of these minerals, and their potential. Each macronutrient has a unique function in plant metabolism, and this study aims to examine the latest advancements in understanding the specific roles of macronutrients in plant growth and acclimatization. Furthermore, the study also discusses future research prospects in this field, highlighting the importance of ongoing investigations in maximizing plant productivity, and resilience

    The Importance of Hyaluronic Acid in Biological Systems

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a crucial component of the extracellular matrix, found abundantly in connective tissues, skin, and synovial fluid. Its unique properties, including hydration capacity and viscoelasticity, play pivotal roles in tissue hydration, lubrication, and wound healing. Despite its ubiquitous presence, the specific mechanisms underlying its diverse biological functions remain the subject of ongoing research. Studies have elucidated HA's involvement in various physiological processes, such as cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Its interaction with cell surface receptors modulates signaling pathways implicated in tissue repair and inflammation regulation. Moreover, HA's rheological properties contribute to joint lubrication, facilitating smooth movement and preventing cartilage degradation. Understanding the multifaceted roles of HA holds significant implications for biomedical applications. Its therapeutic potential spans from skincare formulations to regenerative medicine and drug delivery systems. Targeting HA metabolism presents novel strategies for treating conditions like osteoarthritis, dry eye syndrome, and dermal aging. Continued exploration of HA biology promises exciting avenues for scientific advancement and clinical innovation. Emerging technologies, such as biomaterial engineering and nanomedicine, offer opportunities to tailor HA-based interventions for enhanced efficacy and targeted delivery. Additionally, investigating HA's interplay with the immune system could uncover new immunomodulatory therapies. In conclusion, the importance of hyaluronic acid in biological systems is indisputable, given its indispensable roles in tissue homeostasis and repair. By deciphering its intricate mechanisms of action, researchers pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in medicine and biotechnology. Harnessing the therapeutic potential of HA stands poised to revolutionize healthcare, offering solutions to a myriad of pathological conditions and enhancing quality of life.&nbsp