36 research outputs found

    Volatile Compound Formation During Argan Kernel Roasting

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    Virgin edible argan oil is prepared by cold-pressing argan kernels previously roasted at 110°C for up to 25 minutes. The concentration of 40 volatile compounds in virgin edible argan oil was determined as a function of argan kernel roasting time. Most of the volatile compounds begin to be formed after 15 to 25 minutes of roasting. This suggests that a strictly controlled roasting time should allow the modulation of argan oil taste and thus satisfy different types of consumers. This could be of major importance considering the present booming use of edible argan oil

    Perfil lipídico, compuestos volátiles y estabilidad oxidativa durante el almacenamiento del aceite de semilla de Opuntia ficus-indica marroquí

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    The fatty acids, sterol, tocopherol and volatile compositions of Moroccan cold-pressed cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) seed oil were studied. The most abundant fatty acid, tocopherol and sterol were linoleic acid (60.6%), γ-tocopherol (533 mg/kg) and β-sitosterol (6075 mg/kg), respectively. In this study, 23 volatile compounds were identified with perceivable odor attributes for 14 compounds. The oxidative quality of cactus seed oil was monitored over 4 weeks at 50 °C. Increases in PV, K232 and FFA were detected during the first two weeks as well as a decrease in the induction time; whereas no change was reported for the K270 values. The amount of total phenolic content increased until it reached 0.3 mg/kg and then decreased by the end of the storage period; while tocopherols started to decrease after the first week. The fat-free residue extracts showed a very strong effect to reduce the oxidation of linoleic acid. Consequently, the extracts were significantly more effective to bleach β-carotene in the β-carotene-linoleic acid assay in comparison with the control.Se estudiaron los ácidos grasos, esteroles, tocoferoles y la composición volátil del aceite de semilla de cactus marroquí (Opuntia ficus-indica) prensado en frío. Los ácidos grasos, tocoferoles y esteroles más abundantes fueron el ácido linoleico (60,6%), γ-tocoferol (533 mg/kg) y β-sitosterol (6075 mg/kg), respectivamente. En este estudio, se identificaron 23 compuestos volátiles con atributos perceptibles para 14 de ellos. La oxidación del aceite de semilla de cactus fue monitoreada durante 4 semanas a 50°C. Se observó un aumento en el PV, K232 y FFA durante las dos primeras semanas y una disminución en el tiempo de inducción, mientras que no se apreciaron cambios para los valores de K270. La cantidad de fenoles totales aumentó hasta alcanzar 0,3 mg/kg y luego disminuyó al final del almacenamiento, mientras que los tocoferoles comenzaron a disminuir después de la primera semana. Los extractos de residuos libres de grasa mostraron un efecto muy fuerte para reducir la oxidación del ácido linoleico. En consecuencia, los extractos fueron significativamente más efectivos para blanquear el β-caroteno en el ensayo de β-caroteno-ácido linoleico en comparación con el control

    Study of the chemical composition of argan oil according to the shape of the fruit

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of phenotypic diversity of argan fruit with different morphological characteristics (fusiform, oval, apiculate and spherical) on fat and protein content, inflexibility and fat chemical composition, oil acids and sterols. To investigate the links of argan fruit shape with the chemical composition of argan oil, with the help of native communities, 4 different fruit shapes (fusiform, apiculate, spherical and oval) were selected, which were harvested from the same place (Tamanar) in Essaouira province (South Plain region, Western Morocco). After harvesting the fruit of the argan tree, 100 samples were taken from each form. They were crushed to destroy the core. After extraction of hexane with Soxhlet, fat content, protein level, unsaponifiable content, composition of fatty acids and sterols in fat were determined. The results showed that the oval shape is the best shape of argan fruit because their kernels contain more than 50% fat and a higher percentage of unsaponifiables. The results on fatty acids and sterols showed that argan oil contained 80% of unsaturated fatty acids. The results also showed that the main products of the sterol composition in argan oil were schottenol (or Δ-7-stigmasterol) (42.8 and 46.4%) and spinasterol (39.8 and 45.6%). The study of the chemical composition showed that there was no correlation between the shape of the fruit of the argan tree and the composition of fatty acids. Depending on the shape of the argan fruit, fatty acids and sterols were not only related to the shape but also to the nature of the soil and its altitude, longitude and distance from the sea

    Contribution to dermination of photo-protective an antioxidant propreties of argan derivatives : chemical and physiological studies

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    L'huile d'argane est traditionnellement utilisée au Maroc en usage externe pour le traitement des affections cutanées et en usage interne pour prévenir les troubles cardiovasculaires. Particulièrement riche en acides gras insaturés, l'huile d'argane est caractérisée également par ses composés mineurs : polyphénols, tocophérols, stérols, du squalène, et alcools triterpéniques.L'objectif de ce travail est de contribuer à la valorisation de l'huile d'argane et de ses co-produits. C'est un travail pluridisciplinaire car il est composé de deux parties : phytochimie et activité pharmacologique.Pour la partie phytochimique, onze polyphénols des co-produits d'argane ont été identifiés et quantifiés par LC-ESI-MS. Leur activité antioxydante a été évaluée par plusieurs techniques. La composition chimique des composés volatiles de l'huile d'argane a été étudiée en fonction du temps de torréfaction des amandons. Ces arômes, obtenus par microextraction en phase solide (SPME), ont été élucidés et quantifiés par CPG-MS. La deuxième partie de ce travail, a mis en exergue pour la première fois des propriétés photoprotoctrices et antioxydantes de l'huile d'argane. En effet, l'effet antioxydant de l'huile d'argane a été confirmé, lors d'une étude clinique, par la mesure sérique de la vitamine E chez des femmes ménopausées après 8 semaines de consommation de 25 ml d'huile d'argane vs huile d'olive. Les résultats sont significatifs chez le groupe consommant de l'huile d'argane. Le dosage de la vitamine E dans le sérum, a été réalisé par HPLC. Les propriétés photoprotectrices de l'huile d'argane ont été mises en évidence in-vitro par l'action des UVC sur un model moléculaire de l'ADN : la thymidylyl-(3',5')-thymidine. Les résultats préliminaires sont encourageants. L'huile d'argane, même diluée 9 fois par la paraffine, reste toujours active.Argan oil is traditionally used in Morocco as an ointment to cure some skin pathlogies or is ingested to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Its content in unsaturated fatty acids is high as is its content in polyphenols, tocopherols, sterols, squalene and triterpenic alcohols.The aim of this thesis was to increase the value of argan oil and derivatives. Our work focuses on phytochemistry and pharmacology.Concerning the phytochemical aspect, 11 polyphenols were identified and quantified by LC-ESI-SM. Their anti-oxidant activity has been evaluated as a function of kernel roasting time. Volatils obtained by microextraction were also quantified using CPG-SM.In a second section, photoprotective and anti-oxidant properties of argan oil were studied. Blood vitamine E level was determined in post menopausal women after 8 weeks of daily consumption of 25 ml of argan. Olive oil was given as a blank. Photoproptective properties of argan oil were evidenced in vitro using UV-C and Thymidylyl-(3',5') thymidine as DNA model. Preliminary results indicate a good photoproective activity even when argan oil is diluted (1/10) in parafin oil

    Analyse chimique et sensorielle de l’huile d’argane

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    To ensure argan oil quality, a combination of physico-chemical and sensory methods is necessary. Utility and importance of these methods in the Moroccan norm for argan oil are presented. Our demonstration is based on four types of argan oil 1) edible argan oil that is prepared from mechanically pressed roasted kernels, 2) beauty oil that is prepared from mechanically pressed non-roasted kernels, 3) artisanally prepared argan oil extracted by manual pressing and 4) artisanally prepared argan oil extracted by manual pressing of goat-digested kernels. Fresh, each kind if oil was classified as « extra virgin » according to the moroccan norm (NM 08.05.090). However, only edible argan oil prepared from mechanically pressed roasted kernels displayed the best physico-chemical and sensorial profile.Pour assurer la qualité de l’huile d’argane, une combinaison de méthodes physicochimiques et sensorielles est indispensable. L’utilité et l’importance des méthodes retenues par la norme marocaine sont présentées. Pour illustrer cette démonstration nous avons choisi quatre types d’huile d’argane 1) l’huile alimentaire qui est obtenue par pressage mécanique d’amandons torréfiés, 2) l’huile de beauté obtenue par pressage mécanique d’amandons non torréfiés, 3) l’huile artisanale obtenue par pressage manuel d’amandons torréfiés et 4) l’huile artisanale préparée traditionnellement à partir de noix régurgitées par les chèvres. Fraichement préparées, toutes ces huiles peuvent être classées comme des huiles extra vierges selon la norme marocaine (NM 08.05.090). Toutefois, l’huile de presse alimentaire a présenté les meilleurs critères de qualité physico chimique et sensorielle

    Synthesis, structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 1,3-bis[(1-octyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl]-1H-benzo[d]imidazol-2(3H)-one

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    The title molecule, C29H44N8O, adopts a conformation resembling a two-bladed fan with the octyl chains largely in fully extended conformations. In the crystal, C—H...O hydrogen bonds form chains of molecules extending along the b-axis direction, which are linked by weak C—H...N hydrogen bonds and C—H...π interactions to generate a three-dimensional network. A Hirshfeld surface analysis of the crystal structure indicates that the most important contributions for the crystal packing are from H...H (68.3%), H...N/N...H (15.7%) and H...C/C...H (10.4%) interactions