1,171 research outputs found

    Stability of a functional equation in complex banach spaces

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    Using fixed point technique, in the present paper , we wish to examine generalization of the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability theorem for the functional equations f ( 2 x + i y ) + f ( x + 2 i y ) = 4 f ( x + i y ) + f ( x ) + f ( y ) (0.1) and f ( 2 x + i y ) − f (i x − 2 y ) = − 4 f (i x − y ) + f ( x ) − f ( − y ) (0.2) in complex Banach spaces .Publisher's Versio

    Frequency dependent superfluid stiffness in the pseudogap regime in strongly disordered NbN thin films

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    We measure the frequency dependence of the complex ac conductivity of NbN films with different levels of disorder in frequency range 0.4-20 GHz. Films with low disorder exhibit a narrow dynamic fluctuation regime above T_c as expected for a conventional superconductor. However, for strongly disordered samples, the fluctuation regime extends well above T_c, with a strongly frequency-dependent superfluid stiffness which disappears only at a temperature T* close to the pseudogap temperature obtained from scanning tunneling measurements. Such a finite-frequency response is associated to a marked slowing down of the superconducting fluctuations already below T*. The corresponding large length-scale fluctuations suggest a scenario of thermal phase fluctuations between superconducting domains in a strongly disordered s-wave superconductor.Comment: pdf file: 18 pages including figure

    On the stability of a Pexiderized functional equation in intuitionistic fuzzy Banach spaces

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    During the last few decades several researchers have been devoted to establishing stability of different kinds of functional equations, differential equations, functional differential equations, fractional differential equations, etc. under different sufficient conditions in different spaces like Banach spaces, Banach modules, fuzzy Banach spaces etc. In this paper, we remain confined in the discussion of stability of functional equations in intuitionistic fuzzy Banach spaces. Ulam was the first person who introduced an open question concerning the stability of a group homomorphism in an international conference. Thereafter several researchers have replied and are still replying to this open question in different contexts. The objective of the present paper is to determine the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias type stability concerning the Pexiderized functional equation in intuitionistic fuzzy Banach spaces. Under a few sufficient conditions, Hyers-Ulam-Rassias type stability of a Pexiderized functional equation has been established in intuitionistic fuzzy Banach spaces

    Probing long-range correlations in the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless fluctuation regime of ultra-thin NbN superconducting films using transport noise measurements

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    We probe the presence of long-range correlations in phase fluctuations by analyzing the higher-order spectrum of resistance fluctuations in ultra-thin NbN superconducting films. The non-Gaussian component of resistance fluctuations is found to be sensitive to film thickness close to the transition, which allows us to distinguish between mean field and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) type superconducting transitions. The extent of non-Gaussianity was found to be bounded by the BKT and mean field transition temperatures and depend strongly on the roughness and structural inhomogeneity of the superconducting films. Our experiment outlines a novel fluctuation-based kinetic probe in detecting the nature of superconductivity in disordered low-dimensional materials.Comment: submitted to PR

    Two component quantum walk in one-dimensional lattice with hopping imbalance

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    We investigate the two-component quantum walk in one-dimensional lattice. We show that the inter-component interaction strength together with the hopping imbalance between the components exhibit distinct features in the quantum walk for different initial states. When the walkers are initially on the same site, both the slow and fast particles perform independent particle quantum walks when the interaction between them is weak. However, stronger inter-particle interactions result in quantum walks by the repulsively bound pair formed between the two particles. For different initial states when the walkers are on different sites initially, the quantum walk performed by the slow particle is almost independent of that of the fast particle, which exhibits reflected and transmitted components across the particle with large hopping strength for weak interactions. Beyond a critical value of the interaction strength, the wave function of the fast particle ceases to penetrate through the slow particle signalling a spatial phase separation. However, when the two particles are initially at the two opposite edges of the lattice, then the interaction facilitates the complete reflection of both of them from each other. We analyze the above mentioned features by examining various physical quantities such as the on-site density evolution, two-particle correlation functions and transmission coefficients.Comment: Accepted Version(Scientific Reports

    Non-linear IVIV characteristics in two-dimensional superconductors: Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless physics vs inhomogeneity

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    One of the hallmarks of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition in two-dimensional (2D) superconductors is the universal jump of the superfluid density, that can be indirectly probed via the non-linear exponent of the current-voltage IVIV characteristics. Here, we compare the experimental measurements of IVIV characteristics in two cases, namely NbN thin films and SrTiO3_3-based interfaces. While the former display a paradigmatic example of BKT-like non-linear effects, the latter do not seem to justify a BKT analysis. Rather, the observed IVIV characteristics can be well reproduced theoretically by modelling the effect of mesoscopic inhomogeneity of the superconducting state. Our results offer an alternative perspective on the spontaneous fragmentation of the superconducting background in confined 2D systems.Comment: Final version, as publishe

    Applying Fixed Point Techniques to Stability Problems in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Banach Spaces

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    In this paper we investigate Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of certain nonlinear functional equations. Considerations of such stabilities in different branches of mathematics have been very extensive. Again the fuzzy concepts along with their several extensions have appeared in almost all branches of mathematics. Here we work on intuitionistic fuzzy real Banach spaces, which is obtained by combining together the concepts of fuzzy Banach spaces with intuitionistic fuzzy sets. We establish that pexiderized quadratic functional equations defined on such spaces are stable in the sense of Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability. We adopt a fixed point approach to the problem. Precisely, we use a generxalized contraction mapping principle. The result is illustrated with an example.This work was supported by the Basque Government under the Grant IT 1207-1

    Penetration depth and tunneling studies in very thin epitaxial NbN films

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    We investigate evolution of the magnetic penetration depth and superconducting energy gap in epitaxial NbN films using a low frequency mutual inductance technique and tunneling spectroscopy using a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The superconducting transition temperature (Tc) for films grown under optimal growth conditions decreases monotonically from 15.87K to 9.16K as the film thickness is decreased from 50nm to 3nm. With decrease in film thickness delta(0) monotonically decreases, whereas lambda(0) monotonically increases. We observe that Tc, lambda(o) and delta(0) are well described by Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) theory in all films other than the two thinnest ones where we see evidence of the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinski (KTB) transition close to Tc.Comment: Modified version with extensive analysis of the KTB transition. One new author adde

    Phase diagram of a strongly disordered s-wave superconductor, NbN, close to the metal-insulator transition

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    We present a phase diagram as a function of disorder in three-dimensional NbN thin films, as the system enters the critical disorder for the destruction of the superconducting state. The superconducting state is investigated using a combination of magnetotransport and tunneling spectroscopy measurements. Our studies reveal 3 different disorder regimes. At low disorder the (k_{F}l~10-4), the system follows the mean field Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer behavior where the superconducting energy gap vanishes at the temperature where electrical resistance appears. For stronger disorder (k_{F}l<4) a "pseudogap" state emerges where a gap in the electronic spectrum persists up to temperatures much higher than Tc, suggesting that Cooper pairs continue to exist in the system even after the zero resistance state is destroyed. Finally, very strongly disordered samples (k_{F}l<1) exhibit a pronounced magnetoresistance peak at low temperatures, suggesting that localized Cooper pairs continue to survive in the system even after the global superconducting ground state is completely destroyed.Comment: pdf file with figures (Modified Version