10 research outputs found

    Aktivisme Tagar dalam Kejuaraan Dunia Formula Satu (Analisis Wacana Kritis terhadap Kampanye #WeRaceAsOne)

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    Aktivisme tagar merupakan salah satu sarana alternatif yang digunakan di era kemajuan teknologi media baru dalam memperjuangkan isu-isu sosial secara masif, cepat, dan memiliki jangkauan yang luas. Penggunaan tagar juga dimanfaatkan oleh pelaku bisnis dalam membangun identitas dan khalayaknya di ranah media sosial. Formula One Group meluncurkan kampanye #WeRaceAsOne melalui ajang Kejuaraan Dunia Formula Satu sebagai suatu bentuk kampanye aktivisme tagar yang ditujukan untuk menghimpun solidaritas khalayak ajang Kejuaraan Dunia Formula Satu untuk menghadapi pandemi COVID-19, serta pernyataan sikap mengutuk tindakan rasisme dan kesenjangan sosial yang menjadi isu sosial yang bersifat krusial secara global. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian paradigma kritis yang menggunakan metode studi kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis model Norman Fairclough. Peneliti juga menghubungkan hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini dengan konsep komodifikasi khalayak dalam kajian teori ekonomi politik media Vincent Mosco. Analisis wacana dalam penelitian ini difokuskan kepada analisis teks, praktik wacana, serta praktik sosiokultural. Penelitian ini merupakan riset studi literatur dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi dan pengumpulan dokumentasi yang relevan dengan topik dan analisis penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kampanye #WeRaceAsOne merupakan suatu bentuk performative activism dan Formula One Group disimpulkan telah melakukan praktik komodifikasi khalayak terhadap audiens Kejuaraan Dunia Formula Satu, yang dibuktikan melalui adanya inkonsistensi terkait implementasi agenda kampanye #WeRaceAsOne, serta ditemukan adanya indikasi praktik greenwashing dan sportswashing yang dilakukan oleh Formula One Group beserta dengan mitra-mitra yang memanfaatkan kampanye #WeRaceAsOne untuk kepentingan masing-masing. Kata kunci: analisis wacana kritis, aktivisme tagar, Kejuaraan Dunia Formula Satu, komodifikasi, performative activism

    A reappraisal of chloropast structure using novel techniques

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    Biophoton imaging : a nondestructive method for assaying RGene responses

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    Plant disease resistance (R) proteins of the nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat class are responsible for pathogen recognition and activation of defense signaling networks leading to the hypersensitive response (HR). Genetically, R-protein signaling appears to be integrated through a limited set of common downstream components. However, the timing of development of visible HR is unique to individual R proteins. By utilizing the phenomena of ultraweak photon emission from leaves undergoing an incompatible interacttion, a powerful nondestructive and facile assay is described to compare timing of defense responses elicited by different R proteins. We demonstrate that ultraweak photon emission, or “biophoton generation,” is demonstrated to be associated with hypersensitive cell death. Biophoton emission requires an intact R signaling network and increases in cytosolic calcium and nitric oxide, but elevated reactive oxygen species are not necessary. Importantly, the assay is robust and applicable to a range of incompatible interactions in various plant species. The ability to assay R responses nondestructively in real time and a chosen genetic background makes this technique amenable to subtle genetic dissection of plant defense responses

    Comparison of streamlined liner of the pharynx airway (SLIPA™) with the laryngeal mask airway Proseal™ for lower abdominal laparoscopic surgeries in paralyzed, anesthetized patients

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    Context: Supraglottic airway devices have been used as an alternative to tracheal intubation during laparoscopic surgery. Aims: The study was designed to compare the efficacy of Streamlined Liner of the Pharynx Airway (SLIPA) for positive pressure ventilation and postoperative complications with the Laryngeal Mask Airway ProSeal (PLMA) for patients undergoing lower abdominal laparoscopies under general anesthesia with controlled ventilation. Settings and Design: Prospective, crossover randomized controlled trial performed on patients undergoing lower abdominal laparoscopic surgeries. Methods: A total of 120 patients undergoing lower abdominal laparoscopic surgeries were randomly allocated into two equal groups; PLMA and SLIPA groups. Number of intubation attempts, insertion time, ease of insertion, and fiberoptic bronchoscopic view were recorded. Lung mechanics data were collected 5 minutes after securing the airway, then after abdominal insufflation. Blood traces and regurgitation were checked for; postoperative sore throat and other complications were recorded. Statistical Analysis: Arithmetic mean and standard deviation values were calculated and statistical analyses were performed for each group. Independent sample t-test was used to compare continuous variables exhibiting normal distribution, and Chi-squared test for noncontinuous variables. P value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Insertion time, first insertion success rate, and ease of insertion were comparable in both groups. Fiberoptic bronchoscopic view was significantly better and epiglottic downfolding was significantly lower in SLIPA group. Sealing pressure and lung mechanics were similar. Gastric distension was not observed in both groups. Postoperative sore throat was significantly higher in PACU in PLMA group. Blood traces on the device were significantly more in SLIPA group. Conclusions: SLIPA can be used as a useful alternative to PLMA in patients undergoing lower abdominal laparoscopic surgery with muscle relaxant and controlled ventilation

    The sun is up and I shall live

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    The film follows 21-year-old Maple, the sole caretaker of her family after her parents' deaths and her grandmother Ahma's onset of dementia. When her 10-year-old brother Dodo is running late for his school play, and her aunt is unable to take care of Ahma for the day, Maple decides to bring Ahma along with them. The journey is made difficult by Dodo’s clunky tree costume, which Maple carries on her back. The film follows their journey to school, the unexpected detours and a painful realisation of one's limitations as a caretaker.Bachelor of Communication Studie

    Developing a policy on peer review for Cochrane Reviews

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    Presentation given at the 24th Cochrane Colloquium, 23-27 October 2016, Seoul, South Korea. Abstract http://abstracts.cochrane.org/2016-seoul/developing-policy-peer-review-cochrane-reviews Background: Peer review is a core part of the editorial workflow for Cochrane Reviews, representing an opportunity for scrutiny of methodology, interpretation and context before publication. All Cochrane Reviews are peer-reviewed, and Cochrane Review Groups manage the peer review process for their reviews. Development of an overarching peer review policy is part of Cochrane's integrated quality strategy. Objectives: To describe the development and implementation of new peer review policy for Cochrane Reviews, aiming to clarify when to peer review (including for updates) and who to use for peer review. The policy is for the use of editorial teams, authors, peer reviewers, and readers and other users of Cochrane Reviews. Methods: Following an exploratory workshop at the 2015 Cochrane Colloquium, an outline of the policy and supporting guidance was developed by the Cochrane Editorial Unit. We recruited a working group representing Cochrane Review Groups, authors, consumers, and Wiley, and the policy was developed further in collaboration with the group. We identified many different aspects that could be covered by the policy and/or supporting guidance, and in each case we considered whether policy should allow for diversity or set new standards. The policy will be distributed for consultation, finalised, agreed, and published in the Cochrane Editorial and Publishing Policy Resource. We will establish what guidance is needed to support implementation. Results: We identified the need for policy in a number of areas, including: anonymous or open peer review; number and expertise of peer reviewers; declarations of interest for peer reviewers; acknowledgement and credit; peer review turnaround time; communication with peer reviewers; peer review criteria and conduct; and peer review fraud. Conclusions: We identified the need for an overarching policy for the peer review of Cochrane Reviews, and we are developing a policy that meets the needs of diverse Cochrane editorial teams, review authors, peer reviewers, and users of Cochrane Reviews

    Prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition in humanitarian emergencies : a multi-organisation collaboration to increase access to synthesised evidence

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    CITATION: Allen, C., et al. 2019. Prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition in humanitarian emergencies : a multi-organisation collaboration to increase access to synthesised evidence. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 4:11, doi:10.1186/s41018-019-0057-8.The original publication is available at https://link.springer.comBackground: Program decision-making to prevent and treat acute malnutrition in an emergency can be hampered by a lack of accessible and relevant overviews of directly available robust research evidence. There is often evidence from related settings such as from low-income countries, but this is dispersed across many databases, may be inaccessible and requires assessment of its relevance to the humanitarian setting. We describe a process whereby a multi-disciplinary, international group of specialists worked together to build relevant and effective collections of available systematic reviews on acute malnutrition, published and disseminated as online collections, to improve access to the evidence and concise, synthesised, relevant up to date evidence for programming. By describing this process, we hope to inspire other professional groups to take part in similar multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary projects. Objectives: This project was designed to make the evidence from relevant systematic reviews about malnutrition as accessible as possible to support evidence-based decision-making and to guide future research on the prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition in humanitarian emergencies. Methods: Between March 2017 and March 2018, a large group (21 volunteers and stakeholders) with different backgrounds collaborated to review and curate collections of systematic reviews of interventions for the prevention and treatment of moderate and severe acute malnutrition relevant to humanitarian emergencies. The methodology loosely followed general guidance for overviews of systematic reviews with a pre-defined question (formulated using the PICOS format) and search strategies applied to multiple databases. Pairs of collaborators first screened the search yields to identify potentially eligible reviews, where after other pairs screened the list of potentially eligible reviews for relevance and thus included in the final collections. Results: Search strategies were run in 12 databases, in the week of 15 September 2017, yielding a total of 4646 records after de-duplication. At this point, Cochrane reviews (n = 463) and non-Cochrane reviews (n = 4183) were separated and handled by different teams to compile three linked collections, namely the Evidence Aid Collection, consisting of relevant non-Cochrane reviews, and two Cochrane Special Collections, consisting of relevant Cochrane reviews, one for prevention and the other for treatment of acute malnutrition. The collections were published on the Evidence Aid website on 12 March 2018 and Cochrane website in August 2018. Discussion: Through this collaboration, we have successfully generated three collections of systematic reviews to guide prevention and management of acute malnutrition in humanitarian emergencies: an Evidence Aid collection of non-Cochrane reviews, and two Cochrane Special Collections of Cochrane reviews. These collections provide accessible synthesised evidence that can be used to inform decision-making on strategies and policies in the humanitarian emergency and disaster risk reduction sectors and to guide future research by identifying gaps in robust evidence and areas that are under-researched. These collections did not set out to assess methodological quality, appraise in detail what the reviews found or summarise the evidence, but rather to curate the identified relevant systematic reviews into online resources for others to use. This unique collaboration of different individuals, organisations and stakeholders, and the collation of robust evidence can be repeated for other subjects, and Evidence Aid is eager to support new collections around other topics relevant to humanitarian emergencies.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s41018-019-0057-8Publisher's versio