24 research outputs found

    A single gene defect causing claustrophobia

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    Claustrophobia, the well-known fear of being trapped in narrow/closed spaces, is often considered a conditioned response to traumatic experience. Surprisingly, we found that mutations affecting a single gene, encoding a stress-regulated neuronal protein, can cause claustrophobia. Gpm6a-deficient mice develop normally and lack obvious behavioral abnormalities. However, when mildly stressed by single-housing, these mice develop a striking claustrophobia-like phenotype, which is not inducible in wild-type controls, even by severe stress. The human GPM6A gene is located on chromosome 4q32-q34, a region linked to panic disorder. Sequence analysis of 115 claustrophobic and non-claustrophobic subjects identified nine variants in the noncoding region of the gene that are more frequent in affected individuals (P=0.028). One variant in the 3′untranslated region was linked to claustrophobia in two small pedigrees. This mutant mRNA is functional but cannot be silenced by neuronal miR124 derived itself from a stress-regulated transcript. We suggest that loosing dynamic regulation of neuronal GPM6A expression poses a genetic risk for claustrophobia

    Systematic approaches to central nervous system myelin

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    Proteomanalyse des Myelins, der Isolierschicht der Nerven

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    Aromatase expression in the human temporal cortex

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    13 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables.-- PMID: 16426763 [PubMed].The expression of the human cyp19 gene, encoding P450 aromatase, the key enzyme for estrogen biosynthesis, involves alternative splicing of multiple forms of exon I regulated by different promoters. Aromatase expression has been detected in the human cerebral cortex, although the precise cellular distribution and promoter regulation are not fully characterized. We examined the variants of exon I of cyp19 by PCR analysis and the cellular distribution of the enzyme using immunohistochemistry in the human temporal cortex. We detected four different variants of exon I, suggesting a complex regulation of cyp19 in the cerebral cortex. In addition, the enzyme was localized mainly in a large subpopulation of pyramidal neurons and in a subpopulation of astrocytes. However, the majority of GABAergic interneurons identified by their expression of the calcium-binding proteins calbindin, calretinin and parvalbumin, did not display aromatase immunoreactivity. The broad range of potential modulators of the cyp19 gene in the cortex and the widespread expression of the protein in specific neuronal and glial subpopulations suggest that local estrogen formation may play an important role in human cortical function.This study has been carried out with financial support from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain (SAF 2002–00652, SAF 2005–00272, BFI2003-02745 and BFI2003-01018).Peer reviewe

    Uncoupling of neuroinflammation from axonal degeneration in mice lacking the myelin protein tetraspanin-2

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    Deficiency of the major constituent of central nervous system (CNS) myelin, proteolipid protein (PLP), causes axonal pathology in spastic paraplegia type-2 patients and in Plp1null-mice but is compatible with almost normal myelination. These observations led us to speculate that PLP's role in myelination may be partly compensated for by other tetraspan proteins. Here, we demonstrate that the abundance of the structurally related tetraspanin-2 (TSPAN2) is highly increased in CNS myelin of Plp1null-mice. Unexpectedly, Tspan2null-mutant mice generated by homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells displayed low-grade activation of astrocytes and microglia in white matter tracts while they were fully myelinated and showed no signs of axonal degeneration. To determine overlapping functions of TSPAN2 and PLP, Tspan2null*Plp1null double-mutant mice were generated. Strikingly, the activation of astrocytes and microglia was strongly enhanced in Tspan2null*Plp1null double-mutants compared with either single-mutant, but the levels of dysmyelination and axonal degeneration were not increased. In this model, glial activation is thus unlikely to be caused by axonal pathology, and vice versa does not potentiate axonal degeneration. Our results support the concept that multiple myelin proteins have distinct roles in the long-term preservation of a healthy CNS, rather than in myelination per se

    Quantitative and integrative proteome analysis of peripheral nerve myelin identifies novel myelin proteins and candidate neuropathy loci

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    Peripheral nerve myelin facilitates rapid impulse conduction and normal motor and sensory functions. Many aspects of myelin biogenesis, glia-axonal interactions, and nerve homeostasis are poorly understood at the molecular level. We therefore hypothesized that only a fraction of all relevant myelin proteins has been identified so far. Combining gel-based and gel-free proteomic approaches, we identified 545 proteins in purified mouse sciatic nerve myelin, including 36 previously known myelin constituents. By mass spectrometric quantification, the predominant P0, periaxin, and myelin basic protein constitute 21, 16, and 8% of the total myelin protein, respectively, suggesting that their relative abundance was previously misestimated due to technical limitations regarding protein separation and visualization. Focusing on tetraspan-transmembrane proteins, we validated novel myelin constituents using immuno-based methods. Bioinformatic comparison with mRNA-abundance profiles allowed the categorization in functional groups coregulated during myelin biogenesis and maturation. By differential myelin proteome analysis, we found that the abundance of septin 9, the protein affected in hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy, is strongly increased in a novel mouse model of demyelinating neuropathy caused by the loss of prion protein. Finally, the systematic comparison of our compendium with the positions of human disease loci allowed us to identify several candidate genes for hereditary demyelinating neuropathies. These results illustrate how the integration of unbiased proteome, transcriptome, and genome data can contribute to a molecular dissection of the biogenesis, cell biology, metabolism, and pathology of myelin