16 research outputs found

    Upper Secondary School Students` Mathematical Difficulties in Solving Linear Equations and Systems of Linear Equations : A Literature Survey

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    Många gymnasieelever har svårt att förstå algebra, specifikt linjära ekvationer och linjära ekvationssystem, vilket hindrar deras vidare lärande i både matematik och andra ämnen.  Lärare måste därför ha en klar uppfattning om vilka dessa svårigheter är för att kunna hjälpa sina elever till förståelse och lärande av detta område i algebra. I studien undersöks forskningslitteraturens resultat om vilka dessa svårigheter är. Påvisade svårigheter som har illustrerats med exempel på elevlösningar är: brister i elevers algebraiska förkunskaper, procedurkunskaper och konceptuella kunskaper (särskilt om likhetstecken, konstanter och variabler), brister i elevers kunskaper om algebraisk syntax, samt brister i elevers hantering av de operationer som används för lösning av ekvationer och ekvationssystem, t ex hur man hanterar negativa koefficienter och konstanter och använder substitutionsmetoden.Many students of secondary school find it difficult to understand algebra, specifically linear equations and systems of linear equations, which prevents their further learning in both mathematics and other subjects. Teacher must therefore have a clear idea of what these difficulties are in order to assist their students in understanding and learning this area in algebra. The study examines the findings of the research literature as to what these difficulties are. Proven difficulties that have been illustrated with examples of students´ solutions are: deficiencies in their algebraic prerequisites, procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge (especially about similarities, constants and variables), lack of knowledge of the algebraic syntax, and incorrect handling of the operations used to solve equations and systems of equations, for example how to handle negative coefficients and constants and use the substitution method

    Swedish Upper Secondary School Students` Mathematical Difficulties in Solving Linear Equations and System of Linear Equations : A Case Study

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    I studien undersöks svenska gymnasieelevers svårigheter att lösa linjära ekvationer och linjära ekvationssystem. Elever från två klasser, 29 elever, fick skriva ett test inom linjära ekvationer och linjära ekvationssystem och därefter ordnades en gruppintervju där intervjun ljudinspelades. Elevernas lösningar analyserades och gruppintervjun transkriberades och de funna matematiska svårigheterna av elevlösningar identifierades. Funna svårigheter i det tidigare konsumtionsarbete användes i denna studie för att jämföra med de matematiska svårigheterna och finna nya hos svenska gymnasieelever som kan vara användbara för framtida yrket. De mest förekommande svårigheter som resultatet av elevlösningar visar är bland annat hantering och beräkning av negativa tecken och rationella tal vid lösning av linjära ekvationer och linjära ekvationssystem

    Swedish Upper Secondary School Students` Mathematical Difficulties in Solving Linear Equations and System of Linear Equations : A Case Study

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    I studien undersöks svenska gymnasieelevers svårigheter att lösa linjära ekvationer och linjära ekvationssystem. Elever från två klasser, 29 elever, fick skriva ett test inom linjära ekvationer och linjära ekvationssystem och därefter ordnades en gruppintervju där intervjun ljudinspelades. Elevernas lösningar analyserades och gruppintervjun transkriberades och de funna matematiska svårigheterna av elevlösningar identifierades. Funna svårigheter i det tidigare konsumtionsarbete användes i denna studie för att jämföra med de matematiska svårigheterna och finna nya hos svenska gymnasieelever som kan vara användbara för framtida yrket. De mest förekommande svårigheter som resultatet av elevlösningar visar är bland annat hantering och beräkning av negativa tecken och rationella tal vid lösning av linjära ekvationer och linjära ekvationssystem

    Upper Secondary School Students` Mathematical Difficulties in Solving Linear Equations and Systems of Linear Equations : A Literature Survey

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    Många gymnasieelever har svårt att förstå algebra, specifikt linjära ekvationer och linjära ekvationssystem, vilket hindrar deras vidare lärande i både matematik och andra ämnen.  Lärare måste därför ha en klar uppfattning om vilka dessa svårigheter är för att kunna hjälpa sina elever till förståelse och lärande av detta område i algebra. I studien undersöks forskningslitteraturens resultat om vilka dessa svårigheter är. Påvisade svårigheter som har illustrerats med exempel på elevlösningar är: brister i elevers algebraiska förkunskaper, procedurkunskaper och konceptuella kunskaper (särskilt om likhetstecken, konstanter och variabler), brister i elevers kunskaper om algebraisk syntax, samt brister i elevers hantering av de operationer som används för lösning av ekvationer och ekvationssystem, t ex hur man hanterar negativa koefficienter och konstanter och använder substitutionsmetoden.Many students of secondary school find it difficult to understand algebra, specifically linear equations and systems of linear equations, which prevents their further learning in both mathematics and other subjects. Teacher must therefore have a clear idea of what these difficulties are in order to assist their students in understanding and learning this area in algebra. The study examines the findings of the research literature as to what these difficulties are. Proven difficulties that have been illustrated with examples of students´ solutions are: deficiencies in their algebraic prerequisites, procedural knowledge and conceptual knowledge (especially about similarities, constants and variables), lack of knowledge of the algebraic syntax, and incorrect handling of the operations used to solve equations and systems of equations, for example how to handle negative coefficients and constants and use the substitution method

    #Occupy IR: Exposing the Orthodoxy

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    The #occupy IR/IPE initiative was created in response to the #occupy movement, whose own roots can be traced backed to the latest crisis of global finance. In this contribution, we link #occupy and the crisis in a different way. We argue that we must occupy IR/IPE because of the discipline’s failure to apprehend and acknowledge the crisis itself, just as the Occupy movement is calling for their overarching authorities to notice and help address the social and economic inequalities produced by this crisis. More precisely, we argue that the dominant academic orthodoxy, via a series of continuously reproduced dichotomies, has rendered IR/IPE incapable of dealing with a phenomenon as complex as the financial crisis..

    The Latest Financial Crisis: IR Goes Bankrupt

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    The latest financial crisis has put the state and the international system to the test. In this context one would expect an explosion in literature from the discipline that claims academic monopoly over the international sphere: International Relations. However, as our research shows, surprisingly few IR scholars have made any attempt to analyse the crisis. This article seeks to explain this paucity of engagement, and the failings of those few works that did attempt to engage with the crisis, by exposing the limits of the discipline’s orthodoxy. It argues that the discipline of IR has been predominantly concerned with the analysis of political interactions of sovereign states, their external behaviour towards each other in an anarchic international system, with each of these territorial units seen as pursuing their national interests, usually vaguely defined in terms of power or resources. With such privileging of the political over the economic, of the external over the domestic, of state actors over non-state actors, and of the study of conflict over the analysis of other types of interactions, the discipline of IR has inherently and structurally been unable to engage with, and render intelligible, the latest financial crisis and its consequences. The article then sketches out an alternative approach which seeks to overcome the dichotomies that characterize the orthodoxy and provides a more holistic explanation of the crisis. Résumé La dernière crise financière a mis l’État et le système international à rude épreuve. Dans ce contexte, on aurait p

    Delayed beneficial effect of acute exercise on red blood cell aggregate strength in patients with sickle cell anemia

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    International audienceBecause of the metabolic changes induced by a physical activity, the hemorheological properties of patients with sickle cell anemia could be further impaired and increase the risks for vaso-occlusive complications. However, few studies suggest that moderate physical activity could be beneficial rather than harmful in patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA). However, the definition of what can be considered as a moderate physical activity in SCA patients is imprecise. The present study tested the effects of a short incremental cycling exercise test conducted until the first ventilatory threshold on different biomarkers. Hematological and hemorheological parameters were compared between 8 patients with SCA and 13 healthy subjects (CONT) before, immediately after the end of the exercise and at 12, 36 and 60 hours after the exercise. We observed no significant hematological or hemorheological alteration induced by the exercise in the two groups. However, the exercise resulted in a delayed improvement of the red blood cell disaggregation threshold at 36 and 60 hrs after exercise in the SCA group which was paralleled to the decrease in the platelet count in this group. The present study suggests that such an exercise might be beneficial for microcirculatory blood flow

    Race and the Extra-Legal Punishment of Professional Athletes

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    In recent years, major American sports teams and leagues have responded increasingly to players’ off-field, off-court wrongdoing by imposing extra-legal punishments (ELPs) on offending athletes. This paper focuses on an unexplored ethical concern raised by ELPs: teams’ and leagues’ economic incentive for racial bias in the imposed sanctions. In an experimental study, Black and White participants read a series of vignettes about fictional professional athletes who received ELPs for various off-field transgressions. Black participants evaluating punishments imposed on Black athletes found the ELPs inappropriate and overly punitive relative to punishments imposed on White or racially neutral athletes. Conversely, Whites assessing ELPs imposed on Whites found them too harsh. These findings suggest that the race of both perceiver and target influence lay persons’ judgements about ELPs, which raises questions about the ability and willingness of teams and leagues to impose such punishments fairly and consistently, given their business interests