1,057 research outputs found

    Green approach to the Isosorbide Conversion into Dimethyl isosorbide

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    Isosorbide is one of the most promising products derived from sorbitol. It has already found many applications, mainly in the polymer industry and medicine, such as isosorbide polycarbonate1 (DURABIO®) and isosorbide nitrates as vasodilator for angina pectoris2. The methylation of the two hydroxyl groups of isosorbide molecule gives rise to the formation of dimethyl isosorbide (DMI), which is a high boiling solvent (235ºC), used in skin care formulations because of its solubilising capacity and performance enhancing of many different topical skin actives3. Currently, DMI synthesis implies the use of methyl halides or dimethyl sulfate. A safer and more environmental benign approach has been proposed by Tundo et al4 by employing dimethylcarbonate (DMC) as both reactant and solvent in the presence of sodium methoxide. In the present work, the synthesis of DMI in an excess of DMC by using a MgAl mixed oxides (MgAlOx), as heterogeneous catalyst, under mild reaction conditions, is proposed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto Plan Nacional CTQ2015-64226-C3-3-R Fondos FEDE

    Intention to purchase sustainable craft products: a moderated mediation analysis of the adoption of sustainability in the craft sector

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    In the modern world, the management of companies has evolved from a model characterized by the extraction, transformation, and generation of waste towards a more sustainable model. This transition affects even more traditional sectors, such as crafts. A key aspect of the transition towards more sustainable models is knowledge of the disposition of consumers with respect to these new artisan products. To date, few works have addressed this research problem, so this paper analyses consumer behaviour towards sustainable craft products empirically. To accomplish this goal, the effect of the image of sustainable craft products as perceived by consumers on their purchase intention is studied. Attitudes towards sustainable crafts, purchase intention, degree of consumer involvement and degree of knowledge concerning sustainability are considered as moderating variables. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of handicraft consumers, and confirmatory factor analysis and an ordinary least squares regression model were used to study the data thus obtained. The results showed that the image of sustainable craft products as perceived by consumers influences their purchase intentions. In addition, this influence is increased when consumer attitudes towards and involvement with sustainable craft products increase. The results of this study can be useful for the sustainable crafts sector with respect to incorporating more sustainable products and designing marketing and communication strategies to help consumers learn about sustainability.European Commission 10100806

    Muerte y mortalidad perinatal en las poblaciones del pasado. Cambio morfológico e histológico en el desarrollo temprano del esqueleto humano: cuando la estimación de la edad es igual a cero

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 10-12-2021El presente estudio aborda, desde un punto de vista arqueobiológico, el objetivo principal de conocer más acerca de las primeras etapas del ciclo vital humano en las poblaciones del pasado a través de restos óseos perinatales procedentes del registro arqueológico. Un total de 116 individuos aqueológicos pertenecientes a la considerada etapa perinatal han sido analizados a partir de la comparación y conjunción con individuos infantiles de las mismas colecciones, individuos nonatos procedentes de casos indubitados de mujeres embarazadas y colección de escáneres médicos de edad y peso conocidos. A través de la aplicación de técnicas de estimación de la edad semicuantitativas, cuantitativas y la aplicación de técnicas histológicas y químicas, se persigue 1) analizar los procesos de cambio morfológico esquelético y desarrollo dental en individuos perinatales arqueológicos, 2) comparar estos procesos con los casos indubitados procedentes de nonatos, 3) cotejar los resultados obtenidos con escáneres médicos de edad y peso conocidos, 4) observar el cambio morfológico en la microanatomía de una muestra seleccionada de perinatales y nonatos y 5) integrar los resultados obtenidos de los cambios cualitativos del esqueleto junto a las variaciones en la microestructura. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido, por un lado, asignar unas edades ajustadas en días a la muestra de estudio perinatal a partir de la valoración de los métodos cuantitativos más adecuados para estas poblaciones. Un cambio morfológico esquelético –en relación a la pars basilaris del occipital- y dental, a partir de las comparaciones metodológicas y muestrales, se ha identificado a partir del primer mes de vida posnatal. Por otro lado, la cuantificación de las características microanatómicas ha tenido como resultado la identificación de unas proporciones ocupadas por el área de tejido mineralizado y no mineralizado exclusivas al periodo anterior a la finalización del primer mes de vida posnatal. La integración de los resultados ha permitido proponer un modelo de inferencia desde una perspectiva holística que expone la observación de eventos en el esqueleto perinatal en la base del cráneo, dentición y húmero, que pudieran estar relacionados con el período de transición del desarrollo intrauterino al extrauterin

    Catalytic heterogeneous route for the synthesis of dimethyl isosorbide using dimethyl carbonate as methylating agent

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    In this contribution a heterogeneous catalytic route is envisaged by using as catalyst MgAlOx mixed oxides derived from hydrotalcite thermally treated (Mg/Al molar ratio of 3). The complete conversion of isosorbide is accomplished within the first hour but the DMI is not observed until 7 hours of reaction and its yield increases up to 100% after 24 hours of time on stream. The reutilization of the catalyst has shown a decline in DMI yield up to 52% after 4 runs even though the isosorbida conversion was of 100%.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Effectiveness of manual therapy in cervical vertigo

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    Debemos diferenciar el mareo general del vértigo cervical. El mareo es la sensación de desmayo y movimiento confuso; en cambio el vértigo cervical es la sensación de falta de estabilidad o de ubicación en el espacio, en éste último caso la persona siente que las cosas dan vueltas a su alrededor o que es él quien gira alrededor de las cosas. Hay evidencia que sugiere que el tratamiento de problemas del cuello puede disminuir los síntomas del mareo (que puede incluir el vértigo, aturdimiento y náuseas), y puede también mejorar el desequilibrio.We must differentiate the general dizziness of the cervical vertigo. Dizziness is the sensation of fainting and confused movement; instead the cervical vertigo is the sensation of lack of stability or of location in the space, in this last case the person feels that the things spin around him or that he is the one who turns around the things. There is evidence to suggest that treating neck problems may decrease the symptoms of dizziness (which may include dizziness, lightheadedness, and nausea), and may also improve the imbalance

    Efectiveness of exercise training in burned children

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    Las quemaduras representan uno de los accidentes más graves, frecuentes e incapacitantes que existen con un gran impacto físico, psicológico y económico sobre los pacientes, familiares y la sociedad. Por lo que la rehabilitación forma una parte esencial en el tratamiento y comienza en el mismo momento en el que el paciente es admitido en el sistema de salud. La infancia es un periodo importante de desarrollo de actividades sociales y de funcionamiento motor y cognitivo, por lo que hay que devolver a estos pacientes a su nivel funcional anterior, disminuir secuelas tras la lesión y mejorar su independencia funcional.Burns currently represent one of the most serious, frequent and disabling accidents that exist with great physical, psychological and economic impact on patients, families and society. Therefore, rehabilitation is an essential part in the treatment and it starts at the same time when the patient is admitted within the healthcare system. Childhood is a very important period of development of social activities and motor and cognitive functioning, so we must return these patients to their previous functional level, reduce the consequences after injury and improve their functional Independence

    Analysis of procedures for the creation of words in the early stages of mother tongue acquisition. Action and research experience with students of Early Childhood Education Degree

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    Presentamos una experiencia de investigación–acción realizada con el alumnado que cursa el título de Grado en Educación Infantil a los que, aprovechando el periodo de practicum en los centros escolares donde se realiza una observación del lenguaje del alumnado de tres, cuatro y cinco años, les hemos propuesto la recogida de todas aquellas palabras que no se ajustan a la norma del léxico de la lengua castellana. Posteriormente realizaron un análisis y categorización de las palabras construidas y una reflexión que les permitirá en el futuro entender a su alumnado y aplicar lo aprendido en esta experiencia cuando se conviertan en responsables de una clase. Finalmente y tal como se expresa en los objetivos con la realización del estudio de las producciones lingüísticas se pone de manifiesto la relación de la teoría y la práctica y con ello adquieren las competencias expresadas en el título relacionadas con saber y saber hacer.We are presenting an action and research experience with students of Early Chilhood Education Degree. Taking advantage of the practicum period in schools— when language of children aged 3, 4 and 5 years old are observed, we have proposed to the future teachers to collect all the words that do not conform the standard vocabulary of the Spanish language. Subsequently, we proposed them to carry out an analysis and categorization of the constructed words and then a reflection that will allow them in the future to understand their students and put into practice what they have learnt in this experience. Finally, as it is indicated in the aims, along with the performance of this study of the linguistic produccions, it is manifested the correlation between theory and practice, acquiring the abilities expressed in the title, related to skills and know-how (savoir faire) and ability to learn (savoir apprendre).peerReviewe

    Development of carbon fiber acrylonitrile styrene acrylate composite for large format additive manufacturing

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    The increasing interest of Large Format Additive Manufacturing (LFAM) technologies in various industrial sectors mainly lies on the attainable production of pieces reaching several cubic meters. These new technologies require the development of optimized materials with two-folded capabilities, able to satisfy functional in-service requirements but also showing a proper printability. Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate (ASA) is among the most interesting thermoplastic materials to be implemented in a LFAM device due to its excellent wettability and mechanical properties. This research focuses on the development and characterization of ASA and carbon fiber (CF) ASA composites suitable for LFAM. The rheological, thermal and mechanical properties of neat ASA and ASA containing 20 wt% CF are addressed. The results evidence the higher performance of the CF loaded composite compared to the raw ASA polymer (i.e., the 20 wt% CF composite shows a 350% increase in flexural Young's Modulus and a 500% increment in thermal conductivity compared with neat ASA). Additionally, both materials were successfully printed along perpendicular directions (X and Z), showing the maximum tensile strain for the composite printed along the X orientation as was expected. The results of the flexural tests are comparable or slightly higher than those of injected parts. Finally, the fracture surface was analysed, identifying different types of porosity

    Perspectivized "estar"-sentences with aesthetic adjectives across American Spanish varieties

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    Copulas in Spanish and beyond: special issue of Spanish in Context 20:2 (2023), edited by Silvia Gumiel Molina and Isabel Pérez-JiménezThe article describes the behavior of aesthetic adjectives ("bonito"-beautiful) in the so-called innovative constructions with "estar" (be), documented in some American varieties of Spanish. These innovative structures ("El poema está bonito"-The poem is beautiful) do not compare stages of the subject with respect to an aesthetic property (as would be their meaning in general Spanish), but rather express a perspectivized assertion, linked to the subjective judgment of the speaker about a particular quality. The article explains this pattern of variation on the basis of the work by Gumiel-Molina, Moreno-Quibén and Pérez-Jiménez (2020) and Moreno-Quibén (2022), according to which the classes of adjectives that appear in perspectivized "estar"-sentences have undergone a process of argument augmentation. Aesthetic adjectives in innovative "estar"-construction have an experiencer in their argument structure in the varieties of Spanish where this construction is possible. This experiencer serves as the basis for establishing the comparison required by estar and ultimately gives rise to the subjective/perspectivized meaning of the copular structure.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Sustainable Crafts: Describing Conceptual Evolution Through a Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Literature Review

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    Sustainability has been progressively incorporated into all dimensions of society as a response to the negative externalities of the traditional production model, and the craft sector has been no stranger to this. Thus, the present work constitutes a bibliometric analysis of 894 research articles from the Scopus database on sustainable crafts in the 21st century, identifying the growth trends, published articles, and the most productive journals, authors, institutions, and countries. Additionally, we have identified the main research topics that have emerged in sustainable crafts in three time periods: before the international financial crisis, the post-crisis period, and, finally, within the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations (UN). Based on the bibliometric indicators analysed, we conclude that this research area has grown exponentially, particularly in response to the Sustainable Development Goals, increasing the abundance and diversity of the issues investigated.RRREMAKEREuropean Commission 10100806