378 research outputs found

    Elementos epistemológicos na construção da estrutura curricular do núcleo de formação geral dos cursos de ciência da informação da UFSC

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    A relação entre epistemologia e estrutura curricular se estabelece a partir dos estudos nos quais a obtenção do conhecimento é preservada. Na Ciência da Informação alguns elementos são amplamente discutidos, tais como: a interdisciplinaridade, a relação com a tecnologia da informação e a inserção social. O presente estudo se propõe a analisar a estrutura curricular do Núcleo de Formação Geral, comum aos cursos de Arquivologia, Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação que são ofertados pelo Departamento de Ciência da Informação da UFSC, sob a perspectiva da tecnologia da informação. Utiliza a pesquisa qualitativa como forma de abordagem do problema, uma vez que os dados foram coletados diretamente dos documentos existentes e classificados para uma análise interpretativa do pesquisador, do ponto de vista dos procedimentos técnicos se apoia na pesquisa bibliográfica para levantamento dos referenciais teóricos que foram escolhidos de forma intencional pela relevância já consagrada na área e, do ponto de vista dos objetivos, se caracteriza como uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva. Como resultado foi possível identificar que a relação epistemológica dessas áreas se mantém preservada

    A percepção discente e o mercado de trabalho: o caso do curso de Arquivologia na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

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    La profesión de archivista se inserta en el mercado de trabajo a lo largo de la historia y su importancia es evidente considerando que todas las sociedades producen documentos y construyen su historia. El curso de Archivología de la UFSC fue implantado en 2010-1 y pretende formar profesionales para actuar en el mercado catarinense con sus singularidades. La investigación pretendió verificar cuál es la percepción de los discentes en cuanto a formación y actuación profesional, considerando las transformaciones que pueden ocurrir durante las etapas de formación. La investigación se clasifica como cualitativa y tuvo como universo ocho alumnos de la primera fase y cinco alumnos de la octava fase en curso en 2017. Como resultados se concluyó que sólo cuestiones puntuales de actuación profesional divergen entre los alumnos, siendo que uniformemente todos tienen conocimiento del mismo, hacer del archivista y del mercado de trabajo posible.A profissão de arquivista se insere no mercado de trabalho ao longo da história e sua importância é evidente considerando que todas as sociedades produzem documentos e constroem a sua história. O curso de Arquivologia da UFSC foi implantado em 2010-1 e pretende formar profissionais para atuarem no mercado catarinense com suas singularidades. A pesquisa pretendeu verificar qual a percepção dos discentes quanto a formação e atuação profissional, considerando as transformações que podem ocorrer durante os estágios de formação. A pesquisa se classifica como qualitativa e teve como universo oito alunos da primeira fase e cinco alunos da oitava fase em curso em 2017. Como resultados concluiu-se que apenas questões pontuais de atuação profissional divergem entre os alunos, sendo que uniformemente todos têm conhecimento do fazer do arquivista e do mercado de trabalho possível.The profession of archivist has entered the labor market throughout history and its importance is evident considering that all societies produce documents and build their history. The UFSC Archivology course was implemented in 2010-1 and intends to train professionals to work in the market of Santa Catarina with its singularities. The research aimed to verify the perception of the students regarding the training and professional performance, considering the transformations that may occur during the training stages. The research is classified as qualitative and had as a universe eight students of the first phase and five students of the eighth phase in course in 2017. As results it was concluded that only occasional questions of professional performance diverge among the students, being that uniformly all have knowledge of the make the archivist and job market possible

    Microplastic pollution associated with reduced respiration in seagrass (Zostera marina L.) and associated epiphytes

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    Seagrasses provide crucial ecosystem services of relevance for the marine environment. However, anthropogenic activities are causing global seagrass decline. Increasing microplastic (MP) concentrations have been recognized as a novel threat to many marine organisms, but their effects on marine plants remain underexplored. Here, we investigate the effects of microplastic (polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP)) exposure on the photosynthesis and respiration of the seagrass Zostera marina L. and its associated epiphytes. Measurements were conducted on seagrass leaves with and without epiphyte cover, as well as on epiphytes scraped off the leaf surface. Net gas exchange and pH drift measurements were used to determine rates of photosynthesis and respiration, as well as the ability of leaves and epiphytes to utilize bicarbonate. In addition, variable chlorophyll fluorescence imaging was employed to quantify the photosynthetic capacity of seagrass leaves. Our results show a limited effect of short-term (14 days) microplastic exposure on seagrass leaves and their associated epiphytes, although the photosynthetic activity and respiration rates were gradually reduced for bare seagrass leaves with increasing microplastic concentrations (25-1000 mg MP L-1). A >50% reduction in dark respiration of bare leaves was found at the highest MP exposure, while respiration rates of leaves with epiphytes and separated epiphytes were reduced by maximally ~45 and 30% upon MP exposure, respectively. Short-term microplastic exposure did not alter i) the ability to utilize bicarbonate, ii) the maximum quantum yield of PSII (FV/FM), nor iii) the light utilization efficiency of Z. marina leaves and associated epiphytes. The compensation irradiance decreased for all investigated specimens, and seagrass leaves (with and without epiphytes) were able to retain a positive net oxygen balance throughout all treatments. We speculate that the observed decrease in photosynthetic activity and respiration was caused by leachates from microplastics. Our findings thus indicate that seagrass Z. marina largely possess resilience toward microplastic pollution at its current level

    Sedimentary carbon on the continental shelf : emerging capabilities and research priorities for Blue Carbon.

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    This work was supported by Cefas internal Seedcorn self-investment funding under the project DP440: Blue carbon within climate mitigation and ecosystem service approaches to natural asset assessments, and by Cefas’ Ecosystem Theme science theme.Continental shelf sediments store large amounts of organic carbon. Protecting this carbon from release back into the marine system and managing the marine environment to maximize its rate of accumulation could both play a role in mitigating against climate change. For these reasons, in the context of an expanding ‘Blue Carbon’ concept, research interest in the quantity and vulnerability of carbon stored in continental shelf, slope, and deep ocean sediments is increasing. In these systems, carbon storage is physically distant from carbon sources, altered between source and sink, and disturbed by anthropogenic activities. The methodological approaches needed to obtain the evidence to assess shelf sea sediment carbon manageability and vulnerability within an evolving blue carbon framework cannot be transferred directly from those applied in coastal vegetated ‘traditional’ blue carbon habitats. We present a ‘toolbox’ of methods which can be applied in marine sediments to provide the evidence needed to establish where and when marine carbon in offshore sediments can contribute to climate mitigation, focusing on continental shelf sediments. These methods are discussed in the context of the marine carbon cycle and how they provide evidence on: (i) stock: how much carbon is there and how is it distributed? (ii) accumulation: how rapidly is carbon being added or removed? and (iii) anthropogenic pressures: is carbon stock and/or accumulation vulnerable to manageable human activities? Our toolbox provides a starting point to inform choice of techniques for future studies alongside consideration of their specific research questions and available resources. Where possible a stepwise approach to analyses should be applied in which initial parameters are analysed to inform which samples, if any, will provide information of interest from more resource-intensive analyses. As studies increasingly address the knowledge gaps around continental shelf carbon stocks and accumulation – through both sampling and modelling – the management of this carbon with respect to human pressures will become the key question for understanding where it fits within the blue carbon framework and within the climate mitigation discourse.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Prognostic Value of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Triple-Negative Breast Cancers From Two Phase III Randomized Adjuvant Breast Cancer Trials: ECOG 2197 and ECOG 1199

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    Purpose Recent studies suggest that tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are associated with disease-free (DFS) and overall survival (OS) in operable triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). We seek to validate the prognostic impact of TILs in primary TNBCs in two adjuvant phase III trials conducted by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG). Patients and Methods Full-face hematoxylin and eosin–stained sections of 506 tumors from ECOG trials E2197 and E1199 were evaluated for density of TILs in intraepithelial (iTILs) and stromal compartments (sTILs). Patient cases of TNBC from E2197 and E1199 were randomly selected based on availability of sections. For the primary end point of DFS, association with TIL scores was determined by fitting proportional hazards models stratified on study. Secondary end points were OS and distant recurrence–free interval (DRFI). Reporting recommendations for tumor marker prognostic studies criteria were followed, and all analyses were prespecified. Results The majority of 481 evaluable cancers had TILs (sTILs, 80%; iTILs, 15%). With a median follow-up of 10.6 years, higher sTIL scores were associated with better prognosis; for every 10% increase in sTILs, a 14% reduction of risk of recurrence or death (P = .02), 18% reduction of risk of distant recurrence (P = .04), and 19% reduction of risk of death (P = .01) were observed. Multivariable analysis confirmed sTILs to be an independent prognostic marker of DFS, DRFI, and OS. Conclusion In two national randomized clinical trials using contemporary adjuvant chemotherapy, we confirm that stromal lymphocytic infiltration constitutes a robust prognostic factor in TNBCs. Studies assessing outcomes and therapeutic efficacies should consider stratification for this parameter

    Hemodynamic Effects of Anthrax Toxins in the Rabbit Model and the Cardiac Pathology Induced by Lethal Toxin

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    Anthrax lethal toxin (LeTx) and edema toxin (EdTx) have been shown to alter hemodynamics in the rodent model, while LeTx primarily is reported to induce extensive tissue pathology. However, the rodent model has limitations when used for comparison to higher organisms such as humans. The rabbit model, on the other hand, has gained recognition as a useful model for studying anthrax infection and its pathophysiological effects. In this study, we assessed the hemodynamic effects of lethal toxin (LeTx) and edema toxin (EdTx) in the rabbit model using physiologically relevant amounts of the toxins. Moreover, we further examine the pathological effects of LeTx on cardiac tissue. We intravenously injected Dutch-belted rabbits with either low-dose and high-dose recombinant LeTx or a single dose of EdTx. The animals’ heart rate and mean arterial pressure were continuously monitored via telemetry until either 48 or 72 h post-challenge. Additional animals challenged with LeTx were used for cardiac troponin I (cTnI) quantitation, cardiac histopathology, and echocardiography. LeTx depressed heart rate at the lower dose and mean arterial pressure (MAP) at the higher dose. EdTx, on the other hand, temporarily intensified heart rate while lowering MAP. Both doses of LeTx caused cardiac pathology with the higher dose having a more profound effect. Lastly, left-ventricular dilation due to LeTx was not apparent at the given time-points. Our study demonstrates the hemodynamic effects of anthrax toxins, as well as the pathological effects of LeTx on the heart in the rabbit model, and it provides further evidence for the toxins’ direct impact on the heart

    Roadmap on emerging concepts in the physical biology of bacterial biofilms: from surface sensing to community formation

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    Bacterial biofilms are communities of bacteria that exist as aggregates that can adhere to surfaces or be free-standing. This complex, social mode of cellular organization is fundamental to the physiology of microbes and often exhibits surprising behavior. Bacterial biofilms are more than the sum of their parts: single-cell behavior has a complex relation to collective community behavior, in a manner perhaps cognate to the complex relation between atomic physics and condensed matter physics. Biofilm microbiology is a relatively young field by biology standards, but it has already attracted intense attention from physicists. Sometimes, this attention takes the form of seeing biofilms as inspiration for new physics. In this roadmap, we highlight the work of those who have taken the opposite strategy: we highlight the work of physicists and physical scientists who use physics to engage fundamental concepts in bacterial biofilm microbiology, including adhesion, sensing, motility, signaling, memory, energy flow, community formation and cooperativity. These contributions are juxtaposed with microbiologists who have made recent important discoveries on bacterial biofilms using state-of-the-art physical methods. The contributions to this roadmap exemplify how well physics and biology can be combined to achieve a new synthesis, rather than just a division of labor
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