13 research outputs found

    Novedades corológicas y taxonómicas selectas para el catálogo de la flora vascular del Norte de Marruecos

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    Para este artículo se han se han selecionado 65 taxones escogidos por su especial interés corológico o taxonómico, fruto de las campañas de prospección florística efectuadas en el norte de Marruecos en los años 2004 y 2005. De ellos 15 representan novedad absoluta para el Catálogo del norte de Marruecos y se confirma la presencia de otros citados bibliográficamente en solo una localidad. Euphorbia exigua subsp. merinoi se indica por vez primera para Andalucía y Chamaesyce serpens (Kunth) Small y Fumana scoparia subsp. paradoxa (Heywood) Güemes son nuevas para Marruecos. Se mencionan por vez primera para el área oriental del territorio a 31 especies. Se describe un nuevo taxón: Sideritis mezgouti Molero & J. M. Montserrat, sp. nova. Se constata de nuevo la importancia de la cuenca alta y media del río Moulouya como vía de penetración del elemento sáharo-arábigo, el más numeroso en estas aportaciones, que alcanza plenamente el extremo suroriental del territorio (Guercif y Beni-Sanssen).This paper lists 65 selected taxa specially chosen for their chorological or taxonomical interest. From these we indicate 15 for the first time for the Checklist of Northern Morocco. Many other species previously cited from one natural area alone, based only on literature references, are confirmed here. Chamaesyce serpens (Kunth) Small and Fumana scoparia subsp. paradoxa (Heywood) Güemes are indicated for the first time for the Moroccan flora and 31 species are indicated as new for the Eastern part of Northern Morocco. Euphorbia exigua subsp. merinoi is mentioned for first time for Andalucía. One new taxon is described: Sideritis mezgouti Molero & J.M. Montserrat, sp. nova. The distribution of the species mentioned here shows that many belong to the Saharo-Arabic element, which represent a remarkable progression of the Saharan floristic element into the low basin of the river Moulouya.Proyecto BIOGEO (REN 2002-04478-CO3-03/GLO)GReB (2001SGR00125

    Contribucion al conocimiento de la flora del Sistema Iberico Septentrional

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    Se aporta un catálogo florístico de 313 táxones seleccionados procedentes de algunas de las sierras septentrionales del Sistema Ibérico aragonés: Sierras de Villarroya, Vicort, Cucalón y Retuerta, Monte de Herrera, la Modorra de Bádenas y Baños de Segura. La visita a algunas de las localidades clásicas de ASSO, ha permitido confirmar numerosas citas de las que aparecen en su Synopsis stirpium indigenarum Aragoniae (1779), así como establecer algunas sinonimias. En el aspecto nomenclatural se propone una nueva combinación: Androsace elongata L. subsp. breistrofferi (Charpin & Greuter) J . Molero & JM. Montserrat, comb. nova. En el aspecto corológico, una lista, que no pretende ser exahustiva, sobre novedades para la Flora aragonesa y otras especies escasamente citadas que incluye: Paronychia rouyana, Suene scabriflora, Sisymbrium macroloma, Hutera hispida, Saxifraga losae var. camarae, Rosa arvensis, Aphanes cornucopioides, Lathyrus cirrhosus, Trifolium retusum, Trifolium gemellum, Seseli cantabricum, Daucus durieua, Anthemis alpestris fma. ligulata , Hieracium castellanum, Festuca capillifolia , Avenula pubescens, Carex tomentosa, etc

    Ursinia nana (Anthemideae, Asteraceae), and adventive from South Africa which is becoming naturalized in the Iberian Peninsula. Observations about its reproductive biology and fruit dispersal mechanism.

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    The presence of Ursinia nana, an Anthemideae of South-African origin which has been introduced into the NE Iberian Peninsula, is reported for the fi rst time in Europe. The data offered cover its precise location, morphology, chromosome number, ecology and a population census, as well as its life cycle, fl oral structure, reproductive biology and fruit dispersal mechanisms. Of special note are the clear predominance of autogamy (geitonogamy) over xenogamy as a reproductive system and the large number of fruits produced with high and immediate germinative capacity. These characteristics permit rapid colonization by the introduced species, which can become invasive. However, fruit predation by the ant Messor barbarus points to a natural mechanism that helps regulate population growth and makes biological control possible. Finally its possibilities of expansion in the colonized area and of naturalization in the NE Iberian Peninsula are assessed

    Stenbergia colchiciflora Waldst. & Kit. en el Valle del Ebro.

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    Especie nueva para la flora catalano-aragonesa, encontrada en la Serreta Negra de Fraga y en la Valcuerna de Candasnos. Esta planta de origen póntico mediterráneo, debe añadirse a la lista de especies esteparias del Mediterráneo Oriental que se refugian en el Vedat de Fraga (O. DE BOLOS, Mem. Real Acad, Barcelona 42, n.° 6. 1973

    Numeros cromosomaticos de plantas marroquies

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    Se estudian los números cromosomáticos de 11 especies de plantas vasculares recolectadas en Marruecos. Entre ellas cuatro constituyen primeros recuentos

    Stenbergia colchiciflora Waldst. & Kit. en el Valle del Ebro.

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    Especie nueva para la flora catalano-aragonesa, encontrada en la Serreta Negra de Fraga y en la Valcuerna de Candasnos. Esta planta de origen póntico mediterráneo, debe añadirse a la lista de especies esteparias del Mediterráneo Oriental que se refugian en el Vedat de Fraga (O. DE BOLOS, Mem. Real Acad, Barcelona 42, n.° 6. 1973

    A worldwide molecular phylogeny and classification of the leafy spurges, Euphorbia subgenus Esula (Euphorbiaceae)

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    The leafy spurges, Euphorbia subg. Esula, make up one of four main lineages in Euphorbia. The subgenus comprises about 480 species, most of which are annual or perennial herbs, but with a small number of dendroid shrubs and nearly leafless, pencil-stemmed succulents as well. The subgenus constitutes the primary northern temperate radiation in Euphorbia. While the subgenus is most diverse from central Asia to the Mediterranean region, members of the group also occur in Africa, in the Indo-Pacific region, and in the New World. We have assembled the largest worldwide sampling of the group to date (273 spp.), representing most of the taxonomic and geographic breadth of the subgenus. We performed phylogenetic analyses of sequence data from the nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid ndhF regions. Our individual and combined analyses produced well-resolved phylogenies that confirm many of the previously recognized clades and also establish a number of novel groupings and placements of previously enigmatic species. Euphorbia subg. Esula has a clear Eurasian center of diversity, and we provide evidence for four independent arrivals to the New World and three separate colonizations of tropical and southern Africa. One of the latter groups further extends to Madagascar and New Zealand, and to more isolated islands such as Réunion and Samoa. Our results confirm that the dendroid shrub and stem-succulent growth forms are derived conditions in E. subg. Esula. Stem-succulents arose twice in the subgenus and dendroid shrubs three times. Based on the molecular phylogeny, we propose a new classification for E. subg. Esula that recognizes 21 sections (four of them newly described and two elevated from subsectional rank), and we place over 95% of the accepted species in the subgenus into this new classification.Funding was made available by the U.S. National Science Foundation through a Planetary Biodiversity Inventory Grant (DEB-0616533) to P.E. Berry, by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through project CGL2009-13322-C03-03 to L. Barres and J. Molero, and by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research through project 10-04-00290-а to D. Geltman and A. Kryukov.Peer reviewe