2,089 research outputs found

    On hemelrijk's results concerning approximations to the hypergeometric distribution

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    Biodegradable hollow fibres for the controlled release of drugs

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    Biodegradable hollow fibres of poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA) filled with a suspension of the contraceptive hormone levonorgestrel in castor oil were implanted subcutaneously in rats to study the rate of drug release, rate of biodegradation and tissue reaction caused by the implant. The in vivo drug release was compared with the release in vitro using different release media. Fibres, disinfected with alcohol showed a zero-order release, both in vitro and in vivo, for over 6 months. Fibres, either γ-sterilized or disinfected with alcohol were harvested at time intervals ranging from 1 d to 6 months after implantation. Molecular weights of PLLA, tensile strengths, and remaining amounts of drug were determined as a function of time.\ud \ud The tissue reaction can be described as a very moderate foreign body reaction with the initial presence of macrophages, which are gradually replaced by fibroblasts which form a collagen capsule. Molecular weight determinations of PLLA showed a decrease from an initial Mw of 1.59x10 5 to 5.5 × 10 4 in 4 months (after alcohol sterilization). A gradual decrease in fibre strength with time was observed which did not significantly impair the release rate of levonorgestrel

    Reliability estimation for single dichotomous items based on Mokken's IRT model

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    Item reliability is of special interest for Mokken’s nonparametric item response theory, and is useful for the evaluation of item quality in nonparametric test construction research. It is also of interest for nonparametric person-fit analysis. Three methods for the estimation of the reliability of single dichotomous items are discussed. All methods are based on the assumptions of nondecreasing and nonintersecting item response functions. Based on analytical and monte carlo studies, it is concluded that one method is superior to the other two, because it has a smaller bias and a smaller sampling variance. This method also demonstrated some robustness under violation of the condition of nonintersecting item response functions. Index terms: item reliability, item response theory, Mokken model, nonparametric item response models, test construction

    Approximations to the poisson, binomial and hypergeometric distribution functions

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    A mycotic aneurysm of the abdominal aorta in a child

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    A 6-year-old boy with a previous history of intracardiac correction of a partial atrioventricular canal defect presented with infective endocarditis. Despite antibiotic therapy and reoperation, he developed a mycotic abdominal aneurysm. In situ aortoiliac reconstruction with a prosthesis and an omental flap was performed. At follow-up after 2 {Mathematical expression} years there were no signs of prosthetic infection or problems with the anastomoses

    Syllabus van een cursus elementaire statistiek

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    Do We Hold Males and Females to the Same Standard? A Measurement Invariance Study on the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised

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    ABSTRACT Psychopathy in females has been understudied. Extant data on gender comparisons using the predominant measure of assessment in clinical practice, the Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R), points to a potential lack of measurement invariance (MI). If indeed the instrument does not perform equally (well) in both genders, straightforward comparison of psychopathy scores in males and females is unwarranted. Using a sample of female and male forensic patients (N ¼ 110 and N ¼ 147 respectively), we formally tested for MI in a structural equation modeling framework. We found that the PCL-R in its current form does not attain full MI. Four items showed threshold biases and particularly Factor 2 (the Social Deviance Factor) is gender biased. Based on our findings, it seems reasonable to expect that specific scoring adjustments might go a long way in bringing about more equivalent assessment of psychopathic features in men and women. Only then can we begin to meaningfully compare the genders on the prevalence, structure, and external correlates of psychopath
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