334 research outputs found

    Prilagodba usnih organa kod nekih podzemnih holevina (Cholevinae) (Coleoptera, Leiodidae)

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    Cholevinae are a group of beetles with many cave representatives that are mainly detritivorous or saprophagous. Some species show modifications of the mouthparts on account of their dietary niche, being adapted to a semi-aquatic way of life, or on account of the degree of adaptation to the life in caves. Differences are obvious also among the genera, and cave species that are at the same level of adaptation. The main modifications concern the shape and structure of the different parts, as well as their length and the disposal of hairs, bristles and setae. The adaptation to an aquatic dietary niche has modified the mandibles, which acquired a spoon-like form to bring water near the mouth, the lacinia taking on the role of stirring and the galea of filtering the organic particles with its fine and very dense hairs. The apparent uniformity of the subterranean environmental conditions and of the trophic resources, together with the scarcity of the latter, might mistakenly lead to the conclusion of a one-way evolution for the underground colonizers. The observed differences between the mouthparts of the studied species can be good material for taxonomists, who can include some of these features in their studies, often difficult due to the homogenous morphology of many inhabitants of the underground. As a contribution to the comparative study of the mouthparts at some representatives of cholevin beetles, we can also highlight the effect of adaptation to cave life on the mouthparts and the evidence of a divergent evolution in a relatively constant environment in terms of climate and food input.Holevine su skupina kornjaša s mnogo podzemnih predstavnika koji su pretežno detritivorni ili saprofagni. Neke vrste pokazuju modifikacije usnih organa zbog svoje prehrambene niše, prilagođavajući se poluakvatičkom načinu života, ili zbog stupnja adaptacije na život u špilji. Razlike su očite i među rodovima i špiljskim vrstama koje su na istom stupnju adaptacije. Glavne modifikacije tiču se oblika i strukture različitih dijelova, kao i njihove duljine, i rasporeda dlaka, čekinja i seta. Prilagodba na akvatičku prehrambenu nišu modificirala je čeljusti, koje su dobile oblik žlice kojom se voda prinosi ustima; lacinia preuzima ulogu miješanja, a galea filtriranja organskih čestica svojim finim i vrlo gustim dlačicama. Očita jednoličnost uvjeta u podzemnom okolišu, te izvora hrane, zajedno s njenom rijetkošću, mogu pogrešno upućivati na jednosmjernu evoluciju stanovnika podzemlja. Uočene razlike između usnih organa proučavanih vrsta mogu biti dobar materijal za taksonomiste koji neke od tih osobina mogu uključiti u svoj rad, obično težak zbog homogene morfologije mnogih stanovnika podzemlja. Kao doprinos komparativnoj studiji usnih organa nekih predstavnika holevina, na temelju usnih organa naglašavamo efekt prilagodbe na špiljski život te dokaz divergentne evolucije u relativno konstantnom okolišu, u smislu klime i dotoka hrane

    Spatial Persistence of Fluctuating Interfaces

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    We show that the probability, P_0(l), that the height of a fluctuating (d+1)-dimensional interface in its steady state stays above its initial value up to a distance l, along any linear cut in the d-dimensional space, decays as P_0(l) \sim l^(-\theta). Here \theta is a `spatial' persistence exponent, and takes different values, \theta_s or \theta_0, depending on how the point from which l is measured is specified. While \theta_s is related to fractional Brownian motion, and can be determined exactly, \theta_0 is non-trivial even for Gaussian interfaces.Comment: 5 pages, new material adde

    Strained graphene structures: from valleytronics to pressure sensing

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    Due to its strong bonds graphene can stretch up to 25% of its original size without breaking. Furthermore, mechanical deformations lead to the generation of pseudo-magnetic fields (PMF) that can exceed 300 T. The generated PMF has opposite direction for electrons originating from different valleys. We show that valley-polarized currents can be generated by local straining of multi-terminal graphene devices. The pseudo-magnetic field created by a Gaussian-like deformation allows electrons from only one valley to transmit and a current of electrons from a single valley is generated at the opposite side of the locally strained region. Furthermore, applying a pressure difference between the two sides of a graphene membrane causes it to bend/bulge resulting in a resistance change. We find that the resistance changes linearly with pressure for bubbles of small radius while the response becomes non-linear for bubbles that stretch almost to the edges of the sample. This is explained as due to the strong interference of propagating electronic modes inside the bubble. Our calculations show that high gauge factors can be obtained in this way which makes graphene a good candidate for pressure sensing.Comment: to appear in proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Worksho

    Realization of a Tunable Artificial Atom at a Supercritically Charged Vacancy in Graphene

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    The remarkable electronic properties of graphene have fueled the vision of a graphene-based platform for lighter, faster and smarter electronics and computing applications. One of the challenges is to devise ways to tailor its electronic properties and to control its charge carriers. Here we show that a single atom vacancy in graphene can stably host a local charge and that this charge can be gradually built up by applying voltage pulses with the tip of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM). The response of the conduction electrons in graphene to the local charge is monitored with scanning tunneling and Landau level spectroscopy, and compared to numerical simulations. As the charge is increased, its interaction with the conduction electrons undergoes a transition into a supercritical regime 6-11 where itinerant electrons are trapped in a sequence of quasi-bound states which resemble an artificial atom. The quasi-bound electron states are detected by a strong enhancement of the density of states (DOS) within a disc centered on the vacancy site which is surrounded by halo of hole states. We further show that the quasi-bound states at the vacancy site are gate tunable and that the trapping mechanism can be turned on and off, providing a new mechanism to control and guide electrons in grapheneComment: 18 pages and 5 figures plus 14 pages and 15 figures of supplementary information. Nature Physics advance online publication, Feb 22 (2016

    What Is the Negative Predictive Value of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Excluding Prostate Cancer at Biopsy? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis from the European Association of Urology Prostate Cancer Guidelines Panel

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    Context: It remains unclear whether patients with a suspicion of prostate cancer (PCa) and negative multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) can safely obviate prostate biopsy. Objective: To systematically review the literature assessing the negative predictive value (NPV) of mpMRI in patients with a suspicion of PCa. Evidence acquisition: The Embase, Medline, and Cochrane databases were searched up to February 2016. Studies reporting prebiopsy mpMRI results using transrectal or transperineal biopsy as a reference standard were included. We further selected for meta-analysis studies with at least 10-core biopsies as the reference standard, mpMRI comprising at least T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted imaging, positive mpMRI defined as a Prostate Imaging Reporting Data System/Likert score of ≥3/5 or ≥4/5, and results reported at patient level for the detection of overall PCa or clinically significant PCa (csPCa) defined as Gleason ≥7 cancer. Evidence synthesis: A total of 48 studies (9613 patients) were eligible for inclusion. At patient level, the median prevalence was 50.4% (interquartile range [IQR], 36.4–57.7%) for overall cancer and 32.9% (IQR, 28.1–37.2%) for csPCa. The median mpMRI NPV was 82.4% (IQR, 69.0–92.4%) for overall cancer and 88.1% (IQR, 85.7–92.3) for csPCa. NPV significantly decreased when cancer prevalence increased, for overall cancer (r = –0.64, p < 0.0001) and csPCa (r = –0.75, p = 0.032). Eight studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria for meta-analysis. Seven reported results for overall PCa. When the overall PCa prevalence increased from 30% to 60%, the combined NPV estimates decreased from 88% (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 77–99%) to 67% (95% CI, 56–79%) for a cut-off score of 3/5. Only one study selected for meta-analysis reported results for Gleason ≥7 cancers, with a positive biopsy rate of 29.3%. The corresponding NPV for a cut-off score of ≥3/5 was 87.9%. Conclusions: The NPV of mpMRI varied greatly depending on study design, cancer prevalence, and definitions of positive mpMRI and csPCa. As cancer prevalence was highly variable among series, risk stratification of patients should be the initial step before considering prebiopsy mpMRI and defining those in whom biopsy may be omitted when the mpMRI is negative. Patient summary This systematic review examined if multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan can be used to reliably predict the absence of prostate cancer in patients suspected of having prostate cancer, thereby avoiding a prostate biopsy. The results suggest that whilst it is a promising tool, it is not accurate enough to replace prostate biopsy in such patients, mainly because its accuracy is variable and influenced by the prostate cancer risk. However, its performance can be enhanced if there were more accurate ways of determining the risk of having prostate cancer. When such tools are available, it should be possible to use an MRI scan to avoid biopsy in patients at a low risk of prostate cancer

    Local- versus broad-scale environmental drivers of continental β-diversity patterns in subterranean spider communities across Europe

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    Macroecologists seek to identify drivers of community turnover (β-diversity) through broad spatial scales. However, the influence of local habitat features in driving broad-scale β-diversity patterns remains largely untested, owing to the objective challenges of associating local-scale variables to continental-framed datasets. We examined the relative contribution of local- versus broad-scale drivers of continental β-diversity patterns, using a uniquely suited dataset of cave-dwelling spider communities across Europe (35–70° latitude). Generalized dissimilarity modelling showed that geographical distance, mean annual temperature and size of the karst area in which caves occurred drove most of β-diversity, with differential contributions of each factor according to the level of subterranean specialization. Highly specialized communities were mostly influenced by geographical distance, while less specialized communities were mostly driven by mean annual temperature. Conversely, local-scale habitat features turned out to be meaningless predictors of community change, which emphasizes the idea of caves as the human accessible fraction of the extended network of fissures that more properly represents the elective habitat of the subterranean fauna. To the extent that the effect of local features turned to be inconspicuous, caves emerge as experimental model systems in which to study broad biological patterns without the confounding effect of local habitat features

    The Elg1-RFC Clamp-Loading Complex Performs a Role in Sister Chromatid Cohesion

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    It is widely accepted that of the four Replication Factor C (RFC) complexes (defined by the associations of either Rfc1p, Ctf18p, Elg1p or Rad24p with Rfc2p-Rfc5p), only Ctf18-RFC functions in sister chromatid cohesion. This model is based on findings that CTF18 deletion is lethal in combination with mutations in either CTF7ECO1 or MCD1 sister chromatid cohesion genes and that ctf18 mutant cells exhibit cohesion defects. Here, we report that Elg1-RFC not only participates in cohesion but performs a function that is distinct from that of Ctf18-RFC. The results show that deletion of ELG1 rescues both ctf7eco1 mutant cell temperature sensitivity and cohesion defects. Moreover, over-expression of ELG1 enhances ctf7eco1 mutant cell phenotypes. These findings suggest that the balance of Ctf7pEco1p activity depends on both Ctf18-RFC and Elg1-RFC. We also report that ELG1 deletion produces cohesion defects and intensifies the conditional phenotype of mcd1 mutant cells, further supporting a role for Elg1-RFC in cohesion. Attesting to the specificity of these interactions, deletion of RAD24 neither suppressed nor exacerbated cohesion defects in either ctf7eco1 or mcd1 mutant cells. While parallel analyses failed to uncover a similar role in cohesion for Rad24-RFC, it is well known that Rad24-RFC, Elg1-RFC and Ctf18-RFC play key roles in DNA damage responses. We tested and found that Ctf7pEco1p plays a significant role in Rad24-RFC-based DNA response pathways. In combination, these findings challenge current views and document new and distinct roles for RFC complexes in cohesion and for Ctf7pEco1p in DNA repair

    Initial Upper Palaeolithic humans in Europe had recent Neanderthal ancestry

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    Modern humans appeared in Europe by at least 45,000 years ago1–5, but the extent of their interactions with Neanderthals, who disappeared by about 40,000 years ago6, and their relationship to the broader expansion of modern humans outside Africa are poorly understood. Here we present genome-wide data from three individuals dated to between 45,930 and 42,580 years ago from Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria1,2. They are the earliest Late Pleistocene modern humans known to have been recovered in Europe so far, and were found in association with an Initial Upper Palaeolithic artefact assemblage. Unlike two previously studied individuals of similar ages from Romania7 and Siberia8 who did not contribute detectably to later populations, these individuals are more closely related to present-day and ancient populations in East Asia and the Americas than to later west Eurasian populations. This indicates that they belonged to a modern human migration into Europe that was not previously known from the genetic record, and provides evidence that there was at least some continuity between the earliest modern humans in Europe and later people in Eurasia. Moreover, we find that all three individuals had Neanderthal ancestors a few generations back in their family history, confirming that the first European modern humans mixed with Neanderthals and suggesting that such mixing could have been common

    Replication Factor C Complexes Play Unique Pro- and Anti-Establishment Roles in Sister Chromatid Cohesion

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    Recent studies have lead to a rapid expansion of sister chromatid cohesion pathways. Of particular interest is the growth in classifications of anti-establishment factors—now including those that are cohesin-associated (Rad61/WAPL and Pds5) or DNA replication fork-associated (Elg1-RFC). In this study, we show that the two classes of anti-establishment complexes are indistinguishable when challenged both genetically and functionally. These findings suggest that both classes function in a singular pathway that is centered on Ctf7/Eco1 (herein termed Ctf7) regulation. The anti-establishment activity of Elg1-RFC complex is particular intriguing given that an alternate Ctf18-RFC complex exhibits robust pro-establishment activity. Here, we provide several lines of evidence, including the use of Ctf7 bypass suppressors, indicating that these activities are not simply antagonistic. Moreover, the results suggest that Ctf18-RFC is capable of promoting sister chromatid pairing reactions independent of Ctf7. The combination of these studies suggest a new model of sister chromatid pairing regulation