8 research outputs found
[Soočanje, spoprijemanje in obvladovanje psihosocialne obremenjenosti pri bolnikih z rakom]
Background. The aim of this review is to present common psychosocial problems in cancer patients and their possible coping strategies. Cancer patients are occupied with many psychosocial problems, which are only partially related to their health state and medical treatments. They are faced with a high social pressure, based on prejudices and stereotypes of this illness. The review presents the process of confrontation with the cancer diagnosis and of managing the psychological consequences of cancer. The effects of specific coping styles, psychosocial interventions and a social support on initiation, progression and recurrence of cancer are also described. Conclusions. Althoughsome recent meta-analysis could not provide scientific evidence for the association befween coping strategies and the cancer initiation, the progression or the recurrence (neither have studies rejected the thesis of association), the therapeutic window for the psychosocial intervention is still wide and shows an important effect on the quality of lives of many cancer patients.Izhodišča. Namen preglednega članka je predstaviti najpogostejše psihosocialne obremenitve pri bolnikih z rakom in njihove psihosocialne strategije spoprijemanja s to boleznijo. Bolniki z rakom se srečujejo s številnimi psihosocialnimi težavami, ki niso samo posledica razvoja bolezni innjenega zdravljenja. Soočajo se tudi s socialnim pritiskom, ki izhaja iz predsodkov in stereotipov do te bolezni. V članku so predstavljeni nekateri procesi soočanja z diagnozo in spoprijemanja s psihološkimi posledicami raka. Prav tako so opisani vplivi učinkovitosti posameznih načinov spoprijemanja z rakom in vplivi psihosocialnih intervencij ter socialne podpore na razvoj, potek in ponavljanje bolezni. Zaključki. V zadnjem času je bilo opravljenih nekaj metaanaliz, ki niso povsem potrdile povezanosti med psihosocialnimi strategijami spoprijemanja z rakom in razvojem, potekom bolezni ter ozdravitvijo. Terapevtsko okno v primerih psihosocialnih intervencij je širokoin lahko v precejšnji meri izboljša kvaliteto življenja mnogih bolnikov z rakom
Background: Schizophrenia (SCH) is primarily a cognitive dysfunction. Its specific cognitive impairment profile was identified
and suggestions have been made to include it in present diagnostic instruments as a special differential diagnostic criterion.
However, studies indicate a substantial overlap of cognitive deficits between SCH patients and those with depression (DEP). In
order to elucidate the structure of cognitive functioning in both entities, principal cognitive domains of SCH and DEP patients were
assessed in the acute phase of disease.
Subjects and methods: 44 SCH and 30 DEP patients, matched according to age, gender, education, IQ score, and duration of
hospitalization were included. Neurocognitive assessments were performed in the first week of hospitalization using Digit Span test
(working memory, attention), Trail Making Test (psychomotor speed, sustained attention, shifting), Rey\u27s Complex Figure Test and
Verbal Learning Test (perceptual organization, visual and verbal learning and memory). Results were evaluated according to
demographically matched test norms. For statistics Student\u27s t tests were used.
Results: In both study groups deficits in maintenance and shifting of attention during psychomotor tasks were found, while
automatic processes (working memory, sustained attention) were preserved. In both groups memory and learning processes were
impaired, in DEP however, deficits in attention shifting during cognitive tasks and delayed recall of visual material were more
Conclusions: In the acute phase of schizophrenia and depression similar cognitive impairment profiles can be found. Further
studies are needed to assess longitudinal dynamics and possible later development of specific patterns of cognitive functioning in
these patients
Pri rekonstrukciji klasičnih križišč v krožna križišča v gosto pozidanem okolju pogosto naletimo na problem pomanjkanja prostora. Prostor, ki ga imamo na voljo, nam narekuje, kakšen tip krožnega križišča bomo izbrali, hkrati pa je za odločitev o izvedbi krožnega križišča potrebno skrbno preučiti tudi ostale kriterije za presojo upravičenosti.
V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena rekonstrukcija obstoječega trikrakega križišča v naselju Ojstriška vas v štirikrako križišče. Narejena je podrobna analiza obstoječega stanja ter dva predloga projektnih rešitev. Obe rešitvi smo analizirali in ovrednotili ter nato izbrali najbolj optimalno rešitev.When planning a reconstruction of a classic intersection to a roundabout in an urban area we are often confronted with shortage of space. The amount of space available determines, which type of a roundabout is acceptable. At the same time it is necessary that we also evaluate other criteria for eligibility assessment.
The subject of this diploma is reconstruction of an existing three-arm classic intersection to a four-arm intersection in Ojstriška vas. A detailed analysis of the existing situation has been made, together with two intersection design solutions. Both solutions were carefully analysed and evaluated and in the end the more appropriate option was chosen
Diplomsko delo opredeljuje uporabo in neuporabo IKT pri pouku na razredni stopnji. Teoretični del zajema predstavitev temeljnih pojmov in spoznanj, kot so: opredelitev pojmov v zvezi z izobraževalno tehnologijoopremljenost šol z IKTusposobljenost in izobraževanja učiteljev za uporabo IKTstanje uporabe in neuporabe IKT pri poukuprednosti in slabosti uporabe informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije v učnem procesu na razredni stopnjisredstva, namenjena za nakup opreme in izobraževanja učiteljevinteres učiteljev na razredni stopnji za izobraževanja v zvezi z uporabo IKT in razlogi za uporabo oziroma neuporabo IKT pri pouku. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena raziskava, ki smo jo izvedli na naslednjem vzorcu: uporabili smo priložnostni vzorec razrednih učiteljev. Pri anketiranju je sodelovalo 141 razrednih učiteljev, katere smo pri preverjanju razlik razdelili glede na stratum in leta poučevanja. 76 anketiranih učiteljev prihaja s podeželja, 65 pa iz mesta. Celoten vzorec smo razdelili še glede na leta poučevanja, in sicer 1−5 let poučuje 17 anketiranih učiteljev, 6−10 let jih poučuje 14, 11−15 let 27, 16−20 let 19, več kot 20 let pa 64 anketiranih učiteljev. Namen izvedene raziskave je bil ugotoviti oceno opremljenosti šol, pogostost rabe IKT, oceno pomembnosti rabe IKT ter oceno usposobljenosti učiteljev za uporabo IKT. Ob tem smo preverili tudi vlogi stratuma šole in let poučevanja. Rezultati kažejo, da je večina šol dobro opremljena z IKT, vzrok za slabo opremljenost nekaterih šol so finančna sredstva s strani države. Večina učiteljev, zlasti starejših, ocenjuje, da bi ministrstvo moralo nameniti več finančnih sredstev za IKT. Med pripomočki, ki jih ima na voljo večina šol, so: internet v razredu, specializirana računalniška učilnica, tiskalnik in pritrjeni LCD projektor. Pri iskanju razlik glede na stratum po dostopnosti do IKT pripomočkov smo ugotovili, da imajo v mestu boljši dostop do specializirane računalniške učilnice. Največ učiteljev uporablja IKT pri pouku po potrebi, nekaj učiteljev IKT pri pouku še vedno ne uporablja, kar je zelo zaskrbljujoče. Večinoma so to starejši učitelji. Pri pouku se najpogosteje uporabljajo računalnik za učitelje, internet in tiskalnik, najmanj pa prenosni LCD projektor, interaktivna tabla in Moodle. Večini učiteljev se zdi uporaba IKT pomembna, prav tako pa ocenjujejo, da je interes učitelja najpomembnejši dejavnik za uporabo IKT. Izobraževanja za uporabo IKT večina učiteljev ocenjuje kot uspešna. Udeležujejo se jih predvsem učitelji, ki poučujejo več kot 16 let.The diploma work defines the usage and non-usage of ICT in schools on a lower primary school level. The theoretical part includes the presentation of the basic concepts and findings, like: definitions related to educational technologythe equipment of schools with ICTqualifications and teacher training for the usage of ICTthe usage and non-usage of ICT in classroomsthe advantages and disadvantages of using the information and communications technology in the learning process on the lower primary school levelthe funds for purchasing the equipment and providing the teacher trainingthe teachers’ interest on the lower primary school level regarding the usage of ICT and reasons for usage or non-usage of ICT in class. The empirical part introduces the research, which we performed on the following pattern: we used a casual sample of lower primary school teachers. 141 lower primary school teachers took part in the survey and when verifying the differences they were divided according to the stratum and years of teaching. 76 teachers come from countryside and 65 from the city. The whole pattern has been divided according to the years of teaching, namely: 17 cooperating teachers have been teaching between 1−5 years, 14 between 6−10 years, 27 between 11−15 years, 19 between 16−20 years, and 64 more than 20 years. The purpose of the survey was to establish the evaluation of the schools’ equipment, the frequency of the ICT usage, the importance of the ICT usage and the teachers’ qualifications for the ICT usage. We also established the roles of the stratum of the school and years of teaching. The results show, that most school are well equipped with ICTthe reasons for poor equipment of some schools can be seen in the funding from the state. Most teachers, especially older ones, estimate that the Ministry should earmark more financial means for ICT. Among supplies, available in most schools, are: internet in the classroom, specialised computer classroom, printer and fixed LCD projector. When searching for differences according to the stratum and access to ICT supplies we established that city schools have better accessibility to specialised computer classrooms. Most teachers use the ICT in classrooms as circumstances require, but some teachers still never use ICT, which is very concerning. Those are mostly older teachers. In general, among the most frequently used ICTs in classrooms are the teacher’s computer, internet and printerand among the most infrequently used are portable LCD projector, interactive board and Moodle. Most teachers asses the usage of ICT as important and they also believe that the teacher’s motivation is the most important factor in the ICT usage. Most teachers also asses the teachers training for ICT usage as successful. Teachers with more than 16 years of teaching experiences are more prone to attend the trainings
The research analyses the relationship between fear and religiosity, particularly focusing on religious habits and intrinsic religiosity in the context of the covid-19 pandemic. A total number of 2212 questionnaires have been collected in Romania, Poland, Slovenia and Hungary in 2021 on the non-vaccinated population. The questionnaire covers topics such as vaccination, religiosity and socio-demographics, and includes the DASS 21 psychological scale, which measures depression, anxiety and stress symptoms. Furthermore, the questionnaire incorporated a specific question regarding the fear of SARS-CoV-2 virus. The findings show that the intrinsic religiosity, age, stress, anxiety and exposure to the news from the traditional media or to the information coming from professional sources seem to increase the degree of fear during the pandemic context. The study yields significant implications for understanding the complex interplay of factors shaping the vaccination attitudes of this group, as well as how they obtain information. This may contribute to developing more effective communication channels for people with passive strategies for coping with fear and anxiety. The need to seek information in times of uncertainty and attitudes that indicate a higher level of intimate religiosity can be leveraged to build more effective coping strategies for unexpected external events or situations that cause fear and anxiety. This is important in light of the ongoing development of Central and Eastern European countries and their specific social and economic background