22 research outputs found

    The Acceptance of Cryptocurrency for Zakat Transactions: Experts’ view on its issues readiness

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    This study discussed themes that can be used as guidelines for Islamic financial institutions (I.F.I.s) to get themselves equipped once legally accepted globally. Even though there are currently over 2,000 cryptocurrencies on the market, Bitcoin is still the most well-known and was the first cryptocurrency coin to go mainstream. Ten experts actively involved as academicians and industry participated in a semi-structured interview session. The study's findings discovered five themes, namely Knowledge, Security, Economics, Improvement, and Technology, successfully explored to the saturation point and are used as a guideline for the readiness to accept cryptocurrency in zakat transactions. Keywords: Issues of Cryptocurrency; zakat; Shariah; Readiness eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., U.K. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7i20.341

    Kajian Tinjauan Program Food Bank Di Negeri Kedah [ A Study On The Food Bank Program In The State Of Kedah]

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    Bagi menjaga hifz al-nafs atau menjaga nyawa dalam Maqasyid Syariah dan sifar kelaparan dalam Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari (Sustainable Development Goals-SDGs), Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) mengambil inisiatif mengadakan program Food Bank bagi membantu golongan yang memerlukan. Kajian kuantitatif ini adalah bertujuan untuk menganalisis keberkesanan pelaksanaan Food Bank yang telah diimplimentasikan di negeri Kedah sejak 2018. Data kajian dikutip dengan mengedarkan soal selidik kepada responden. Seramai 405 responden telah menjawab yang terdiri daripada penerima Food Bank dari daerah Baling, Sik, Kubang Pasu dan Kota Star. Data yang dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 26 menunjukkan tahap keberkesanan pengurusan dan pelaksanaan Food Bank pada tahap yang tinggi dengan nilai (min = 4.160, sp = 0.516). Dapatan ini secara keseluruhannya menunjukkan majoriti responden berpuas hati dengan pengurusan dan pelaksanaan yang dijalankan oleh LZNK dan pembantu amil yang bertanggungjawab menguruskan agihan bekalan makanan. Dapatan kajian ini secara tidak langsung berjaya memenuhi matlamat kesejahteraan hidup keluarga melalui kecukupan bekalan makanan sekali gus memenuhi matlamat hifz al-nafs atau menjaga nyawa dan sifar kelaparan. Tuntasnya, dapatan kajian ini sangat bermakna kepada LZNK dalam menilai dan menambahbaik program Food Bank di negeri Kedah. Selain itu, dapatan kajian ini amat berguna kepada agensi lain yang berminant untuk mengelola program sebegini. In order to protect hifz al-nafs or protect life in Maqasyid Syariah and zero hunger in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Kedah State Zakat Board (LZNK) took the initiative to hold a Food Bank program to help the needy. This quantitative study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Food Bank implementation that has been implemented in the state of Kedah since 2018. The study data was collected by distributing questionnaires to respondents. A total of 405 respondents answered, consisting of Food Bank recipients from Baling, Sik, Kubang Pasu and Kota Star districts. The data analyzed using SPSS version 26 shows the level of effectiveness of Food Bank management and implementation at a high level with a value (mean = 4.160, sp = 0.516). This finding as a whole shows that the majority of respondents are satisfied with the management and implementation carried out by LZNK and the assistant amil who is responsible for managing the distribution of food supplies. The findings of this study indirectly succeeded in meeting the goal of family well-being through sufficient food supply thus meeting the goal of hifz al-nafs or maintaining life and zero hunger. Ultimately, the findings of this study are very meaningful to LZNK in evaluating and improving the Food Bank program in the state of Kedah. In addition, the findings of this study are very useful to other agencies interested in managing such programs

    The Development of Educational Policy Acceptance Model

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    This study aims to develop an education policy acceptance model. Policy implementers need to implement education policies in the best possible way. However, due to the uncertainty of such situations, health, politics, and natural disasters, have an impact on the implementation of education policy and the quality of education. Thus, there is a need to determine what indicators can prevent this uncertainty and accept education policies to be implemented smoothly to guarantee the sustainability of the quality of education. This quantitative study was conducted to obtain research data. In this study, the researcher applied the concept of positivism. Finding shows there was a significant influence between the constructs of Attention Towards Use to Behavioral Intention through path analysis at significance level of 0.05 (β= 0.898, p<0.05) ; Perceived Useful to Attention Towards Use (β=0.152, p <0.05); Perceived Useful to Perceived of Ease (β= 0.789, p<0.05), and Perceived of Ease to Attention Towards Use(β=0.69 p <0.05). While the research model explained 75% of the total variance in Behavioral Intention. This suggests that the three sets of exogenous latent variables have collectively explained 80.6% of the variance in Behavioral Intention. This study wraps up various potential concerns and importance for policymakers. Implementers within an organization should assess user opinions towards the proposed modifications to shape the development of the policies. By knowing the acceptance indicators of education policy, even if there are challenges such as health, politics, and natural disasters, stakeholders can focus on indicators involved in adopting policies and preventing uncertainty in implementing educational policies.Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) of Malaysia FRGS/1/2022/SSI07/UUM/02/1

    A preliminary survey of Muslim experts’ views on artificial intelligence

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    There should be a great deal of concern over the extensive and still expanding application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in Muslim life today. From the use of smartphones, drones, robots, autonomous vehicles and weapons technologies, the transformation caused by AI is significantly positive but much is still up for debate and contemplation. In fact, some Muslims may merely consider this rapid growth of AI as part of science fiction which is being popularised in movies. This incognizant view is dangerous because Muslims may not be alert to unforeseen AI impact especially when it crosses over Islamic ethical or legal limits. These interpretations should provide an appropriate context for Muslim experts today to rethink their views with regard to the transformative impact of AI on Muslim society. This preliminary study, therefore, is conducted to gather Muslim experts’ professional views on AI-related issues. Using a quantitative methodology approach with a cross-sectional study design, 37 experts responded to the personal, online questionnaire emailed to them. The findings generally indicate the respondents’ insensitivity towards the greater extent of AI impact on Muslim consumers at large. However, most of the respondents were agreeable to the urgent need for regulations so that AI is geared and harvested for its benefits in enhancing Muslim life. This signifies the importance of thorough and strict regulations for AI research and technology to adhere to Islamic principles. A specific framework development underpinned by Maqasid al-Shari’ah is recommended to address the various contemporary issues of AI impact

    The measurement model of geo-education among trainee teachers in Malaysia

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    This study conducted to develop a measurement model for measuring GeoEducation in Malaysia context. This cross-sectional survey involved 245 trainee teachers in Universities and Institute Pendidikan Guru Malaysia (IPGM). The data collection was made through a set of questionnaires and analyzed using SEM-AMOS. There are four main elements measured, which are loading factors, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and composite reliability. The findings indicated that Geo-Education had a significant contribution to the proposed constructs, namely primer, issues, ecosystem, lifestyle, and cross-curricular elements. A model of Geo-Education was successfully developed in this study using these five constructs, namely primer, issues, ecosystem, lifestyle, and cross-curricular elements. This study also identified 25 behaviors of Geo-Education among the trainee teachers in Malaysia. The findings of this study are essential as a guideline for Malaysian teachers to implement the concept of Geo-Education in Malaysia. Additionally, the application of this subject as cross-curricular elements in the Malaysian curriculum is essential to ensure the success of the implementation of Education Sustainable Development (ESD) in the school environment

    Important elements for a framework in designing a mobile learning for English language listening and speaking skills

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    Based on a literature search, there are a number of mobile learning frameworks mentioned in a previous study that less emphasis on the major element required for English language (listening and speaking skills) specifically for level 2 students. Therefore, this paper aimed to identify the elements that fulfill their needs to be integrated in the mobile learning framework for listening and speaking skills specifically for level 2 students. This study was used quantitative research method through survey using questionnaires as the instrument to get the data and information for answering the research questions. A sample of 30 English expert teachers in the Batu Pahat district was selected based on purposive sampling method to complete the questionnaire survey given. A questionnaire that consists of four constructs was developed and the administered to obtain information. Data was collected and analyzed descriptively using SPSS (Statistical Package for The Social Sciences).. Besides, the validity was made to ensure the questionnaire can be used. Content validity, face validity and construct validity were used in this study to make sure the instrument's validity. Moreover, the pilot study was carried out to obtain the reliability of the questionnaire. Based on the analysis that has been made, Alpha Cronbach value was 0.87 categorized as a high level. Findings showed that there was an audio, graphics and text elements must be integrated into the mobile learning framework and audio elements help in listening skills while text elements help English speaking skills as well as other elements such as learning anywhere and anytime, easy to use, navigation, other resources for related information are provided, directory and help button. The findings of this study can be used by mobile learning designers as a guide in preparing for learning material and the main contribution of this study is an important element for a framework in designing a mobile learning for english language listening and speaking skills

    Tahap penerimaan penggunaan telefon bimbit sebagai M-pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan Islam

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    Artikel ini bertujuan mengenalpasti tahap penerimaan guru dan pelajar terhadap penggunaan telefon bimbit sebagai m-pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan Islam. Tumpuan kajian adalah untuk melihat beberapa aspek, iaitu (1) apakah jenis telefon bimbit yang digunakan; (2) penggunaan aplikasi dalam telefon bimbit; (3) aktiviti pembelajaran dalam telefon bimbit; (4) tahap penerimaan telefon bimbit dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Kajian ini menggunakan statistik deskriptif di mana seramai 32 orang guru terlibat dalam kajian. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa m-pembelajaran adalah berpotensi dilaksanakan dalam pendidikan islam. Hal ini demikian adalah disebabkan responden berkemampuan untuk memiliki telefon bimbit yang bersesuaian. Selain itu, mereka juga terdedah dengan penggunaan aktiviti pembelajaran semasa menggunakan telefon bimbit mereka. Kesimpulannya, penggunaan telefon bimbit sebagai alat m-pembelajaran adalah bersesuaian dan wajar untuk digunakan dalam kalangan guru. Cadangan untuk melaksanakan telefon bimbit sebagai m-pembelajaran dalam Pendidikan Islam perlu diterokai. Beberapa cadangan turut dikemukakan untuk memastikan penggunaan telefon dapat memberi kesan yang baik dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam

    Pembangunan & Penilaian Modul Geo-Education Bagi Kegunaan Guru Pelatih UUM Semasa Praktikum

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    Matlamat Pembangunan Lestari atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) telah menjadi agenda global sejak diperkenalkan pada awal tahun 2016 dimana Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (United Nation) menggariskan 17 matlamat yang perlu dicapai oleh semua negara bangsa menjelang 2030. Dikenali sebagai agenda tindakan untuk kemakmuran manusia, SDGs adalah kesinambungan daripada Matlamat Pembangunan Millennium (Millennium Development Goals- MDGs) dan merangkumi semua isu pembangunan lestari. Kaedah Penyelidikan- Kaedah penyelidikan kajian menggunakan Design Development Research (DDR) Kaedah ini terbahagi kepada tiga fasa utama Fasa 1: Analisis keperluan Fasa 2: Reka bentuk dan Pembangunan Modul Fasa 3: Penilaian Modul Hasil Penyelidikan- Daripada hasil penyelidikan, Model Geo-Education berjaya dibangunkan setelah melalui fasa penyelidikan. Selain itu, dapatan kajian ini diharap dapat menjadi panduan kepada guru ke arah pelaksanaan konsep Geo-Education dalam pendidikan melalui elemen merentas kurikulum sekali gus pendekatan Education Sustainable Development (ESD) dapat diaplikasikan. Lima konstruk dalam model mampu memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang kesedaran terhadap kelastarian alam sekitar melalui tingkah laku yang telah dikenal pasti.enemuan dan sumbangan modul GeoEducation berjaya diterbitkan sebagai modul

    Teachers Acceptance Of Mobile Learning For Teaching And Learning In Islamic Education: A Preliminary Study

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    This study was conducted to investigate the perceptions of the religious teachers' readiness to use mobile phones as m-learning. The focus of the study is to examine some aspects namely; types of handset used; the use of mobile applications, mobile learning activities, and; the acceptance of mobile phones in teaching and learning. The targeted population was the religious teachers from Putrajaya, Selangor. The purposive sampling technique was used to gather data from 32 religious teachers from five secondary schools. Data were collected via questionnaires based on Likert-five-point scales. The data were tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using descriptive findings to find the frequency distribution and percentage. Research findings revealed that religious teachers are exposed to learning activities using mobile phones, and they are ready to make mobile phones as m-learning