6 research outputs found
Konservasi biodiversiti menurut etika-perundangan Islam: Kajian terhadap kawasan perlindungan di Malaysia / Mohd Istajib bin Mokhtar
Kajian kualitatif ini menganalisis isu-isu konservasi biodiversiti dari perspektif etikaperundangan
Islam. Status quo kepupusan biodiversiti di dunia terutama di negaranegara
Islam sangat membimbangkan. Sedangkan Islam telah menggariskan nilai-nilai
etika dan prinsip-prinsip perundangan serta sistem kawasan perlindungan tradisional
(al-hima) tetapi belum diterjemahkan dalam bentuk yang praktikal dan fleksibel
dengan polisi dan amalan kontemporari. Sejajar dengan kecenderungan global yang
mempromosikan kawasan perlindungan berasaskan pendekatan agama, kajian ini akan
mengkaji pendekatan perundangan Islam dan membandingkannya dengan
perundangan semasa. Kajian kes kolektif telah dijalankan di: 1) Jabatan PERHILITAN
Semenanjung Malaysia; 2) Tabung Alam Sedunia (WWF-Malaysia) dan; 3) Pusat
Kajian Sains dan Alam Sekitar di Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia (IKIM). Kajian
ini mendapati bahawa etika-perundangan Islam berpotensi untuk diintegrasikan
menerusi aspek kemampanan/sustainability (istidamah), berjaga-jaga/precautionary
(ihtiyat), perkongsian faedah/benefit sharing (ishtirak) dan halal-haram dalam
pemburuan (istiyad). Kawasan Perlindungan di Semenanjung Malaysia didapati
selaras dengan al-hima terutama dari aspek pemilikan awam tetapi
penguatkuasaannya masih lemah disebabkan undang-undangnya yang bersegmen dan
pertindihan bidang kuasa antara kerajaan pusat dan negeri. Usaha mengetengahkan
pendekatan Islam dalam aktiviti konservasi masih baru dan asing di Malaysia.
Terdapat inisiatif yang menerapkan nilai etika tetapi tidak ke tahap mengaplikasikan
prinsip perundangan Islam. Kajian ini menghujahkan bahawa semakin banyak undangundang,
semakin banyak masalah etika seperti korupsi dan manipulasi undangundang.
Hal ini menjustifikasikan keperluan pendekatan agama namun masih kurang
diberi perhatian oleh pihak-pihak berkepentingan/pemegang taruh
Kawalan perundangan terhadap pencemaran air oleh Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Selangor : satu analisis menurut perpsektif perundangan Islam / Mohd Istajib bin Mokhtar
Kajian ini mengupas pendekatan perundangan Islam dalam mengawal kualiti dan menyekat pencemaran air. Di Malaysia, isu-isu pencemaran alam sekitar seperti pencemaran air bukanlah terletak di bawah bidangkuasa undang-undang Islam tetapi undang-undang Sivil. Justeru, kajian ini meneliti peranan Jabatan Alam Sekitar Negeri Selangor (JASNS) dalam mengawal kualiti dan menyekat pencemaran air. Data-data dikumpul melalui metode kepustakaan, dokumentasi institusi dan temubual. Untuk mencapai objektif kajian ini, analisis komparatif diutamakan untuk mengetahui persamaan, perbezaan dan keselarasan pendekatan pengawalan pencemaran air di Malaysia dengan pendekatan undang-undang Islam. Hasil kajian ini mendapati wujud keselarasan antara kedua-duanya. Prinsip dan nilai yang diterapkan dalam perundangan Islam masih digunapakai dan relevan dengan pendekatan kontemporari. Persamaan wujud di antara standard dalam Indeks Kualiti Air (IKA) dengan standard taharah dan najasah. Kes-kes pencemaran air daratan (inland water) di Selangor dianalisis dari aspek kawalan kualiti, penguatkuasan dan pendakwaan, alasan penghakiman serta keputusan kes menurut dimensi perundangan Islam. Namun, kawalan pencemaran air yang dikuatkuasakan oleh JASNS hanya mengawal pencemaran dari punca tetap (point-sources) sahaja dan menyebabkan pencemaran terus berlaku dari punca tidak tetap(non-point sources) yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat yang tidak beretika dan tidak peka terhadap keseimbangan ekologi dan kelestarian alam sekitar serta kesihatan awam. Justeru, undang-undang Islam yang universal dan komprehensif dilihat berpotensi untuk menjadi undang-undang alternatif dalam permasalahan ini sekaligus membentuk etika alam sekitar yang berprinsipkan Hablu min Allah wa Habl min Al-Nas
Public perspectives on strays and companion animal management in Malaysia
Abstract Strays and companion animal management is a sensitive issue in Malaysia that incites solid and conflicting views. Through structured questionnaires administered to a random sample of 704 respondents, this study explored public opinion on a) causes of the stray animal population, b) the management of the stray animal population, and c) the national strategy on strays and companion Animal Management. The results show that 70.3% of respondents agreed that a lack of public awareness regarding animal care was the major contributor to the stray animal population. In addition, 58.1% of respondents felt that treating and vaccinating animals exposed to zoonotic diseases is a viable approach that could be instituted as a reasonable measure in stray animal population management. Finally, developing animal protection areas through a multi-stakeholder partnership strategy initiative recorded the highest support (48.4%) for intervention planning for stray animal management at a national level. Notably, a significant percentage of public responses were implicitly influenced by demographic variables. These findings provide valuable insights into public opinion regarding stray and companion animal management in Malaysia. These findings could inform the development of future legislation aimed at reducing the unfavorable effects of stray animal populations on humans and the ecology of Malaysia
Analysis of Obesity among Malaysian University Students: A Combination Study with the Application of Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling and Pearson Correlation
In obesity modelling studies, researchers have been seeking to identify the effective indicators of obesity by using appropriate statistical or mathematical techniques. The main objective of the present study is addressed in three stages. First, a new framework for modelling obesity in university students is introduced. The second stage involves data analysis based on Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling (BSEM) for estimating the Body Mass Index (BMI) (representative of the obesity level) of students at three university levels: Bachelor, Master and PhD. In the third stage, the highest significant correlation is determined between the BMI and other variables in the research model that were found significant through the second phase. The data for this study were collected from students at selected Malaysian universities. The results indicate that unhealthy food intake (fast food and soft drinks), social media use and stress exhibit the highest weightage contributing to overweight and obesity issues for Malaysian university students
Awareness on energy conservation: a case study of first-year undergraduate students in Malaysia
Purpose: This paper aims to evaluate the awareness level of university students on energy conservation by focusing on their knowledge, attitude and practice. Energy awareness is a feasible energy conservation measure, but an inappropriate approach can cause the wastage of resources. The current number of reported awareness studies especially among the university student is quite limited, and focus is more given to the awareness on renewable energy, instead of energy conservation.
Design/methodology/approach: A paper-based survey using a set of questionnaires that involved 2,857 respondents. There are four sections in this questionnaire, which are basic background information of respondents, knowledge (yes/true or no/false choice of responses), attitude (a scale of 1–10, where 10 indicates “strongly agree” and 1 chooses “strongly disagree”) and practices (a scale of 1–10, where 10 indicates “Always” and 1 selects “Never”). The evaluation includes the correlation analysis of all awareness variables with an educational background to disclose the most critical aspects that should be highly considered in the forthcoming awareness campaign.
Findings: This research revealed that university students have a high level of awareness of energy conservation. They hold a high knowledge level and show a positive attitude with very good energy conservation practices. However, some issues require serious attention in preparing energy management plans. Effective approaches should be taken by considering the field of study, gender and family economic status to enhance the awareness level of the university students on energy conservation.
Originality/value: The absence of appropriate references complicates the preparation of energy management plans including the establishment of energy policy and strategies. The findings of this research can contribute some contextual information in the local perspective to ensure the effectiveness of the energy management program and strengthen academic leadership by emphasising the element of sustainability. This is crucial for developing an energy saving culture among the young generation that will be our future scholars and leaders
Proceedings of International Technical Postgraduate Conference 2022
This conference proceedings contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic & research communities presented at the International Technical Postgraduate Conference 2022 (TECH POST 2022) that was held at Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 24-25 September 2022. TECH POST 2022 was organized by the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya. The theme of the conference is “Embracing Innovative Engineering Technologies Towards a Sustainable Future”. TECH POST 2022 conference is intended to foster the dissemination of state-of-the-art research from five main disciplines of Engineering: Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. The objectives of TECH POST 2022 are to bring together innovative researchers from all engineering disciplines to a common forum, promote R&D activities in Engineering, and promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge and research know-how between researchers, engineers, and students.
Conference Title: International Technical Postgraduate Conference 2022Conference Acronym: TECH POST 2022Conference Date: 24-25 September 2022Conference Location: Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (Hybrid Mode)Conference Organizers: Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia