52 research outputs found

    Level of service (LOS) for multilane highway and road accident information system development of Batu Pahat area

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    In recent years, the advance of Database Management System (DBMS) and Software Tools as an information system which can store and analyses various types of data efficiently had prompted many users to exploit its advantages for their respective fields. In Malaysia, the original products of DBMS and Software Tools have been widely used in fields like urban planning, land management and property valuation. As for traffic engineering users, it is still at the beginning stage. Therefore, to enhance this technology into the traffic engineering fields, the Level of Service (LOS) for Multilane Highway and Road Accident Information System (LORIS) is developed. The main function of LORIS is to analyse LOS which is very important issue for traffic engineer because it describes the traffic operational conditions within a traffic stream. Besides that, road accident data and basic highway information was also included in this system. In this study, the potential of using this system in traffic and accident analysis were conducted only at Batu Pahat area, which is among the highest road accident rate in Malaysia. The objectives are to develop a database and information system to determine the LOS, road accident information and basic highway information. To achieve this, Microsoft Access 2003 was utilised incorporating with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. As the results, an effective computerised LOS calculation system had been developed together with road accident and highway information system. The system has been calibrated and validated to obtain reliable results

    Experimental evaluation of anti-stripping additives on porous asphalt mixtures

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    The open structure of porous asphalt mix influences its strength and durability against air, water and clogging materials. These factors cause loss of adhesion between binder-aggregate interface and loss of cohesion within the binder film. This could lead to stripping problem which contribute to premature failures as well as deterioration in the performance and service life of porous asphalt. Therefore, this study is aimed to evaluate the potential of diatomite as anti-stripping additives in porous asphalt and compared with hydrated lime and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) test and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy analysis (EDX) were conducted to investigate the microstructure and chemical composition of the anti-stripping additives. A number of gyratory compacted samples of porous asphalt mixture with Malaysian gradation were prepared. Each sample was incorporated with 2% of anti-stripping additives as filler then mixed with polymer modified bitumen of PG76. The samples were measured for air voids content, permeability rate, resilient modulus and abrasion loss. The results indicate that samples prepared with hydrated lime show higher permeability rate and lower abrasion loss compared to samples with OPC and diatomite. However, the samples prepared with diatomite show enhanced resilient modulus compared to those with hydrated lime and OPC

    Evaluating the cooling rate of hot mix asphalt in tropical climate

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    This paper aims to investigate the environmental effect on cooling rate and to determine the appropriate time available for compaction (TAC) using laboratory tests. This includes the study parameters, namely solar flux, base and ambient temperatures (daytime and night-time paving) and wind velocity, focusing on hot mix asphalt (HMA) asphalt concrete wearing with 14 mm nominal maximum aggregate size (ACW14) mix type for the wearing course and ACB28 mix type for the binder course. Samples were prepared in slab moulds 30.5 cm × 30.5 cm × 5 cm and compacted using a manually operated steel-roller. Readings were taken by averaging the temperature measurements at the middle and surface of the slabs and a temperature of 160 ºC was used as the mixing temperature. A control sample was prepared for each mix type and tested in the laboratory without the influence of wind velocity and solar flux. It was found that the cooling rate of HMA is significantly affected by environmental factors, thus influencing the TAC. The TAC tends to decrease by 15-50% during windy and night conditions but increases by up to 100% during daytime conditions compared to the control samples

    Physical properties of bitumen containing diatomite and waste engine oil

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    The addition of modifier, either to replace bitumen or as an additive, could potentially improve the performance of conventional bitumen used in road construction. This study characterizes the physical properties of bitumen 80/100 penetration grade modified with diatomite powder and waste engine oil (WEO). Different percentages of WEO i.e. 1%, 2%, and 3%, were added with 1% diatomite to the bitumen. The conventional and modified bitumen samples were tested for penetration, softening point, viscosity, and loss on heating. Results showed that the increase of WEO content, particularly at 3% in the modified bitumen, has softened the bitumen with lower softening point and higher loss on heating than the unmodified sample. In contrast, the diatomite powder has shown potential in reinforcing the bitumen structure at high temperature based on higher viscosity obtained at 165°C compared to conventional bitumen

    Physical properties of bitumen containing diatomite and waste engine oil

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    The addition of modifier, either to replace bitumen or as an additive, could potentially improve the performance of conventional bitumen used in road construction. This study characterizes the physical properties of bitumen 80/100 penetration grade modified with diatomite powder and waste engine oil (WEO). Different percentages of WEO i.e. 1%, 2%, and 3%, were added with 1% diatomite to the bitumen. The conventional and modified bitumen samples were tested for penetration, softening point, viscosity, and loss on heating. Results showed that the increase of WEO content, particularly at 3% in the modified bitumen, has softened the bitumen with lower softening point and higher loss on heating than the unmodified sample. In contrast, the diatomite powder has shown potential in reinforcing the bitumen structure at high temperature based on higher viscosity obtained at 165°C compared to conventional bitumen

    Stiffness modulus properties of hot mix asphalt containing waste engine oil

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    This study presents the effect of waste engine oil (WEO) on the mechanical properties of hot mix asphalt mixtures containing waste lubricating WEO. It was added into mixture at 0%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10% and 15% by weight of binder. The mechanical properties of the mixes were evaluated by conducting indirect tensile stiffness modulus (ITSM) at temperatures of 25°C and 40°C. The results indicated that modified mixes exhibited lower stiffness modulus with the increasing amount of WEO as well as testing temperature. The increasing amount of WEO was found to have a good linear correlation to the decreasing of stiffness modulus. The finding showed that the WEO has the significant role as a softening agent which affected the stiffness modulus even at low percentag

    A review on application of waste cooking oil as rejuvenator in porous asphalt mixture

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    Aging process of bitumen is one of the main obstacles, which limit the implementation of porous pavement. An aging process would cause a shorter service life of porous asphalt compared to the conventional hot mix asphalt mixture. The tendency rate of aging processes in porous asphalt is high due to the exposure of bitumen and aggregates binding in an open-graded structure that maximizes oxidation process to occur thus producing aged binder. In this respect to restore the original characteristics of pavement from aged bitumen, rejuvenation of bitumen binder offers an effective option. From the previous research, the performance of waste cooking oil (WCO) is investigated and indicated as one of rejuvenator agents for bitumen regeneration. Thus, this paper reviewed the novelty of the WCO, as an alternative natural rejuvenating agent for aged bitumen to a condition that resembles the original bitumen in the asphalt mixture

    Performance of Kaolin Clay on hot-mix asphalt properties

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    Kaolin clay is a waste product with numerous applications in construction. This study explored the addition effect of kaolin clay on the properties of hot-mix asphalt. Four replacement levels of kaolin clay were considered by weight of binder, i.e., 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%. The performance of kaolin clay on the hot-mix asphalt was evaluated through a Marshall stability and flow test, including stiffness, density, voids in total mix, and voids in filled with asphalt. Test results showed that kaolin clay can be satisfactorily used as filler replacement material to increase the asphalt mixture properties. Generally, asphaltic concrete with 2% kaolin clay replacement level exhibits excellent performance with good stability and stiffness

    Effects of diatomite as filler on the porous asphalt mixtures properties

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    Diatomite is a kind of mineral containing high amorphous silica content which is a very durable substance. Due to its useful characteristics such as lightweight, high porosity, high surface area, low density and high absorptive capacity, diatomite is identified with potential to be used as a filler to improve the performance of asphalt mixture. Porous asphalt is known to have poor strength and durability due to its open structure and high air void contents which exposed the structure to air and water. These factors may influence the adhesive strength of binder-aggregate and lead to cohesive failure within the binder film, which contribute to stripping and moisture damage. The addition of fillers has been identified to improve the adhesion and cohesion properties by stiffening the asphalt binder and enhance the bonding strength between aggregate and binder. Therefore, this study was undertaken to evaluate the potential of diatomite as filler in porous asphalt mixtures and compared with ordinary Portland cement. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) was conducted to investigate the microstructure of the fillers. The compacted samples of porous asphalt mixture with Malaysian aggregate gradation were prepared using Superpave gyratory compactor at the target air voids content of 21%. Each sample was incorporated with 2% of filler and polymer modified binderof PG76 as a binder. The sampleswere then tested for abrasion loss, resilient modulus and indirect tensile strength. The test results show that the samples prepared with diatomite havelower abrasion loss compared to those with cement. Besides, the samples incorporating diatomite show enhanced resilient modulus and indirect tensile strength. Thus, these indicate that the diatomite filler has good potential to improve resistance to stripping and moisture damage compared to cement