98 research outputs found

    Krisis kewangan Greece: Faktor-faktor krisis menurut teori Marxist.

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    Dunia dikejutkan dengan krisis kewangan global yang meledak pada tahun 2007-2008. Krisis kewangan global 2007-2008 adalah paling teruk sejak semenjak Kemelesetan Besar (Great Depression) pada 1930-an

    Alexithymia and somatization in psychiatric and medical patients

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    315 subjects comprising of equal number of psychiatric and medical patients; and control group were randomly selected for the study. Neuroses and depressive illness of the psychiatric group was chosen through psychiatric clinic. The medical outpatients attending physician clinic formed the medical group while the control group was identified from staff and patients relatives. The selected patient was administered a series of questionnaires such as Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS), Middlesex Hospital Questionnaires (MHQ) and Duke Health Profile (DUKE) after the diagnosis was confirmed. The psychiatric patient was further evaluated using Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDS) and Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAS) for assessment of severity of depression and anxiety respectively.172 (55%) subjects had positive TAS score and consider as alexithymia. The prevalence of alexithymia was significantly higher in psychiatric and medical patients than the control group. The number of alexithymia among patients with underlying depression and anxiety were significantly increased. In general individual with alexithymia had significantly higher number of personality trait than healthy volunteer. There were marked psychosocial impairments and physical disability in psychiatric and medical patients respectively. However the difference was small and did not reach the level of significant. Although we cannot link alexithymia with a specific factor, most likely it is the product of personality disturbances aggravated by medical and psychiatric illness, especially depression and anxiety

    Hotel website dimension: Analyzing customers’ preferences / Azdel Abdul Aziz... [et al.]

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    The revolutionary of technology in this modern era is explicitly giving significant impacts to hotel industry and hotel website is use as part of for marketing and business purposes. Various attributes and dimensions have developed through the hotel website. This study is empirically investigates the most important hotel website dimensions to be considered in relation to the international tourists’ preferences. The hotel website dimensions are measured through two categories of variables which are website interactivity and website information. Sample of 400 foreign tourists at Kuala Lumpur International Airport were selected. The most important dimension that attracts online purchasing was selected throughout the study. The study also concluded that website information was the most important variables in hotel website dimension. Practically, this research has shown the importance of understanding in choosing the best and appropriate website dimension to encourage customer to purchase via online

    The Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Business Environment

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    The fundamental of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is needed to engage entrepreneur being creative, innovative, risky as well as uncertain activities in the market place and discover new opportunities before their competitors. Due to low risk-taking propensity, Micro, Small Medium Enterprises in Malaysia growing in number each year but they are not into becoming a large corporation due to unwillingness to commit resources to undergo activities and projects which resulted in the uncertainty of the outcomes. Hence, this study discussed the fundamental of entrepreneurial orientation and practices of EO among the new entrant in the business.Keywords: Creative, Innovative, Risky, and EntrepreneurialeISSN: 2398-4287© 2020. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v5i13.1949

    Ionic Liquids: A Tool for Halal Food Industry

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    Currently, replacing volatile organic solvents with ionic liquids (ILs) in industrial applications is a matter of concern. ILs became solvents of choice due to their properties such as low melting points (<100 °C) and negligible vapor pressure. Despite being expansively investigated, ILs have not yet been intensively reviewed as eco-friendly solvents for the halal industry, which is the aim of this work. ILs have been used as surfactants, extractants for the purification of biomolecules, stabilizers for enzymes and in biosensors applications. Regardless of the lack of data on the toxicity of food products with ILs residues, low doses of ILs in in vitro tests did not lead to cell damage. Moreover, several ILs have stabilizing effects on biomolecules such as enzymes and proteins. Thus, new applications of ILs in the halal industry are possible within the concept of halalan tayyiban

    Secondary metabolite profiles and mating population of Fusarium species in section Liseola associated with bakanae disease of rice

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    A total of 25 strains of Fusarium species that belong to F. fujikuroi (a pathogen of bakanae disease), F. proliferatum, F.sacchari, F. subglutinans and F. verticillioides were isolated from rice plants showing typical bakanae symptoms in Malaysia and Indonesia and screened for their secondary metabolites. The objectives of the studies were to determine the physiological variability based on production of moniliformin (MON), fumonisin (FB1), gibberellic acid (GA3) and fusaric acid(FA) as well as to ascertain the mating populations (MPs) within the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex based on their ability to produce perithecia and viable ascospores. Production of GA3 could be used to separate F. fujikuroi that belongs to MP-C from other species. In crosses with seven standard testers of MPs, 76% of strains could be assigned to at least one of the G. fujikuroi species complex namely MP-A (G.moniliformis), MP-B (G. sacchari), MP-C (G. fujikuroi) and MP-D (G.intermedia). Single strain (M3237P) that was assigned as MP-C, and has also been identified morphologically as F. fujikuroi was also crossed-fertile with MP-D tester. The secondary metabolites profiles and the presence of MP-A, MP-B, MP-C and MP-D strains on samples of bakanae-infected rice plants are new records in Malaysia

    Post-purchase behavior: consume complaint behavior / Azmi Mat...[et al.]

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    Consumer complaints are no longer viewed as a negative light to the organization performance. In general, consumer complaints can be used as a benchmark for appraisal of their service quality and an important opportunity for the companies to improve. In other words, complaints play an important indicator to measure the level of service excellent or quality in a product. If there is no complaint from consumers, it is dangerous. It means, consumers do not care at all or they are apathetic towards the services or products offered by the organizations. Hence, consumers should be encouraged to speak up directly to the organization when they experience a service failure as complaints can help companies to be aware of their shortcomings and failures. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the factors affecting consumer complaining behavior as well as to investigate the possible action that consumer will take when they experience a dissatisfaction episode. This study is beneficial for the companies, future researchers and individual consumers as well

    The conductivity study of hybrid solar cells of TiO2 and doped with Bixa orellana for solar cells application

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    The application of nature dyes was explored for solar cells due to several advantages for green technology. These can be supporting in renewable energy alternatives, which must include solar energy. This system was fabricated as hybrid solar cells, which consist of organic and non-organic materials. Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS), TiO2, was selected as charge separation and transport. Bixa orellana used as extracted natural dyes solution in order to enhance the absorption of photons. The dyes were extracted by using immerging in methanol solution and left until dyes being extracted. The dyes were coated on ITO glass by using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) varied by 1, 3, 5, 7 and 10 layers of scan. This work focuses on conductivity and charge carrier study of thin film. The result shows the conductivity was increase due to several parameters that are, thickness of thin films, and intensity of light, mixture of natural dyes and concentration of dyes solution. The conductivity was then supported with the energy band gap via UV-Vis Spectroscopy

    Teaching Al-Quran among the Army Personels to increase the Level of Discipline

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    Discipline has been characterised by several scholars as mental and moral activities that ensure conformity to rules and regulations for the development of society. In any organisation, the core problem that needs to be tackled is the disciplinary problem. Islam has promoted discipline as the interjecting factor which leads to success in this world and hereafter. This descriptive study will be discussing on the disciplinary problems among the army personnel, the contributing factors to the problem as well as coming up with Islamic approach solutions to the problem. Discipline and the military are synonymous and the ability to adhere to the rules that have been determined is the decisive factor which can lead to one's career excellence in the military. Zina, gambling, alcoholism is some of the criminal cases that have been committed by these personnel. It is believed that the occurrences of these cases are due to their lack of religious knowledge and practices (not performing prayers and being ignorant towards the Al-Quran), lack of parental guidance and family problems. This paper will investigate how the principles of Al-Quran can assist in the instillation of discipline as outlined in Islamic teachings among the military personnel. This study will use a qualitative method by reviewing related documents, interviews and carrying out observations. In order to establish high discipline levels within the Malaysian Armed Forces, a more in-depth assessment of the existing disciplinary problems, their contributing elements, and resolving actions based on the principles of the Al-Quran will be conducted