172 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis of Preeclampsia by Studying the Changes in Plasma Malondialdehyde and Ceruloplasmin.

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    Preeclampsia is a human pregnancy specific, multi system disorder that Is characterized by hypertension and proteinuria1. Inspite of intensive effort to Identify the pathophysiological mechanism neither a specific cause nor a Pathogenesis has been identified. Roes, EM et al.hypothesised that endothelial dysfunction plays a major Role in preeclampsia2. Carl A. Hubel reviewed the role of oxidative stress in vascular Endothelial cell damage and also recorded increased level of lipid peroxidation Products in preeclampsia3. Atamer Y et al. Reported that the plasma antioxidant activity in Preeclampsia is defective, and could be the causative factor that is responsible For endothelial damage4. Gutteridge JMC et al. Reported that Ceruloplasmin is the major plasma Antioxidant and its activity is found to decrease in preeclampsia5. The increased Lipid peroxidation along with decreased ceruloplasmin activity may play a role In pathogenesis of preeclampsia.6 The present study was carried out to determine the level of plasma, Malondialdehyde [MDA] as a marker of lipidperoxidation and ceruloplasmin as An antioxidant against lipid peroxidation. By performing the above parameters In preeclampsia the antioxidant status and oxidative stress were studied

    Zastosowanie kliniczne świeżo mrożonego osocza w szpitalu referencyjnym w Indiach

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    Background. Increased utilization of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) over the last decade hascaused a rising trend in its unjustified usage exposing recipients to both infectious and non--infectious hazards. The aim of the study was to observe the pattern of clinical use of plasmaat a tertiary care hospital from India.Material and methods. Prospective analysis of all the requests raised for plasma was carriedout. Indicators namely homogeneity of the requisition forms, patient demographics, indicationsfor transfusion, dosage, pre-transfusion coagulation parameters and adverse events werenoted. Appropriateness was defined based on compliance to both national and internationalstandards. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20 (IBM, USA).Results. Total nine hundred ninety eight patients (Males: 66%) received 4991 units ofplasma at an average of two episodes per patient. Majority were adults 83.6% (n = 835).Primary users were internal medicine (32%) and plastic surgery (17%) respectively. Mostcommon indication was bleeding with coagulopathy seen in 41% (411/998) patients. Averageplasma volume administered was 456.2 ± 287.4 (17 to 2800) mL per episode. Pre--transfusions INR value was available in only 63.2% (n = 1317) episodes. Overall, 56% (n= 1169) episodes were deemed appropriate. Total 0.28% plasma related adverse reactionswere seen and reported to the national hemovigilance database. Mortality in the study groupwas 7.2%.Conclusion. Existing transfusion practices for plasma use were moderately compliant withthe standards. Commonest indications for inappropriate FFP use were for low protein statesand prophylaxis without any evidence of bleeding.Wstęp. W ciągu ostatniej dekady znacznie zwiększyło się zużycie świeżo mrożonego osocza(fresh frozen plasma, FFP), co spowodowało rosnącą tendencję do nieuzasadnionego stosowaniaFFP, a tym samym narażenie pacjentów na ryzyko związane z zakażeniami i niezakaźnymi powikłaniami. Badanie przeprowadzono w celu zaobserwowania, w jaki sposób stosuje sięFFP w referencyjnym szpitalu w Indiach.Materiał i metody. Przeanalizowano w sposób prospektywny wszystkie przypadki zamówieńosocza. Stosowano jednorodne formularze zamówienia i odnotowano dane demograficznechorych, wskazania do transfuzji, dawkę, parametry krzepliwości krwi przed transfuzją orazzdarzenia niepożądane. Prawidłowe stosowanie definiowano jako zgodność z krajowymi i międzynarodowymistandardami. Do analizy danych użyto oprogramowania SPSS, wersja 20(IBM, Stany Zjednoczone).Wyniki. Ogółem 998 chorym (66% mężczyzn) podano 4991 jednostek osocza, a średnia liczbatransfuzji na pacjenta wynosiła 2. Większość stanowiły osoby dorosłe (83.6%; n = 835).Największą grupę stanowili pacjenci internistyczni (32%) i osoby poddające się zabiegom z zakresuchirurgii plastycznej (17%). Najczęstszym wskazaniem było krwawienie z koagulopatiąobserwowane u 41% (411/998) chorych. Średnia objętość podanego osocza wynosiła 456,2± 287,4 (17 do 2800) ml na transfuzję. Wartość INR przed transfuzją była dostępna tylkow 63,2% (n = 1317) epizodów. Ogółem, 56% (n = 1169) epizodów uznano za prawidłowe.W 0,28% przypadków zaobserwowano działania niepożądane i zgłoszono je do krajowej bazynadzoru hematologicznego. Odnotowano 72 przypadki zgonów (7,2% chorych).Wnioski. Stosowana praktyka dotycząca transfuzji osocza była umiarkowanie zgodna ze standardami.Najczęściej stwierdzanymi nieprawidłowościami było stosowanie FFP w przypadkuniedoborów białkowych i w ramach profilaktyki przy braku jakichkolwiek oznak krwawienia

    Idiopathic multilocular thymic cyst-an incidental anterior mediastinal mass

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    Acquired thymic cyst are multilocular and they occur de novo or in association with mediastinal neoplasm, systemic autoimmune diseases and trauma. Here, we report a case of acquired multilocular thymic cyst due to non-specific inflammatory etiology in a 42-year old gentleman and our approach to diagnosis and management of anterior mediastinal mass. With no specific clinical symptom, he was diagnosed with anterior mediastinal mass incidentally by imaging studies. Definitive diagnosis of multilocular thymic cyst was obtained by tissue diagnosis of the anterior mediastinal mass resected during the surgery

    Using smartphone video “selfies” to monitor change in toothbrushing behavior after a brief intervention: A pilot study

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    Background: Attempts to refine toothbrushing (TB) technique, an ingrained habit in adults, can meet with some challenges. Recently, the role of proactive interference as a barrier to improving the learning of proper brushing has been proposed. This pilot feasibility study was designed to investigate TB behavior and to see how it changes after training. Smartphone video “selfies” (SPVSs) are increasingly being used in the medical field to assess, monitor, and determine the progression of diseases. Materials and Methods: We used SPVS to study TB skills in a small sample of volunteers. Over a period of 14 days, after a one-time group training session, we observed TB behavior of volunteers using self-captured SPVS. Results: Following the brief intervention, we observed an 8% of improvement in TB skills. Discussion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report using SPVS to study TB behavior. We demonstrated initial feasibility of using SPVS in the dental setting. We observed modest improvements in toothbrushing accuracy and quality, and we generated important experiences about the use of Selfies for TB monitoring and intervention, and some interesting insights about where in the toothbrushing is more or less effective. Conclusion: Further investigation using a larger sample size is needed to thoroughly assess the effectiveness of this approach to improve TB skills and better understand the role of proactive interference

    Eficacia antiincrustante de una formulación de pintura de reducción controlada con acetofenona

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    Biofouling is an inevitable problem that occurs continually on marine fishing vessels and other small crafts. The nature of the antifouling (AF) coatings used to prevent biofouling on these small vessels is of great environmental concern. Therefore, the efficacy of a non-toxic AF candidate, acetophenone, was evaluated in preliminary laboratory assays using marine bacteria, diatom and Ulva spores. At a low concentration of 100 μg cm–2 of acetophenone, spore attachment of a green fouling alga was significantly reduced (p < 0.01). Similarly, 40% acetophenone coatings significantly inhibited diatom attachment. This new non-toxic AF agent was incorporated into controlled depletion paint (CDP). Fouling coverage (%), biomass, and fouling resistance (%) were estimated. On CDP coatings made with acetophenone (40%), a significant decrease in fouling biomass was estimated (p < 0.01).El biofouling es un problema inevitable que ocurre continuamente en los buques de pesca marina y en las pequeñas embarcaciones. La naturaleza de los recubrimientos antiincrustantes (AF) usados para prevenir el bioincrustado en estos pequeños buques tiene gran preocupación ambiental. Por lo tanto, la eficacia de un candidato AF no tóxico, la acetofenona, se evaluó en ensayos preliminares de laboratorio usando bacterias marinas, diatomeas y esporas de Ulva. A una concentración baja de 100 μg cm–2 de acetofenona, la adherencia de esporas de una alga incrustante verde se redujo significativamente (p < 0.01). Del mismo modo, el revestimiento de acetofenona a un nivel del 40% inhibieró significativamente la adherencia de diatomeas. Además, esta nueva acetofenona AF no tóxica se incorporó a la pintura de reducción controlada (CDP). La cobertura de las incrustaciones (%), la biomasa y la resistencia a la incrustación (%) fueron estimadas. En recubrimientos de CDP donde se incorporó la acetofenona (40%), se estimó una disminución significativa de la biomasa incrustante (p < 0.01)