11 research outputs found

    Information Systems of Ostrava City Magistrate

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    Import 04/11/2015Resumé Tato práce se zabývá analýzou informačních systémů veřejné správy a informačních systémů Magistrátu města Ostravy. Cílem práce bylo zhodnotit činnosti a služby informačních systémů Magistrátu města Ostravy. V diplomové práci byly stanoveny hypotézy, které se potvrdily. V první hypotéze jsme se zabývali tím, zda Magistrát města Ostravy zajišťuje činnosti informačních systémů a služeb převážně externí firmou. Tato hypotéza se potvrdila. Druhá hypotéza, kterou jsme zjišťovali, byla, zda jsou služby Informačních technologií poskytovány Magistrátem města Ostravy v největší míře právě pro občany – fyzické osoby. I tato hypotéza se nám potvrdila. V diplomové práci byla stanovena také kritéria, kterými jsme dospěli k závěrům hypotézy. Kritéria jsou tato: Zhodnocení činností Informačních systémů, jaký je jejich obsah, náplň, jaké systémy Magistrát města Ostravy využívá a jakým způsobem jsou zajišťovány. V diplomové práci jsme dospěli ke zjištění, že informační systémy jsou zajišťovány z 96 % externí, outsourcingovou společností a nejvíce informační služby využívají občané – fyzické osoby, ze 43%. Přínosem práce je pak zjištění, že outsourcingová společnost, kterou využívá Magistrát města Ostravy pro správu informačních systémů, je ve 100% vlastnictví města Ostravy. Takto řízená správa se jeví jako neefektivní. I když zisk ve veřejném sektoru není hlavním cílem.Resume This thesis deals with the analysis of information systems of the public administration and information systems in the Municipality of Ostrava City. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the activities and services of information systems in the Municipality of Ostrava City. In this thesis have been determined the hypotheses, which have been confirmed. In the first hypothesis, we have been dealing with the fact, if the Municipality of Ostrava City provides the business information systems and services mainly by the external company. This hypothesis has been confirmed. The second hypothesis, we have been investigated with was the fact, if the information technology services provided by the Municipality of Ostrava City are in the greatest rate for citizens - individuals. Also this hypothesis has been confirmed. In the thesis have been also determined the criteria, by which we came to the conclusions of the hypothesis. The criteria are as follows: the evaluation of information systems, what the content is, and what system the Municipality of Ostrava City uses and how they are provided. In this thesis we came to the finding that information systems are provided from 96 % by the external outsourcing company and the information services are mostly used by citizens - individuals, namely from 43 %. The contribution of this thesis is the finding that the outsourcing company, used by the Municipality of Ostrava City for the management of information systems, is by 100 % owned by the Ostrava City. In this way controlled management seems to be ineffective. Although the profit is not in the public sector the primary aim.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikydobř

    COVID-19 Vaccination Among Diverse Population Groups in the Northern Governorates of Iraq

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    Objectives: The present study was carried out to investigate COVID-19 vaccination coverage among populations of internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and host communities in northern Iraq and the related underlying factors.Methods: Through a cross-sectional study conducted in five governorates in April–May 2022, 4,564 individuals were surveyed. Data were collected through an adapted questionnaire designed to gather data on participants.Results: 4,564 subjects were included (59.55% were 19–45 years old; 54.51% male). 50.48% of the participants (51.49% of host communities, 48.83% of IDPs, and 45.87% of refugees) had been vaccinated with at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. 40.84% of participants (42.28% of host communities, 35.75% of IDPs, and 36.14% of refugees) had been vaccinated by two doses, and 1.56% (1.65% of host communities, 0.93% of IDPs, and 1.46% of refugees) were vaccinated with three doses.Conclusion: Sociodemographic factors including age, gender, education, occupation, and nationality could affect vaccination coverage. Moreover, higher acceptance rate of vaccination is associated with belief in vaccine safety and effectiveness and trust in the ability of the vaccine to prevent complications

    microTaboo : a general and practical solution to the k-disjoint problem

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    Background: A common challenge in bioinformatics is to identify short sub-sequences that are unique in a set of genomes or reference sequences, which can efficiently be achieved by k-mer (k consecutive nucleotides) counting. However, there are several areas that would benefit from a more stringent definition of "unique", requiring that these sub-sequences of length W differ by more than k mismatches (i.e. a Hamming distance greater than k) from any other sub-sequence, which we term the k-disjoint problem. Examples include finding sequences unique to a pathogen for probe-based infection diagnostics; reducing off-target hits for re-sequencing or genome editing; detecting sequence (e.g. phage or viral) insertions; and multiple substitution mutations. Since both sensitivity and specificity are critical, an exhaustive, yet efficient solution is desirable. Results: We present microTaboo, a method that allows for efficient and extensive sequence mining of unique (k-disjoint) sequences of up to 100 nucleotides in length. On a number of simulated and real data sets ranging from microbe-to mammalian-size genomes, we show that microTaboo is able to efficiently find all sub-sequences of a specified length W that do not occur within a threshold of k mismatches in any other sub-sequence. We exemplify that microTaboo has many practical applications, including point substitution detection, sequence insertion detection, padlock probe target search, and candidate CRISPR target mining. Conclusions: microTaboo implements a solution to the k-disjoint problem in an alignment-and assembly free manner. microTaboo is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, running Java 7 and higher, under the GNU GPLv3 license, at:https://MohammedAlJaff.github.io/microTabo

    Additional file 5:Table S4. of microTaboo: a general and practical solution to the k-disjoint problem

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    Runtime comparisons -microTaboo vs. BLAST and a suffix array method. (DOCX 39 kb

    Framtagning av unika gemensamma sekvenser hos koagulasnegativa stafylokocker

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    I följande rapport kommer vi ta upp hur vi löste problemet med att hitta gemensamma sekvenser hos en mängd koagulasnegativa stafylokocker (KNS) för att bl.a. kunna skilja dem ifrån dess släkting Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus). Problemet har sin grund i att projektbeställaren, Q-linea, vill kunna identifiera infekterande bakterier i fall av blodsjukdomen sepsis. Vi kunde dessvärre inte hitta sekvenser som fungerade för alla våra utvalda stafylokocker. Däremot lyckades vi hitta flera sekvenser som parvis fungerade tillsammans för att urskilja stafylokockgruppen mot S. aureus. För att utföra alla jämförelser konstruerade och implementerade vi en bioinformatisk pipeline med en tredelad optimeringsmetod för att göra de tunga beräkningarna snabbare