399 research outputs found

    An Investigation on the possibility of utilization of chemical material for mitigation of Cochlodinium sp. bloom and their impact on the Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp

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    Cochlodinium polykrikoides is a common red tide former associated with fish kills in the most coastal waters of the world. Pay attention red tide problems to human and environment, forecast and control of algal bloom are aim of a lot of coastal environmental studies. Following Cochlodinium polykrikoideswas bloom in Oman Sea and Persian Gulf, extensive mortality of aquatic animal were seen in 2008, instances verified extensive damaged to wetland habitats during algal bloom. In this study have been tried for finding a suitable chemical composition for Mitigation of Cochlodinium polykrikoides bloom in wetlands. To identify the safe chemical substance against red tide in coastal waters wetlands, concentration effects of 0.01 mg/l, 0.04 mg/l, 0.4 mg/l, 1 mg/l and 1 gr/l Magnesium Hydroxide, Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC), Aluminum Sulfate, Sodium Hypochlorite, Calcium Carbonate, Ferrous Sulfate, Starch on Laboratory cultures of Cochlodinium polykrikoides (1000000 cell/lit) and Litopenaeus vannamei were studied in Iranian Shrimp research center. Cochlodinium polykrikoides were cultured under a cool white fluorescent light of 2000 lux intensity with a 12:12 h light: dark cycle. Temperature and salinity were controlled 28 °C and of 30 g/l (ppt), respectively. Finding show that, all concentration of above substance, completely disintegrated of cultured Cochlodinium polykrikoides. Also except 1 g/l Sodium Hypochlorite, in other concentrations of studied substances, there weren’t seen shrimp mortality after 96h. Among studied substance, starch have limit effects on the shrimp health and environment, therefore it can be suitable for controlling of Cochlodinium polykrikoides in shrimp ponds

    Stretch-induced intussuceptive and sprouting angiogenesis in the chick chorioallantoic membrane

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    Vascular systems grow and remodel in response to not only metabolic needs, but also mechanical influences as well. Here, we investigated the influence of tissue-level mechanical forces on the patterning and structure of the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) microcirculation. A dipole stretch field was applied to the CAM using custom computer-controlled servomotors. The topography of the stretch field was mapped using finite element models. After 3 days of stretch, Sholl analysis of the CAM demonstrated a 7-fold increase in conducting vessel intersections within the stretch field (p 0.05). In contrast, corrosion casting and SEM of the stretch field capillary meshwork demonstrated intense sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis. Both planar surface area (p < 0.05) and pillar density (p < 0.01) were significantly increased relative to control regions of the CAM. We conclude that a uniaxial stretch field stimulates the axial growth and realignment of conducting vessels as well as intussusceptive and sprouting angiogenesis within the gas exchange capillaries of the ex ovo CAM.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH grant HL95678

    Cholangiocarcinoma in Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography and Fascioliasis in Endoscopic Ultrasonography

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    Fascioliasis is a worldwide zoonotic infection with Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. The zoonoses are particularly endemic in sheep-raising countries and are also endemic in Iran. Typical symptoms that may be associated with fascioliasis can be divided by phases of the disease, including the acute or liver phase, the chronic or biliary phase, and ectopic or pharyngeal fascioliasis. Cholestatic symptoms may be absent, and in some cases diagnosis and treatment may be preceded by a long period of abdominal pain, eosinophilia and vague gastrointestinal symptoms. We report a case with epigastric and upper quadrant abdominal pain for the last 4 years, with imaging suggesting cholangiocarcinoma. Considering a new concept of endoscopic ultrasonography, at last F. hepatica was extracted with endoscopic retrograde cholangiography

    The monitoring of hydrology and hydrobiology stydies of the Persian Gulf in the Bushehr region

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    This study has been carried out in waters of Bushehr province in the Persian Gulf covering Nayband bay to Bahregansar between 26° 45 N to 30° 00 N and 49° 45 E to 52° 45 E, 15 main and 5 sub- stations, by R/V Ferdows 1 in winter 2004, summer 2004 and winter 2005. The physico - chemical parameters, nutrients (silicate, phosphate, nitrate and nitrite), phyto, zooplanktons, sediments and macrobenthoses were collected from water layers and sea bottom, and then analysed. The parameters were compared and evaluated with the results of the previous work, conducted in the same area. Termocline, halocline, oxycline and picnocline layers were formed in summer. These clins disappeared due to water column mixing in winter. The values of temperature, conductivity and pH in summer were higher than those of in winter, while the salinity and density values of surface and subsurface layers in winter were higher than those of in summer. The temperature and conductivity have been decreased from surface to depth, from coastal rigions to offshore and from southern waters to northwern waters, while salinity, density and turbidity have been increased. The dissolved oxygen is decreased by increasing the values of temperature, salinity and depth and it is observed that D.O. has increased in correlation with chlorophyl a in mean and subsurface layers. The pH was rather decreased from surface to depth while turbidity was increased. Orthosilicate (Si_SiO44), nitrate (N_NO3), and nitrite (N_NO2 ) concentration have increased from surface to depth while orthophostate (P_PO43) decreased. Among the phytoplanktons, Dinophycea had most abundance in winter 2004 and Diatoms had most abundance, variety and distribution in summer 2004 and winter 2005. Among the zooplanktons, Copeopda had most abundance, variety and distribution. The intensity of phytoplanktons in summer was more than those in winter; it decreased from surface to depth and from coastal rigions to offshore, at first increased and then gradually decreases. Intensity of zooplanktons in summer was more than those in winter and decreased from surface layers to depth and from coastal waters to offshore. The abundance of benthoses in summer was more than that in winter while their biomass in winter was more than that in summer. The abundance decreased from southern to northwern waters, but the rate of decrease in biomass was more than that of abundance. The mainly texture of sediments was loamy or muddy and the grain size in southeastern and northwestern areas were coarser than those in middle area. Compared with the previous study, the trend of physico chemical, silicate, nitrate and nitrite were the same but in spite of the past, the values of pH in summer were more than those in winter and also phosphate concentration had been decreased frome surface layer to depth. The overall trends of phyto and zooplanktons densities are almost similar to previous observation, but cyanophyceae significantly decreased, in comparison with spring and summer abundance. It is also observed that the zooplanktons average density has been in reverse order compared to previous observations. Average concentration of phosphate in the entire region was seven times more than that of the former study and its maximum value has rised more than 26 times in the petroleum and gas industries areas. On the other hand, the abundance and diversity of phyto and zooplanktons and also the ratio of biomass to abundance of benthoses were decreased

    Hydrology and hydrobiological study of the Persian Gulf in the Bushehr region

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    In order to investigate some ecological condition of the waters of Bushehr province in the Persian gulf between 50~'-01 E to 52~'-47 E and 26~'-39 N to 29~'-03 N, 18 major and 16 minor stations have been studied from Nayband bay to Kharg Island, using R.V. Ferdows 1. There have been a preliminary survey in winter 2001, 4 seasonal surveys in 2001-2 and a complementary one in summer 2002. During this period the seasonal environmental conditions, physico-chemical parameters, zoo and phytoplankton concentrations in water layers, macrobenthoses and sediments were studied. Sea bed swelling in the Motaf region has resulted in division of the area in two parts and in a such away that the climatic and chemico-physical conditions in the southeast area are different from the northwest area. In the southeast area the termocline, halocline, picnocline and oxycline are generated in spring, increased in summer, moved down to the deeper layers in fall and disappeared in the winter. In the Northwest area the clines are only formed in spring and summer but disappear in fall and winter due to almost perfect water column mixing resulted from climatological conditions. During survey period the water temperature ranged from 18 34.1~'C, salinity 37.9 41.3 ppt, conductivity 51.3 70.4 ms/cm, sigmaT 23.1 30.2 g/cm3, dissolved oxygen 0.2 8 ppm, and chlorophyll a 0.1 3.6 mg/m3. It is observed that salinity, conductivity and sigmaT have increased from surface to depeer layer, while oxygen and chlorophyll a had a pick in mean layers but temperature have decreased from surface to the depth. Temperature and conductivity decreased from southeast to the northwest and from costal to offshore. Salinity and sigmaT increased from southeast to the northwest. Dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a did not show any trend. The concentration of nutrients including ortho silicate (Si-SiO4- 4), ortho phosphosphate (P PO4-4), nitrate (N NO3- ) and nitrite (N NO2- ) varied between 0.4 13.3, 0.05 1.6, 0.1 12.3 and 0.1 1.4 ~kmol/l, respectively. The overall nutrient concentrations increased from surface to depth. 61 genuses of 5 phytoplankton groups and 8 branches, 12 classes of zooplankton were identified. The identified phytoplanktons included 42 Diatom, 16 Dinophyceae, 3 Cyanophyceae, one Chrysophyceae and one Euglenaphyceae geneses. The highest intensity of phytoplanktons was recorded in summer, while in the case of zooplankton, was recorded in spring. Diatoms had the highest variety in all seasons and the maximum abundance in fall and winter. Cyanophyceaes were predominant group in the spring and summer. On the contrary to zooplanktons, the intensity of phytoplanktons decreased from coastal to the offshore waters. The highest intensity of all planktons (zoo and phyto) was in 10-20 m layer. The intensity of phyto plankton increased from southeast towards northwest. The zooplankton concentration didn t follow any particular trend. The identified macrobenthoses were 69 families including 34 polychaets, 22 gastropods, 10 of bivalvs, 1 crustacean, 1 scaphopoda, 1 foraminifera, 5 classes and 6 orders of crustacea, 1 order of echinodermata, 1 fish larva and 6 branches of other benthoses. Intensity and biomass of all groups were determined. The polychaets and malacostraca had the most abundance in contrast to the other groups. Macrobenthosis intensity decreased from coast to the offshore in southeast of Motaf region, while the middle stations of northwest of Motaf had a better intensity. The mean abundance and biomass of total area decreased from coast to the offshore, and the slope of decrease in biomass was more than abundance. Seasonal minimum and maximum abundance ranged from 1457 to 1903 per square meter in spring and winter, and the biomass ranged between 7.8-10.8 g/m2 in summer and spring, respectively. In spite of high abundance of macrobenthose in the transect no: 13, the estimated biomass was lower than other transects. This might be due to prolonged exposition to more pollutant. The grain size of sediments was classified as gravel, sand, silt and clay. The organic matter of sediments ranged from 1.12 3.3% with annual average of 1.6%. The grain size of sediments in southeastern point was coarser than other areas. The middle stations of northwestern area had fine grain and more organic matter in contrast to the offshore and coastal stations

    Disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) in Iran and its neighboring countries, 1990–2015

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    BACKGROUND: Summary measures of health are essential in making estimates of health status that are comparable across time and place. They can be used for assessing the performance of health systems, informing effective policy making, and monitoring the progress of nations toward achievement of sustainable development goals. The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2015 (GBD 2015) provides disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) and healthy life expectancy (HALE) as main summary measures of health. We assessed the trends of health status in Iran and 15 neighboring countries using these summary measures. METHODS: We used the results of GBD 2015 to present the levels and trends of DALYs, life expectancy (LE), and HALE in Iran and its 15 neighboring countries from 1990 to 2015. For each country, we assessed the ratio of observed levels of DALYs and HALE to those expected based on socio-demographic index (SDI), an indicator composed of measures of total fertility rate, income per capita, and average years of schooling. RESULTS: All-age numbers of DALYs reached over 19 million years in Iran in 2015. The all-age number of DALYs has remained stable during the past two decades in Iran, despite the decreasing trends in all-age and age-standardized rates. The all-cause DALY rates decreased from 47,200 in 1990 to 28,400 per 100,000 in 2015. The share of non-communicable diseases in DALYs increased in Iran (from 42% to 74%) and all of its neighbors between 1990 and 2015; the pattern of change is similar in almost all 16 countries. The DALY rates for NCDs and injuries in Iran were higher than global rates and the average rate in High Middle SDI countries, while those for communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional disorders were much lower in Iran. Among men, cardiovascular diseases ranked first in all countries of the region except for Bahrain. Among women, they ranked first in 13 countries. Life expectancy and HALE show a consistent increase in all countries. Still, there are dissimilarities indicating a generally low LE and HALE in Afghanistan and Pakistan and high expectancy in Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Iran ranked 11th in terms of LE at birth and 12th in terms of HALE at birth in 1990 which improved to 9th for both metrics in 2015. Turkey and Iran had the highest increase in LE and HALE from 1990 to 2015 while the lowest increase was observed in Armenia, Pakistan, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Iraq. CONCLUSIONS: The levels and trends in causes of DALYs, life expectancy, and HALE generally show similarities between the 16 countries, although differences exist. The differences observed between countries can be attributed to a myriad of determinants, including social, cultural, ethnic, religious, political, economic, and environmental factors as well as the performance of the health system. Investigating the differences between countries can inform more effective health policy and resource allocation. Concerted efforts at national and regional levels are required to tackle the emerging burden of non-communicable diseases and injuries in Iran and its neighbors

    Global, regional, and national burden of chronic kidney disease, 1990–2017 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background Health system planning requires careful assessment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) epidemiology, but data for morbidity and mortality of this disease are scarce or non-existent in many countries. We estimated the global, regional, and national burden of CKD, as well as the burden of cardiovascular disease and gout attributable to impaired kidney function, for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2017. We use the term CKD to refer to the morbidity and mortality that can be directly attributed to all stages of CKD, and we use the term impaired kidney function to refer to the additional risk of CKD from cardiovascular disease and gout. Methods The main data sources we used were published literature, vital registration systems, end-stage kidney disease registries, and household surveys. Estimates of CKD burden were produced using a Cause of Death Ensemble model and a Bayesian meta-regression analytical tool, and included incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability, mortality, years of life lost, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). A comparative risk assessment approach was used to estimate the proportion of cardiovascular diseases and gout burden attributable to impaired kidney function. Findings Globally, in 2017, 1·2 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 1·2 to 1·3) people died from CKD. The global all-age mortality rate from CKD increased 41·5% (95% UI 35·2 to 46·5) between 1990 and 2017, although there was no significant change in the age-standardised mortality rate (2·8%, −1·5 to 6·3). In 2017, 697·5 million (95% UI 649·2 to 752·0) cases of all-stage CKD were recorded, for a global prevalence of 9·1% (8·5 to 9·8). The global all-age prevalence of CKD increased 29·3% (95% UI 26·4 to 32·6) since 1990, whereas the age-standardised prevalence remained stable (1·2%, −1·1 to 3·5). CKD resulted in 35·8 million (95% UI 33·7 to 38·0) DALYs in 2017, with diabetic nephropathy accounting for almost a third of DALYs. Most of the burden of CKD was concentrated in the three lowest quintiles of Socio-demographic Index (SDI). In several regions, particularly Oceania, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America, the burden of CKD was much higher than expected for the level of development, whereas the disease burden in western, eastern, and central sub-Saharan Africa, east Asia, south Asia, central and eastern Europe, Australasia, and western Europe was lower than expected. 1·4 million (95% UI 1·2 to 1·6) cardiovascular disease-related deaths and 25·3 million (22·2 to 28·9) cardiovascular disease DALYs were attributable to impaired kidney function. Interpretation Kidney disease has a major effect on global health, both as a direct cause of global morbidity and mortality and as an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. CKD is largely preventable and treatable and deserves greater attention in global health policy decision making, particularly in locations with low and middle SDI

    Exogenous coenzyme Q10 modulates MMP-2 activity in MCF-7 cell line as a breast cancer cellular model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background/Aims</p> <p>Matrix Metalloproteinases 2 is a key molecule in cellular invasion and metastasis. Mitochondrial ROS has been established as a mediator of MMP activity. Coenzyme Q<sub>10 </sub>contributes to intracellular ROS regulation. Coenzyme Q<sub>10 </sub>beneficial effects on cancer are still in controversy but there are indications of Coenzyme Q<sub>10 </sub>complementing effect on tamoxifen receiving breast cancer patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study we aimed to investigate the correlation of the effects of co-incubation of coenzyme Q10 and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) on intracellular H2O2 content and Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) activity in MCF-7 cell line.</p> <p>Results and Discussion</p> <p>Our experiment was designed to assess the effect in a time and dose related manner. Gelatin zymography and Flowcytometric measurement of H2O2 by 2'7',-dichlorofluorescin-diacetate probe were employed. The results showed that both coenzyme Q10 and N-acetyl-L-cysteine reduce MMP-2 activity along with the pro-oxidant capacity of the MCF-7 cell in a dose proportionate manner.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Collectively, the present study highlights the significance of Coenzyme Q<sub>10 </sub>effect on the cell invasion/metastasis effecter molecules.</p

    A Modeling-Derived Hypothesis on Chronicity in Respiratory Diseases: Desensitized Pathogen Recognition Secondary to Hyperactive IRAK/TRAF6 Signaling

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    Several chronic respiratory diseases exhibit hyperactive immune responses in the lung: abundant inflammatory mediators; infiltrating neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes and other immune cells; and increased level of proteases. Such diseases include cystic fibrosis (CF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and severe/neutrophilic asthma. Paradoxically, patients with these diseases are also susceptible to detrimental bacterial infection and colonization. In this paper, we seek to explain how a positive feedback mechanism via IL-8 could lead to desensitization of epithelial cells to pathogen recognition thus perpetuating bacterial colonization and chronic disease states in the lung. Such insight was obtained from mathematical modeling of the IRAK/TRAF6 signaling module, and is consistent with existing clinical evidence. The potential implications for targeted treatment regimes for these persistent respiratory diseases are explored

    Neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality and morbidity burden in the Eastern Mediterranean region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 study

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    Objectives Although substantial reductions in under-5 mortality have been observed during the past 35 years, progress in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) has been uneven. This paper provides an overview of child mortality and morbidity in the EMR based on the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study. Methods We used GBD 2015 study results to explore under-5 mortality and morbidity in EMR countries. Results In 2015, 755,844 (95% uncertainty interval (UI) 712,064–801,565) children under 5 died in the EMR. In the early neonatal category, deaths in the EMR decreased by 22.4%, compared to 42.4% globally. The rate of years of life lost per 100,000 population under 5 decreased 54.38% from 177,537 (173,812–181,463) in 1990 to 80,985 (76,308–85,876) in 2015; the rate of years lived with disability decreased by 0.57% in the EMR compared to 9.97% globally. Conclusions Our findings call for accelerated action to decrease child morbidity and mortality in the EMR. Governments and organizations should coordinate efforts to address this burden. Political commitment is needed to ensure that child health receives the resources needed to end preventable deaths