43 research outputs found

    The study of the interactive effect of culture and e-commerce in Iran

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    In this study, it has been tried to identify cultural factors influencing on understanding, acceptance and replacing older methods with electronic commerce and through a basic hypothesis(there is a significant relationship between the culture and e-commerce) and five sub-hypotheses(examining the relationship between learning English, teaching how to use computers and search engines, traditional shopping ways, the impact of thoughts and attitudes of reference groups, friends, relatives, family and competitive phenomena and finally the distance between the class and e-commerce). As it is found from the research topic, research scope was related to the whole parts of Iran but since the culture of tendency toward e-commerce does not exist in a large amount in Tehran, therefore, we consider only Tehran as our population and statistical sample obtained through the cluster sampling method. The primary and secondary data were collected through library method and questionnaire as a survey method of research was distributed in computer sales centers in Tehran like Computer Center of Raza, capital, Ala al-Din, Shahrake Ekbatan, Shahrake Gharb, café nets and some major computer sales centers in different parts of Tehran. Among them, people having computers and information about computer and computer science were regarded as the main participants. Finally, the results of this research indicated that there is a significant relationship between culture and e-commerce

    The study of the interactive effect of culture and e-commerce in Iran

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    In this study, it has been tried to identify cultural factors influencing on understanding, acceptance and replacing older methods with electronic commerce and through a basic hypothesis(there is a significant relationship between the culture and e-commerce) and five sub-hypotheses(examining the relationship between learning English, teaching how to use computers and search engines, traditional shopping ways, the impact of thoughts and attitudes of reference groups, friends, relatives, family and competitive phenomena and finally the distance between the class and e-commerce). As it is found from the research topic, research scope was related to the whole parts of Iran but since the culture of tendency toward e-commerce does not exist in a large amount in Tehran, therefore, we consider only Tehran as our population and statistical sample obtained through the cluster sampling method. The primary and secondary data were collected through library method and questionnaire as a survey method of research was distributed in computer sales centers in Tehran like Computer Center of Raza, capital, Ala al-Din, Shahrake Ekbatan, Shahrake Gharb, café nets and some major computer sales centers in different parts of Tehran. Among them, people having computers and information about computer and computer science were regarded as the main participants. Finally, the results of this research indicated that there is a significant relationship between culture and e-commerce

    The evaluation of the effect of E-banking service quality on customers’ commitment of Parsian Bank of Tehran

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    This study investigates the impact of e-banking service quality on customers’ satisfaction and commitment. The design of the present study isexperimental, and for conducting this study, 384 customers of Parsian Bank of Tehran who have had the experience of using the electronic services of this bank were randomly selected by cluster sampling and data of this study were collected by using of questionnaire tool. The nature of the study is descriptive-survey and descriptive-analytical statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. In the descriptive analysis level, demographic data were analyzed and in the analytical analysis level, data were analyzed by structural equation modeling to confirm or reject the hypotheses. The results of this study indicated that all three hypotheses were confrmed. The perceived quality of e-banking services has positive impact on customers’ satisfaction. Finally, the satisfaction of the perceived quality of e-banking services has a positive impact on customers’ commitment

    The evaluation of the effect of E-banking service quality on customers’ commitment of Parsian Bank of Tehran

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    This study investigates the impact of e-banking service quality on customers’ satisfaction and commitment. The design of the present study isexperimental, and for conducting this study, 384 customers of Parsian Bank of Tehran who have had the experience of using the electronic services of this bank were randomly selected by cluster sampling and data of this study were collected by using of questionnaire tool. The nature of the study is descriptive-survey and descriptive-analytical statistical techniques were used to analyze the data. In the descriptive analysis level, demographic data were analyzed and in the analytical analysis level, data were analyzed by structural equation modeling to confirm or reject the hypotheses. The results of this study indicated that all three hypotheses were confrmed. The perceived quality of e-banking services has positive impact on customers’ satisfaction. Finally, the satisfaction of the perceived quality of e-banking services has a positive impact on customers’ commitment

    Faults in Deep Reinforcement Learning Programs: A Taxonomy and A Detection Approach

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    A growing demand is witnessed in both industry and academia for employing Deep Learning (DL) in various domains to solve real-world problems. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) is the application of DL in the domain of Reinforcement Learning (RL). Like any software systems, DRL applications can fail because of faults in their programs. In this paper, we present the first attempt to categorize faults occurring in DRL programs. We manually analyzed 761 artifacts of DRL programs (from Stack Overflow posts and GitHub issues) developed using well-known DRL frameworks (OpenAI Gym, Dopamine, Keras-rl, Tensorforce) and identified faults reported by developers/users. We labeled and taxonomized the identified faults through several rounds of discussions. The resulting taxonomy is validated using an online survey with 19 developers/researchers. To allow for the automatic detection of faults in DRL programs, we have defined a meta-model of DRL programs and developed DRLinter, a model-based fault detection approach that leverages static analysis and graph transformations. The execution flow of DRLinter consists in parsing a DRL program to generate a model conforming to our meta-model and applying detection rules on the model to identify faults occurrences. The effectiveness of DRLinter is evaluated using 15 synthetic DRLprograms in which we injected faults observed in the analyzed artifacts of the taxonomy. The results show that DRLinter can successfully detect faults in all synthetic faulty programs

    Automatic Fault Detection for Deep Learning Programs Using Graph Transformations

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    Nowadays, we are witnessing an increasing demand in both corporates and academia for exploiting Deep Learning (DL) to solve complex real-world problems. A DL program encodes the network structure of a desirable DL model and the process by which the model learns from the training dataset. Like any software, a DL program can be faulty, which implies substantial challenges of software quality assurance, especially in safety-critical domains. It is therefore crucial to equip DL development teams with efficient fault detection techniques and tools. In this paper, we propose NeuraLint, a model-based fault detection approach for DL programs, using meta-modelling and graph transformations. First, we design a meta-model for DL programs that includes their base skeleton and fundamental properties. Then, we construct a graph-based verification process that covers 23 rules defined on top of the meta-model and implemented as graph transformations to detect faults and design inefficiencies in the generated models (i.e., instances of the meta-model). First, the proposed approach is evaluated by finding faults and design inefficiencies in 28 synthesized examples built from common problems reported in the literature. Then NeuraLint successfully finds 64 faults and design inefficiencies in 34 real-world DL programs extracted from Stack Overflow posts and GitHub repositories. The results show that NeuraLint effectively detects faults and design issues in both synthesized and real-world examples with a recall of 70.5 % and a precision of 100 %. Although the proposed meta-model is designed for feedforward neural networks, it can be extended to support other neural network architectures such as recurrent neural networks. Researchers can also expand our set of verification rules to cover more types of issues in DL programs