1,697 research outputs found

    Experimental study of on-body radio channel performance of a compact ultra wideband antenna

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    In this paper, on-body radio channel performance of a compact ultra wideband (UWB) antenna is investigated for body-centric wireless communications. Measurement campaigns were first done in the chamber and then repeated in an indoor environment for comparison. The path loss parameter for eight different on-body radio channels has been characterized and analyzed. In addition, the path loss was modeled as a function of distance for 34 different receiver locations for propagation along the front part of the body. Results and analysis show that, compared with anechoic chamber, a reduction of 16.34% path loss exponent is noticed in indoor environment. The antenna shows very good on-body radio channel performance and will be a suitable candidate for future efficient and reliable body-centric wireless communications

    Examining the Effectiveness of Group Counseling in Reducing Anxiety for Jordanian EFL Learners

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    This study aimed at examining the effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) as used in group counseling to reduce the level of anxiety for Jordanian learners of English as a foreign language. The study sample consisted of 32 male and female students at Ajloun National University. The students were all at the undergraduate level and have received the highest anxiety scores on the foreign language anxiety scale. The students were randomly divided into two groups; an experimental group and a controlled group. Each group consisted of 16 male and female students. The experimental group received training on REBT, while no remedial training was given to the controlled group. Results of the study revealed that REBT was more effective in reducing the anxiety level for learners of English compared to the absence of using the remedial program for members of the controlled group. Statistical analysis showed a statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the controlled group (α= 0.05). The use of REBT was not gender specific since statistical analysis revealed no statistically significant difference between males and females (α= 0.05)

    Exploring CEO's Leadership Frames and E-Commerce Adoption Among Bruneian SMEs

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    Towards an effective and integrated labour market information system for Bangladesh

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    Correlation of Oxidative Stress with Serum Trace Element Levels and Antioxidant Enzyme Status in Beta Thalassemia Major Patients: A Review of the Literature

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    Beta thalassemia major is an inherited disease resulting from reduction or total lack of beta globin chains. Patients with this disease need repeated blood transfusion for survival. This may cause oxidative stress and tissue injury due to iron overload, altered antioxidant enzymes, and other essential trace element levels. The aim of this review is to scrutinize the relationship between oxidative stress and serum trace elements, degree of damage caused by oxidative stress, and the role of antioxidant enzymes in beta thalassemia major patients. The findings indicate that oxidative stress in patients with beta thalassemia major is mainly caused by tissue injury due to over production of free radical by secondary iron overload, alteration in serum trace elements and antioxidant enzymes level. The role of trace elements like selenium, copper, iron, and zinc in beta thalassemia major patients reveals a significant change of these trace elements. Studies published on the status of antioxidant enzymes like catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione, and glutathione S-transferase in beta thalassemia patients also showed variable results. The administration of selective antioxidants along with essential trace elements and minerals to reduce the extent of oxidative damage and related complications in beta thalassemia major still need further evaluation

    COVID-19 pandemic: an insult over injury for Lebanon

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    The outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease in 2019 (COVID-19) caused a plethora of challenges worldwide and tested healthcare systems across the six continents. Lebanon had recently faced harsh political and economic crises. We aim to describe the effect of COVID-19 on an already crisis-stricken country. A descriptive analysis of the burden of COVID-19 pandemic on Lebanon was performed. Relevant data on COVID-19 was retrieved from the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health from February 21 till June 13th, 2020. Results obtained were analyzed and a literature review was performed. 1422 confirmed COVID-19 cases were identified and reported in Lebanon by June 13th, 2020, comprising an incidence rate of 208/million persons. There has been a total of 31 deaths thus far, with a reported death rate of 5/million persons. The age group with the highest number of cases was 20–29 years. Beirut was the district with the highest number of cases (18%). The COVID-19 crisis has impacted the country on a multifactorial level. COVID-19 could not have come at a worse time for Lebanon. The country is on brink of bankruptcy, the healthcare system is struggling for survival and the government is striving to regain the trust of the population

    Sistem Penunjang Keputusan Penentuan Prioritas Pembangunan Desa Dengan Metode AHP-TOPSIS

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    Penilaian skor untuk rencana pembangunan baik itu untuk pembangunan fisik dan non-fisik desa (program dan kegiatan) dinilai berdasarkan pengkajian terhadap kriteria yang terdapat dalam skorsing prioritas RKPDes oleh Tim Penyusun RPJMDes/RKPDes, dimana alternatif yang mendapat skor paling tinggi akan akan dimasukkan dalam Rancangan RKPDes tahun berjalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar nilai terhadap pengkajian tidak hanya dilakukan untuk penilaian alternatif dan kriteria saja, tapi juga bisa berlaku antar kriteria satu sama lain. Nilai antar kriteria bisa dijadikan sebagai pembanding terhadap skorsing prioritas alternatif terhadap kriteria, adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah metode AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) dan TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), dimana metode AHP yang berdasar pada matriks perbandingan pasangan dan melakukan analisis konsistensi terhadap kriteria, yang kemudian akan menggunakan TOPSIS untuk dapat menyelesaikan pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan nilai preferensi terhadap alternatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah adanya sistem yang bisa memberikan nilai antara kriteria dan kriteria yang akan menjadi patokan penilaian antar alternatif dan kriteria, sehingga pembuatan keputusan terhadap penentuan prioritas rencana pembangunan desa ataupun kegiatan bisa dikaji secara menyeluruh

    Mechanisms used by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria to boost plant growth - A Review

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    Several decades after the green revolution, the agricultural industry depended on artificial chemical fertilisers to achieve higher crop yields. This practice, however, contributes to a hazardous impact on the farming ecosystem, causing a smaller deposit of arable land for crop cultivation and production worldwide. Since the 2000s, people, industries, and governments are aware that it is time for everyone to shift to new technology which promotes responsible land use for agriculture. One of the technologies is plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria to enhance crop productivity and potentially rehabilitate soil health directly or indirectly. This review paper outlines the mechanisms used by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria to promote plant growth. The tools could be opening up new ideas to address one of the recent and urgent world agriculture issues, food security