19 research outputs found

    The implication of the hydrogeochemical processes for groundwater chemistry in a semi-arid region: A case study of the Bokoya massif (Central Rif, Morocco)

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    Natural and anthropogenic factors control groundwater chemistry in the semi-arid area in northern Morocco called Bokoya massif. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the geochemical processes that affected groundwater mineralization in the Bokoya massif. As a result, In April 2016, sixty-one (61) water samples were collected from various locations, including wells and springs throughout the Bokoya massif, and analyzed for physicochemical parameters using standard methods. The descriptive study of the physicochemical parameters revealed that the waters were neutral to slightly basic (pH values range between 7,16 and 8,5) and moderately to strongly mineralized (TDS values range between 555,20 and 7980,10 mg/l). Sodium chloride was the dominant hydrochemical facies in the groundwater of the study area, with a percentage reaching (80%) noting the minority of magnesium bicarbonate facies and the absence of sodium bicarbonate and chlorinated calcium type. The tests of the ionic ratio (Cl- /Na+, Cl-/HCO3- versus Cl-, Ca2+/Mg2+, Ca2+/SO4-, Ca2+/Mg2+ versus Cl-, (Ca2+ Mg2+)/ HCO3-), indicate that the order of the dominant cations is Na+ >Ca2+>Mg2+>K+ and of the dominant anions is Cl- >HCO3->SO42-. It suggests that the dominant factors controlling water chemistry are rock dissolution and evaporation, silicate weathering, and ion exchange. Gibbs diagram defines the relationship between water chemistry and the lithology of the aquifer. It showed that most of the groundwater composition in this area is linked to the geochemical processes of evaporation and crystallization, and carbonates and silicate alteration control the minority

    Exploring salinity origins in the Ghiss-Nekor aquifer, northern Morocco: A multivariate statistical analysis

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    The Ghiss-Nekor coastal aquifer is characterized by high salinity stemming from multiple sources, remains poorly investigated. This study aims to address this knowledge gap by employing both univariate (descriptive statistics) and multivariate statistical analyses, including correlation matrix and principal component analysis (PCA). Groundwater samples were collected from 52 sites across the study area and meticulously analyzed for pH, TDS, EC, and the ions such as Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NH4+, HCO3-, NO3-, NO2-,Cl-, SO42-, PO43-, and SiO2. Descriptive statistics, notably standard deviation (SD), highlight the diverse sources contributing to salinization, among which seawater intrusion (SWI) emerges as a significant factor. Correlation matrix analysis underscores multiple pathways for salinization, implicating SWI, salt dissolution, chemical weathering, secondary salt leaching, and anthropogenic activities. PCA elucidates 81.05% of the total variance in physicochemical parameters, with strong loadings observed for EC, Na+, Cl-, and Mg2+, corroborating the influence of SWI and suggesting evaporation processes. Moreover, PCA reinforces the potential influence of both geogenic and anthropogenic factors in salinization within the study area. This comprehensive investigation provides valuable insights into the elevated salinity levels observed in the Ghiss-Nekor aquifer, contributing to a deeper understanding of its hydrogeochemical dynamics

    Caractérisation hydrochimique des eaux embouteillées au Maroc

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    International audienceDepuis le 20ème siècle, l'embouteillage des eaux a connu une expansion spectaculaire dans le monde. L'augmentation de la production des eaux embouteillées est associée aux développements socio-économiques des sociétés permettant l‘accès à des eaux de qualité gustative meilleure en générale que les eaux du robinet. Au Maroc, trois types d‘eau embouteillée potable sont reconnues- l‘eau de table (ET), d‘origine quelconque, l'eau de source (ES) et l'eau minérale naturelle à propriété thérapeutique (EM). Bien que leur qualité soit contrôlée, l'expansion de l'agriculture engendre un risque de contamination des aquifères par les nitrates et phosphates. Huit eaux provenant de la zone du Rif et du Moyen Atlas rattachées à différentes conditions géologiques, 6 EM, 3 ES, ont été analysées afin de vérifier leur qualité affichée, 6 ET ont aussi été analysées. Les résultats montrent une qualité chimique en bonne concordance et l‘absence de contamination anthropique évolutive. Si la minéralisation des eaux s‘est avérée faible, la plupart des EM et ES montre une dureté élevée. La variabilité des faciès chimiques observés, de HCO3--Ca2+ à Cl—Ca2+/Na+, est interprétée en fonction du contexte géologique et minéralogique local et les processus de dissolution associés ainsi que les apports profonds possibles par les failles