54 research outputs found

    Memperkasa warga Indonesia menerusi kurikulum pendidikan baru: kajian persepsi guru terhadap perlaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 di Aceh Jaya

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    Kemampuan pedagogi guru dapat mempengaruhi kemampuan pelajar dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan baik. Kurikulum 2013 bertujuan untuk mempersiapkan warga Indonesia agar mempunyai kemampuan hidup sebagai peribadi dan warga negara yang beriman, produktif, kreatif dan afektif serta mampu berkontribusi pada kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti persepsi guru terhadap pelaksanaan Kurikulum 2013 pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Aceh Jaya. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kuantitatif yang menggunakan instrumen soal selidik untuk mendapatkan persepsi 30 guru yang disampel secara rawak mudah berdasarkan faktor bahan kurikulum, kesediaan guru, kesediaan pelajar, kemudahan dan sokongan. Data dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0 dan ditampilkan dalam peratusan dan min dan melibatkan skala Likert 4 mata. Hasil kajian mendapati guru-guru bersetuju bahawa faktor kesediaan guru (min= 2.81), faktor kesediaan pelajar (min= 3.79) dan faktor sokongan yang diterima (min= 2.66) telah menunjukkan persediaan bagi melaksanakan kurikulum 2013. Berkenaan kemampuan pelajar mengikut pembelajaran juga didapati perbezaan persepsi yang signifikan antara guru vokasional dengan guru bukan vokasional dengan nilai p= 0.04. Persepsi guru vokasional ialah pelajar dapat mengikuti dan memahami proses pembelajaran dengan baik sementara persepsi guru bukan vokasional pula adalah sebaliknya. Kajian lanjutan perlu dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti hubungan di antara kemampuan pedagogi guru dengan kesediaan pelajar

    Pengaruh minat terhadap pembentukan pekerja berkemahiran di Malaysia: kajian kes pelatih Institut Latihan Perindustrian Kuala Lumpur (ILPKL)

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    Pendidikan vokasional adalah komponen penting dalam pembentukan sumber manusia di negara pesat membangun seperti Malaysia. Masalahnya pendidikan teknikal dan vokasional sering dianggap sebagai pendidikan kelas kedua dan ini melemahkan minat terhadap bidang ini dan dengan itu merendahkan bilangan enrolmen pelatih . Kajian ini menerokai fenomena pembentukan kemahiran dalam kalangan pelatih Institiut Latihan Perindustrian. Dengan menggunakan kaedah kualitatif Grounded Theory data primer didapati dari soalselidik mendalam 32 responden yang terdiri daripada pentadbir, pengajar, pelatih, majikan, dan rakan pelatih di Institut Latihan Perindustrian Kuala Lumpur (ILPKL) yang telah dipilih secara pensampelan bertujuan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tekad dan minat pelatih merupakan faktor utama dalam pembentukan pekerja berkemahiran tinggi. Pembentukan tekad ini dipengaruhi oleh pelbagai faktor seperti dorongan keluarga, pengajar dan pentadbir. Implikasi dapatan kajian ini mengukuhkan peranan tekad dan minat di dalam mentransformasi pendidikan teknikal dan vokasional di Malaysia

    Measuring the Effect of Learning Style Preference on Learners’ Argumentative Essay Writing Across Different Writing Strategies

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    The investigation attempted to measure the effect of learning style preference across two different writing strategies in writing classes. The 58 subjects recruited from L2 classes comprised 19 visual, 21 auditory, and 18 kinesthetic learners. A 3x2 analysis of variance test was applied to work with the experimental data. The output confirmed a statistically significant interaction effect occurred among types of writing strategy (x1) and learning style preference (x2) on learners’ writing performance (y) at F (2, 57) =5.754, p= 0.006. There was also a significant effect of learning style preference at F (1, 57) = 70.949, p = 0.000. The analysis showed that learning style preference differed significantly among the three groups. Here, visual and auditory performed better on average than kinesthetic learners for writing performance. The main effect also confirmed a statistically significant effect of types of writing strategy occurred at F (2, 57) = 22.884, p = 0.000. Here, graphic organizers (GOs) differed significantly from non-graphic organizers (NGOs)

    Attribution styles as correlates of technical drawing task-persistence and technical college students’ performance

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    Technical drawing is a means of communicating between the designer and the manufacturers to bring ideas into reality by means of drafting. This study investigated attribution styles as collates of students’ technical drawing task-persistence and academic performance using correlational research design. The population for this study consisted of 864 students of year II and the sample study comprised of 150 (93 males and 57 females) randomly selected from six technical colleges in Edo State, Nigeria. Three instruments, Academic Performance Attribution Style Questionnaire (APASQ), Technical Drawing Taskpersistent Rating Scale (TDTPRS); and Technical Drawing Performance Test (TDPT) were developed and used for data collection. Cronbach Alpha reliability method was used to determine the reliability of the instruments and the results were obtained: SAASQ = .87; TDTPRS=.79; AND TDAT = .85. The findings of the study revealed that the technical drawing task-persistence of students was positively correlated by functional attribution style; and was negatively correlated by dysfunctional attribution style; functional attribution style positively correlated academic performance of students. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that technical drawing teachers should model and teach the students the right attribution style that will enhance their learning of technical drawing

    Towards Quality Education: Physical Notes VS Digital Notes in Health Expectancy, Eco-Friendly Environment and Notes Accessibility Conditions

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    Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, students have started using digital technology in learning and note-taking. However, for early adopters, this method might be challenging. Thus, this study objectively examines the preferences of students’ physical or digital note-taking styles. Convenience sampling among 125 students in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Selangor branch, Puncak Alam Campus has been used as part of the methodology. Three main variables are selected in assessing the student’s preferences for notes based on the previous study which are Health Expectancy, Eco-Friendly Environment, and Notes Accessibility Conditions. The analysis done is descriptive statistics and correlation analysis using SPSS and SMARTPLS 4. The findings show that the students still prefer physical notes over digital notes. The percentage of preferences is almost the same, and it is expected that in the future the percentage of digital notes taking will shift from physical notes to digital notes. Notes accessibility condition is a significant variable while the other variables are not significant towards student’s preferences for notes. The students are still in the transition process from the era before the pandemic and the post-pandemic era. Thus, it is recommended that the learning style and note-taking style might adopt the combination of physical and digital notes


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    Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK) di sekolah menengah harian kurang mendapat peluang untuk mempelajari kemahiran vokasional  khususnya dalam bidang  pembuatan perabot kayu kerana ketidakupayaan murid dalam melakukan kerja-kerja pertukangan. Matlamat kajian ini adalah  untuk membangunkan Kit (Smart Cot) sebagai Alat Bantu Mengajar (ABM) bagi mata pelajaran baharu  iaitu Asas Pembuatan Perabot yang diperkenalkan oleh pihak Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia khusus kepada murid berkeperluan khas bagi Program Pendidikan Khas Intergasi (PPKI) tingkatan satu yang mengalami masalah pembelajaran. Reka bentuk kajian  ini menggunakan  kaedah  kualitatif  dengan menggunakan instrumen temubual, pemerhatian dan borang senarai semak kajiaan yang telah dijalankan sepanjang proses Pembelajaran Dan Pemudahcaraan (Pdpc) berlangsung dengan menggunakan Kit (Smart Cot) terhadap silibus Asas Pembuatan Perabot. Kajian ini melibatkan seramai 9 orang murid PPKI sebagai responden kajian, khususnya murid dalam bidang pertukangan perabot kayu di sebuah sekolah menengah kebangsaan harian di Selangor. Kajian kes digunakan oleh penyelidik kerana mampu melampaui kuantatif, keputusan statistik dan memahami keadaan sifat daripada pelbagai perspektif. Kesemua elemen akan dinilai berdasarkan proses perlaksanaan temu bual, pemerhatian dan borang senarai semak responden kajian. Maka maklumat yang dikumpul adalah dalam bentuk ayat ataupun perkataan. Penyelidik mencadangkan supaya ABM kit (Smart Cot) ini digunakan oleh guru dalam proses Pdpc bagi silibus Asas Pembuatan Perabot kepada murid berkeperluan khas agar dapat meningkatkan prestasi pencapaian dan penguasaan kemahiran pertukangan perabot kayu. Kata kunci :  Pendidikan khas, perabot kayu, asas pembuatan perabot dan alat bantu mengajar Â

    Implementation of Blockwork System in Malaysia

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    Industrialised Building System or IBS is a method to accelerate the process of construction through prefabricated concept where each component will be built first in the component manufacturing plant. There are six categories of IBS introduced by CIDB and one of them is a system block work. The block system has several types of components under this category include the interlocking block-concrete masonry unit (CMU) and lightweight concrete blocks. Block work system introduced to replace the use of conventional bricks to accelerate the construction process and reduce construction costs. However, acceptance of the system to be less favorable than the use of conventional bricks. Statistics show there are only 31 manufacturer across Malaysia. Therefore, this study aims to identify the extent of implementation of the system of block work in Malaysia to contribute in the construction sector. This study used qualitative methods, namely through interviews and focus groups. The findings revealed that there are differences between the application methods IBS system block and conventional brick in terms of type of work performed, the number of working days and the cost of construction. Implementation of the system blocks are also influenced by three factors: the skills of workers, quality of components and component types in use. With a wide exposure is expected to expand the implementation of the system blocks in Malaysia.     Keywords: Industrialised Building System; block work system; brick; Construction Industry Development Board; Concrete Masonry Uni

    Implementation strategy of primary health care in Ovia communities

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    Primary health care is the essential health service provided at the grassroot level. Over the years the implementation of Primary Health Care (PHC) programmes in Edo state are bedeviled with associated challenges such as limited community participation, great communication gap that limit evaluation processes of PHC programme and slow pace collaboration among stakeholders. These challenges need to be averted through effective and people oriented strategies to ensure the implementation of primary health care. A descriptive research design with a population of the study comprised 1,024 primary health care stakeholders in Edo state. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 180 respondents for the study. The study found that intersectoral collaboration involving partnerships with community health agencies such as village health committees and ward health committees significantly influenced the implementation of PHC. Intersectoral collaboration, community mobilization strategy and community feedback mechanism are effective and efficient strategies for improved implementation of PHC programmes. The study recommended among others that National Primary Health Care Development Agency (NPHCDA) and State Primary Health Care Development Agency (SPHCDA) should strengthen partnership with international health organizations such as WHO, UNICEF, GAVI, UNDP and boost confidence and trust of these international organizations

    Promoting Students' Academic Performances and Interests in Blocklaying and Concreting Works using a Futures-Wheel Instructional Strategy versus Problem Solving: Implications for Sustainable Development

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    The need to identify effective measures to minimize continuous poor academic performance of students in blocklaying and concreting works and other technical subjects/trades led to this study which sought the effectiveness of Future-wheel as compared to the problem solving approach in the instruction in technical colleges.  The study adopted the non-equivalent control group quasi experimental research design. Six research questions and six null hypotheses guided the study. The study was conducted in Edo State, Nigeria. The population for the study consisted of all 604 vocational II blocklaying and concreting works students in the six technical colleges in Edo State as at 2017/2018 academic session. A sample size of 80 vocational II students was drawn using random sampling technique and used for the study. Findings from the study revealed among others that there was significant mean effect of Futures-Wheel instructional strategy on students Mean performance score and interest in blocklaying and concreting works; there was no significant mean effect of gender on students' Mean performance score in Basic Technology. In line with the findings of the study, the educational implication of the findings were highlighted and it was recommended among others that blocklaying and concreting works teachers should be trained in the use of innovative instructional strategies such as Futures-Wheel to facilitate students' academic performance in the subject
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