14 research outputs found

    IoT-Enabled Smart Parking: Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability in Smart Cities

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    The field of smart parking is growing rapidly and has many potential applications in densely populated urban areas. Internet of Things (IoT) and Arduino-based smart parking systems offer an innovative solution to solve parking problems in real time. Among other things, these systems reduce traffic congestion, improve road safety, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve user experience. In this paper, we present a smart parking system that uses an innovative architecture and algorithm to optimize vehicle parking. The system also tracks cars, their location, entry and exit details, and account management. An infrared sensor is integrated into the system to monitor the entry and exit of vehicles. This sensor uses beams of light to detect the presence of vehicles in a specific parking area, allowing for efficient use of available parking space. This project has many benefits, such as optimized space utilization, reduced congestion and pollution, and an improved user experience. The system can be deployed in a variety of environments, including underground parking garages, shopping malls, airports, and train stations

    The role of cannabis (Cannabis sativa) cultivation growth as a driving force in land use and cover change (LUCC) in the upstream part of the Laou river catchment area (Northern Morocco)

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    The population of the Rif mountains in Morocco depends mainly on the cultivation of cannabis for its livelihood. This study shows the role played by such cultivation in landscape changes in the upstream part of the Laou river catchment area between 1985 and 2019. The analysis was developed using Landsat data. The results indicate that cannabis cultivation has contributed to accelerating the process of LUCC, given that most types of forests were largely transformed to cultivated areas. The increasing pressure on agricultural land, especially after agricultural innovations and the culture of new cannabis hybrids, has had serious consequences on the environment, economy and society. This has been demonstrated in the intensive exploitation of water, and as a result several areas are now denied access to drinking and irrigation water. To reduce the harm of these transformations, diversified and sustainable agricultural practices must be restored to their previous state.La població de les muntanyes del Rif al Marroc depèn majoritàriament del conreu del cànnabis per al seu sosteniment. Aquest estudi presenta el paper que ha tingut aquest conreu en els canvis en el paisatge a la capçalera de la conca del riu Laou durant el període 1985-2019. L'anàlisi s'ha desenvolupat utilitzant dades Landsat. Els resultats indiquen que el conreu de cànnabis ha contribuït a l'acceleració del procés de LUCC i ha provocat que la majoria dels boscos s'hagin transformat en zones de conreu. L'increment de la pressió de les terres agrícoles, especialment després de les innovacions en l'agricultura i el conreu de noves varietats híbrides de cànnabis, ha tingut severes conseqüències per al medi ambient, l'economia i la societat. Això s'ha posat en relleu en una explotació intensiva de l'aigua i, com a resultat, diverses àrees no disposen d'accés a l'aigua per al consum humà o per al regadiu. Així doncs, per reduir els riscos derivats d'aquest tipus de transformacions, cal recuperar la pràctica d'una agricultura diversificada i sostenible, tal com prèviament havia estat.La población de las montañas del Rif en Marruecos depende mayoritariamente del cultivo del cánnabis para su sustento. Este estudio presenta el papel de este cultivo en los cambios en el paisaje en la cuenca alta del río Laou durante el periodo 1985-2019. El análisis se ha desarrollado usando datos Landsat. Los resultados indican que el cultivo de cánnabis ha contribuido a acelerar el proceso de LUCC y ha provocado que la mayoría de bosques hayan sido significativamente transformados en zonas de cultivo. El incremento de la presión de las tierras agrícolas, especialmente después de las innovaciones en la agricultura y el cultivo de nuevas variedades híbridas de cánnabis, ha tenido serias consecuencias en el medio ambiente, la economía y la sociedad. Esto se ha puesto de relieve en una explotación intensiva del agua y, como resultado, diversas áreas en la actualidad no disponen de acceso al agua para el consumo humano o el regadío. Así pues, para reducir los riesgos derivados de este tipo de transformaciones, la práctica de una agricultura diversificada y sostenible debe ser recuperada tal como había sido previamente

    A geospatial analysis utilizing AHP and GIS was conducted to assess the suitability of landfill sites for solid waste disposal in the province of Tangier-assilah, Morocco

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    The objective of this study is to identify the most suitable areas for the implementation of a solid waste landfill in the province of Tangier-Assilah using geographic information systems (GIS). This approach aims to minimize pollution and its negative impacts on the environment and society. In this study, eight environmental, social and economic factors were considered, including residential areas, distance from roads, distance to water bodies, distance to forests, elevation, slope, aspect and parks. To determine the importance of each criterion, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used, based on a pairwise comparison matrix. In addition, a map was produced to indicate the most suitable and unsuitable areas for the solid waste landfill facility. This model can be used to help decision makers make informed decisions and develop effective planning strategies for selecting the most appropriate sites for the landfill

    A novel hybrid numerical with analytical approach for parameter extraction of photovoltaic modules

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    Building an accurate mathematical model of photovoltaic modules is an essential issue for providing reasonable analysis, control and optimization of photovoltaic energy systems. Therefore, this study provides a new accurate model of photovoltaic Panels based on single diode Model. In this case, the proposed model is the link between two models which are the ideal model and the resistance network. All parameters are estimated based on hybrid Analytical/Numerical approach: three parameters photocurrent, reverse saturation current and ideality factor are obtained using an Analytical approach based on the datasheet provided by the manufacturer under Standard Test Conditions. The series and shunt resistances are obtained by using a Numerical approach similar to the Villalva's method in order to achieve the purpose of modeling the resistance network part. Our model is tested with data from the manufacturer of three different technologies namely polycrystalline, Mono-crystalline silicon modules and thin-film based on Copper Indium Diselenide, and for more accurate performance evaluation we are introducing the Average Relative Error and the Root Mean Square Error. The simulated Current-Voltage and Power-Voltage curves are in accordance with experimental characteristics, and there is a strong agreement between the proposed model and the experimental characteristics. The computation time is 0.23 s lower than those obtained using others approach, and all obtained results under real environment conditions are also compared with different models and indicated that the proposed model outperforms the others approach such as villalva's and kashif's method

    IoT-Enabled Smart Parking: Enhancing Efficiency and Sustainability in Smart Cities

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    The field of smart parking is growing rapidly and has many potential applications in densely populated urban areas. Internet of Things (IoT) and Arduino-based smart parking systems offer an innovative solution to solve parking problems in real time. Among other things, these systems reduce traffic congestion, improve road safety, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve user experience. In this paper, we present a smart parking system that uses an innovative architecture and algorithm to optimize vehicle parking. The system also tracks cars, their location, entry and exit details, and account management. An infrared sensor is integrated into the system to monitor the entry and exit of vehicles. This sensor uses beams of light to detect the presence of vehicles in a specific parking area, allowing for efficient use of available parking space. This project has many benefits, such as optimized space utilization, reduced congestion and pollution, and an improved user experience. The system can be deployed in a variety of environments, including underground parking garages, shopping malls, airports, and train stations

    A geospatial analysis utilizing AHP and GIS was conducted to assess the suitability of landfill sites for solid waste disposal in the province of Tangier-assilah, Morocco

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    The objective of this study is to identify the most suitable areas for the implementation of a solid waste landfill in the province of Tangier-Assilah using geographic information systems (GIS). This approach aims to minimize pollution and its negative impacts on the environment and society. In this study, eight environmental, social and economic factors were considered, including residential areas, distance from roads, distance to water bodies, distance to forests, elevation, slope, aspect and parks. To determine the importance of each criterion, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used, based on a pairwise comparison matrix. In addition, a map was produced to indicate the most suitable and unsuitable areas for the solid waste landfill facility. This model can be used to help decision makers make informed decisions and develop effective planning strategies for selecting the most appropriate sites for the landfill

    Experimental Analysis of Water-1MHz-gasified with O2, and Simulation Analysis of Physicals Parameters Effect of Solvents in Megasonic Cleaning

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    Aqueous chemicals and solvents are used heavily in semiconductor manufacturing, and device manufacturers are focused on advancing these cleaning liquids to the next technology node. The scientific results confirm that ultrasonic agitation can improve the removal of particles. Megasonic energy has been proven to improve particle elimination in semiconductor devices in cleaning procedures. On the other hand, applied ultrasonic energy may damage the sensible devices in the cleaning process. In order to better comprehend, we explore in this paper the impact of different liquid properties by showing the transient cavitation threshold by performing some simulations with the analytical Blake model and the numerical Gilmore model. The experimental setup firstly to understand the temporal and spectral response of the increasing of the electrical power, and secondly to investigate that increasing the gas level in the cleaning bath in Water-1MHz-gasified with O_2 modifies the acoustical pressure in the medium. We can conclude that the experimental measurements and simulation studies of the applicable sound wave field and cavitation level provide an important indication of the medium's properties. By proceeding in this manner, we can find the impact parameters on the onset of transient cavitation and the safe area to treat client wafers. At this point, we can figure out the cavitation threshold that works for us and safely translate it from one chemical process to another

    Simple and Combined Pretreatment of a Mixture of Forestry and Aromatic-Medicinal Plant Waste by Chemical, Physical and Enzymatic Methods

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    Forestry waste (FW) extracted parts ofmedicinal-aromatic plant waste (EPW) and unused parts (UPW) are considered potential resources for energy recovery (their heating value of approximately 19 MJ/kg).In order to valorize lignocellulosic biomass, a pretreatment process is required to hydrolyze the recalcitrant lignocellulosic complex into fermentable simple sugars. The aim of this study is to determine the best method of pretreatment that takes into account treatment time, efficiency, and environmental friendliness. The mixture of FW, EPW, and UPW was treated by simple and combined treatment using different methods like acid sulfuric (Ac), steam explosion (SE), and enzymatic (E) (cellulase and hemicellulase).The results showed that the combined and simple Ac treatments are the mostefficient compared with SE and E treatments in the hydrolysis of polysaccharide of cellulose with a rate respectively of 90.5% and 77.6% and hemicellulose with a rate respectively of 80.63% and 87.14%. In addition, both of the preceding methods release an important rate of total phenolic compounds. Combined treatment demands high time but is friendly (approximately 1 day), and Ac treatment is less time-consuming (about 25 min) but harmful to the environment and causes the corrosion of equipment.In conclusion, combined treatment can be the best method and the high time required can be reduced with the progress of the research

    A Continuous Fixed Bed Adsorption Process for Fez City Urban Wastewater Using Almond Shell Powder: Experimental and Optimization Study

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    This study deals with the valorization of a biomaterial, almond shell, for the treatment of urban effluents of the city of Fez by a fixed bed column adsorption process. A parametric analysis of the process is carried out with conditions such as particle size, pH and height of the adsorbent bed to evaluate the optimal removal percent and obtain an optimal removal capacity of the adsorbent load. Characterization of the adsorbent prior to continuous adsorption was carried out by X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. The adsorption treatment seems to be influenced by certain parameters, such as the particle size of the biomaterial used, the height of the adsorption bed and the pH. The results suggest that this biomaterial can be used as a less expensive, available, biodegradable and very effective adsorbent to eliminate the load of urban waters on a small scale and why not on a large scale to replace chemicals in the treatment and to recover waste such as almond shell. The parameters measured reached maximum values varying between 82% for COD, 79% for EC and 71% for nitrite under well-defined operating conditions, with a particle size of 0.063 mm, a height column height of 7 cm and a pH of 6.5