296 research outputs found

    Invasive fungal infections and patients with malignancies in upper Egypt

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    The incidence of invasive fungal infections has increased considerably in recent years. The aim of this study was to present a suitable early diagnostic procedure in immune compromised patients, using detection of fungal infection of urine samples collected from 33 patients with malignancies (from 2-89 years old), during the period from December 2012 to February 2014, from South Egypt. Fifty-three fungal species representing 14 genera were collected during this investigation from urine samples on Sabouraoud’s Dextrose Chloramphenicol Agar (46 species and 12 genera) and Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar media (41 species and 11 genera). Aspergillus (16 species), Penicillium (14 species), Yeasts (5 species) and Cladosporium (5 species) contributed the broadest spectra of species in all samples tested on two types of media used. Other species were represented by 13 species belonging to 10 genera. The results indicate that immune compromised patient is a suitable habitat for the growth and sporulation of different groups of fungi, both saprophytic and pathogenic. A variety of types of filamentous fungi were obtained from malignancies patients. Immunosuppressant patient’s exposure for fungal infection so should be in especial care from food, drinking and air. Published by the International journal of Microbiology and Mycology (IJMM

    Effects of low-protein diets on acute phase proteins and heat shock protein 70 responses, and growth performance in broiler chickens under heat stress condition

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    A study with a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement was conducted to investigate the effects of 4 dietary protein levels and 2 environmental conditions on acute phase proteins (APP), brain heat shock protein (HSP) 70 density, and growth performance of broiler chickens. Day-old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were fed isocaloric diets but with various levels of crude protein (CP), namely, (1) 21.0 and 19.0% CP in starter and finisher diets, respectively (control), (2) 19.5 and 17.5% CP in starter and finisher diets, respectively (Diet A), (3) 18.0 and 16.0% CP in starter and finisher diets, respectively (Diet B), and (4) 16.5 and 14.5% CP in starter and finisher diets, respectively (Diet C). Equal numbers of birds from each diet were subjected to either 23±1°C throughout or 33±1°C for 6 h per d from 22 to 35 d of age. From d 1 to 21, feed intake (FI) and weight gain (WG) decreased linearly (P = 0.021 and P = 0.009, respectively), as CP level was reduced. During the heat treatment period (d 22 to 35), there were significant (P = 0.04) diet × heat treatment interactions for FCR. Diet had no effect on FCR among the unheated birds, but the ratio increased linearly (P = 0.007) as dietary CP level decreased. Irrespective of ambient temperature, there was a significant linear decrease in FI (P = 0.032) and WG (P < 0.001) as dietary CP level decreased. Low-CP diets improved the survivability of heat-stressed broilers when compared to those fed control diets. Low-CP diets linearly decreased (P < 0.01) APP (ovotransferrin and alpha-acid glycoprotein) responses. Both APP and HSP 70 reactions were elevated following heat treatment. In conclusion, feeding broilers with low-CP diets adversely affect the growth performance of broilers under heat stress condition. However, low-CP diets were beneficial in improving the survivability. Because APP are involved in the restoration of homeostasis, the adverse effect of low-CP diet on the synthesis of these proteins could be of concern

    Biofiltration technology for the removal of toluene from polluted air using Streptomyces griseus

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    Biofiltration technology has been recognized as a promising biotechnology for treating the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in polluted air. This study aims to investigate the performance of a biofiltration system of Streptomyces griseus sp. DSM-40759 immobilized on activated carbon (PICA S23) towards the adsorption and degradation of toluene vapour as well as to regenerate the activated carbon in situ. The batch studies were performed using nutrient agar medium and basal salt medium (BSM) for microbial growth. Initially the pre-cultures were incubated at a temperature of 28°C on a rotary shaker at 150 rpm. After two days, the strain S. griseus DSM-40759 was immobilized on a known weight of activated carbon (12 g). The results of biofilter performance showed three different stages with a quick adsorption phase with approximately 95% of toluene removal after 70 min, a slow biotransformation phase by immobilized cells. In the later, the removal efficiency decreased significantly with the extension of time and reached 60% during this stage. Moreover, a final quick removal phase by the immobilized cells had an average removal efficiency of toluene around 95% after 500 min. The toluene degradation was found to be more than 84% after the second cycle and the biofilter was still capable of removing additional toluene. Thus, the results demonstrated the feasibility and reusability of a new biofilter system for toluene removal as well as extending the activated carbon's capacity and this could be a potential solution to reuse the activated carbon in industrial application

    In Vitro and In Silico Antioxidant Efficiency of Bio-Potent Secondary Metabolites From Different Taxa of Black Seed-Producing Plants and Their Derived Mycoendophytes

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    Oxidative stress is involved in the pathophysiology of multiple health complications, and it has become a major focus in targeted research fields. As known, black seeds are rich sources of bio-active compounds and widely used to promote human health due to their excellent medicinal and pharmaceutical properties. The present study investigated the antioxidant potency of various black seeds from plants and their derived mycoendophytes, and determined the total phenolic and flavonoid contents in different extracts, followed by characterization of major constituents by HPLC analysis. Finally, in silico docking determined their binding affinities to target myeloperoxidase enzymes. Ten dominant mycoendophytes were isolated from different black seed plants. Three isolates were then selected based on high antiradical potency and further identified by ITS ribosomal gene sequencing. Those isolated were Aspergillus niger TU 62, Chaetomium madrasense AUMC14830, and Rhizopus oryzae AUMC14823. Nigella sativa seeds and their corresponding endophyte A. niger had the highest content of phenolics in their n-butanol extracts (28.50 and 24.43 mg/g), flavonoids (15.02 and 11.45 mg/g), and antioxidant activities (90.48 and 81.48%), respectively, followed by Dodonaea viscosa and Portulaca oleracea along with their mycoendophytic R. oryzae and C. madrasense. Significant positive correlations were found between total phenolics, flavonoids, and the antioxidant activities of different tested extracts. The n-butanol extracts of both black seeds and their derived mycoendophytes showed reasonable IC50 values (0.81–1.44 mg/ml) compared to the control with significant correlations among their phytochemical contents. Overall, seventeen standard phenolics and flavonoids were used, and the compounds were detected in different degrees of existence and concentration in the examined extracts through HPLC analysis. Moreover, the investigation of the molecular simulation results of detected compounds against the myeloperoxidase enzyme revealed that, as a targeted antioxidant, rutin possessed a high affinity (−15.3184 kcal/mol) as an inhibitor. Taken together, the black seeds and their derived mycoendophytes are promising bio-prospects for the broad industrial sector of antioxidants with several valuable potential pharmaceutical and nutritional applications

    What doesn't kill you makes you stranger: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (CD26) proteolysis differentially modulates the activity of many peptide hormones and cytokines generating novel cryptic bioactive ligands

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    Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) is an exopeptidase found either on cell surfaces where it is highly regulated in terms of its expression and surface availability (CD26) or in a free/circulating soluble constitutively available and intrinsically active form. It is responsible for proteolytic cleavage of many peptide substrates. In this review we discuss the idea that DPP4-cleaved peptides are not necessarily inactivated, but rather can possess either a modified receptor selectivity, modified bioactivity, new antagonistic activity, or even a novel activity relative to the intact parent ligand. We examine in detail five different major DPP4 substrates: glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), peptide tyrosine-tyrosine (PYY), and neuropeptide Y (NPY), and stromal derived factor 1 (SDF-1 aka CXCL12). We note that discussion of the cleaved forms of these five peptides are underrepresented in the research literature, and are both poorly investigated and poorly understood, representing a serious research literature gap. We believe they are understudied and misinterpreted as inactive due to several factors. This includes lack of accurate and specific quantification methods, sample collection techniques that are inherently inaccurate and inappropriate, and a general perception that DPP4 cleavage inactivates its ligand substrates. Increasing evidence points towards many DPP4-cleaved ligands having their own bioactivity. For example, GLP-1 can work through a different receptor than GLP-1R, DPP4-cleaved GIP can function as a GIP receptor antagonist at high doses, and DPP4-cleaved PYY, NPY, and CXCL12 can have different receptor selectivity, or can bind novel, previously unrecognized receptors to their intact ligands, resulting in altered signaling and functionality. We believe that more rigorous research in this area could lead to a better understanding of DPP4’s role and the biological importance of the generation of novel cryptic ligands. This will also significantly impact our understanding of the clinical effects and side effects of DPP4-inhibitors as a class of anti-diabetic drugs that potentially have an expanding clinical relevance. This will be specifically relevant in targeting DPP4 substrate ligands involved in a variety of other major clinical acute and chronic injury/disease areas including inflammation, immunology, cardiology, stroke, musculoskeletal disease and injury, as well as cancer biology and tissue maintenance in aging

    Extending the shelf-life of fresh-cut green bean pods by ethanol, ascorbic acid, and essential oils

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    Green beans are a perishable crop, which deteriorate rapidly after harvest, particularly when minimally processed into ready-to-eat fresh-cut green beans. This study investigated the effectiveness of ethanol, ascorbic acid (AsA), tea tree essential oil (TTO), and peppermint essential oil (PMO) on the quality and storability of fresh-cut green bean pods samples stored at 5 °C for 15 days. Our results indicated that samples treated with ethanol, AsA, TTO, and PMO preserved appearance, firmness (except ethanol), chlorophyll content, and moisture compared with the samples without any treatment (control). Additionally, higher vitamin C, total soluble solids (TSS), total sugars, and total phenolic compounds (TPC) were observed in samples treated with ethanol, AsA, TTO, and PMO compared with the control. The most effective treatments for controlling microbial growth were ethanol followed by either TTO or PMO. All the treatments had positive effects on shelf life, maintained quality, and reducing microbial growth during 15 days of cold storage. A particular treatment can be selected based on the economic feasibility and critical control point in the value chain

    Derivative spectrophotometric analysis of benzophenone (as an impurity) in phenytoin

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    Three simple and rapid spectrophotometric methods were developed for detection and trace determination of benzophenone (the main impurity) in phenytoin bulk powder and pharmaceutical formulations. The first method, zero-crossing first derivative spectrophotometry, depends on measuring the first derivative trough values at 257.6 nm for benzophenone. The second method, zero-crossing third derivative spectrophotometry, depends on measuring the third derivative peak values at 263.2 nm. The third method, ratio first derivative spectrophotometry, depends on measuring the peak amplitudes of the first derivative of the ratio spectra (the spectra of benzophenone divided by the spectrum of 5.0 μg/mL phenytoin solution) at 272 nm. The calibration graphs were linear over the range of 1-10 μg/mL. The detection limits of the first and the third derivative methods were found to be 0.04 μg/mL and 0.11 μg/mL and the quantitation limits were 0.13 μg/mL and 0.34 μg/mL, respectively, while for the ratio derivative method, the detection limit was 0.06 μg/mL and the quantitation limit was 0.18 μg/mL. The proposed methods were applied successfully to the assay of the studied drug in phenytoin bulk powder and certain pharmaceutical preparations. The results were statistically compared to those obtained using a polarographic method and were found to be in good agreement

    Increasing the storability of fresh-cut Green beans by using chitosan as a carrier for tea tree and peppermint essential oils and ascorbic acid

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    The quality of fresh-cut green beans deteriorates rapidly in storage, which contributes to increased food waste and lower perceived customer value. However, chitosan (Cs) and certain plant essential oils show promise in reducing postharvest quality loss during storage. Here, the effect of Cs and the combinations of Cs + tea tree oil (TTO), Cs +x peppermint oil (PMO), and Cs + ascorbic acid (AsA) on the quality of fresh-cut green bean pods (FC-GB) is studied over a 15-d storage period at 5 °C. All four FC-GB treatments reduced weight loss and maintained firmness during storage when compared to uncoated FC-GB. Furthermore, all treatments showed higher total chlorophyll content, AsA, total phenolic compounds, and total sugars compared to the control. The best treatment for reducing microbial growth was a combination of Cs + AsA. Additionally, the combination of Cs with TTO, PMO, or AsA showed a significant reduction in the browning index and increased the antioxidant capacity of FC-GB up to 15 d postharvest

    Early tumour response as a survival predictor in previously- treated patients receiving triplet hepatic artery infusion and intravenous cetuximab for unresectable liver metastases from wild-type KRAS colorectal cancer

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    Background: Early tumour shrinkage has been associated with improved survival in patients receiving cetuximab-based systemic chemotherapy for liver metastases from colorectal cancer (LM-CRC). We tested this hypothesis for previously treated LM-CRC patients receiving cetuximab (500 mg/m2) and triplet hepatic artery infusion (HAI) within European trial OPTILIV. Methods: Irinotecan (180 mg/m2), 5-fluorouracil (2800 mg/m2) and oxaliplatin (85 mg/m2) were given as chronomodulated or conventional delivery. Patients were retrospectively categorised as early responders (complete or partial RECIST response after three courses) or non-early responders (late or no response). Prognostic factors were determined using multivariate logistic or Cox regression models. Results: Response was assessed in 57 of 64 registered patients (89%), who had previously received one to three prior systemic chemotherapy protocols. An early response occurred at 6 weeks in 16 patients (28%; 9 men, 7 women), aged 33–76 years, with a median of 12 liver metastases (LMs) (2–50), involving five segments (1–8). Ten patients had a late response, and 31 patients had no response. Grade 3–4 fatigue selectively occurred in the non-early responders (0% versus 26%; p = 0.024). Early tumour response was jointly predicted by chronomodulation—odds ratio (OR): 6.0 (1.2–29.8; p = 0.029)—and LM diameter ≤57 mm—OR: 5.3 (1.1–25.0; p = 0.033). Early tumour response predicted for both R0-R1 liver resection—OR: 11.8 (1.4–100.2; p = 0.024) and overall survival—hazard ratio: 0.39 (0.17–0.88; p = 0.023) in multivariate analyses. Conclusions: Early tumour response on triplet HAI and systemic cetuximab predicted for complete macroscopic liver resection and prolonged survival for LM-CRC patients within a multicenter conversion-to-resection medicosurgical strategy. Confirmation is warranted for early response on HAI to guide decision making

    A diabetes risk score for Qatar utilizing a novel mathematical modeling approach to identify individuals at high risk for diabetes

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    We developed a diabetes risk score using a novel analytical approach and tested its diagnostic performance to detect individuals at high risk of diabetes, by applying it to the Qatari population. A representative random sample of 5,000 Qataris selected at different time points was simulated using a diabetes mathematical model. Logistic regression was used to derive the score using age, sex, obesity, smoking, and physical inactivity as predictive variables. Performance diagnostics, validity, and potential yields of a diabetes testing program were evaluated. In 2020, the area under the curve (AUC) was 0.79 and sensitivity and specificity were 79.0% and 66.8%, respectively. Positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) were 36.1% and 93.0%, with 42.0% of Qataris being at high diabetes risk. In 2030, projected AUC was 0.78 and sensitivity and specificity were 77.5% and 65.8%. PPV and NPV were 36.8% and 92.0%, with 43.0% of Qataris being at high diabetes risk. In 2050, AUC was 0.76 and sensitivity and specificity were 74.4% and 64.5%. PPV and NPV were 40.4% and 88.7%, with 45.0% of Qataris being at high diabetes risk. This model-based score demonstrated comparable performance to a data-derived score. The derived self-complete risk score provides an effective tool for initial diabetes screening, and for targeted lifestyle counselling and prevention programs.Peer reviewe