17 research outputs found

    Principles of Turn Taking in Psychotherapy Conversations of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach

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    Therapeutic discourse is a special type of organizational discourse which is used by psychotherapists when treating their patients. The present study uses the conversation analysis approach to find the principles of turn taking in the therapeutic situation. This study specifically examines the therapeutic discourse of treatment sessions for patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) based on the Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach. The method used in this research is qualitative. The corpus used in this study included 2520 minutes of conversation in psychotherapy sessions. The participants in this study were 16 people of both sexes. ATLAS ti. computer software has been used to construct and present the verbal pattern. The results of this study show that most of turn taking were related to female clients and psychotherapists. This result is related to the relationship between clients and psychotherapists, women's verbal habits, excessive curiosity, and their challenging personality. The presence of overlap in the speech of female psychotherapists and clients and pause in other conversations have been the most widely used signs of turn taking in this type of conversation. The present study has faced some limitations. One of the most important limitations of this research was the prevalence of Covid 19 virus. Also, obtaining the consent of some psychologists and clients to record their videos and voices in psychotherapy sessions has been another limitation of this research. Given the importance of communication and linguistic studies in psychotherapy, it is suggested that future research be conducted on the following topics: “Comparison of GAD Patients’ Speech Pattern with Speech Pattern of Other Anxiety Disorders” and “The effect of direct and indirect expression on anxiety in patients with anxiety disorders”

    Functional motions of Candida antarctica lipase B: a survey through open-close conformations.

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    Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB) belongs to psychrophilic lipases which hydrolyze carboxyl ester bonds at low temperatures. There have been some features reported about cold-activity of the enzyme through experimental methods, whereas there is no detailed information on its mechanism of action at molecular level. Herein, a comparative molecular dynamics simulation and essential dynamics analysis have been carried out at three temperatures (5, 35 and 50 °C) to trace the dominant factors in the psychrophilic properties of CALB under cold condition. The results clearly describe the effect of temperature on CALB with meaningful differences in the flexibility of the lid region (α5 helix), covering residues 141-147. Open- closed conformations have been obtained from different sets of long-term simulations (60 ns) at 5 °C gave two reproducible distinct forms of CALB. The starting open conformation became closed immediately at 35 and 50 °C during 60 ns of simulation, while a sequential open-closed form was observed at 5 °C. These structural alterations were resulted from α5 helical movements, where the closed conformation of active site cleft was formed by displacement of both helix and its side chains. Analysis of normal mode showed concerted motions that are involved in the movement of both α5 and α10 helices. It is suggested that the functional motions needed for lypolytic activity of CALB is constructed from short-range movement of α5, accompanied by long-range movement of the domains connected to the lid region

    Ribbon representations of CALB.

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    <p>Ribbon representations of CALB with open (blue) and closed (red) conformations (A). Snapshots from different views (B and C).</p

    Distances between lid α5 and α10 during 30 ns.

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    <p>Inter helical distance between C<sub>α</sub> atoms of α5 and α10 in CALB at 5°C (blue line), 35°C (red line) and 50°C (green line) as a function of time (ps).</p

    Distance fluctuation map of CALB.

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    <p>Distance fluctuation map of CALB for Cα at mode 1. Flexible blocks are colored for increase (blue) and decrease (red) of distance fluctuations.</p

    Superposition of MD and NMA results.

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    <p>Superposition of structures resulted from MD and NMA. Alpha 5 and 10 helices are highlighted. Closed and open conformations extracted from MD trajectories are represented by red and green.</p

    Mean square displacement of Cα.

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    <p>Mean square displacement of Cα calculated by normal mode analysis for mode 7 (blue) and 11 (red).</p

    RMSF of Cα for modes 1–5 at different temperatures.

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    <p>RMSF of Cα for modes 1–5 at 5°C (8A), 35°C (8B) and 50°C (8C): Total RMSF (blue), mode 1 (red), mode 2 (green), mode 3 (purple), mode 4 (light blue), mode 5 (orange).</p

    Structure snapshots of normal mode analysis.

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    <p>Superimposed snapshots of the structure extracted from normal mode analysis. Alpha 5 and alpha 10 helices are colored.</p