371 research outputs found

    The N-end rule pathway is a sensor of heme

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    The conjugation of arginine, by arginyl-transferase, to N-terminal aspartate, glutamate or oxidized cysteine is a part of the N-end rule pathway of protein degradation. We report that arginyl-transferase of either the mouse or the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is inhibited by hemin (Fe3+-heme). Furthermore, we show that hemin inhibits arginyl-transferase through a redox mechanism that involves the formation of disulfide between the enzyme's Cys-71 and Cys-72 residues. Remarkably, hemin also induces the proteasome-dependent degradation of arginyl-transferase in vivo, thus acting as both a "stoichiometric" and "catalytic" down-regulator of the N-end rule pathway. In addition, hemin was found to interact with the yeast and mouse E3 ubiquitin ligases of the N-end rule pathway. One of substrate-binding sites of the yeast N-end rule's ubiquitin ligase UBR1 targets CUP9, a transcriptional repressor. This site of UBR1 is autoinhibited but can be allosterically activated by peptides that bear destabilizing N-terminal residues and interact with two other substrate-binding sites of UBR1. We show that hemin does not directly occlude the substrate-binding sites of UBR1 but blocks the activation of its CUP9-binding site by dipeptides. The N-end rule pathway, a known sensor of short peptides, nitric oxide, and oxygen, is now a sensor of heme as well. One function of the N-end rule pathway may be to coordinate the activities of small effectors, both reacting to and controlling the redox dynamics of heme, oxygen, nitric oxide, thiols, and other compounds, in part through conditional degradation of specific transcription factors and G protein regulators

    Structural pathway of regulated substrate transfer and threading through an Hsp100 disaggregase

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    Refolding aggregated proteins is essential in combating cellular proteotoxic stress. Together with Hsp70, Hsp100 chaperones, including Escherichia coli ClpB, form a powerful disaggregation machine that threads aggregated polypeptides through the central pore of tandem adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) rings. To visualize protein disaggregation, we determined cryo–electron microscopy structures of inactive and substrate-bound ClpB in the presence of adenosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate), revealing closed AAA+ rings with a pronounced seam. In the substrate-free state, a marked gradient of resolution, likely corresponding to mobility, spans across the AAA+ rings with a dynamic hotspot at the seam. On the seam side, the coiled-coil regulatory domains are locked in a horizontal, inactive orientation. On the opposite side, the regulatory domains are accessible for Hsp70 binding, substrate targeting, and activation. In the presence of the model substrate casein, the polypeptide threads through the entire pore channel and increased nucleotide occupancy correlates with higher ATPase activity. Substrate-induced domain displacements indicate a pathway of regulated substrate transfer from Hsp70 to the ClpB pore, inside which a spiral of loops contacts the substrate. The seam pore loops undergo marked displacements, along with ordering of the regulatory domains. These asymmetric movements suggest a mechanism for ATPase activation and substrate threading during disaggregation

    Chaperone-Mediated Protein Disaggregation Triggers Proteolytic Clearance of Intra-nuclear Protein Inclusions

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    The formation of insoluble inclusions in the cytosol and nucleus is associated with impaired protein homeostasis and is a hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases. Due to the absence of the autophagic machinery, nuclear protein aggregates require a solubilization step preceding degradation by the 26S proteasome. Using yeast, we identify a nuclear protein quality control pathway required for the clearance of protein aggregates. The nuclear J-domain protein Apj1 supports protein disaggregation together with Hsp70 but independent of the canonical disaggregase Hsp104. Disaggregation mediated by Apj1/Hsp70 promotes turnover rather than refolding. A loss of Apj1 activity uncouples disaggregation from proteasomal turnover, resulting in accumulation of toxic soluble protein species. Endogenous substrates of the Apj1/Hsp70 pathway include both nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins, which aggregate inside the nucleus upon proteotoxic stress. These findings demonstrate the coordinated activity of the Apj1/Hsp70 disaggregation system with the 26S proteasome in facilitating the clearance of toxic inclusions inside the nucleus

    Improving undergraduate STEM education: The efficacy of discipline-based professional development

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    We sought to determine whether instructional practices used by undergraduate faculty in the geosciences have shifted from traditional teacher-centered lecture toward student-engaged teaching practices and to evaluate whether the national professional development program On the Cutting Edge (hereinafter Cutting Edge) has been a contributing factor in this change. We surveyed geoscience faculty across the United States in 2004, 2009, and 2012 and asked about teaching practices as well as levels of engagement in education research, scientific research, and professional development related to teaching. We tested these self-reported survey results with direct observations of teaching using the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol, and we conducted interviews to understand what aspects of Cutting Edge have supported change. Survey data show that teaching strategies involving active learning have become more common, that these practices are concentrated in faculty who invest in learning about teaching, and that faculty investment in learning about teaching has increased. Regression analysis shows that, after controlling for other key influences, faculty who have participated in Cutting Edge programs and who regularly use resources on the Cutting Edge website are statistically more likely to use active learning teaching strategies. Cutting Edge participants also report that learning about teaching, the availability of teaching resources, and interactions with peers have supported changes in their teaching practice. Our data suggest that even one-time participation in a workshop with peers can lead to improved teaching by supporting a combination of affective and cognitive learning outcomes

    Two-step activation mechanism of the ClpB Disaggregase for sequential substrate threading by the Main ATPase Motor

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    AAA+ proteins form asymmetric hexameric rings that hydrolyze ATP and thread substrate proteins through a central channel via mobile substrate-binding pore loops. Understanding how ATPase and threading activities are regulated and intertwined is key to understanding the AAA+ protein mechanism. We studied the disaggregase ClpB, which contains tandem ATPase domains (AAA1, AAA2) and shifts between low and high ATPase and threading activities. Coiled-coil M-domains repress ClpB activity by encircling the AAA1 ring. Here, we determine the mechanism of ClpB activation by comparing ATPase mechanisms and cryo-EM structures of ClpB wild-type and a constitutively active ClpB M-domain mutant. We show that ClpB activation reduces ATPase cooperativity and induces a sequential mode of ATP hydrolysis in the AAA2 ring, the main ATPase motor. AAA1 and AAA2 rings do not work synchronously but in alternating cycles. This ensures high grip, enabling substrate threading via a processive, rope-climbing mechanism

    Thermotolerance Requires Refolding of Aggregated Proteins by Substrate Translocation through the Central Pore of ClpB

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    AbstractCell survival under severe thermal stress requires the activity of the ClpB (Hsp104) AAA+ chaperone that solubilizes and reactivates aggregated proteins in concert with the DnaK (Hsp70) chaperone system. How protein disaggregation is achieved and whether survival is solely dependent on ClpB-mediated elimination of aggregates or also on reactivation of aggregated proteins has been unclear. We engineered a ClpB variant, BAP, which associates with the ClpP peptidase and thereby is converted into a degrading disaggregase. BAP translocates substrates through its central pore directly into ClpP for degradation. ClpB-dependent translocation is demonstrated to be an integral part of the disaggregation mechanism. Protein disaggregation by the BAP/ClpP complex remains dependent on DnaK, defining a role for DnaK at early stages of the disaggregation reaction. The activity switch of BAP to a degrading disaggregase does not support thermotolerance development, demonstrating that cell survival during severe thermal stress requires reactivation of aggregated proteins

    Two proteolytic pathways regulate DNA repair by cotargeting the Mgt1 alkylguanine transferase

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    O^6-methylguanine (O^6meG) and related modifications of guanine in double-stranded DNA are functionally severe lesions that can be produced by many alkylating agents, including N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), a potent carcinogen. O^6meG is repaired through its demethylation by the O^6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT). This protein is called Mgmt (or MGMT) in mammals and Mgt1 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. AGT proteins remove methyl and other alkyl groups from an alkylated O^6 in guanine by transferring the adduct to an active-site cysteine residue. The resulting S-alkyl-Cys of AGT is not restored back to Cys, so repair proteins of this kind can act only once. We report here that S. cerevisiae Mgt1 is cotargeted for degradation, through a degron near its N terminus, by 2 ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic systems, the Ubr1/Rad6-dependent N-end rule pathway and the Ufd4/Ubc4-dependent ubiquitin fusion degradation (UFD) pathway. The cotargeting of Mgt1 by these pathways is synergistic, in that it increases not only the yield of polyubiquitylated Mgt1, but also the processivity of polyubiquitylation. The N-end rule and UFD pathways comediate both the constitutive and MNNG-accelerated degradation of Mgt1. Yeast cells lacking the Ubr1 and Ufd4 ubiquitin ligases were hyperresistant to MNNG but hypersensitive to the toxicity of overexpressed Mgt1. We consider ramifications of this discovery for the control of DNA repair and mechanisms of substrate targeting by the ubiquitin system

    The Rqc2/Tae2 subunit of the ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) complex marks ribosome-stalled nascent polypeptide chains for aggregation

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Ribosome stalling during translation can potentially be harmful, and is surveyed by a conserved quality control pathway that targets the associated mRNA and nascent polypeptide chain (NC). In this pathway, the ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) complex promotes the ubiquitylation and degradation of NCs remaining stalled in the 60S subunit. NC stalling is recognized by the Rqc2/Tae2 RQC subunit, which also stabilizes binding of the E3 ligase, Listerin/Ltn1. Additionally, Rqc2 modifies stalled NCs with a carboxy-terminal, Ala- and Thr-containing extension-the 'CAT tail'. However, the function of CAT tails and fate of CAT tail-modified ('CATylated') NCs has remained unknown. Here we show that CATylation mediates formation of detergent-insoluble NC aggregates. CATylation and aggregation of NCs could be observed either by inactivating Ltn1 or by analyzing NCs with limited ubiquitylation potential, suggesting that inefficient targeting by Ltn1 favors the Rqc2-mediated reaction. These findings uncover a translational stalling-dependent protein aggregation mechanism, and provide evidence that proteins can become specifically marked for aggregation.Ribosome stalling during translation can potentially be harmful, and is surveyed by a conserved quality control pathway that targets the associated mRNA and nascent polypeptide chain (NC). In this pathway, the ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) com5116CNQP - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)202144/2011-9We thank J Warner, A van Hoof, R Kopito, O Brandman, and S Lindquist for reagents. EBT gratefully acknowledges the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for a Postdoctoral Fellowship. MK was supported by the Hartmut Hoffma

    Creating spatial synergies around food in cities

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    This paper focusses on the phenomenon of multifunctional urban food initiatives (MUFIs) and how, using food as a vehicle, they provide integrative solutions for a number of social, environmental and economic problems in European cities. Through an in-depth investigation of three MUFIs in the UK, Latvia and Belgium, the paper aims to increase understanding on how different activities are combined within MUFIs, leading to the creation and strengthening of synergies: both internal, between the different activities performed within MUFIs, and external synergies between the MUFI and the (peri-) urban environment in which it operates. The three cases illustrate that the dense and complex urban environment in which they are situated provides possibilities to create a wide, diverse network around food, leading to a high potential for synergies to occur. In this way, MUFIs can respond to specific urban needs, which are not addressed by the state, and therefore have an important signalling function. For the MUFIs themselves, although being multifunctional increases opportunities, it is also a challenge to find the right balance between the different functions and not to lose sight of the economic side of the business. Local governments can support MUFIs by providing space for them, room to experiment, adapting regulations to get MUFIs out of the “grey zones” of legislation, and by starting to strategically think about food in their city region