8 research outputs found

    Open Access A Quality Improvement Intervention to Inform Scale-Up of Integrated HIV-TB Services: Lessons Learned From KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    In South Africa, mortality rates among HIV-TB coinfected patients are among the highest in the world. The key to reducing mortality is integrating HIV-TB services, however, a generalizable implementation method and package of tested change ideas to guide the scale-up of integrated HIV-TB services are unavailable. We describe the implementation of a quality improvement (QI) intervention, health systems’ weaknesses, change ideas, and lessons learned in improving integrated HIV-TB services. / Methods: Between December 1, 2016, and December 31, 2018, 8 nurse supervisors overseeing 20 primary health care (PHC) clinics formed a learning collaborative to improve a set of HIV-TB process indicators. HIV-TB process indicators comprised: HIV testing services (HTS), TB screening among PHC clinic attendees, isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) for eligible HIV patients, antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-TB coinfected patients, and viral load (VL) testing at month 12. Routine HIV-TB process data were collected and analyzed. / Results: Key change interventions, generated by health care workers, included: patient-flow redesign, daily data quality checks; prior identification of patients eligible for IPT and VL testing. Between baseline and post-QI intervention, IPT initiation rates increased from 15.9% to 76.4% (P=.019), HTS increased from 84.8% to 94.5% (P=.110), TB screening increased from 76.2% to 85.2% (P=.040), and VL testing increased from 61.4% to 74.0% (P=.045). ART initiation decreased from 95.8% to 94.1% (P=.481). / Discussion: Although integrating HIV-TB services is standard guidance, existing process gaps to achieve integration can be closed using QI methods. QI interventions can rapidly improve the performance of processes, particularly if baseline performance is low. Improving data quality enhances the success of QI initiatives

    Knowledge and use of emergency contraception among women in the Western Cape province of South Africa: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Emergency contraception (EC) is widely available free of charge at public sector clinics in South Africa. At the same time, rates of teenage and unintended pregnancy in South Africa remain high, and there are few data on knowledge of EC in the general population in South Africa, as in other resource-limited settings. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional, interviewer-administered survey among 831 sexually active women at 26 randomly selected public sector clinics in the Western Cape province. RESULTS: Overall, 30% of the women had ever heard of EC when asked directly, after the method was described to them. Only 15% mentioned EC by name or description spontaneously. Knowledge of EC was independently associated with higher education, being married, and living in an urban setting. Four percent of women had ever used EC. DISCUSSION: These data suggest that knowledge of EC in this setting is more common among women of higher socioeconomic status living in urban areas. For EC to play a role in decreasing unintended pregnancy in South Africa, specific interventions are necessary to increase knowledge of the method, where to get it, and the appropriate time interval for its use before the need for EC arises. Future health promotion campaigns should target rural and low socioeconomic status communities

    Language choice and sexual communication among Xhosa speakers in Cape Town, South Africa: implications for HIV prevention message development

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    Communicating about sex is a vital component of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and influences how HIV educators convey messages to communities and how couples negotiate safer sex practices. However, sexual communication inevitably confronts culturally based behavioral guidelines and linguistic taboos unique to diverse social contexts. The HIV interventionist needs to identify the appropriate language for sexual communication given the participants and the message. Ethnographic research can help facilitate the exploration of how sex terminology is chosen. A theoretical framework, developed to guide HIV interventionists, suggests that an individual's language choice for sexual communication is influenced by gender roles and power differentials. In-depth interviews, free listing and triadic comparisons were conducted with Xhosa men and women in Cape Town, South Africa, to determine the terms for male genitalia, female genitalia and sexual intercourse that are most appropriate for sexual communication. Results showed that sexual terms express cultural norms and role expectations where men should be powerful and resilient and women should be passive and virginal. For HIV prevention education, non-mother tongue (English and Zulu) terms were recommended as most appropriate because they are descriptive, but allow the speaker to communicate outside the restrictive limits of their mother tongue by reducing emotive cultural connotations

    Anaerobic probiotics: the key microbes for human health

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    Human gastrointestinal microbiota (HGIM) incorporate a large number of microbes from different species. Anaerobic bacteria are the dominant organisms in this microbial consortium and play a crucial role in human health. In addition to their functional role as the main source of many essential metabolites for human health, they are considered as biotherapeutic agents in the regulation of different human metabolites. They are also important in the prevention and in the treatment of different physical and mental diseases. Bifidobacteria are the dominant anaerobic bacteria in HGIM and are widely used in the development of probiotic products for infants, children and adults. To develop bifidobacteria-based bioproducts, therefore, it is necessary to develop a large-scale biomass production platform based on a good understanding of the ideal medium and bioprocessing parameters for their growth and viability. In addition, high cell viability should be maintained during downstream processing and storage of probiotic cell powder or the final formulated product. In this work we review the latest information about the biology, therapeutic activities, cultivation and industrial production of bifidobacteria

    Anaerobic Probiotics: The Key Microbes for Human Health

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