5 research outputs found

    Lifelong learning: national policies in the European perspective

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    The analysis of the incidence of cervical carcinomas based on the material from Histopathological Laboratory located in Zawiercie District Hospital

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to analyze the incidence of malignant cervical carcinomas found in the material from Histopathological Laboratory in Zawiercie District Hospital. Material and methods: The examined materials included histopathological results concerning segments and scrapings from gynecological procedures and the results of the segments, collected during gynecological operations performed in the years 2000-2005, in which malignant neoplasms of uterine cervix had been diagnosed. The data concerning the neoplasms were analysed, taking into account the following parameters: the number of neoplasms found in relation to the total number of diagnostic procedures performed, patients’ age, histological type of the neoplasm and the degree of clinical progression based on FIGO classification. Results: In the examined material, there were 50 cases of cervical carcinomas, with the highest incidence in patients aged between 50-59. The most common morphological type was squamous carcinoma and the majority of cervical carcinomas was characterized by the Io of disease clinical progression – 38 cases, also 4 preinvasive carcinomas were found and 8 cancers of the IIo of progression, according to FIGO classification. Conclusion: A considerable decrease of cervical carcinomas incidence, observed in the study period and the number of neoplasms found in an early progression stage are the effect of conducted screening examinations, due to which precancerous conditions are diagnosed and treated

    Multicultural education in Italy

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    Problem obecności imigrantów w Republice Włoskiej i ich uczestnictwo w życiu szkolnym przybiera na sile, sytuując Italię w gronie państw europejskich o intensywnej imigracji. W rzeczywistości naznaczonej takimi warunkami powstaje pytanie o jakość edukacji proponowanej przez państwo wszystkim uczniom, również tym o obywatelstwie innym niż włoskie. Badania terenowe we włoskich szkołach oraz krytyczna analiza literatury włoskojęzycznej pozwala zapoznać się z tym zagadnieniem i przyjrzeć się zarówno oficjalnym dokumentom jak i praktyce szkolnej. Artykuł zawiera krótki przegląd literatury przedmiotu, wraz z odniesieniem do literatury polskiej, oraz opis praktycznej implementacji idei międzykulturowości w klasie szkolnej

    The Influence of Education on Community Cohesion: Adaptation of Policy to Practice

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    In the last 15 years, social and community cohesion have become key concepts in European social, migration, and education policy. Although their definitions often remain ambiguous, social and community cohesion typically refer to harmonious coexistence of individuals of all cultural backgrounds within a community. Frequently connected with education at the elementary and secondary level, they are regarded a desirable outcome of compulsory schooling. Drawing on longitudinal data from 2 schools in England, the authors analyze the interplay between national policies of community cohesion and local level practices. In a discussion of the findings, the authors show that, despite the gaps between national policy and local practice, parental and community members’ involvement in school and family education are efficient tools to enhance community cohesion at the local level