75 research outputs found

    Impact of 5G Waveforms on Energy Harvesting Rectifier Performance

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    In this paper, an evaluation of impact of 5 MHz 5G FBMC waveforms on energy harvesting rectifier performance is presented. The 5 MHz 5G FBMC signals are used in Matlab. The simulated CCDFs of the rectifier for 5 MHz 5G signals at different input powers at 1.5 GHz are illustrated

    Der lexische Ansatz in der Persönlichkeitspsychologie: ein Überblick über Taxonomien von Deskriptoren für Persönlichkeitsmerkmale

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    U radu se opisuje leksički pristup u psihologiji ličnosti i razvoj taksonomija opisivača osobina ličnosti u različitim jezicima i kulturama. Leksički pristup zasniva se na pretpostavci da su najvažnije osobine ličnosti postale zabilježene kao riječi u prirodnim jezicima te da se ispitivanjima strukture tih riječi može dobiti znanstveno prihvatljiv model ličnosti. Počevši od Galtonova postuliranja leksičke hipoteze, preko inicijalnih istraživanja strukture pridjeva u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, leksički pristup i njemu pripadajuće taksonomije proširile su se u novije vrijeme i na druge zemlje i na istraživanja struktura drugih vrsta riječi. Ovaj rad daje pregled i usporedbu glavnih nalaza leksičkih istraživanja dimenzionalnosti ličnosti u jedanaest jezika. Ta su istraživanja uglavnom potvrdila međukulturalnu prihvatljivost velepetorog ili Big-Five modela ličnosti (ekstraverzija, ugodnost, savjesnost, emocionalna stabilnost i intelekt), no pokazala su da postoje i određene kulturalne specifičnosti. Rad također evaluira leksički pristup u psihologiji ličnosti i opisuje mogućnosti njegova daljnjeg razvoja.The paper describes the lexical approach in personality psychology and the development of personality descriptive taxonomies in various languages and cultures. The lexical approach is based on the assumption that the most important personality traits are encoded as words in natural languages and that the analysis of the structure of those words may lead to a scientifically acceptable personality model. Starting with Galton\u27s lexical hypothesis, through initial research of adjective structure in the United States of America, the lexical approach and associated taxonomies expanded to other countries and other word classes in recent years. The paper describes and compares the main findings of lexical studies of personality dimensions in eleven languages. Those studies confirmed the cross-cultural validity of the Big-Five personality model (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability and Intellect) in general, but also indicated that there are some cultural specificities. The paper also evaluates the lexical approach and describes its possible future directions.Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt den lexischen Ansatz in der Persönlichkeitspsychologie und die Entwicklung von Taxonomien von Deskriptoren für Persönlichkeitsmerkmale in verschiedenen Sprachen und Kulturen. Der lexische Ansatz gründet sich auf der Annahme, dass sich die wichtigsten Persönlichkeitsmerkmale in der Form von Wörtern in den natürlichen Sprachen niedergeschlagen haben und dass die Erforschung der Struktur dieser Wörter in einem wissenschaftlich fundierten Persönlichkeitsmodell resultieren kann. Angefangen bei Galton, der die lexische Hypothese aufstellte, und weiter über erste Forschungen zur Struktur von Adjektiven in den Vereinigten Staaten hat der lexische Ansatz mit den ihm zugehörigen Taxonomien in jüngster Zeit auch auf andere Länder übergegriffen und weitere Forschungen zur Ergründung der Struktur anderer Wortarten angeregt. Dieser Artikel liefert einen Überblick und einen Vergleich der wichtigsten Ergebnisse lexischer Forschungen zur Persönlichkeitsdimensionalität in insgesamt elf Sprachen. Durch besagte Forschungen wurde die interkulturale Gültigkeit des Big-Five-Persönlichkeitsmodells (Extraversion, Behaglichkeit, Gewissenhaftigkeit, emotionale Stabilität und Intellekt) im Großen und Ganzen bestätigt. Es zeigte sich jedoch auch, dass es bestimmte kulturale Spezifika gibt. Des Weiteren evaluiert der Artikel den lexischen Ansatz in der Persönlichkeitspsychologie und zeichnet die Möglichkeiten seiner weiteren Entwicklung vor

    Paranormalna vjerovanja i osobine ličnosti u Hrvatskoj

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    The goal of this study was to assess the relationship between the Five Factor Model of personality and the belief in the paranormal. Participants (N=307) were students from the University of Zagreb, Croatia. The measures used were the IPIP version of the Five Factor Model questionnaire (Goldberg et al., 2006) along with the Revised Paranormal Belief Scale (Tobacyk, 1988). The factor analysis of the latter yielded three previously unreported paranormal belief dimensions named: General paranormal belief, Traditional religious belief and Rituals and practices. The most significant personality correlations with all three factors were found for Openness, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism, respectively. Results to an extent confirmed previous findings, suggesting that open individuals accept more General paranormal beliefs, while rejecting Traditional religious belief. Conscientiousness displayed an opposite trend being positively related to Traditional religious beliefs and negatively to General paranormal beliefs. Finally, Neuroticism was related to Rituals and practices, i.e. superstitions, divinations and occult control of life outcomes. The relations are however modest ranging from 0.11 to 0.25. Both the novel paranormal belief structure and its significance to personality are discussed within an evolutionary perspective, with guidelines for further research highlighted in the end.Cilj ove studije bilo je istraživanje povezanosti peterofaktorskoga modela ličnosti i paranormalnih vjerovanja. Sudionici istraživanja (N=307) bili su studenti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Hrvatska). Od mjera je primijenjena IPIP verzija upitnika peterofaktorskoga modela (Goldberg i sur., 2006.) te revidirana skala paranormalnih vjerovanja (Tobacyk, 1988.). Faktorska analiza revidirane skale paranormalnih vjerovanja upozorila je na, do sada nezabilježenu, trofaktorsku strukturu, pri čemu su dobivene dimenzije nazvane: generalna paranormalna vjerovanja, tradicionalna religijska vjerovanja i rituali i prakse. Najznačajnije povezanosti ličnosti s dimenzijama paranormalnih vjerovanja nađene su za faktore otvorenosti, savjesnosti i neuroticizma. Rezultati su djelomično potvrdili prijašnje nalaze, pokazujući sklonost otvorenijih pojedinaca prema generalnim paranormalnim vjerovanjima i odbacivanju tradicionalnih religijskih vjerovanja. Dimenzija savjesnosti pokazala se pozitivno povezana s tradicionalnim religijskim, a negativno s generalnim paranormalnim vjerovanjima. Neuroticizam se pokazao povezan s ritualima i praksama, tj. praznovjerjem, proricanjem i okultnim praksama. Povezanosti su se pokazale umjerenima (0,11 – 0,25), a novootkrivena struktura paranormalnih vjerovanja i njezina povezanost s osobinama ličnosti promatrana je kroz evolucijsku perspektivu. Ograničenja i smjernice za buduće istraživače naznačene su na kraju

    Cochlear implant therapy

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    360 milijuna ljudi u svijetu pati od oštećenja sluha. Kod slučajeva gdje se radi o zamjedbenoj gluhoći ili teškom oštećenju sluha, a pritom nema oštećenja slušnog živca, jezgara ili pužnice, terapija je ugradnja kohlearnog implantata. Kohlearni implantat je uređaj koji zvučne valove registrira, prevodi u električni signal te zaobilazeći cjelokupni aparat vanjskog i srednjeg uha, isporučuje signal putem elektrode ugrađene u pužnicu na osjetne neurone slušnog puta. Pravovremeno ugrađen usadak kod prelingvalnih pacijenata omogućava normalan razvoj govora i socijalnu integraciju dok kod postlingvalnih pacijenata značajno poboljšava kvalitetu života narušenu gubitkom sluha.360 million people around the world suffer from hearing loss. In cases of severe to profound sensoneural hearing loss, without damage to the acoustic nerve or cochlear nuclei or cochlea, cochlear implant is the therapy of choice. Cochlear implant is a device which registers the sound waves, transforms them into electrical impulses, and, bypassing the entire outer and middle ear aparatus, delivers the signal, via electrode implanted inside the cochlea, to sensoric auditory neurons. Promptly implanted implant can facilitate adequate speech development and social integration in prelingual patients, and vastly ameliorate quality of life in postlingual patients

    Uz temu - Suvremeni pristupi u psihologiji ličnosti

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    Prisutnost proračunskih deficita posljedica je nedostatne visine prikupljenih prihoda kojim bi se pokrili ukupni izdatci u tekućoj godini. Država taj manjak pokušava namiriti koristeći se zaduživanjem. Zaduživati se može unutar države ili putem inozemnih izvora financiranja. Sve veće zaduživanje dovodi do gomilanja duga pa se bilježi konstantan rast ukupnog duga opće države. Korištenjem fiskalnih politika, država pokušava uravnotežiti javne prihode i rashode s ciljem smanjenja proračunskog deficita i javnog duga. Analizom proračunskog deficita i javnog duga u promatranom razdoblju (2008.-2017.), može se zaključiti kako je svjetska financijska kriza, koja je započela 2008. godine, uvelike utjecala na gospodarsko stanje Hrvatske, ali u zemalja članica EU. Dok su se europske zemlje relativno brzo oporavile od šoka, recesija u Hrvatskoj je bila puno dublja i dugotrajnija. Njezin oporavak započeo je 2014. godine izlaskom iz krize, te je 2017. zabilježen suficit u saldu opće države, dok se javni dug neznatno smanjio 2016. godine te opet narastao u 2017. godini.The presence of budget deficits is a consequence of the insufficient amount of revenue collected to cover total expenditure in the current year. The state government is trying to make up for this deficit by borrowing. Borrowing can be done internally or through foreign sources of financing. Increasing borrowing leads to a build-up of debt and a steady increase in general government debt. By using fiscal policies, the government tries to balance public revenues and expenditures with the aim of reducing the budget deficit and public debt. An analysis of the budget deficit and public debt over the review period of time (2008-2017), shows that the global financial crisis, which began in 2008, had a major impact on the economic situation of Croatia, but in the Member States of the EU as well. While European countries recovered relatively quickly from shock, the recession in Croatia was much deeper and longer lasting. Its recovery began in 2014 with the exit of the crisis and achieved a surplus in the general government balance in 2017, while public debt declined slightly in 2016 and increased again in 2017


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    Prisutnost proračunskih deficita posljedica je nedostatne visine prikupljenih prihoda kojim bi se pokrili ukupni izdatci u tekućoj godini. Država taj manjak pokušava namiriti koristeći se zaduživanjem. Zaduživati se može unutar države ili putem inozemnih izvora financiranja. Sve veće zaduživanje dovodi do gomilanja duga pa se bilježi konstantan rast ukupnog duga opće države. Korištenjem fiskalnih politika, država pokušava uravnotežiti javne prihode i rashode s ciljem smanjenja proračunskog deficita i javnog duga. Analizom proračunskog deficita i javnog duga u promatranom razdoblju (2008.-2017.), može se zaključiti kako je svjetska financijska kriza, koja je započela 2008. godine, uvelike utjecala na gospodarsko stanje Hrvatske, ali u zemalja članica EU. Dok su se europske zemlje relativno brzo oporavile od šoka, recesija u Hrvatskoj je bila puno dublja i dugotrajnija. Njezin oporavak započeo je 2014. godine izlaskom iz krize, te je 2017. zabilježen suficit u saldu opće države, dok se javni dug neznatno smanjio 2016. godine te opet narastao u 2017. godini.The presence of budget deficits is a consequence of the insufficient amount of revenue collected to cover total expenditure in the current year. The state government is trying to make up for this deficit by borrowing. Borrowing can be done internally or through foreign sources of financing. Increasing borrowing leads to a build-up of debt and a steady increase in general government debt. By using fiscal policies, the government tries to balance public revenues and expenditures with the aim of reducing the budget deficit and public debt. An analysis of the budget deficit and public debt over the review period of time (2008-2017), shows that the global financial crisis, which began in 2008, had a major impact on the economic situation of Croatia, but in the Member States of the EU as well. While European countries recovered relatively quickly from shock, the recession in Croatia was much deeper and longer lasting. Its recovery began in 2014 with the exit of the crisis and achieved a surplus in the general government balance in 2017, while public debt declined slightly in 2016 and increased again in 2017

    Faktorenstruktur bei der Selbsteinschätzung sowie der Einschätzung von anderen anhand der Goldberg-Marker

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    U ovom se radu opisuju nova metodološka i kulturalna pitanja vezana uz uporabu "etičke" strategije unutar leksičkoga pristupa u psihologiji ličnosti. Specifično, u radu se opisuju rezultati faktorskih struktura samoprocjena i procjena druge osobe na Goldbergovim transparentnim bipolarnim markerima za mjerenje Velepetorog modela ličnosti u Hrvatskoj. Faktorske i skalne analize samoprocjena i procjena druge osobe na Goldbergovim markerima nisu pokazale velike razlike samoprocjena i procjena druge osobe u smislu ciljane faktorske strukture, pouzdanosti skala i broja čestica projiciranih na intencionalni faktor. Ispitivanje relacija faktorskih struktura samoprocjena i procjena druge osobe potvrdilo je ekvivalentnost korespondentnih dimenzija Velepetorog modela pri oba načina procjene. Ispitivanje poželjnosti samoprocjena u odnosu na procjene druge osobe rezultiralo je većom prosječnom poželjnošću procjena druge osobe. Svi navedeni rezultati sugeriraju budućim istraživač ima leksičkoga pristupa u raznim kulturama i jezicima da pri budućim istraživanjima mogu rabiti transparentni raspored Goldbergovih bipolarnih markera za mjerenje Velepetorog modela ličnosti i za samoprocjene i za procjene druge osobe, bilo da se koriste "etičkom" ili "emičkom" strategijom.The paper describes new methodological and cultural issues of etic strategy within the lexical approach in personality psychology. Specifically, the paper describes the results of factor structures of Goldberg\u27s transparent bipolar Big-Five markers used for self and peer ratings in Croatia. Factor and scale analyses of self and peer ratings with Goldberg\u27s markers did not show great differences between self and peer ratings in sense of targeted factor structure, scale reliability and the number of items projected onto the intentional factor. The examination of the relations of factor structures for self and peer ratings confirmed the equivalency of Big-Five correspondent dimensions. The examination of the desirability of self versus peer ratings resulted with greater average desirability for peer ratings. All of the above-mentioned results suggest that future lexical approach researchers in different cultures and languages could use the transparent format of Goldberg\u27s Big-Five bipolar markers for self and peer ratings, whether they use etic or emic strategy.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit neuen methodologischen und kulturellen Fragen, die mit der Verwendung einer "ethischen" Strategie innerhalb des lexischen Ansatzes in der Persönlichkeits-Psychologie verbunden sind. Das Spezifikum dieses Artikels besteht in der Darlegung von Resultaten, die sich aus der Faktorenstruktur bei der Selbsteinschätzung sowie der Einschätzung anderer Personen anhand der transparenten bipolaren Big-Five-Marker nach Goldberg (zur Ermittlung der Persönlichkeitsstruktur, Kroatien) ergeben haben. Weder Faktoren- noch Skalenanalysen zur Selbsteinschätzung sowie zur Einschätzung anderer Personen zeigten anhand der Goldberg-Marker große Unterschiede (im Sinne einer gezielten Faktorenstruktur, der Verlässlichkeit der Skala und der Zahl der auf den jeweiligen intentionalen Faktor projizierten Elemente). Eine Untersuchung der Relationen zwischen den Faktorenstrukturen bei der Selbsteinschätzung und der Einschätzung einer anderen Person bestätigte die Gleichwertigkeit korrespondierender Dimensionen des genannten 5-Faktoren-Modells zur Ermittlung der Persönlichkeitsstruktur. Die Frage, inwiefern eine Selbsteinschätzung im Verhältnis zur Einschätzung einer anderen Person wünschenswert sei, erbrachte die Erkenntnis, dass die Einschätzung einer anderen Person im Durchschnitt wünschenswerter sei. Die angeführten Resultate suggerieren zukünftigen Forschern, die innerhalb verschiedener Kultur- und Sprachgemeinschaften einen lexischen Ansatz vertreten wollen, dass sie die transparent angeordneten bipolaren Marker des Big- -Five-Modells nach Goldberg zur Ermittlung der Persönlichkeitsstruktur sowie zur Selbsteinschätzung und Einschätzung anderer Personen durchaus einsetzen können, und zwar unabhängig von der jeweils angewandten Strategie

    Velepetori model ličnosti i uspjeh u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture srednjoškolaca

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between personality dimensions according to the Big-Five model of personality and the success of high school students in physical education. A sample of participants consisted of 100 high school students at the age of 16 and 17. For the measurement of personality dimensions according to the Big-Five model of personality the IPIP100 questionnaire was used , which covers five broad dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional stability and Intellect. The success of students in physical education was defined by the average score at the half-term in five areas that are standardly scored during that course. Data analyzed by regression analysis indicate that personality dimensions of the Big-Five personality model significantly predict success in physical education. It was established that the male students’ success in physical education was significantly predicted by the dimension of Conscientiousness, and negatively by the dimension of Extraversion , while the female students’ success in physical education was significantly predicted by the dimensions of Conscientiousness and Emotional stability. The results also indicate that male students achieved higher scores on Extraversion and Emotional stability scales and the female students on Agreeableness scale.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost osobina ličnosti i uspjeha u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture kod srednjoškolaca. Uzorak sudionika sastojao se od 100 učenika srednjih škola dobi od 16 i 17 godina. Kao mjera dimenzija ličnosti prema velepetorom modelu upotrijebljen je upitnik IPIP100, koji obuhvaća pet dimenzija: ekstraverziju, ugodnost, savjesnost, emocionalnu stabilnost i intelekt. Uspjeh u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture definiran je prosjekom ocjena na polugodištu iz pet područja koja se standardno provjeravaju u predmetu tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture. Podaci koji su obrađeni regresijskom analizom ukazuju na to da dimenzije ličnosti velepetorog modela značajno predviđaju uspjeh u tjelesnoj i zdravstvenoj kulturi. Kod učenika je utvrđeno da uspjeh u nastavi značajno predviđa dimenzija savjesnosti, a negativno dimenzija ekstraverzije, dok kod učenica uspjeh u nastavi značajno predviđaju dimenzije savjesnosti i emocionalne stabilnosti. Rezultati također ukazuju na to da su učenici postigli više rezultate na skali ekstraverzije i emocionalne stabilnosti, a učenice na skali ugodnosti