11 research outputs found

    Les parias des houillùres du Chikuhƍ : assimilation ou surdiscrimination ?

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    La rĂ©gion du Chikuhƍ (KyĆ«shĆ«) reste fortement associĂ©e Ă  l’histoire du charbon. Les liens entre communautĂ©s de parias (burakumin) et l’industrie de la houille y sont moins connus, l’historiographie d’aprĂšs-guerre ayant peu abordĂ© cette question. Les communautĂ©s buraku sont pourtant bien prĂ©sentes dans le Chikuhƍ, le plus souvent Ă  proximitĂ© des anciennes mines. Nous montrons ainsi qu’il existe un lien organique, entre la prĂ©sence buraku dans le Chikuhƍ et l’industrie du charbon, procĂ©dant de facteurs historiques et sociaux. L’industrialisation des houillĂšres Ă  la fin du xixe siĂšcle aurait pu conduire Ă  l’intĂ©gration de ces burakumin au sein de la classe ouvriĂšre Ă©mergente. Mais la discrimination a pourtant perdurĂ© au sein du prolĂ©tariat minier et fit mĂȘme partie des stratĂ©gies de certains groupes industriels pour la gestion des populations ouvriĂšres. Cette question de la spĂ©cificitĂ© buraku s’est aussi posĂ©e au mouvement ouvrier, au sein des syndicats et dans les stratĂ©gies du Parti communiste japonais. La nature et l’évolution du rapport des groupes de dĂ©fense des burakumin aux autres syndicats de mineurs ont ainsi Ă©voluĂ©, selon les impĂ©ratifs du moment et les rapports de force, entre solidaritĂ©, alliance et subordination.The region of Chikuhƍ (KyĆ«shĆ«) remains strongly associated with a long history of coal mining. The links between outcast communities (burakumin) and the coal industry are less well known, as post-war historiography has hardly broached the subject. However, buraku communities are well represented in Chikuhƍ, most often in the vicinity of former mines. We show that there is an organic link, between the buraku presence in Chikuhƍ and the coal industry, stemming from historical and social factors. The industrialization of the coal mines at the end of the 19th century could have led to the integration of these burakumin into the emerging working class. But discrimination persisted within the mining proletariat and was even part of the strategies of some industrial groups for the management of the working-class populations. This question of buraku specificity has also been raised within the workers’ movement, the labor unions and in the strategies of the Japanese Communist Party. The nature and evolution of the relationship between burakumin defense groups and other miners’ unions has thus evolved, in accordance with punctual imperatives and the balance of power, between solidarity, alliance and subordination

    The Coal-mining Pariahs of Chikuhƍ. Assimilation or Over-Discrimination?

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    The Chikuhƍ region of northern KyĆ«shĆ« remains strongly associated with coal-mining history. Much less well known, however, is the link between coal mining and the outcast burakumin communities, as post-war historical research has been relatively silent on the issue. And yet, Chikuhƍ has a particularly high concentration of buraku communities, often living in close vicinity to disused mines. This paper will show a direct link between the buraku presence in Chikuhƍ and the coal-mining industry, essentially resulting from historical and social factors. The industrialisation of the mines at the end of the nineteenth century could have led to the integration of burakumin into the nascent working class. Instead, discrimination persisted within the mining proletariat and was even leveraged by certain industrial groups as a means of managing working-class populations. The issue of buraku specificity was also addressed within the labour movement, by the unions and in the strategies of the Japanese Communist Party. Relations between burakumin defence groups and the other mining unions thus fluctuated according to the shifting balance of power, ranging from solidarity and alliance to subordination.La rĂ©gion du Chikuhƍ (KyĆ«shĆ«) reste fortement associĂ©e Ă  l’histoire du charbon. Les liens entre communautĂ©s de parias (burakumin) et l’industrie de la houille y sont moins connus, l’historiographie d’aprĂšs-guerre ayant peu abordĂ© cette question. Les communautĂ©s buraku sont pourtant bien prĂ©sentes dans le Chikuhƍ, le plus souvent Ă  proximitĂ© des anciennes mines. Nous montrons ainsi qu’il existe un lien organique, entre la prĂ©sence buraku dans le Chikuhƍ et l’industrie du charbon, procĂ©dant de facteurs historiques et sociaux. L’industrialisation des houillĂšres Ă  la fin du xixe siĂšcle aurait pu conduire Ă  l’intĂ©gration de ces burakumin au sein de la classe ouvriĂšre Ă©mergente. Mais la discrimination a pourtant perdurĂ© au sein du prolĂ©tariat minier et fit mĂȘme partie des stratĂ©gies de certains groupes industriels pour la gestion des populations ouvriĂšres. Cette question de la spĂ©cificitĂ© buraku s’est aussi posĂ©e au mouvement ouvrier, au sein des syndicats et dans les stratĂ©gies du Parti communiste japonais. La nature et l’évolution du rapport des groupes de dĂ©fense des burakumin aux autres syndicats de mineurs ont ainsi Ă©voluĂ©, selon les impĂ©ratifs du moment et les rapports de force, entre solidaritĂ©, alliance et subordination

    Coal and Mining Communities in Japan

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    Current status and challenges of cytokine pharmacology

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    The major concern of pharmacology about cytokines has originated from plentiful data showing association between gross changes in their production and pathophysiological processes. Despite the enigmatic role of cytokines in diseases, a number of them have become a subject of cytokine and anti-cytokine immunotherapies. Production of cytokines can be influenced by many endogenous and exogenous stimuli including drugs. Cells of the immune system, such as macrophages and lymphocytes, are richly endowed with receptors for the mediators of physiological functions, such as biogenic amines, adenosine, prostanoids, steroids, etc. Drugs, agonists or antagonists of these receptors can directly or indirectly up- and down-regulate secretion of cytokines and expression of cytokine receptors. Vice versa, cytokines interfere with drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics through the interactions with cytochrome P450 and multiple drug resistance proteins. The aim of the review is to encourage more intensive studies in these fields of cytokine pharmacology. It also outlines major areas of searching promising candidates for immunotherapeutic interventions

    Chapter 5 Derivatization of individual species of compounds

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