22 research outputs found

    Representation of women on the main South African public television news bulletins 1999-2005: a critical analysis of representation of women on Women's Day

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    Abstract This study investigates the representation of women on the main South African public television news bulletins between 1999 and 2005. The study focuses on the representation of women on Women’s Day in South Africa as a case study of the representation of women in television news. A nuanced, complimentary theoretical framework of theories of news production, discourse and semiotic analyses is used. The study uses quantitative content analysis as a stepping stone to make qualitative judgements about media texts. The findings of the study reveal that women are represented in stereotypical roles as mothers, housewives, victims, people in need of government assistance, or passive crowds at national gatherings. The findings of the study also reveal that the news media trivializes and ridicules issues of concern to women and does not treat them as legitimate and significant. Overall the study reveals that television news is a masculine narrative that reinforces negative frames of meaning about women

    La gestión administrativa y calidad de servicio en la Ugel - Cusco 2022

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    El presente trabajo de investigación como objetivo general establecer la relación entre la gestión administrativa y calidad del servicio en la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Cusco – 2022. El estudio es de tipo básico, con un enfoque cuantitativo y de diseño correlacional no experimental. La muestra total fue de 96 personas escogidas a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. Se utilizaron formularios con escala Likerts como instrumentos de recolección de datos para cada variable, los resultados evidenciaron que el 23 % de los encuestados opina que tanto como la GA y la CS, se encuentran en niveles bajos, así mismo solo el 15% y el 21% evalúa como alto tanto a la GA y CS respectivamente, encontrándose que la mayoría de la muestra opina que la GA y CS se encuentra en un nivel medio. Del mismo modo, al aplicarse la prueba correlacional se alcanzó un indicador de correlación (r = 0.801) y como valor de significancia (p <.001), con lo cual se concluye que existe una relación directa y significativa entre la gestión administrativa y la calidad del servicio en la institució

    ガッコウ ニオケル ナイハツテキ カイゼンリョク オ タカメル タメノ ソシキ カイハツ ガッコウ ソシキ カイハツ ノ テンカイ ト ルイケイ : カチテキ モクヒョウ セイセイガタ ノ ガッコウ ソシキ カイハツ ノ テンカイ オ フマエテ

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    The purpose of this article were 1)to categorize the cases which applied with our school organizational evelopment theory, and 2)to examine the characteristics and availability of the type of school organizational development which produced value?oriented goal of the school through teachers\u27 collaboration. The practices applied the school organizational development have been acumulated and could be categorized into the following three types. These were, type 1: school organizational development for enhancing collaboration in phase of ducation practice, type 2: school organizational development for producing practical problems or goals, and type 3: school organizational development for producing value?oriented goals(basic goals in the school). These 3 types of school organizational development could organize the whole activities of the school by being combined in a ontinuous way. This meant that the sequential procedure of school organizational development were 1)type 3, 2)type 2, and 3)type 1 in order. The case of this sequential procedure were reported and its availability for making school enhancing the power of spontaneously improvement were examined. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI(20530734

    Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension among Malaysian ESL Elementary Learners

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    This study explored Level 2 primary school English as a Second Language (ESL) learners’ reading comprehension skill of a sub-urban school in Mukah, Sarawak. The objectives of this study were to identify the factors that contri- buted to learners’ comprehension skill, and to compare these factors in term of gender. The respondents comprised of 50 males and 50 females aged be- tween 10 to 12 years old from major ethnics in Mukah namely, Melanau, Iban, Malay and Chinese. A set of questionnaire that consisted of 16 questions were administered via Google Form. The findings suggested that motivation and interest, prior knowledge and vocabulary knowledge influenced learners’ reading comprehension skill. In addition, there was no significant relationship between genders and these factors. The findings from this research were important to determine reading strategies based on the factors listed to help the poor readers

    Application of PBL Can Improve the Teaching Quality of Professional Degree Graduate Students in Hepatobiliary Surgery

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    Objective: To explore the application effect of problem-based learning (PBL) teaching in standardized training, which is designed to train professional degree graduate students in hepatobiliary surgery. Methods: A total of 60 graduate students with professional degrees admitted to our hospital for hepatobiliary surgery in 2017-2018 were selected as research objects. The trainees were randomly divided into problem-based learning (PBL) group and lecture-based learning (LBL) group, and the training effects of the two groups were observed at the same time. Results: After the training is completed, compared with the LBL group, the PBL group students’ final exam scores, skill scores, and the students’ scientific research ability, clinical ability, organization ability, thesis ability, collaboration ability, and language ability have been significantly improved (P &lt; 0.05). Conclusion: The application of PBL teaching can effectively improve the teaching quality of clinical degree postgraduate standardized training

    The Prospect of 5G Technology Applied to Distance Medical Education and Clinical Practice

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    The combination of network communication and medical education gave birth to distance medical education (DME). Now the fifth generation of mobile communication technology (5G) with high data rate, low delay, save energy, reduce cost and other advantages to the telemedicine education has provided a substantial change. It can make the utilization of excellent resources have sufficiency and high efficiency, which equalize educational resources. Teachers can stay face-to-face with students, even if they are in different places. It makes the teaching content is updated in time and so on. This paper reviews the development history of distance medicine education and looks forward to the prospect brought by the combination of 5G communication technology. How to guide clinical practice and improve the learning efficiency and interest

    Guidelines for Return to Presential Classes: Consensus Proposal in Accordance with the National and International Health Regulatory Agencies

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    Introduction: The coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) caused an unprecedented crisis in the area of education, causing the massive closure of classroom activities by educational institutions in more than 190 countries. By mid-May 2020, more than 1.2 billion students at all levels of education world- wide have stopped taking face-to-face classes. Therefore, the reopening of schools, colleges, and universities during the COVID-19 pandemic represents a special challenge worldwide in order to ensure the safety of students and staff. The guidelines need to outline the creation of a task force at each university, risk screening based on school, travel history, occupation, contacts, groups, and self-management. Objective: In this way, the present work had as objective to propose a guideline of return to the face-to-face classes based on the main regulatory criteria of government agencies in Brazil and the world. Methods: The present study followed a review model of the main national and international public health legislation as UNESCO, WHO and ANVISA. Development and Strategies: According to the process of economic reopening in Brazil and the world, the return to educational activities begins with the effective need to develop an action plan inherent to this resumption, gradually and safely. The resumption requires several strategic mea- sures adopted by the executive powers of all spheres of power (federal, state and municipal), allowing at that moment the safe, but gradual, resumption of economic activity, reducing the harmful and collateral effects in terms of social inequality. Conclusion: Multiple intervention strategies at the school and reductions in transmission in the community, in addition to the extent achieved so far, will be necessary to avoid the excessive undue risk associated with the reopening of the school

    Probe into the Humanistic Spirit Contained in the Courses of Science and Engineering in Universities

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    The mission of higher education is to train senior professionals with a sense of social responsibility, innovative spirit and practical ability. Higher education should regard the effectiveness of moral education as the fundamental standard for testing all work in colleges and universities, adhere to the integration of knowledge transfer and value guidance, and the integration of explicit education and implicit education, and fully explore the humanistic and ideological education resources contained in various courses and teaching methods. In this paper, by incorporating the humanistic spirit into the science and engineering courses, while imparting scientific knowledge, it pays attention to cultivating students’ discipline and collectivism. The teaching effect shows that this teaching method has a certain positive effect on cultivating qualified talents

    Readiness and Challenges of Counsellor in Offering Gerontological Counselling in Malaysia

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    Malaysia is expected to become an old age nation by 2030. The psychological problem faced by elderly requires counselling intervention. The objective of this study is to explore the readiness of counsellors in dealing with adult and aging as curriculum and to explore the challenges in providing gerontological counselling. The study was used qualitative approach based on case study of 9 informants on purporsive sampling method and conducted within indepth interviews. The findings showed that level of readiness of counsellor is very high and very interested to dealing with aging client. The main challenges of counselor are no public universities offer courses gerontological counselling in Malaysia. The implication of this study involvement of gerontological counsellor through Malaysian Association of counsellor will attract young counsellor interest in the care of older person

    Trends in Interactional Competence: Targeting Engagement and Explicit Utterances

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    This paper aims to examine how an IELTS candidate keeps himself engaged in communication and conveys his ideas clearly to the examiner in the speaking section. Despite very occasional errors, the candidate shows fluency and a good mastery of vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. His performance demonstrates his abilities in interactional competence, a construct of speaking pedagogy that highlights dynamics of interaction between participants of a conversation. The nature of interactional competence requires the speaker to make utterance explicit to the listener and actively respond to the conversation partner. Influencing factors of interactional competence include speaking skills, communication abilities, cognitive skills and contextual factors. Issues might arise from unmanageable factors in some occasions, which requires the test taker to adapt to changes and adjust utterances as an engaged listener. Thus, contingent responses reflect comprehension and engagement in interactions. In this case, the speaker responds to the examiner by expanding information with a flexible use of vocabulary, grammatical structures and pronunciation skills. Examples show that major contributors to errors might be inattentiveness and lack of context awareness. If he fixes the problems in his speech, he can improve his rating on the marking rubric in future tests