99 research outputs found

    Radiobiological Impact Evaluation Within Monte-Carlo Shielding Calculations of CANDU Spent Fuel

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    The radiobiological effect on the human health of CANDU spent fuel is assessed using Monte Carlo shielding estimates. The examination of spent fuel occurs after it has been discharged from the reactor. A specific cooling interval is considered, with the radiation dose rates that characterize the used fuel being of interest. Two kinds of fuel were studied in a CANDU standard fuel bundle with 37 fuel components: natural uranium (NU) fuel and slightly enriched uranium (SEU) fuel. The fuel burnup was simulated using the ORIGEN-S algorithm, and the photon sources describing the wasted fuel were retrieved. A generic stainless steel shipping cask type B was used for spent fuel transfer, and radiation doses at the cask wall and in the air up to 8 m away from the shipping cask were computed using the Monte Carlo MORSE-SGC algorithm. To ensure nuclear safety and radiation protection, spent fuel must be maintained in temporary wet cooling storage for six months. The projected dosage rates were modest, allowing for the safe handling of the used fuel shipping cask. The corresponding dosages on human body organs for the two considered spent fuels were estimated without and with shielding. Due to the varied sensitivity and reaction of organs/tissue, the effective dosage was evaluated for the human body by applying a tissue-weighting factor; these weighting factors are not equal, and functional coefficients specified by ICRP are used. The equivalent doses calculation modeling findings for the present study underlined the complete effectiveness of the applied shielding and attained the acceptable dose level

    Outcome and prognosis of middle cerebral artery occlusive disease in a sample of egyptian patients: A prospective hospital-based study

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    Background and purpose:  Changes of the flow velocities of transcranial color coded duplex ultrasound (TCCD) in symptomatic middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusive disease may be related to the occurrence of further vascular events after stroke. The objective of this study was to investigate the outcome and the prognosis of the MCA occlusive disease. Methods:  Initial TCCD was done to detect MCA stenosis or occlusion in patients with MCA territory infarction. We repeated TCCD examinations 3 months later and recorded any TIA, cerebral stroke or acute coronary syndrome events during this period. The changes of MCA flow velocities were categorized as normalized, regressive, persistent and progressive groups, according to the changes of MCA velocities at 3 months. Results: We studied 31 patients with MCA territory infarction classified according to the initial TCCD results into normal MCA flow velocity group (15 patients), and abnormal MCA flow velocity group (16 patients). Eleven patients of the abnormal MCA group were re-evaluated by TCCD after 3 months as 5 patients died within the 3 months of the follow up. Two patients (18.2%) were normalized, 4 patients (36.4%) had persistent degree of stenosis, and 5 patients (45.5%) showed regression. The number of clinical events showed significant difference (p=0.037) between the normal and abnormal MCA groups. Only 1 patient (6.7%) of the normal MCA group had further cerebral stroke, while 7 patients (43.8%) of the abnormal MCA group suffered of further cerebral stroke. Conclusions:  Symptomatic MCA stenosis is associated with higher risk of recurrent cerebral stroke.   French title: Resultats et pronostic de la maladie occlusive de l'artere cerebrale moyenne chez un echantillon de patients Egyptiens. Étude prospective en milieu hospitalier Introduction:  Les variations des vitesses d'écoulement au Doppler transcrânien (DT) dans la maladie occlusive de l'artère cérébrale moyenne (ACM) symptomatique peuvent être liées à la survenue d'autres événements vasculaires après un AVC. L'objectif de cette étude était d'étudier le résultat et le pronostic de la maladie occlusive de l’ACM. Méthodes:  Le DT initial a été réalisé pour détecter la sténose ou l'occlusion de l’ACM chez les patients atteints d'infarctus du territoire de l’ACM Nous avons répété les examens DT 3 mois plus tard et enregistré tout AIT, accident vasculaire cérébral ou syndrome coronarien aigu au cours de cette période. Les changements des vitesses d'écoulement de l’ACM ont été classés en groupes normalisés, régressifs, persistants et progressifs, selon les changements des vitesses de l’ACM à 3 mois. Résultats:  Nous avons étudié 31 patients atteints d'infarctus du territoire de l’ACM classés selon les résultats initiaux du DT dans le groupe de vitesse d'écoulement de l’ACM normale (15 patients) et le groupe de vitesse d'écoulement de l’ACM anormale (16 patients). Onze patients du groupe ACM anormal ont été réévalués par DT après 3 mois car 5 patients sont décédés dans les 3 mois de suivi. Deux patients (18,2%) ont été normalisés, 4 patients (36,4%) avaient un degré de sténose persistant et 5 patients (45,5%) ont présenté une régression. Le nombre d'événements cliniques a montré une différence significative (p = 0,037) entre les groupes ACM normaux et anormaux. Seul 1 patient (6,7%) du groupe MCA normal a eu un autre AVC, tandis que 7 patients (43,8%) du groupe ACM anormal ont souffert d'un autre AVC. Conclusions:  La sténose symptomatique de l'ACM est associée à un risque plus élevé de récidive d’AVC

    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) in post-prostatectomy patients

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    Radical prostatectomy (RP) is one of the recommended treatments to achieve oncological outcomes in localized prostate cancer. However, a radical prostatectomy is a major abdominopelvic surgery. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a well-known complication associated with surgical procedures, including RP. There is a lack of consensus regarding VTE prophylaxis in urological procedures. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to investigate different aspects of VTE in post-radical prostatectomy patients. A comprehensive literature search was performed, and relevant data were extracted. The primary aim was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis (wherever possible) of VTE occurrence in post-RP patients in relation to surgical approach, pelvic lymph node dissection, and type of prophylaxis (mechanical or combined prophylaxis). The secondary aim was to investigate the incidence and other risk factors of VTE in post-RP patients. A total of 16 studies were included for quantitative analysis. Statistical methods for analysis included the DerSimonian–Laird random effects. We were able to conclude that the overall incidence of VTE in post-radical prostatectomy is 1% (95% CI) and minimally invasive procedures (MIS), including laparoscopic, as well as robotic procedures for radical prostatectomy and RP without pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND), are associated with less risk of developing VTE. Additional pharmacological prophylaxis to mechanical methods may not be necessary in all cases and should be considered in high-risk patients only

    Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors among Employees and Their Families of a Saudi University: An Epidemiological Study

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    Objectives:To assess the prevalence of non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors among Saudi university employees and their families; to estimate the cardiovascular risk (CVR) amongst the study population in the following 10years. Methods:The NCD risk factors prevalence was estimated using a cross-sectional approach for a sample of employees and their families aged ≥ 18 years old, in a Saudi university (Riyadh in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; KSA). WHO STEPwise standardized tools were used to estimate NCD risk factors and the Framingham Coronary Heart Risk Score calculator was used to calculate the CVR. Results:Five thousand and two hundred subjects were invited, of whom 4,500 participated in the study, providing a response rate of 87%. The mean age of participants was 39.3±13.4 years. The majority of participants reported low fruit/vegetables consumption (88%), and physically inactive (77%). More than two thirds of the cohort was found to be either overweight or obese (72%), where 36% were obese, and 59% had abdominal obesity. Of the total cohort, 22–37% were found to suffer from dyslipidaemia, 22% either diabetes or hypertension, with rather low reported current tobacco use (12%). One quarter of participants was estimated to have >10% risk to develop cardiovascular disease within the following 10-years. Conclusion:The prevalence of NCD risk factors was found to be substantially high among the university employees and their families in this study