147 research outputs found

    “Learning Before Education” – Teaching Skills For Life: Past And Present Practice

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    A 2012 survey revealed that parents who belong to the economic elite in contemporary Serbian society lost confidence in public education. In order to find a way to improve features of formal education, we created and then analyzed practical classes of non-formal character in archaeology studies at the University of Belgrade. Students learn the skill of making stone tools, reproducing activities that had taken place in both informa l and non-formal environments in prehistoric communities of hunters and gatherers. Qualitative research shows students' positive attitudes towards such activities of acquiring skills that accompany theoretical classical lectures. In other words, ways of learning before (institutional) education can help overcome obstacles in formal learning. For the first time, an assessment of the archaeology lessons supports strengthening non-formal learning within public higher education

    Why do teaching techniques in our school lack in diversity?

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    U prilogu se problematizuje pitanje zašto metode u nastavi u našoj sredini nisu dovoljno raznovrsne. Okvir problematizovanja čine različita naučna saznanja koja upućuju na neophodnost raznovrsnih metoda i tehnika rada u nastavi, reformski proces obrazovanja u Srbiji započet početkom dvehiljadite godine, kao i neki empirijski uvidi o vrstama i načinu korišćenja metoda u nastavi. Najnoviji radovi o metodama nastave, s jedne, i o profesiji nastavnik, s druge strane, ukazuju ne samo na nužnost korišćenja različitih metoda već i na potrebu da nastavnik razvija i u praksi istražuje odgovarajući metodski postupak. U prilogu razmatramo koliko je započeti reformski proces obezbedio uslove za autonomnu ulogu nastavnika u kreiranju obrazovanja različitim metodama i koje još obrazovne i normativne okolnosti imaju uticaja na ovu autonomiju nastavnika u našoj sredini. Problematizujući ovo pitanje zaključile smo da je mnogo više faktora koji ograničavaju profesionalnu autonomiju nastavnika i stavljaju ga pred suprotstavljene profesionalne zahteve od onih koji mu otvaraju prostor za autonomno oblikovanje i razvijanje nastave.The paper discusses the issue of lack in diversity of teaching techniques in our school. The framework for consideration includes different scientific findings which stress the importance of using varied techniques and methodology in teaching, the process of reforming education in Serbia, and some empirical insights on different teaching techniques and the modes of their usage in the classroom. The latest research on the types and modes of usage of teaching techniques, on the one hand, and on teacher profession, on the other, indicate not only the necessity of using different techniques, but also to the need for the teacher to develop and practically explore the possibilities of teaching procedures. This paper is an attempt to analyze to what extent the ongoing reform process provides conditions for teacher autonomy in fostering education by varied teaching techniques and which educational and normative factors affect teacher autonomy in our society. Having considered the issue we concluded that there are many more factors that limit professional autonomy of teachers and confront them with competing professional demands than those which open space for autonomous design and development of teaching

    Iskopavanje prošlih osećanja: Kriza neolitizacije kroz refleksiju o emocijama

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    Razumevajući neolitizaciju kao krizu, razmatramo emocije lokalnih lovač-ko-sakupljačkih zajednica u susretu sa novim načinom života i pridošlicama. Emocije, povezane sa ponašanjem, takođe se ispoljavaju materijalno, i bivaju inicirane predme-tima, što omogućava da se proučavaju u arheološkim nalazima i kontekstima. U radu povezujemo osnovne emocije sa arheološkim indikatorima karakteristika širenja neo-lita u Evropi. Brzo naredovanje neolitskog paketa bi ukazivalo na dobre odnose i pozi-tivne emocije između starosedelaca i migranata, ili na iseljavanje lokalnog stanovništva usled straha. Spora neolitizacija bi ukazivala na otpor lokalnih zajednica ka strancima i novoj kulturi, uz gađenje ili mržnju, ili na pasivnost mezolitske populacije i slabo prihvatanje inovacija sa preovlađujućom emocijom tuge. Mape emotivnosti autohtonog mezolitskog stanovništva mogu da posluže kao smernice za dalja istraživanja emocija uz detaljnu analizu arheološkog materijala na regionalnom i nivou lokaliteta.Here, we investigate emotions within Mesolithic communities initiated by the Neolithisation process, which is seen as a stressful period. This specifically dramatic environment for indigenous hunter-gatherers’ groups would provoke multi-level cri-sis: narrowing the territory of exploitation, competition for resources, crowding and social tensions, and an encounter (imposing) of new items and worldviews, which is endangering for own’s culture and identity. Emotions are related to behaviour and are also manifested in and stimulated by the materialistic world, making them traceable in archaeological remains and contexts. In this work, we relate basic emotions with archaeological indicators of the Neolithic diffusion in Europe. Fast advancing Neolithic would indicate local people’s fearful withdrawal or intense and good relationships ac-companied by positive emotions among locals and migrants. On the other hand, a slow Neolithisation process would indicate passivity with sadness in accepting innovations or fierce resistance of the autochthonous communities. The resulting maps of ancient emotions should not be taken as definitive but as a directive for future research on emotionality. The following steps would be to look closely at archaeological material on a regional level together with inter and intrasite contextual analyses

    Dijagnostička procena afektivne i kognitivne komponente teorije uma, emocionalne empatije i afektivne vezanosti kod paranoidne shizofrenije

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    The goal of this research is to establish the differences regarding attachment and aspects of empathy between mentally healthy individuals and individuals suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, as well as to check whether there is a connection between the dimensions of attachment and aspects of empathy in both subsamples. Besides this, the connection between the aspects of empathy and attachment on the one hand, and the prominence of persecutory ideation on the other hand, was tested on the subsample of respondents suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. Finally, the research goal was to examine how the dimensions of attachment and the aspects of empathy contribute to the prediction of probability of respondents’ belonging to the examined subsamples. The sample consisted of 30 respondents suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and 30 mentally healthy respondents. The subsamples were equaled in terms of gender, age and education. The following instruments were used in the research: Strange stories test, Faux Pas Recognition Test, JACEFEE and JACNeuF (Japanese and Caucasian Facial Expressions of Emotion (JACFEE) and Neutral Faces (JACNeuF), Multi-Dimensional Emotional Empathy Scale, Questionnaire for Attachment Assessment (QAA-R), Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire (PIQ) and Symptom Check List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R). The results indicated the existence of differences in the prominence of the dimensions of attachment and the frequency of secure and a group of insecure patterns of attachment, with the dimension Negative Working Model of Others being the most discriminative one. The frequency of insecure patterns of attachment is higher in the subsample of the respondents suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. What was also established is the difference in how successful the respondents were in the tasks aimed at evaluating cognitive and affective component of theory of mind, where mentally healthy respondents turned out to be more successful in these tasks. The results show that the respondents suffering from paranoid schizophrenia have difficulty not only understanding those messages that should not be interpreted literally but also recognizing emotionally neutral faces and surprises. Emotional empathy is more prominent in the subsample of those suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and represents the only aspect of empathy which has a positive correlation with persecutory ideation. The dimensions of attachment in both subsamples are connected with certain aspects of empathy; however, the congruity of correlations structure is low in the examined samples

    Diagnostic significance of advanced CT techniques in preoperative prediction of metastatic risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumors

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    Cilj: Cilj studije je bio utvrditi morfološke i funkcionalne parametrenaprednih tehnika kompjuterizovane tomografije (CT perfuzioni parametri i parametri teksturne analize), koji su od značaja za preoperativnu predikciju visokog rizika metastatskog potencijala gastrointestinalnih stromalnih tumora (GIST) želuca. Zatim uporediti dijagnostičku vrednost morfoloških parametara konvencionalne MDCT dijagnostike i funkcionalnih parametara procenjenih pomenutim naprednim CT tehnikama u neinvazivnoj, preoperativnoj proceni stratifikacije rizika GIST-a, u korelaciji sa makropatološkim i patohistološkim nalazom, kao zlatnim standardom. Metod: Istrazivanje je po tipu prospektivne kohortne studije koja je izvedena u Odeljenju digestivne radiologije, Centra za radiologiju, Univerzitetskog Kliničkog Centra Srbije u saradnji sa Centrom za hirurgiju jednjaka, Klinike za digestivnu hirurgiju (Prva hirurška klinika) i Odeljenjem za digestivnu patologiju, Službe za patohistologiju Kliničkog Centra Srbije, u periodu od 2019- 2022. godine. U studiju su uključeni pacijenti sa tumorskom promenom želuca koja je bila suspektna na GIST. Ovi pacijenti su najpre pregledani CT-om, sa konvencionalnim dvofaznim postkontrastnim protokolom i CT perfuzionom serijom uz naknadnu teksturnu analizu, a potom operisani. Histopatološkom analizom resekovanog GIST-a utvrđen je mitotski indeks, na osnovu klasifikacionog sistema tumor je svrstan u grupu niskog ili visokog rizika. Rezultati: Od klasičnih CT morfoloških karakteristika tumora statističku značajnost u predikciji metastatskog rizika GIST-a pokazali su dijametar tumora, lokalizacija, margine, način rasta, oblik, kontinuitet mukoze i uvećane vaskularne strukture koje dreniraju/ishranjuju tumor (EFDV). Multivarijantnom regresionom analizom izdvojili su se oblik tumora i EFD kao dva nezavisna prediktivna faktora za visokorizični GIST (HR GIST) saAUC od 0.869 (CI: 0.770-0.967), senzitivnošću od 80%, specifičnošću od 93.8% i pouzdanošću od 87.1% u predikciji HR GIST. Od CT perfuzionih funkcionalnih parametara TTP („time to peak“) i PS („permeability surface“) pokazali su značajnu razliku između HR i LR GIST-a.Objective: The objective of the study is to determine the morphological and functional parameters of multidetector computed tomography (CT) (CT perfusion parameters and texture analysis), which are important for preoperative prediction of high risk of malignant potential of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). To compare the diagnostic value of the morphological parameters of conventional CT diagnostics and the functional parameters assessed by the above mentioned advanced CT techniques in the non-invasive, preoperative evaluation of the malignant potential of GIST, in correlation with the macropathological and pathohistological findings, as the gold standard. Methods: The research is a type of prospective cohort study that was carried out at the Department of Digestive Radiology of the Center for Radiology in cooperation with the Center for Esophageal Surgery of the Clinic for Digestive Surgery (First Surgical Clinic) and the Department of Digestive Pathology, Pathohistology Service of the Clinical Center of Serbia, in the period from 2019 - 2022. The study included patients with a tumor lesion of the stomach that was suspicious for GIST, that was preoperatively examined with CT, which included a conventional two-phase postcontrast protocol and a CT perfusion series. After surgery histopathological analysis was performed and acording to diameter and mitotic index, the tumor was classified as low or high risk. In patients with postoperatively proven GIST, CT texture analysis of the tumor, was performed. Results: Classical CT morphological characteristics of the tumor such as, tumor diameter, localization, margins, growth pattern, continuity of the mucosa, shape and enlarged feeding/draining vessels (EFDV) showed statistical significance in predicting the metastatic risk of GIST. Multivariate regression analysis identified tumor shape and EFD as two independent predictive factors for high- risk GIST (HR GIST). AUC of 0.869 (CI: 0.770-0.967) with sensitivity of 80%, specificity of 93.8% and accuracy of 87.1% in the prediction of HR GIST