71 research outputs found

    Photo-oxidation by laser pulse induced desorption of phthalocyanines

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    Photo-oxidation of iron(II)-phthalocyanine (PcFe) has been observed in matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and laser desorption/ionization (LDI) and is interpreted by theoretical molecular dynamics simulations. The two ionization methods show different amounts of μ-oxo-bridged PcFe-dimer and deliver evidence that MALDI produces less mechanical stress on the analyte. The typical proton-transfer in the MALDI-process does not occur which leads to the assumption of a released electron of the delocalized π-system

    an experimental and theoretical study

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    MALDI mass spectrometry in combination with post-source decay (PSD) analysis is a fast and easy to apply method for peptide sequencing. In this study, the PSD technique was used to investigate the influence of the adaption of one, two, and three caesium cations to angiotensin II in the gas phase. The PSD spectra of caesium-aggregated angiotensin II show far less fragmentation in comparison to the protonated one. In the case of singly (doubly) Cs+ substituted angiotensin II, the PSD mass spectrum shows only fragments with one (two) Cs cation(s). These results are interpreted in terms of additional interactions of the caesium cation(s) with the peptide. In order to investigate this suggestion, the molecular structures were calculated with semi-empirical molecular dynamic (MD) simulations and further optimized at the quantum chemical level (BP86, SVP) of theory. On the one hand, secondary structures of Cs+ substituted angiotensin II are more compact than the structure of protonated angiotensin II, indicating electrostatic interactions of the Cs cations and the heterocyclic structures. Moreover, oxyphilic interactions of the cations with the oxygen atoms of the peptide backbone also contribute as further van-der-Waals interactions of the Cs+ substituted angiotensin II. These interactions are able to explain its higher stability due to reduced dissociation in comparison to the protonated angiotensin II. On the other hand, most MD simulations of doubly and triply Cs+ substituted angiotensin II show a formation of a [2 Cs] cluster, surrounded by the peptide molecule. The formation of this cluster would explain the lack of singly Cs+ substituted fragments in the PSD mass spectrum of doubly Cs+ substituted angiotensin II

    Novi derivati 9-aminoakridina kao inhibitori botulinum neurotoksina i P. falciparum parazita malarije

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    Steroidal and adamantane aminoacridine derivatives were prepared and tested as both botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) inhibitors and antimalarials.. Steroid-bound acridines provided good potency against both the BoNT/A and BoNT/B light chains (LCs). The observed inhibition of the BoNT/B LC by ca. 50 % is the highest attained inhibitory activity against this serotype by acridine-based compounds to date. With respect to the antimalarial activity, the adamantane acridines were the most potent derivatives (IC50 = 6-9 nM, SI gt 326), indicating that an adamantyl group is a better carrier than a steroidal motif for this indication.Sintetisani su derivati steroidnih i adamantil-akridina i ispitana je njihova inhibitorna aktivnost prema botulinum neurotoksinima (BoNT) i parazitu malarije. Steroidni akridini pokazuju dobru inhibiciju prema kratkom nizu (LCs) BoNT/A i BoNT/B. Ostvarena inhibicija BoNT/B LC od oko 50% je najviša postignuta vrednost akridinskih derivata prema ovom serotipu. Adamantil-akridinski derivati su pokazali najveću antimalarijsku aktivnost (IC50 u opsegu 6-9 nM, SI gt 326), pokazujući da je adamantil-grupa bolji nosač farmakofore u poređenju sa steroidnim, prema ovoj indikaciji.

    Effect of Varying the TD-lc-DFTB Range-Separation Parameter on Charge and Energy Transfer in a Model Pentacene/Buckminsterfullerene Heterojunction

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    Density-functional tight binding (DFTB) has become a popular form of approximate density-functional theory (DFT) based upon a minimal valence basis set and neglect of all but two center integrals. We report the results of our tests of a recent long-range correction (lc) for time-dependent (TD) lc-DFTB by carrying out TD-lc-DFTB fewest switches surface hopping (FSSH) calculations of energy and charge transfer times using the relatively new DFTBaby program. An advantage of this method is the ability to run enough trajectories to get meaningful ensemble averages. Our interest in the present work is less in determining exact energy and charge transfer rates than in understanding how the results of these calculations vary with the value of the range-separation parameter (Rlc = 1/{\mu}) for a model organic solar cell heterojunction consisting of a van der Waals complex P/F made up of single pentacene (P) molecule together with a single buckminsterfullerene (F) molecule. The default value of Rlc = 3.03 a0 is found to be much too small as neither energy nor charge transfer is observed until Rlc ~ 10 a0. Tests at a single geometry show that best agreement with high-quality ab-initio spectra is obtained in the limit of no lc (i.e., very large Rlc.) A plot of energy and charge transfer rates as a function of Rlc is provided which suggests that a value of Rlc ~ 15 a0 yields the typical literature charge transfer time of about 100 fs. However, energy and charge transfer times become as high as ~ 300 fs for Rlc ~ 25 a0. A closer examination of the charge transfer process P*/F to P+/F- shows that the initial electron transfer is accompanied by a partial delocalization of the P hole onto F which then relocalizes back onto P, consistent with a polaron-like picture in which the nuclei relax to stabilize the resultant redistribution of charges

    Chemical shifts and cluster structure

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    The 2p core-level electron binding energies of size-selected silicon cluster ions have been determined from soft x-ray photoionization efficiency curves. Local chemical shifts and global charging energy contributions to the 2p binding energy can be separated, because core-level and valence-band electron binding energies exhibit the same inverse radius dependence. The experimental 2p binding energy distributions show characteristic size-specific patterns that are well reproduced by the corresponding electronic density of states obtained from density functional theory modeling. These results demonstrate that 2p binding energies in silicon clusters are dominated by initial state effects, i.e., by the interaction with the local valence electron density, and can thus be used to corroborate structural assignments

    Laser-induced fluorescence of free diamondoid molecules

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.We observe the fluorescence of pristine diamondoids in the gas phase, excited using narrow band ultraviolet laser light. The emission spectra show well- defined features, which can be attributed to transitions from the excited electronic state into different vibrational modes of the electronic ground state. We assign the normal modes responsible for the vibrational bands, and determine the geometry of the excited states. Calculations indicate that for large diamondoids, the spectral bands do not result from progressions of single modes, but rather from combination bands composed of a large number of Delta v = 1 transitions. The vibrational modes determining the spectral envelope can mainly be assigned to wagging and twisting modes of the surface atoms. We conclude that our theoretical approach accurately describes the photophysics in diamondoids and possibly other hydrocarbons in general.DFG, FOR 1282, Controlling the electronic structure of semiconductor nanoparticles by doping and hybrid formatio

    Size and shape dependent photoluminescence and excited state decay rates of diamondoids

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.We present photoluminescence spectra and excited state decay rates of a series of diamondoids, which represent molecular structural analogues to hydrogen-passivated bulk diamond. Specific isomers of the five smallest diamondoids (adamantane–pentamantane) have been brought into the gas phase and irradiated with synchrotron radiation. All investigated compounds show intrinsic photoluminescence in the ultraviolet spectral region. The emission spectra exhibit pronounced vibrational fine structure which is analyzed using quantum chemical calculations. We show that the geometrical relaxation of the first excited state of adamantane, exhibiting Rydberg character, leads to the loss of Td symmetry. The luminescence of adamantane is attributed to a transition from the delocalized first excited state into different vibrational modes of the electronic ground state. Similar geometrical changes of the excited state structure have also been identified in the other investigated diamondoids. The excited state decay rates show a clear dependence on the size of the diamondoid, but are independent of the particle geometry, further indicating a loss of particle symmetry upon electronic excitation.DFG, FOR 1282, Controlling the electronic structure of semiconductor nanoparticles by doping and hybrid formatio

    Multi-photon and electron impact ionisation studies of reactivity in adenine–water clusters

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    Multi-photon ionisation (MPI) and electron impact ionisation (EII) mass spectrometry experiments have been carried out to probe unimolecular and intermolecular reactivities in hydrated adenine clusters. The effects of clustering with water on fragment ion production from adenine have been studied for the first time. While the observation of NH4+ fragments indicated the dissociation of protonated adenine, the dominant hydration effects were enhanced C4H4N4+ production and the suppression of dissociative ionisation pathways with high activation energies. These observations can be attributed to energy removal from the excited adenine radical cation via cluster dissociation. Comparisons of MPI and EII measurements provided the first experimental evidence supporting hypoxanthine formation in adenine–water clusters via theoretically predicted barrierless deamination reactions in closed shell complexes