39 research outputs found

    Development of mathematical model for calculation of characteristics of the circular metal waveguide with multilayer dielectric filling

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    Настоящая статья посвящена разработке математической модели и построению алгоритма для расчета постоянной распространения круглого волновода с металлическими стенками с поперечно неоднородным диэлектрическим заполнением. В основе математической модели лежат аппарат функций Грина и математический аппарат теории длинных линий для анализа многослойных структур. В статье описаны решения, использованные для создания алгоритмов, позволяющих применить описанную математическую модель для получения частотных зависимостей постоянной распространения.This article is dedicated to the development of mathematical model and building of an algorithm for calculation of propagation constant of circular metal waveguide with multilayer dielectric filling. Mathematical model is based on Green’s function methods and methods of circuits theory for analysis of multilayered structures. Ideas and solutions, which were used for algorithms created for applying of described mathematical model for obtaining of frequency dependences of propagation constant are described

    Creative laboratory works on disciplene «Microwaves and antennas»

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    Представлены лабораторные работы по высокочастотной схемотехнике «Проектирование полосно-пропускающего микрополоскового фильтра» и «Согласование нагрузки с линией питания» дисциплины «Устройства СВЧ и антенны» направления подготовки «Радиотехника». Методика выполнения работ предусматривает расчет, изготовление и измерение характеристик разработанных устройств.Laboratory works on microwave design discipline "Microwaves and antennas" devoted to the analysis of microstrip filters and matching are presented. The technique of suggested works is based on microwave calculations, design and measurement of characteristics of developed devices

    Development of Signaling of Telemetric Parameters of Technological Equipment of The Main Gas Pipeline

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    В данной работе рассматривается разработка сигнализации телеметрических параметров технологического оборудования магистрального газопровода. Результатом работы являются устройства позволяющие организовать беспроводную сигнализацию состояния технологического оборудования. Разработка может быть применена для сигнализации параметров, как для газопровода, так и на различных предприятиях для контроля состояния оборудования. Разработанные устройства дешевле аналогов, позволяет передавать информацию о состоянии оборудования дистанционно и после внедрения позволят предприятию экономить ресурсы на количестве выездов бригад для обслуживания объектов предприятия.In this paper, the development of signaling of telemetric parameters of technological equipment of the main gas pipeline is considered. The result of the work are the devices that allow you to organize wireless signaling of the state of technological equipment. The development can be used to signal parameters, both for a gas pipeline and at various enterprises to monitor the condition of equipment. The developed devices are cheaper than analogues, and allow one to transmit information about the condition of equipment remotely and after implementation will allow the company to save resources on the number of visits of service teams to the facilities of the enterprise

    Development of Millimeter Wave Amplitude Detector

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    The object of study is millimeter wave amplitude detector. The purpose of the research is to construct millimeter wave amplitude detector. The methods of the current article is to choose appropriate type of detector, to select the component base and to develop PCB in Altium Designer CAD. As a result of the article it was found that the most suitable type of the detector for the studied signal is RMS. The detector PCB has been constructed. Construction documentation for the detector includes schematic diagram, PCB drawing, assembly drawing and list of elements. The main design, technological and operational characteristics are the studied parameters of the signal. They are input power dynamic range, operating frequency band and output voltage. The developed detector has lower price compared to its analogues.Объектом исследования является детектор сигналов сверхвысокой частоты с амплитудной модуляцией. Цель работы – проектирование детектора сигналов сверхвысокой частоты с амплитудной модуляцией. В результате работы установлено, что наиболее подходящим типом детектора для заданного сигнала является RMS. Спроектирована печатная плата детектора, к изделию составлена конструкторская документация в виде принципиальной схемы, чертежа печатной платы, сборочного чертежа и перечня элементов. Основные конструктивные, технологические и эксплуатационные характеристики: исследуемые параметры сигнала – динамический диапазон входных мощностей, диапазон рабочих частот, выходное напряжение. Разработанный детектор имеет меньшую стоимость по сравнению с аналогами

    Development of a Microwave Measuring System Based on Photonic Crystals

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    Статья посвящена использованию СВЧ фотонных кристаллов и их свойств, применимых для измерения относительной диэлектрической проницаемости. Целью данной работы является описание стадий проектирования и характеристик измерительной установки на основе фотонных кристаллов для исследования диэлектрических свойств образцов. Работа включает в себя анализ влияния дефекта кристалла на частотную зависимость коэффициента передачи устройства, описание процесса подбора подходящей для измерений структуры кристалла и результаты ее анализа. В работе описана спроектированная измерительная установка на основе прямоугольного волновода сечением 23х10 мм2. Данная разработка является достаточно новой, так как применение СВЧ фотонных кристаллов для измерений ранее массово не практиковалось. Измерительная установка будет использоваться в лаборатории с целью изучения электрофизических свойств различных образцов, в том числе, полученных путем 3D печати.The article examines microwave photonic crystals and their properties, applicable for measuring the permittivity. The purpose of this work is to describe the design stages and characteristics of a measuring device for studying the dielectric properties of samples. The work includes an analysis of the effect of a defect on the frequency response of the transmission coefficient of a device, a description of the process of selecting a structure suitable for measurements and the results of an analysis of its properties. As a result of the work, a designed measuring setup based on a rectangular waveguide with a cross section of 23x10 mm2 is described. This development is quite new since the use of microwave photonic crystals for measurements has not been widely practiced before. The measuring device will be used in the laboratory to study the dielectric properties of various samples, including those obtained by 3D printing

    Cytoplasmic location of factor-inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor is associated with an enhanced hypoxic response and a shorter survival in invasive breast cancer

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    INTRODUCTION: Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha levels in invasive breast carcinoma have been shown to be an adverse prognostic indicator. Cellular HIF-1alpha activity is regulated by factor-inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (FIH-1). In hypoxia, FIH-1 hydroxylation of Asn803 within the C-terminal transactivation domain does not occur and HIF-1alpha forms a fully active transcriptional complex. The present study investigates the role of FIH-1 in invasive breast carcinoma and its correlation with hypoxia. METHODS: Microarrayed tissue cores from 295 invasive carcinomas were stained for FIH-1, for HIF-1alpha and for carbonic anhydrase 9. FIH-1 expression was correlated with standard clinicopathological parameters and with the expression of the surrogate hypoxic markers HIF-1alpha and carbonic anhydrase 9. RESULTS: FIH-1 was positive in 239/295 (81%) tumours, 42/295 (14%) exclusively in the nucleus and 54/295 (18%) exclusively in the cytoplasm. Exclusive nuclear FIH-1 expression was significantly inversely associated with tumour grade (P = 0.02) and risk of recurrence (P = 0.04), whereas exclusive cytoplasmic FIH-1 was significantly positively associated with tumour grade (P = 0.004) and carbonic anhydrase 9 expression (P = 0.02). Patients with tumours that excluded FIH-1 from the nucleus had a significantly shorter survival compared with those with exclusive nuclear expression (P = 0.02). Cytoplasmic FIH-1 expression was also an independent poor prognostic factor for disease-free survival. CONCLUSION: FIH-1 is widely expressed in invasive breast carcinoma. As with other HIF regulators, its association between cellular compartmentalization and the hypoxic response and survival suggests that tumour regulation of FIH-1 is an additional important mechanism for HIF pathway activation

    CD19-positive acute myeloblastic leukemia with trisomy 21 as a sole acquired karyotypic abnormality

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    We report that a 63-year-old Chinese female had acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) in which trisomy 21 (+21) was found as the sole acquired karyotypic abnormality. The blasts were positive for myeloperoxidase, and the immunophenotype was positive for cluster of differentiation 19 (CD19), CD33, CD34, and human leukocyte antigens (HLA)-DR. The chromosomal analysis of bone marrow showed 47,XX,+21[2]/46,XX[18]. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that three copies of AML1 were situated in separate chromosomes, and that t(8;21) was negative. The patient did not have any features of Down syndrome. A diagnosis of CD19-positive AML-M5 was established with trisomy 21 as a sole acquired karyotypic abnormality. The patient did not respond well to chemotherapy and died three months after the diagnosis. This is the first reported case of CD19-positive AML with trisomy 21 as the sole cytogenetic abnormality. The possible prognostic significance of the finding in AML with +21 as the sole acquired karyotypic abnormality was discussed