1,093 research outputs found

    Does (linguistic) Computation Need Culture to Make Cognition Viable?

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    AbstractThis paper will deal with how and in what ways (linguistic) computation as part of linguistic competence may relate to aspects of culture in the context of the cognition which becomes viable by being grounded in the possible conjunction of mental computations and cultural praxis. The possibilities of cultural capacities are enormous across societies and/or cultures, but linguistic computations as have been postulated are restricted by the nature of constraints specific to natural language. The purpose of this paper is to see the consequences of how these two can make cognition viable

    Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Aflatoxins in Dry Fruits and Nuts from Central India

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    In central part of India, dry fruits and nuts are mostly sold in loose conditions and hence may get fungal infections, and may have aflatoxins to the levels beyond the safe limits. The present study is an attempt to showcase the present scenario of aflatoxins in dry fruits and nuts from Central India, both qualitatively and quantatively. Out of 84 samples, 15 were found to have the presence of at least one aflatoxin. HPLC detection showed that AFB1 is the major aflatoxin. The total aflatoxins were found in the range of 25.4 - 393.51 μg kg-1, which is beyond the safe limit set by regulatory authorities. Further, dry figs were the most contaminated among tested dry fruits, and 5 out 12 samples (41.6%) were contaminated, followed by cashew nuts (33.3%). Samples sold in loose packing were found more contaminated with aflatoxins. The study advocates that selling of such dry fruits in loose form should be banned by the regulatory authorities

    Flag Aggregator: Scalable Distributed Training under Failures and Augmented Losses using Convex Optimization

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    Modern ML applications increasingly rely on complex deep learning models and large datasets. There has been an exponential growth in the amount of computation needed to train the largest models. Therefore, to scale computation and data, these models are inevitably trained in a distributed manner in clusters of nodes, and their updates are aggregated before being applied to the model. However, a distributed setup is prone to Byzantine failures of individual nodes, components, and software. With data augmentation added to these settings, there is a critical need for robust and efficient aggregation systems. We define the quality of workers as reconstruction ratios ∈(0,1]\in (0,1], and formulate aggregation as a Maximum Likelihood Estimation procedure using Beta densities. We show that the Regularized form of log-likelihood wrt subspace can be approximately solved using iterative least squares solver, and provide convergence guarantees using recent Convex Optimization landscape results. Our empirical findings demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances the robustness of state-of-the-art Byzantine resilient aggregators. We evaluate our method in a distributed setup with a parameter server, and show simultaneous improvements in communication efficiency and accuracy across various tasks. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/hamidralmasi/FlagAggregato

    Studying of Acoustical Parameters of Some Binary Liquid Mixture at 303.15 K and 3 M. Hz

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    The ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity of 1,4- dioxane with alkanols systems have been measured experimentally at 303.15 K over the frequency 3 M. Hz. From these three values, we have calculated thermodynamic and excess thermodynamic parameters such as adiabatic compressibility, deviation in adiabatic compressibility, molar volume excess molar volume, free length, excess free length, Viscosity, deviation in viscosity, internal pressure ,excess internal pressure, acoustic impedance, excess acoustic impedance, excess sound velocity, Rao,s constant, Wada constant, relaxation time and relaxation strength of binary liquid mixture to interpret the nature of the interactions taking place in the binary liquid mixtures. The results analyzed in the sight of molecular interaction between the components. The interaction resulting in the interstitial accommodation of 1, 4- dioxane into alkanols are the predominant factor over dipole-dipole interaction
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